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Job search
Nov 13th 2024

Ingin Stand Out Saat Cari Kerja? Lihat 10 Contoh Portofolio Fresh Graduate Gratis!

Sedang membutuhkan contoh portofolio fresh graduate? Kamu datang ke tempat yang tepat karena Cake menyediakan template portofolio untuk lulusan baru dari berbagai posisi. Sebenarnya, seberapa urgen portofolio untuk melamar kerja? Jawabannya tergantung dengan posisi yang kamu lamar dan kualifikasi yang diinginkan perusahaan. Saat ini istilah yang kerap dipakai untuk menggambarkan jenjang karier adalah career portofolio alih-alih career path. Kemampuan, kapasitas, penrkembangan diri, hingga pencapaian yang diraih terangkum dalam dokumen yang dibuat secara berurutan itu. Ingin tahu lebih lanjut mengenai
Resume & CV
Oct 4th 2021

Building a Standout Resume with No Experience: A Step-by-step Guide w/ Tips

Created by Cake You need to write a resume , but you have no “real” work experience. However, without any work experience, your resume can’t stand out. For someone like you who has no idea where to start, what to list, how to structure, and doesn’t have any references, writing your first-ever job resume can be frustrating, and I feel you. Worry no more! In this article, we will walk you through the steps of writing a resume
Job Search Tips
Apr 8th 2019

How to Stand Out in the Crowd as a Perfect Candidate

letter of thanks as soon as you can. You can send one to each one of the persons that took part during the interview with you. Don't use a thank-you email template, as it will not make you stand out. Send one which is customized. 5. Ask Questions The interviewer is searching for a candidate who will add value to the team and to the job itself. Point out how you can do that by asking targeted and
Cover Letter
Sep 16th 2024

Crafting a Standout Social Media Manager Cover Letter [+Templates & Tips]

or any other position in this dynamic field, a strong cover letter can set you apart from the competition. In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide that equips you with the right strategies to create an outstanding social media cover letter that leaves a lasting impression. Let’s see how it can elevate your candidacy and provide actionable writing tips to showcase your unique skills and experience in a way that resonates with hiring managers! How
Success Stories
May 7th 2024

Cara Ampuh untuk Standout Saat Melamar Kerja Versi Eza Hazami

Daftar isi: Bagaimana Cara Standout dari Pelamar Kerja Lainnya Persiapan Diri untuk Interview yang Berkesan ke HR Pertimbangan Sebelum Menerima Tawaran Kerja Skill yang Harus Dibangun untuk Masa Depan Karir di Era Digital Sesi QnA dengan Eza Hazami Bagaimana Cara Standout dari Pelamar Kerja Lainnya? Kunci untuk stand out di mata HRD saat proses rekrutmen adalah bagaimana pelamar kerja bisa menambah dan menunjukan value untuk perusahaan. “Ingat ini bukan kayak ‘kamu harus punya orang dalem’, bukan. Tapi ada teknik dan
Cover Letter
Mar 6th 2024

A Cashier Cover Letter to Stand Out! [w/Examples + Writing Tips]

Created by Cake Due to technology advancement, cashier jobs have become more competitive, requiring employees to be capable of more than just scanning price tags and packing items. Cashiers nowadays will need skills that can set them apart from robots, such as the ability to solve problems that may arise when encountering customers. A good cashier cover letter will come in handy when applying for the job because it is the fastest way to make recruiters know you have the
Resume & CV
Jun 24th 2024

7 Steps to Create a Standout Personal Brand Statement in 2024 (+Examples)

Perfect Your Statement Integrate Your Brand Statement into Your Resume and Online Profiles Reflect on Your Core Values and Strengths First, you need to recognize that creating an effective personal brand statement is about looking inward. It's about figuring out what you stand for and what you bring to the table. Think hard about what matters to you most and the strengths that have got you nods and high-fives at work. This isn't about the skills you
Resume & CV
Apr 8th 2019

8 Tips to Make Your Resume Stand Out

those 250, usually only four to six applicants are selected for interviews. As such, it's normal to feel your resume is not good enough. Other than applying for hundreds of openings, here are 8 effective strategies to making it stand out. Resumes are living documents Resumes are not meant to be static, unchanging from job opening to job opening. They are living — but no, your curriculum vitae should never walk and talk — documents and should be modified for different
Resume & CV
Mar 31st 2023

300+ Resume Action Words to Help You Stand Out from the Rest

Created by Cake Action verbs, like its name, help you to identify things you are doing in your life. You can use action words to tell that you are making a project with your current company, work with your group well or participate in different kinds of organizations. These are the typical action verbs you would see in everyone’s resumes. They are normal, and maybe boring in the eyes of the HR manager who has been scanning hundreds and
Resume & CV
Feb 14th 2022

300+ CV Adjectives to Make Your CV Stand Out

Created by Cake In this article, you will cover: Why Is It Important to Use Adjectives on Your CV? Good Adjectives for CV Skills Strong CV Adjectives for Different Roles Tips on How to Use Adjectives on the CV When Not to Use Adjectives on Your CV As we all know, an adjective is a word that helps describe the quality or state of a noun. Adjective words invoke readers' emotions toward the object being described (in this case, it

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