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Industry & Job Overview
Mar 25th 2022

Mau Jadi Personal Assistant? Tugas, Gaji, dan Caranya! [+Contoh CV]

Daftar isi: Apa itu Personal Assistant Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab Personal Assistant Skill yang Dibutuhkan Personal Assistant Tips Menjadi Personal Assistant Personal assistant adalah posisi pekerjaan yang penting untuk melancarkan kehidupan profesional atau kehidupan pribadi para pengusaha, direktur, manajer, selebriti, atau bahkan untuk seorang individu/keluarga. Tugas seorang personal assistant mencakup tugas-tugas administratif untuk memastikan pengorganisasian, penjadwalan, dan perencanaan yang tepat. Personal assistant pun dapat bekerja dalam lingkungan bisnis atau jarak jauh ( remote work /WFH). Di artikel Cake ini
Industry & Job Overview
Sep 20th 2024

Pengertian dan Tips Jadi Digital Nomad, Bisa Kerja Sambil Travelling

berbagai kota bahkan negara di sela-sela menyelesaikan deadline. Seluruh komunikasi dan penyelesaian pekerjaan menggunakan teknologi digital. Jadi selama A membawa laptop, tab, maupun ponsel sepanjang travelling, semua tanggung jawab bisa beres tepat waktu. Pekerja digital nomad adalah bagian dari remote worker. Namun, tidak semua remote worker atau bahkan pekerja work from home masuk dalam kategori ini . Seorang remote worker dan pekerja work from home tidak masuk dalam jenis digital nomad jika memiliki jam kerja pasti setiap hari. Kesimpulannya, ciri
Career Development
Jun 20th 2024

WFH (Work From Home): Kelebihan, Kekurangan, serta Tips-Tips Kerja WFH Efektif

untuk sistem kerja WFH. Ada perusahaan yang menerapkan waktu tertentu seperti jam 9 hingga 5 dan memonitor karyawan dari jauh. Ada juga perusahaan yang memberikan jam fleksibel. Sebenarnya konsep WFH sendiri sudah umum dipakai para freelancer yang sudah biasa bekerja remote , atau dari jarak jauh. Tapi apa bedanya ya WFH dengan remote working ? Apa itu Work From Home? 📚Baca Juga: 7 Cara Menjadi Freelancer Pemula Untuk Cari Untung! Apa Perbedaan WFH dan Remote Working Kerja WFH adalah suatu sistem
Career Planning
Aug 22nd 2022

Why You Should Hire a Career Counselor

can give you advice and guidance on a number of job-related topics. People might go to career counseling if they are trying to decide on their next career path, if they are not sure what kind of jobs their work experience translates to, or if they need resume or job search advice. Employment counselors are increasingly popular due to a changing workforce. Technology, the internet, and remote work have all had a dramatic impact on the job market. Post
Recruitment & HR
Mar 6th 2024

Everything You Need to Know about Hybrid Work [+ Tips]

five-day working weeks will not return . Instead, their staff could opt for a hybrid/remote work model. Table of Contents: What is Hybrid Work? Benefits of Hybrid Work 4 Types of Hybrid Work How to Create the Best Hybrid Work Environment? How to Work Effectively with Hybrid Work? Conclusion What is Hybrid Work? A hybrid way of working is when a company allows employees to mix in-office work with remote/on-the-go work. It can vary in
Job Search Tips
Jan 18th 2022

6 Best Freelance Sites to Land on a Job in 2022

demand. According to the Global Gig-Economy Index that was released last year, more than a third of all US workers – around 57 million people in total – are currently employed as independent workers and 63% of the companies surveyed hire remote workers online from freelance websites. In 2018 alone, the market share of the gig economy generated a whopping $1.28 trillion for the US economy. With all that said, how do you land on a freelance job in 2022
People Operations
Apr 19th 2023

Hybrid working là gì? Bàn về mô hình hybrid work trong thời đại số

làm thế nào để một doanh nghiệp vẫn đảm bảo hiệu suất và chất lượng công việc của nhân viên? Cùng Cake khám phá “tất tần tật” các khía cạnh về xu hướng làm việc không thể bỏ qua - hybrid working, trong bài viết ngày hôm nay! Hybrid working là gì? Trước tiên bạn cần hiểu được sự khác nhau giữa remote working và WFH là gì. Remote working là mô hình làm việc cho phép nhân viên làm việc
Resume & CV
Jun 14th 2024

15+ Bank Teller Resume Examples and Writing Tips That Guarantee You the Job

sure that it looks (or sounds) professional. Phone number. If you cannot be reached via phone number, remember to mention your preferred contact method in your cover letter. Location information. This information can opt-out if you're applying for remote work, or you can mention the country instead of the city you're in. 💡Pro Tip: Unnecessary personal details such as home address, gender, date of birth, etc. can be omitted. Resume Header The resume summary serves as
Resume & CV
Aug 9th 2024

Market Researcher Resume: Writing Tips, Examples and Guide (Latest Updates)

Table of Contents How to Write a Winning Market Researcher Resume Tips for Writing the Best Market Researcher Resume Market Researcher Resume Examples Conclusion Market researchers, also known as market research analysts, gather, examine, and interpret extensive data to assist companies in comprehending and forecasting customer behaviors, sales, market conditions, inventory statuses, and other relevant aspects of business performance. Market researcher positions are expected to grow at a rate of 13 percent over the next decade , much faster than other
Resume & CV
Aug 30th 2024

Digital Marketing Resume: Samples, Formats, Writing Guide

Digital marketing is one of the largest growing and in-demand professions across many sectors in the modern corporate world. Digital marketing jobs are wide-ranging , yet they mainly focus on the following responsibilities: Manage and deploy digital advertising campaigns Manage social media and online channels Analyze online marketing and advertising data Having a professional digital marketing resume can increase the chances of getting an interview and being hired. In this article, we will walk you through all the essential

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