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Interview Skills
Oct 26th 2022

15 Different Types of Interviews w/ Example Questions & Tips

just mentioned? Do you prefer working alone or in a group, since you have been working as a freelancer for a long while? 🧑‍💻 Interview Type 6: Video Interview Here comes the most common interview format for those seeking remote work regardless of whether you're an entry-level or experienced professional. Think of it as a traditional in-person interview but conducted via computer screens instead. One winning tip for this kind of interview is to sit in
Resume & CV
May 19th 2021

Polish Your Operations Manager Resume (+ Formats, Examples, Templates)

Created by Cake Table of Contents: How to Build an Operations Manager Resume? What to Include on a Resume for Operations Managers? Tips for Writing the Best Operations Manager Resume How to Write a Cover Letter for an Operations Manager Position? Operations Manager Resume Sample What does an operations manager do? Broadly speaking, a business operations manager must have a deep understanding of the work in each department, coordinate different teams, and enhance process efficiency. Furthermore, a business operations manager
Career Planning
Mar 6th 2024

Part-Time Jobs in Malaysia: Get Paid to Do What You Love

Many companies offer part-time jobs that align with students' fields of study which allow application of classroom knowledge in a real-world setting. 📚Further reading: Perfect Internship Cover Letter to Start Your Career [+ Examples & Tips] 4. Online and Remote Part-Time Work With the rise of remote work, students can find online part-time jobs that they can do from the comfort of their own homes. Examples include online tutoring, content writing, and data entry . Navigating the Malaysian
Job Search Tips
May 20th 2021


才網,幫助各國企業主媒合專業人才。除了直接用「遠端」、「遠距」搜尋職缺以外,美國版的 Indeed 亦直接提供「remote work」的選項。 4. Freelancer 顧名思義它就是專為自由工作者設計的媒合平台,和 Upwork 的媒合型態滿接近,雖是
Job Search Tips
Jan 18th 2022

Freelancers in 2022: Top 8 Most Lucrative Industries

miss. Some are pro-technology and IT-related while others are more for creative minds. Following trends indicate what is typically in urgent needs or requiring specific expertise. Job descriptions are quite similar to those of desk-jobs. Freelancers (independent workers, remote contractors, side-hustlers, self-employed) can follow the bandwagon and know what to work on next. Technology and IT, the Top 1 Growing Sector for Freelancers In our daily lives, we’re “logged in” basically 24/7. Computers
Career Development
Dec 16th 2022

Hybrid Working: Ketahui Kelebihan, Kekurangan, dan Jenisnya! [+Cara]

memilih beberapa hari dalam seminggu untuk bekerja secara remote . Tahukah kamu? Perusahaan Google berusaha untuk menerapkan sistem hybrid ini, dimana perusahaan akan mewajibkan karyawan bekerja di kantor selama 3 hari, dan memiliki kebebasan pada 2 hari lainnya. 4. Prioritas Kerja Remote Hybrid working model ini adalah kondisi dimana perusahaan membolehkan karyawan untuk bekerja secara remote , dan hanya pergi ke kantor jika ada kebutuhan yang penting/mendesak. Perusahaan yang biasanya menerapkan kerja hybrid ini adalah perusahaan yang tidak memiliki ruang yang
People Operations
Oct 20th 2022

Making a Candidate Persona: Examples + Template

firms Current Dissatisfactions : small firm, low pay, lack of company culture Current Role : HR manager, people & culture officer Previous experience : HR manager, People & Culture officer in a mid-to-large scale firm Preferences: Location : Greater Jonestown Area Off-site : Can work hybrid/remote Communication/Work style : Leader, assertive, in person and online Motivations : qualitative feedback, monetary bonuses As you can see, both candidate personas have the same categories with subtle differences in skills, motivations and experiences. Having more detail and
Resume & CV
Mar 23rd 2022

Should You Put an Address on Your Resume? Here Are Reasons to Consider

your address Since the hiring team and you will be communicating mostly online, a resume without a physical address is not that big of a deal. You can squeeze some other more relevant details regarding your expertise and experience on your resume when you leave your address off. You are applying for a remote position Working remotely means that your location doesn’t matter much to the employer. In this case, you don’t need to mention your address on...
People Operations
Mar 6th 2024

Apa itu HRIS? Mengenal Definisi, Manfaat, FItur, dan Pilihannya [+tips]

Teknologi semakin canggih seiring dengan perkembangan jaman. Bahkan, teknologi juga berguna untuk meningkatkan produktivitas kerja di kantor. Kini hampir semua departemen mengalami transformasi digital, termasuk transformasi digital pada sektor HR . Salah satu contohnya adalah sistem HRIS yang digunakan oleh departemen human resources. HRIS adalah singkatan dari human resources information system. Sistem HRIS ini digunakan oleh HR untuk mengelola data karyawan. Karena proses ini akan lebih sulit untuk dilakukan secara manual. Tanpa adanya pengelolaan sumber daya manusia yang tepat, maka perusahaan
Career Development
Mar 6th 2024

Webinar untuk Tingkatkan Kesuksesan: Jenis, Cara, dan Contohnya

Kemajuan teknologi mendorong setiap aktivitas untuk turut menyesuaikan dengan perubahan digital. Salah satunya adalah dengan mengikuti aktivitas webinar melainkan seminar. Webinar bukan sesuatu yang baru lagi di dunia digital, kamu pun pasti pernah menemui webinar di berbagai platform. Apa sebenarnya arti webinar? Webinar artinya seminar maupun presentasi yang dilakukan tatap maya secara online. Peserta dari latar belakang apapun bisa mengikuti webinar, mulai dari pelajar hingga pekerja. Dari segi biaya, webinar tidak selalu berbayar, ada pula webinar yang gratis dengan menghadirkan

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