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avr. 1er 2021

跨入海外、Rebrand 又擴編徵才,不到三歲的台灣 Chatbot 團隊有多厲害?GoSky CEO 談企業文化與核心價值

出身台灣的聊天機器人品牌 GoSky 團隊。GoSky CEO Fash 和我們分享 GoSky 今年開始的 Rebrand 計劃由來,以及 GoSky 即將邁入 3 週年的營運故事、企業文化、徵才職缺與團隊的工作日常 2018 年成立的聊天機器人團隊 GoSky,曾與
News & Updates
juil. 2ème 2024

邁向國際人才社群!CakeResume 品牌更名為 Cake,三年內成長 7 倍、斬獲全球 700 萬用戶做對了什麼?

全球人才庫數量超過 700 萬,合作企業家數達 1 萬家的 CakeResume,從 2024 年 7 月 1 日起正式更名為「Cake」。 這次的 Rebrand 更名與重塑,是 CakeResume 品牌成立發展八年以來最重大的一次變革,目的不只重新定義在人才市場上
News & Updates
août 19ème 2024

品牌重塑怎麼做?Cake 品牌重塑成功案例與心法分享

2024 年 7 月起,CakeResume 正式更名為 Cake,未來將用「國際人才社群」的全新定位,有效聚焦人才的價值與歸屬。期望連結全球求職者與企業雇主,打造更廣大的職涯可能。 文章大綱 一、重塑核心價值,確立品牌定位
mars 31ème 2022

5 Steps to Creating an Impressive Marketing Portfolio

well as the potential client. What Is a Marketing Portfolio? A marketing portfolio is essentially a collection of projects you worked on that exhibit your creativity and numerous other skills, for example, campaigns you coordinated, product launches you organized, a rebranding strategy you designed and implemented, and many more. Projects you contributed to as a marketing specialist and underscore your successes and accomplishments should have a place in your portfolio. The benefits of having a great marketing portfolio ready at
Cover Letter
sept. 16ème 2024

Crafting a Standout Social Media Manager Cover Letter [+Templates & Tips]

above suggestions, you can refer to the following writing tip example for writing your social media cover letter: Cover letter example for social media marketer who works in the fashion industry "At Ivy Fashion, I led a transformative social media rebranding campaign that breathed new life into our online presence. By conducting comprehensive audience research specific to fashion consumers and crafting a multi-channel content strategy, we achieved a 35% increase in engagement and a 20% growth in followers across
Industry & Job Overview
mai 20ème 2022

Desainer Grafis: Job Desk, Skill, Gaji [+Caranya]

desain atau produk yang memenuhi ekspektasi klien. L ogo Merupakan bagian yang menjadi identitas dari sebuah perusahaan atau produk klien. Biasanya seseorang mempekerjakan desainer grafis untuk membuat logo apabila perusahaan atau kantornya baru saja akan luncur atau dengan tujuan untuk rebranding . Keduanya sangat erat dengan pembuatan logo, tipografi, serta palet warna yang ketiganya adalah tugas seorang desainer grafis. Marketing campaign Bagian pemasaran dari sebuah perusahaan atau produk memerlukan seseorang untuk mengubah visualisasi atau idenya menjadi sebuah tampilan visual. Di sinilah
Resume & CV
oct. 13ème 2021

20+ Examples of How to List Volunteer Experience on Your Resume

paid work, placing it in the professional experience section of your resume. Example of the professional experience section: MD Bliss Graphic Designer, 01/2020 Created logo and visual identity system for 15 clients’ projects worth up to $300,000 Managed rebranding project for 10 clients that enhanced client sales by an average of 200% in 6 months Established robust relationships with clients to develop long-term cooperation SC Rescue Organization Graphic Design Volunteer, 01/2019 - 12/2019 Monitored and assessed

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