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Resume & CV
Mar 30th 2021

Professional Recruiter Resume [+ Examples, Templates & Job Description]

recruiters handle the overall process of hiring, including: Composing job descriptions Organizing interviews Foreseeing the labor market Keeping pace with employment law During the hiring process, it’s very important for you, “a recruiter-to-be", to prepare a professional recruiter resume and make a good impression, enhancing your chance of landing the job interview. How to make a recruiter resume? Step 1: Understand the differences between a CV and a resume for the recruiter position CV (Curriculum Vitae) and
Resume & CV
Mar 6th 2024

Contoh CV Account Executive dan Cara Membuatnya

executive , cara membuatnya, dan tips-tips menulis CV account executive . Yuk, simak selengkapnya! Daftar isi: Contoh CV Account Executive Isi CV Account Executive Tips Membuat CV Account Executive Contoh CV Account Executive 1. Contoh CV Account Executive Bahasa Indonesia Contoh CV Account Executive Bahasa Indonesia -- DIbuat di Cake 2. Contoh CV Account Executive Bahasa Inggris Contoh CV Account Executive -- Dibuat di Cake Cara Membuat CV Account Executive CV account executive yang mampu menarik minat recruiter memuat informasi yang lengkap, akurat
Resume & CV
Apr 19th 2022

How to Write Achievements in a CV? [+ Examples]

Created by Cake In this article, we will include: What Are Achievements in a CV? Where to List Achievements in a CV How to List Achievements in a CV CV Achievement Examples Tips on How to Write Achievements in a CV When writing a CV, many candidates are lost and unsure about how to impress the recruiter. If that’s your case, consider listing achievements in your curriculum vitae. Listing achievements in a CV helps the recruiter understand how well
Resume & CV
Jul 8th 2022

Best Computer Skills for Your Resume: How to List Them & Examples

provided a detailed guide on how to list computer skills on a resume with examples to help you showcase your computer literacy. 💡 Tip: Effective demonstration of computer literacy, including basic computer skills, software skills, and hardware skills, in your CV helps the recruiter to understand how good your command over computers is and how your computer skills can translate to producing desired results efficiently. This is one of the good skills to include on your resume. Computer Skills for
Resume & CV
Nov 16th 2021

4 Contoh CV Perawat Menarik dan Cara Membuatnya

akan membahas cara membuat CV perawat yang menarik yang akan membantu kamu mencapai tujuan karier kamu dalam dunia keperawatan. Daftar isi: Cara Membuat CV Perawat Tips Membuat CV Perawat Contoh CV Perawat Contoh CV Perawat - Dibuat di Cake Cara Membuat CV Perawat Bagi kamu yang ingin memulai membuat CV lamaran kerja perawat, ada beberapa hal yang perlu kamu perhatikan tentang isi CV perawat terlebih dahulu. Tujuannya agar CV yang kamu buat bisa membuat recruiter terkesan. Simak poin-poin berikut ini
Resume & CV
May 19th 2023

Mastering Personal Details in a Resume: What to Include and Exclude

Put Personal Details in a Resume/CV? The short answer is yes. Personal details are necessary in a resume or CV. They provide the recruiter with essential information about you. Including your personal information in the resume/CV gives the recruiter an easy access to your contact details and makes their job easier. It shows that you are a thoughtful person and can think from their perspective. Another benefit of putting your personal details in the resume/CV is that
Resume & CV
Apr 11th 2022

When and When Not to Put a Photo on Your CV

more information about how you look, you can include your LinkedIn profile in your CV. This way, the recruiter and employer can still know about your appearance and you also don’t have to worry about the length of your CV. Images can make your CV not ATS-friendly. More and more companies have been using ATS to automatically narrow their applicant pools instead of manual screening methods. Thus, having an ATS-compatible CV is the first critical step if
Resume & CV
Aug 29th 2024

How to Write About Me Section in Resume (Resume Examples and Tips)

have to introduce who you are but also have to make it intriguing so that they would want to read the rest of your profile, portfolio, etc. In terms of job searching, a good “About Me” section helps catch the recruiter's eye. Your resume is then more likely to get picked up by the recruiter. If furthermore allows the HR to quickly and effectively grasp your strengths and qualifications by succinctly answering the following two questions: Who are you
Resume & CV
Mar 18th 2022

How to Write Education in a CV (Complete Guide + Examples)

Created by Cake In this article, you will learn about: Where to Write Your Education in a CV What to Include in the CV Education Section CV Education Section Examples How to List Ongoing & Unfinished Degrees on a CV (with Examples) Tips for Listing Education on CV Let's be real, we hear a lot of people say "you're not always going to work in the same field as what you studied, so it doesn't matter what your
Career Planning
Oct 24th 2024

How to Find Part-time Jobs As an International Student in Taiwan

Pursuing higher education in Taiwan has only become increasingly popular this past decade - students from Southeast Asia, Latin America, and all parts of the world all gather to study in Taiwan as international students. Not only is Taiwan a safe, convenient and affordable country to study in, Taiwan’s quality education and open field of wonderful opportunities are factors that truly attract students to study in Taiwan. Additionally, planning to study in Taiwan can be hassle-free if prepared well

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