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Interview Skills
Apr 6th 2022

Writing the Ideal Interview Follow-up Email (& Samples)

the importance of writing a follow-up email to a recruiter, take a look at some extra tips for writing your follow-up email after an interview. ✨ Keep it concise. The average time a recruiter takes to read an email is about 10 seconds, which means you need to catch their attention in just a few words of your post-interview follow-up email. When writing your follow-up email to a recruiter, make sure to keep the contents
Interview Skills
Oct 6th 2022

The Most Common Signs Your Interview Went Well + 5 It Didn’t

to other team members. Your questions were answered in detail. The interview was conversational. The interviewer showed positive body language. The interviewer tried to sell you the role and company. You were given the timeline of the next steps. Your follow-up email was responded to promptly. ✅ It lasted longer than expected. How do you know if an interview went well? One of the most recurring signs is when it takes longer than expected. It reflects the recruiter's

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