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Mar 6th 2024

Apa itu Internship: Manfaat, Tujuan, Hingga Ketentuan Gajinya

Apalagi, jika performa kamu bagus selama internship program, bukan tidak mungkin kamu bisa diangkat jadi karyawan tetap setelah lulus kuliah. Nah, sebelum memulai internship, yuk baca dulu artikel ini untuk cari tahu magang itu apa. Daftar isi: Pengertian Apa Itu Internship (Magang) Tujuan Internship Dilakukan Manfaat Mengikuti Program Internship Apakah Mengikuti Internship Semestinya Digaji Cara dan Syarat untuk Menjadi Anak Magang Arti Internship Apa yang Dimaksud dengan Internship? Internship artinya suatu kegiatan pelatihan kerja yang diadakan sebuah lembaga atau perusahaan
Resume & CV
Jan 14th 2022

Contoh CV Magang Mahasiswa dan Cara Membuatnya

Apa sih tujuan dan manfaat magang itu? Magang merupakan penempatan mahasiswa di perusahaan atau organisasi agar mempersiapkan menghadapi dunia kerja. Biasanya lama waktu magang bervariasi, bisa 2 bulan saat liburan musim panas ataupun 6 bulan sampai satu tahun. Saat dalam program internship , mahasiswa bisa merasakan bagaimana dunia pekerjaan sesungguhnya dan menyerap ilmu dari perusahaan tempat magang. Tentunya, selain belajar skill baru di dunia kerja, pengalaman magang juga dapat menjadi nilai plus untuk pencarian kerja di karir masa depan. Nah, setelah
Success Stories
Oct 28th 2024

Google 實習怎麼轉正?內部文化真實樣貌如何?Google 處理器架構工程師心路歷程揭曉!

力的員工來實踐 Google 企業文化,與 Google 一同為實現更便捷美好的網路世界而努力。 這次 Cake 邀請到從 Google Internship Program 轉正的 Google 處理器架構工程師 —— Johnson Liu,跟我們聊聊他在 Google 實習並轉正的第一手工作經歷、觀察到
Success Stories
Nov 8th 2024

Google 圓你的跨國工作夢!從新加坡到台灣,軟體工程師分享應徵技巧、履歷面試準備要點

科技巨頭 Google 一直以來貫徹「 匯整全球資訊,供大眾使用,使人人受惠 」使命,致力於透過 Google 產品,改善更多人的生活、讓生活更簡易。為了維持產品的品質和安全性,Google 高度重視人才的招募和培育,並定期
Resume & CV
Jan 7th 2025

5+ College Student Resume Templates and Cover Letter Samples (+Extra Career Tips)

not your fault. Instead of feeling like a failure, you can start to think clearly and ask for help. During the interview process or in your college resume cover letter, you can explain your situation and apply for a paid internship. Alternatively, you can ask the campus if there is a scholarship program that can cover your daily expenses during your internship. 2) Think About What You Want To Do In the Future What do I want to do in
Career Development
Jul 1st 2022

How to Make a Difference with Internship Reports (+ Samples)

work experience in their chosen field and to develop professional skills. When you finish your internship, one of the things you’ll probably need to do is to write an internship report. It sums up everything you did during your internship. Whether you’re required to submit one or not, writing an internship report is a good idea. For a start, employers can use internship reports to get insight into how their internship program is working and to identify areas
Cover Letter
Mar 20th 2023

Investment Banking Cover Letter [Examples, Template & Tips]

Stanley, my main tasks included preparing marketing materials for M&A and capital-raising engagements, conducting industry and company-specific research, maintaining accurate records on funding sources, and developing written materials, including offering memorandum and new business presentations. Through this internship program, I have gained strong modeling and analysis skills as well as the ability to work effectively either in a team or independently. Barclays is known in the industry for providing comprehensive financial, advisory, and capital-raising services, which
Cover Letter
Jul 22nd 2021

Perfect Internship Cover Letter to Start Your Career [+ Examples & Tips]

employer with his or her name. If you are unsure of the employer’s name for an internship, you can list it instead as "Dear hiring manager". Example : Dear Mr. Shubert, 3. Opening Kick-off your motivational letter for the internship opportunity by greeting with your name and what you look to accomplish within this letter. Example : My name is Seya and I am interested in joining the summer internship program here at Ford. 4. Key Qualifications Show within the
Success Stories
Feb 11th 2025

全球頂尖精品集團 Richemont 歷峯集團品牌介紹,2023 年學生參訪、實習機會這邊看!

有機會置身其中,理解這些頂級精品品牌在全球的運作及經營模式?Richemont 專為大學生打造的 Student Visit and Internship Program 能幫助你完成這個夢想,一起來看看專案介紹吧! Student Visit and Internship Program 目的 Richemont Student Visit and Internship Program 為了傳遞 Richemont
Cover Letter
Sep 27th 2022

Journalism Cover Letter: Examples & Step-by-Step Guide

Created by Cake In this article, we'll cover: Journalism Cover Letter Examples How to Write a Cover Letter for a Journalist Job Journalism Cover Letter Template As a journalist, you will be responsible for investigating, collecting, and presenting information as a news story which can be delivered through newspapers, magazines, radio, television, or the internet. Based on such news, citizens are able to make the best possible decisions about all aspects of their lives like business, healthcare, politics, etc

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