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Apr 18th 2023

Language Skills & Proficiency Levels on Resume [+ Resume examples]

As the global economy expands, many employers prioritize language skills in resumes. Multilingual managers who lead international businesses are actively seeking bilingual and trilingual employees to help them expand their businesses. In this article, we will cover tips on listing your language skills effectively, the framework for describing different language proficiency levels, and some resume examples . Keep reading to know!  You'll learn about: Why Language Skills on Resumes Are Important How to Include Language Skills on Resumes How to
Resume & CV
Mar 31st 2022

Communication Skills in CV: 15 Common Skills & Examples in CV

to pinpoint what skills are included as communication skills, and also how to properly show communication skills in a CV. This article will elaborate on how to show your social skills in CV, along with some good communication and interpersonal skills examples to put on a CV and tips on how to improve them in real practice. Why You must Include Communication Skills in Your CV In 2017, Deloitte stated that by 2030, jobs requiring mainly soft skills will account
Resume & CV
Oct 20th 2021

Analytical Skills Revealed: Definitions, Examples, Ways to Improve

the number of jobs that require analytical skills. Therefore, illustrating your analytical skills in your resume will show you have what it takes to tackle problems in a step-by-step and organized manner. Table of Contents: What are Analytical Skills? Why are Analytical Skills Important? Analytical Skills & Analytical Thinking Examples Ways to Highlight Your Analytical Skills (w/ Tips) How to Improve Your Analytical Skills What are Analytical Skills? What are analytical skills? Analytical skills are the ability to gather
Resume & CV
Oct 8th 2021

Communication Skills for Your Resume: What You Need to Know

to know to display communication skills on that great resume of yours. In this article, you'll learn: What Are Communication Skills on a Resume/CV? List of Communication Skills for a Resume/CV (100+ Examples) How to List Communication Skills on a Resume/CV? Tips on Writing a Strong Communication Skills Description for a Resume/CV How to Improve Your Communication Skills? Created by Cake What Are Communication Skills on a Resume/CV? There are five types of communication
Career Planning
Mar 6th 2024

What Skills Should I Enhance for A Successful Career?

is not always learnt on the job, and therefore taking the initiative of learning new skills will allow you to become qualified for the role. Aside from hard skills, high-paying roles usually involve management, which requires highly developed soft skills, too. Soft skills for higher level roles involve managing teams, communication, decision-making and negotiation. Soft skills need to be developed over time, as opportunities to use them might be rare. Demonstrating your developed hard and soft skills over
Career Planning
Sep 25th 2024

Interpersonal skills là gì và quan trọng thế nào khi đi làm?

Phân biệt giữa kỹ năng cứng và kỹ năng mềm Sự khác nhau giữa social skill và interpersonal skill là gì? Nhiều người lầm tưởng rằng social skills chính là interpersonal skills. Không đâu nhé! Cake sẽ làm rõ social skills là gì và điểm khác biệt với interpersonal skills là gì. Social skill (kỹ năng xã hội) là khả năng tương tác và giao tiếp hiệu quả với người khác trong các tình huống xã hội. Social skills bao
People & Culture
Aug 12th 2024

Networking Skills Inherent - Learn How to Build Them!

it creates countless new opportunities. The more opportunities you generate, the higher your chance of success. But how does one learn to network? What networking skills do you need to learn? Perhaps most importantly, how do you build your networking skills? We’ll go over what you need to learn and how to acquire the tools you need to become an expert at networking. Leverage Your Communication Skills Communication is one of the most obvious networking skills you need to
Resume & CV
Jul 8th 2022

Best Computer Skills for Your Resume: How to List Them & Examples

computer skills, software skills, and hardware skills, in your CV helps the recruiter to understand how good your command over computers is and how your computer skills can translate to producing desired results efficiently. This is one of the good skills to include on your resume. Computer Skills for Your Resume Outline Basic Computer Skills Web Tool Skills Software Skills Hardware Skills Before considering what computer skills to put on your resume, you need to carefully read the job description
Resume & CV
Aug 4th 2022

20 Computer Skills to Write in Your CV [w/ Examples & Writing Tips]

Created by Cake In this article, you'll learn about: Good IT Skills for CV How to Put IT Skills on a CV Computer Skills on CV – Examples Tips on How to Highlight IT Skills on Your CV What are IT skills? Information Technology, or IT, skills in a CV are the set of abilities to utilize computers and related technology efficiently. With the prevalence of digitalization, computer skills in a CV could set you apart from other candidates when
Resume & CV
Feb 11th 2022

100+ Soft Skills to Add in Resume [+ Pro Tips & ATS Friendliness]

Created by Cake Do you know what soft skills to put in your resume? What about how many soft skills to include in resumes? Well, the answer is, it depends. In this article, we will be focusing on what are soft skills on a resume and tips to incorporate them strategically. Soft skills are interpersonal traits, or people skills, that affect how well one interacts with others in the workplace. It reflects one's ability to accomplish tasks effectively while

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