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Job Search Tips
Nov 18th 2024

Will Recruiters Care If You Used AI to Write Your Cover Letter? Here’s the Answer

at the same time recruiters are receiving more and more cover letters that are not actually written by the candidates. A cover letter is usually requested by recruiters as it provides additional information besides what is written in your resume. Recruiters can also infer your soft skills, such as how attentive to detail you are, how good you are at communicating through written language, and more through how you write your cover letter. So yes , recruiters would actually care if
Resume & CV
Apr 8th 2019

10 Reasons Recruiters Do Not Want to Consider Your Resume

up getting an interview or job offer from them but a very subtle response of how they cannot continue with our recruitment. This may be due to us not taking into consideration some very important aspects of resume writing that recruiters are keen on. These might be things that you’ve heard of before or even completely new concepts to you! In this article, we will highlight 10 reasons why recruiters do not want to consider your resume: 1. Gaps
Interview Skills
Mar 6th 2024

How to Find Recruiters on LinkedIn - Unlocking Your Career Connections [+ Tips]

will discuss how to strategically get recruiters to notice, find, and contact you on LinkedIn so you won’t end up waiting indefinitely to progress to your next career level. Table of Contents: Locating Recruiters in Your Chosen Field Send Recruiters a Message on LinkedIn Stay on Recruiter’s Radar Tips for Finding Recruiters on LinkedIn Conclusion Locating Recruiters in Your Chosen Field Instead of weaving through numerous job openings in an attempt to find a recruiter’s name or
Resume & CV
Dec 22nd 2021

39 Best Resume Tips to Catch Recruiters Attention and Land an Interview | 2024

list relevant experience or skills on resumes . This resume advice can help you keep the focus of your resume. 2. Be brief and concise. A practical approach to improve your resume is to be brief and concise on your resume. Recruiters typically go through a resume in seconds, so keeping it clean can help your resume stand out. 3. Limit the resume length to one page. Similar to the resume advice above, limiting your resume writing to one page can
Interview Skills
Apr 6th 2022

Writing the Ideal Interview Follow-up Email (& Samples)

has never been an easy task, especially in this day and age where competition is high and candidates have to find ways to stand out among the pool to become more noticeable. With job application processes now becoming lengthier and recruiters having more tasks at hand, following up with a recruiter is one of the best ways to ensure you stay in touch and updated during a job searching process. Many candidates however seem to struggle with how to follow
Success Stories
May 22nd 2023

Cake 招募顧問實習生的實習心得、轉正職分享

Hi 大家好,我是 Chris!畢業於日本東京的早稻田大學,回國後,在 2022 年 2 月加入 Cake 擔任人才招募顧問實習生;這也是我第一次正式求職成功,並從實習生轉正職的經驗! 文章大綱 一、如何找到招募顧問的
Success Stories
May 22nd 2023

專訪 Cake 招募顧問 Candice:每段經歷都是未來的養分

Candice 是最早期加入 Cake 的招募顧問之一,主要聚焦在 Javascript 相關的軟體人才招募。加入團隊的 4 年間,她看著 Cake 從 5 人團隊發展為近百人企業,歷經組織擴張、規模化發展的階段,身為招募顧問的 Candice 也隨之
Interview Skills
Oct 6th 2022

The Most Common Signs Your Interview Went Well + 5 It Didn’t

steps. Your follow-up email was responded to promptly. ✅ It lasted longer than expected. How do you know if an interview went well? One of the most recurring signs is when it takes longer than expected. It reflects the recruiter's interest in the candidate. Do not worry if it is taking a bit longer than you planned - it is usually a sign you had a good interview! Example: An interview was scheduled from 2 to 2:30 PM
Success Stories
May 22nd 2023

專訪 Cake Senior Manager Nick,一探風險擁抱者的職涯思維

Cake 的招募顧問團隊熱烈徵才中,對實習生、正職與有興趣的你,不要錯過 Nick 的分享! Nick 是 Recruitment team 的 Senior Manager,帶領 Cake 的招募顧問團隊快速成長、拓展市場。擁有 8 年招募經驗的 Nick 為何選擇加入 Cake?身為管理者
Resume & CV
Jan 20th 2025


要應徵人資或 HR 職位的履歷怎麼寫?說到人資,大多數人對他們的工作印象多為看履歷、約人面試,具體的工作內容卻有許多不了解的地方,實際上人資/HR 的工作內容龐雜,包含各種不同的業務。人

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