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Industry & Job Overview
Nov 23rd 2022

Seeking Jobs You Can Do from Home? Here’s All You Need to Know!

online from home. Now that two and a half years have passed by, companies and businesses worldwide have acknowledged that working from home and flexible working policies are not a coping mechanism for the global pandemic, but rather a new working norm of the modern working world. The idea of remote jobs is not only appealing to job searchers but also to headhunters. Working from home allows workers to be more productive while experiencing less work-related stress . For head
People Operations
Sep 28th 2022

A Complete Guide to Hiring Offshore Software Development Teams

you pay the expenses. Nearshore outsourcing: hiring contractors or teams in a neighboring country. While it provides advantages in communication (similar cultures), it tends to be costlier than the offshoring of services. Offshore outsourcing : hiring partner operates in a more remote region, like Asia or Europe. Although hiring offshore software development usually brings communication issues due to time zone differences and cultural and language barriers, it is the most flexible option. It also tends to be the most cost-effective
Resume & CV
Oct 14th 2024

Top 10+ Call Center Resume: Examples, Templates, and Tips for a Successful Application

of AI technology in this field is growing rapidly. So, is this really the end? Absolutely not. The fact is call center jobs have changed because of COVID-19. Customer-facing jobs are shifting from full-time office jobs to work-from-home and remote jobs. INSIDEA found that 12.7% of employees choose to stay WFH, and 28.2% adopt hybrid work. This information only means the opportunity to work as a call center representative for an overseas company
People Operations
Mar 6th 2024

15+ Unique Ideas for a New Employee Welcome Package (2024 Update)

New Employee Welcome Pack So, you’ve found the perfect employee who’s about to start tomorrow. It’s time to breathe easy, right? Not so fast. Before the normal routine resumes again, employers need to make sure that the onboarding process - for employees, not passengers - is as smooth as possible. Which means having the best new employee welcome package. For the new hire, starting in a new role in a new place (if it’s not remote) can be
Industry & Job Overview
Nov 11th 2024

Apa Itu Kerja Remote? Keuntungan, Jenis, dan Tips Cari Kerja Remote

Perkembangan kerja remote yang semakin pesat telah mengubah cara pandang tentang konsep work-life-balance . Menurut studi yang dilakukan oleh Upwork dan Pew Research Center , sekitar 22% tenaga kerja Amerika akan bekerja secara remote pada tahun 2025, dengan 14% di antaranya fully remote dan 41% secara hybrid . Hal ini karena bekerja secara remote memiliki banyak manfaat. Bagi perusahaan, menyediakan kerja remote untuk karyawan dapat mengurangi biaya kantor, meningkatkan rekrutmen, dan retensi karyawan. Produktivitas karyawan yang bekerja secara remote juga mengalami
Career Planning
Jun 26th 2024

Taiwan's Effort in Recruiting Talents in the Digital Field for the Upcoming Decades

working professionals wanting to relocate to the tropical island of Taiwan. The Gold Card is also a great working visa in Taiwan for those with a travel buzz. Allowing for both full-time and part-time employment, in-office or remote, the Taiwan Gold Card makes it easy to zip out on a cheeky holiday with an unlimited re-entry permit. So, whether you're working in Taiwan as a US citizen, working in Taiwan as a foreigner, or intending
Industry & Job Overview
Dec 13th 2024

20+ Peluang Kerja Online Dari Rumah, Fleksibel dan Tanpa Modal!

Tahukah kamu jika memiliki keahlian mengetik bisa memberikan kamu penghasilan hingga jutaan rupiah hanya dari rumah saja? Saat ini, peluang kerja online dari rumah semakin populer seiring dengan perkembangan dunia digital. Pekerjaan online dari rumah menawarkan fleksibilitas, efisiensi waktu, dan kenyamanan yang tidak ditemukan dalam pekerjaan kantor biasa. Dengan semakin banyaknya situs kerja online , kini semakin mudah untuk menemukan pekerjaan online yang sesuai dengan keahlian dan minat, bahkan kerja remote tanpa pengalaman. Lalu apa saja jenis pekerjaan online yang bisa
People Operations
Jun 30th 2024

5 Ideas for Fun and Engaging Team Building Activities

A team that can work collaboratively and productively is an asset to any business. In order to achieve a strong and productive team, continuous effort to foster rapport between team members is necessary. Team building is one way management can encourage employees to build relationships within their teams, and it is a great way to facilitate cohesion. Moreover, team-building activities are essential for creating opportunities for employees to interact outside their usual work environment, helping to strengthen the bonds
Career Tools
Dec 26th 2022

13 Rekomendasi Aplikasi Produktivitas Terbaik, Wajib Dicoba!

Daftar Isi: Cara Memilih Aplikasi Produktivitas yang Terbaik Aplikasi Produktivitas Terbaik untuk Menyusun Tugas dan Workflow Aplikasi Produktivitas Terbaik untuk Meningkatkan Fokus Aplikasi Produktivitas Terbaik untuk Menghemat Waktu Bagi orang yang bekerja di kantor atau secara remote, produktivitas adalah hal yang penting untuk menyelesaikan semua tugas tepat waktu. Untuk kamu yang butuh bantuan agar tetap produktif, aplikasi untuk meningkatkan produktivitas adalah solusinya! Tidak hanya untuk pekerja, tetapi sebagai murid pun aplikasi produktif belajar akan sangat membantu supaya tidak kewalahan ketika
Career Planning
Nov 10th 2022

Kickstart Your Freelancing Career: Top 20 Freelance Websites

Created by Cake In this article, we’ll go over Top 20 Freelance Websites: Upwork Fiverr Cake We Work Remotely Freelancer.com Designhill LinkedIn Aquent Guru Toptal People Per Hour Behance Dribbble TaskRabbit DesignCrowd Authentic Jobs 99Designs ServiceScape FlexJobs JustRemote Freelancing keeps gaining track year by year. Researchers estimate that by 2027, freelancers will take up to 50.9% of the US Workforce. Freelancers get jobs from a wide variety of channels. Some check freelance websites, some use different social

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