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Career Planning
May 19th 2020

4 Things You Should Ponder on Before Working at a Startup

yourself and ponder on before making the decision of working at a startup. 1. What is work ing at startup s like ? An industrial-style office, cool sticky-note meetings, a confident "pitch" – these are what most people think of startup businesses. While these indeed form part of their daily routine, startups are much more than that. If you plan to work at a startup, you must first understand the difference between a “startup” company and a “new” company. The
Career Planning
Jul 5th 2024

Top 8 Best Free Job Search Sites in Taiwan to Kickstart Your Career as an Expat (2024-2025 Update)

resources. Yourator Yourator is a job search platform that focuses on new startups, and its primary users are digital talents. It mentions on its site that Yourator "is for the new generation of workers." So, if you're searching for startup jobs, this is the place for you. When listing on Yourator, all employers are highly encouraged to add their company profiles, missions, values, and workplace culture. This way, job seekers can find employers with values that align with their
Resume & CV
Jan 10th 2022

Mastering Google Docs Resume Templates [w/ 10+ Essential Tips]

Docs resume template. It has a playful theme with warm orange headers. Additionally, there is extra space on the top right corner, where you can insert a professional resume photo. Coral is the best resume template from Google Docs for startup or casual jobs. Pros: The warm orange color for the headers increase a playful impression Spacious resume layout which can be visually pleasant Cons: Very plain design The format does not allow space for additional resume sections 💡 3
Job Search Tips
Aug 19th 2020

How to Find Jobs in India? 3 Best Ways for Job Hunting Online & Offline

of India. 2. Monster India Acclaimed the “Google” of the job search world, Monster offers a great deal of information needed for a job-searcher. Once you click on the website, there are some categories for you to choose from, jobs for freshers, international opportunities, contract gigs, walk-in jobs and services for the public sector if that’s what your heart desires. For those who want to leave the rigid corporate culture behind, some startup openings can be found
Job Search Tips
Apr 8th 2019

Applying for Internships and Jobs at Startups

of the field of work you are in! Why Join a Startup? Photo by Philippe Lewicki, used under CC BY / Desaturated from original Although joining an established company has countless perks, there are many different reasons why joining a tech startup can do wonders for you. Here are a few reasons you might want to consider applying to a tech startup. Dive in the deep end. If you are having a hard time landing a position at a big company
News & Updates
Mar 6th 2024

Talent Connect: Solusi Employer Branding bagi Perusahaan Anda

Tiga dari empat jobseeker mempertimbangkan employer brand sebuah perusahaan sebelum mereka mengajukan lamaran pekerjaan ( LinkedIn ). Di era ini, menarik dan mempertahankan kandidat unggul telah menjadi tantangan utama bagi banyak perusahaan. Oleh karena itu, employer branding menjadi salah satu kunci sukses bagi HR untuk merekrut tim-tim yang berkualitas dan berkinerja tinggi. Dengan menggambarkan nilai-nilai perusahaan secara jelas, mempromosikan budaya kerja inklusif, serta membangun reputasi yang kuat, perusahaan-perusahaan dapat menciptakan kesan yang mendalam di mata jobseeker dalam persaingan talent
Resume & CV
Jun 3rd 2024

14 Practical Tips for a Seamless Work in Taiwan Journey 2024

Taiwan has strong and growing engineering, IT, healthcare and semiconductor industries, where many international companies have set up their own branches. Alongside this, Taiwan is heavily promoting and investing in startup companies, and has an exciting startup environment. Whether you are a junior or experienced professional, if you have experience or expertise in one of these areas, you can expect to find a job relatively easily in Taiwan. Other industries are also open to hiring foreigners, however this will depend
Career Planning
Sep 28th 2022

But Really, What Are Job Requirements?

Created by Cake In this article, we'll cover: What are job requirements? Job requirement elements How to know if you meet the job requirements What if you don’t meet all the requirements? One of the first things that you will see when browsing for jobs or applying for vacancies is job requirements. But what are job requirements? They are essentially something that details the job criteria needed to be met for the candidate and the responsibilities expected of
Resume & CV
Oct 24th 2024

15+ Accounting Clerk Resume Templates & Examples (+Cover Letter Guide)

Accounting clerks are an indispensable part of the accounting profession and the job opportunities certainly reflect this. An accounting clerk’s duties and responsibilities include reviewing and maintaining accounting records, calculating interest on loans and bank accounts, and using accounting spreadsheets and databases. High demand for these jobs necessitates the need for a professional accounting clerk resume. With hundreds of applicants for each individual job, having a way to differentiate yourself from the competition is essential for success in this
People & Culture
Mar 6th 2024

From Freelancing to Content Marketing Intern at Cake

My journey of becoming a content marketing intern at Cake actually started from working as a freelance SEO content writer with them. Let’s start from summer 2021. I was in my 3rd year of uni in Taiwan as an Indonesian student, majoring in Applied Foreign Languages. And every one of my friends already got summer jobs in restaurants and stores making bucks, while I was still volunteering online as a content writer, penniless. FOMO almost made me follow my

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