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Career Planning
Mar 6th 2024

How to Refer Someone for a Job in 4 Steps [Email Examples + Templates Included]

to a job vacancy at your company, a job referral is often known as an employee referral program . Job referral is very common if you work in an industry that faces severe talent shortages , like leisure and hospitality, wholesale and retail trade, etc. Benefits of Job Referrals Job referrals have been proven to be a cost-effective means of recruitment, tapping into a large, qualified labor pool of passive job seekers and saving much time compared to candidates from conventional
Career Development
Jul 4th 2024

3 Tingkatan Manajemen di Perusahaan dan Contoh Jabatannya

organisasi dan ketidakpastian strategis, sehingga mendorong perkembangan pencapaian tujuan perusahaan. Di Indonesia, banyak perusahaan yang telah menerapkan jenjang manajemen untuk meningkatkan efisiensi operasional dan memperkuat koordinasi antar departemen. Ada banyak sektor bisnis yang menerapkan tingkatan manajemen, berikut beberapa di antaranya: Retail FMCG Media dan Komunikasi Pendidikan Finansial Perbankan Perusahaan teknologi dan elektronik 3 Tingkatan Manajemen Tingkatan dalam manajemen dibagi menjadi tiga yang mempunyai tugas, wewenang, dan mencakup banyak jenis posisi manajerial. Berikut merupakan penjelasan 3 tingkatan manajemen secara lebih rinci
Career Development
Mar 27th 2024

Highest Paying Job in Malaysia: Latest 2024 Guide for Fresh Graduates and All

Remuneration Survey 2023 , Malaysia's median salary is projected to rise by 5.1% in 2024. Not only that, but other sectors have also seen the requirement of more workers as their business growth becomes increasingly steady and robust . The retail sector has increased by 63%, the logistics sector has reached 25%, the hospitality and travel sector is up by 133%, and the sales-business development has experienced a YoY increase of 34%. Job seekers from overseas can also seize
Industry & Job Overview
Mar 22nd 2024

Daftar 13 Skill Programmer yang Dicari Perusahaan!

artificial intelligence (AI), big data, GUI yang digunakan sebagai dasar aplikasi desktop, dan robotik. JavatPoint menyebut bahasa satu ini tergolong mudah dibaca, mudah dimengerti, dan mudah ditulis. Java: Sistem yang dibangun tahun 1995 ini paling sering digunakan untuk sistem bank, retail, pemasangan teknologi, android, big data , riset komunitas, situs, dan aplikasi desktop. Java dianggap sebagai salah satu bahasa pemrograman dengan tingkat keamanan tinggi. C: Salah satu yang paling mudah dipelajari. Biasa digunakan untuk membuat desain aplikasi editor teks, kompilator, dan
Resume & CV
Sep 18th 2024

Sales Associate Resume: Examples, Skills & Job Description

summary highlights your most impressive achievements while outlining your career objectives and vision. And it’s short, only being around 2 to 4 sentences, like the retail sales associate resume summary example below. Sales associate resume summary example Goal-oriented retail sales associate with over 3 years of promotional experience. Extensive knowledge of in-store visual merchandising, consistently exceeding target monthly sales quotas by an average of 42%. Seeking an opportunity to grow and develop with a fast-paced retail
Student Guide
Mar 6th 2024

10 Prospek Kerja Teknik Industri Beserta Gajinya!

bertanya apakah jurusan teknik industri menjanjikan atau lulusan teknik industri kerja apa. Berikut Cake jabarkan apa saja keuntungan sarjana teknik industri. Lapangan kerja teknik industri luas: Pekerjaan untuk teknik industri bisa kamu temukan di berbagai bidang. Manufaktur, teknologi, perangkat keras, retail, logistik, konsultan, hingga layanan kesehatan membutuhkan tenaga-tenaga ahli sarjana teknik industri. Menggabungkan ilmu teknik dan manajemen: Jurusan teknik industri biasanya akan belajar manajemen bisnis terlebih untuk area logistik, analisa, dan manajemen rantai pasokan. Hal ini akan membantu sarjana

20+ Program Management Trainee Terbaik, Cocok untuk Fresh Graduate

Bank Mandiri untuk menyiapkan future leader di berbagai level. Para pelatih program management trainee berasal dari kalangan banker, profesional, dan level pimpinan yang semuanya terintegrasi dengan bisnis perbankan. 👤 Kualifikasi khusus: Program ini terbagi menjadi 5, dan persyaratan ODP Jaringan & Retail Banking: Fokus pada lulusan dengan keterampilan layanan perbankan dan pengembangan jaringan cabang. ODP Wholesale Banking: Untuk lulusan ekonomi atau bisnis dengan keahlian di corporate banking. ODP Risk Management: Bagi lulusan keuangan atau statistik yang ahli dalam analisis risiko. ODP
Resume & CV
Jul 30th 2024

Banking Resume : Step-by-Step Writing Guide (with Examples)

manager Financial Advisor Financial analyst Asset manager Underwriter Internal auditor Investment banking analyst Loan Officer The Difference Between A Banker Vs. A Personal Banker A personal banker specifically focuses on providing banking services to individual clients. They typically work in retail banking and are dedicated to assisting clients with their personal financial needs. Personal bankers help clients with opening and managing bank accounts, savings plans, loans, mortgages, and investment products. They provide personalized financial advice and solutions based on the
Resume & CV
Aug 26th 2024

Sales Manager Resume Examples [+ Job Description & Skills]

On the surface, there isn’t much of a difference between a Sales Associate and a Sales Manager. They both deal with sales, they’re both excellent persuaders, and they both dabble in analysis. So what sets them apart and how can you incorporate that into your sales manager resume? Aside from the average annual salary of $82,000 USD Sales Managers also enjoy HR related responsibilities . Not only are they in charge of managing sales professionals, but they’re
Resume & CV
Aug 4th 2020

High School Students: Resume Examples, Formats & Tips

As a high school student, you used to think resumes have nothing to do with you. Resumes are only for those with job experience, aren’t they? Only now you’re looking for your first part-time job or internship. Or maybe you’re applying for college. Whichever the case, it’s likely that you need a resume. How to write a student resume with no job experience? Keep in mind that employers or colleges do not expect you to

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