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People Operations
Aug 22nd 2022

How Social Media Recruiting Can Help You Find Your Ideal Talent

into the corporate world as well. Having a business presence on social media is crucial to maintaining brand presence, and also can help expand the business with recruitment. With 79% of job hunters using social media as well as hiring platforms to land a job, recruiting via social media can be a lucrative move for your business. What Is Social Media Recruiting? Social media recruiting, also called social recruiting, involves utilizing social media platforms to search for, vet and hire
People Operations
Feb 14th 2023

Forming An Employer Branding Strategy: A Guide

in the recruitment process, such as: Increasing the number of applicants: by presenting the company holistically, including non-tangible aspects such as company culture and values, more applicants are likely to be enticed into applying for an open position. Reduce recruitment costs: a higher number of applicants would in turn reduce recruitment costs such as hiring external recruiters, or paying for recruitment platforms, advertisements and promoted posts. Reduce turnover rates: by having an honest employer branding strategy, applicants already anticipate
Career Planning
Mar 6th 2024

5 Best Free Job Posting Sites for Recruitment in Singapore

is committed to helping talents show their value, develop ideal careers, and help companies match professionals. Cake provides a one-stop job search and talent acquisition solution. Moreover, they also offer services such as job posting , employer branding , and talent recruitment . At present, there are more than 4 million job hunters who are actively looking for hiring ads on the platform. The platform is a trusted platform both by job seekers and employers, with over 7,000 companies already publishing
Recruitment & HR
Mar 6th 2024

Ingin Kandidat yang Berkualitas? Recruitment Marketing Jawabannya!

Recruitment Marketing Contoh Recruitment Marketing Apa itu Marketing Rekrutmen? Marketing rekrutmen atau Recruitment marketing adalah strategi untuk membangun citra atau branding perusahaan dengan tujuan menarik, merekrut, dan membina hubungan baik dengan kandidat yang berkualitas agar masuk ke perusahaan. Tujuan utama recruitment marketing dilakukan adalah untuk mendorong kandidat melamar posisi yang terbuka di sebuah perusahaan. Penerapan marketing recruitment dapat melalui platform sosial media hingga pesan singkat yang tertarget. Strategi marketing recruitment ini dapat meningkatkan brand awareness perusahaan, sehingga menarik kandidat yang
Sep 25th 2024

International Talent Connect 2024: Empowering Careers in Taiwan

event? Follow us on Facebook and LinkedIn for the latest updates! For event sponsorship and media requests, please contact: Helen Chung, Associate Manager of Brand Marketing: [email protected] For business opportunities and collaboration requests, please contact: Coco Yap, Business Development Representative: [email protected] Cake is a global talent network offering solutions for both job seekers and employers, including an online free resume builder , portfolio maker , job search platform , and recruitment consultant services . Join our community today !
Recruitment & HR
Jan 20th 2025

AI Recruitment untuk Optimalkan Proses Rekrutmen di 2025

bahwa semua kandidat dinilai secara adil, terlepas dari latar belakang pribadi mereka. Ini tidak hanya meningkatkan reputasi perusahaan tetapi juga memperkaya lingkungan kerja dengan berbagai perspektif dan ide. 📚Baca Juga: AI untuk HR: Manfaat dan Contoh Penggunaannya! Rekomendasi AI Recruitment Tools untuk Optimalkan Rekrutmen 1. Cake Salah satu rekomendasi platform AI Recruitment adalah Cake. Berikut adalah beberapa fitur unggulan Cake yang dapat membantu perusahaan dalam proses rekrutmen: Job Posting Service: Cake menawarkan layanan pasang lowongan kerja gratis untuk tiga
Aug 22nd 2024

Global Talent Connect | Malaysians Exploring Careers: Dozens of Talents Joining, with Many Insights Shared by Industry Experts

future event? Follow us on Facebook and LinkedIn for the latest updates! For media request and event sponsorship, please contact: - Helen Chung, Associate Manager of Brand Marketing - [email protected] For business opportunities, please contact: - Coco Yap, Business Development Representative - [email protected] Cake is an international talent network that provides solutions for job seekers and employers, including a top-tier resume builder , portfolio maker , job search platform , and recruitment consultant services . Talk to our team for more!
Career Tools
Dec 30th 2024

Top AI Recruiting Tools to Enhance Your Hiring Process in 2024

processing and paperwork. AI can be used to create a more seamless and personalized application process, which improves the candidate experience and further enhances the employer brand. AI can help make more data-driven and reduce biased hiring decisions in recruitment. Top AI Recruiting Tools Eightfold AI (Web) Eightfold AI is a talent intelligence platform designed to enhance recruitment, talent management, and reskilling processes. It can help you in hiring candidates and managing talents on one platform with AI-powered
Recruitment & HR
Dec 13th 2024

Effortless Hiring: The Power of Recruitment Automation

go over ways you can implement recruiting automation tools, including AI tools, in your work. Table of Contents  Benefits of Recruitment Automation What Are Some Challenges of Using Recruiting Automation Tools? 5 Types of Recruitment Automation Technologies How to Implement Recruitment Automation Software at Your Company Key Takeaways Benefits of Recruitment Automation Hiring processes are often long and complex and require extensive liaising with people inside and outside the company. The goal of the talent acquisition and recruitment process is
News & Updates
Mar 6th 2024

Talent Connect: Solusi Employer Branding bagi Perusahaan Anda

Tiga dari empat jobseeker mempertimbangkan employer brand sebuah perusahaan sebelum mereka mengajukan lamaran pekerjaan ( LinkedIn ). Di era ini, menarik dan mempertahankan kandidat unggul telah menjadi tantangan utama bagi banyak perusahaan. Oleh karena itu, employer branding menjadi salah satu kunci sukses bagi HR untuk merekrut tim-tim yang berkualitas dan berkinerja tinggi. Dengan menggambarkan nilai-nilai perusahaan secara jelas, mempromosikan budaya kerja inklusif, serta membangun reputasi yang kuat, perusahaan-perusahaan dapat menciptakan kesan yang mendalam di mata jobseeker dalam persaingan talent

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