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Interview Skills
Apr 26th 2022

How do you work under pressure?—Interview question tips

pressure? Do you work well with stress? What is the most stressful thing you’ve faced? Describe a time when you’ve been assigned an overwhelming task. What did you do? Tell me about a time when you had a stressful situation at work. How did you handle that situation? Why ask “how do you work under pressure?” Not only is ‘how do you work under pressure’ a way for employers to evaluate your mental strength in the face of
Career Planning
Jul 19th 2024

Work Efficiently Under Pressure: How-to & Tips

to a wide variety of situations at work. Remain calm There are many different ways to deal with stress at work, and one of the most popular methods is mindfulness. Mindfulness is the ability to be fully aware and present at the moment, and it helps you remain calm when working under pressure. When you're feeling overwhelmed by a stressful situation at work, take a few deep breaths and focus on the present moment. This will help you clear
Interview Skills
Mar 22nd 2022

How to Answer Behavioral Interview Questions [+ Dos & Don’ts]

is knowing how to address STAR behavioral questions. The STAR technique for interviews allows you to provide a clear, concise, and specific response by using real-life examples. Below are the key 4 elements in the STAR methodology for interviews : SITUATION - the context of an event, problem, or challenge you encountered at work TASK - the tasks and responsibilities you were in charge of in the last position ACTION - the steps you took in that context to resolve the issue RESULT
Interview Skills
Mar 22nd 2022

How to Decline a Job Offer: Tips, Email Samples & Phone Scripts

Consider how close or far the job is from your house and whether you are comfortable with the commute. Commuting can be an issue because it can take a lot of time out of your day and it can be stressful. ✅ Company culture Do you agree with the company's values and mission statement? Do you like the people you are going to work with? These may influence how happy you are at work and how long you stay
Interview Skills
Mar 24th 2022

Situational Interview Questions With Examples & Answers

situational interview questions. The acronym STAR stands for Situation, Tasks, Action, and Results . Let’s take a closer look at each of these elements to understand the STAR method. ✍️ Situation: The first part of your response should contextualize a situation or scenario in which the problem to be successfully addressed occurs—where it occurs, when, and how. ✍️ Tasks: Tasks refer to your mission or purpose in the context/situation previously described. What is the challenge that has arisen
Career Planning
Jan 13th 2023

The Counter Offer Letter Guide: Get Your Desired Salary!

Created by Cake In this article, we'll cover: What Is a Counter Offer Letter? Benefits of a Counter Offer Letter How to Write an Counter Offer Letter Tips for Writing a Perfect Counter Offer Letter Counter Offer Letter Example Counter Offer Letter Template Have you ever found yourself in a situation where a new job offer didn’t meet your expectations at all? Your prospective employer may offer below market-value salary, inadequate benefits and facilities, or unbearably limited
Career Development
Jul 31st 2024

How to Master Adaptability Skills? (+ Tips for Becoming More Adaptable)

apply their skills. The following skills that we will go over are examples of different types of adaptability skills. 1. Cognitive Adaptability Creative Thinking A big difference between the workplace and the classroom is that not every issue you find at work can be solved by looking it up in a textbook. Unforeseeable issues and sudden changes arise all the time at work, and often fundamental methods can’t solve them. Continuous learning like thinking outside the box to come
People Operations
Dec 3rd 2022

How to Provide Equal Employment Opportunity

requires any accommodations for the hiring process is welcome to contact her in advance. Judy is being EEO compliant by providing equal opportunity to all applicants. ✍🏻 Scenario 3 – EEO violation Jim is a web analyst who has been working at his tech company with a team of other web analysts for over a year. Jim finds out that the other members of his team are on a higher salary than him, despite doing the same job. Jim confronts
Resume & CV
Jan 12th 2022

Emergency Nurse Resume (Examples, Tips, Format)

You'll learn: How to Write a Professional Emergency Room (ER) Nurse Resume? What is the Best Resume Format for an Emergency Room (ER) Nurse Resume? How to Make an Emergency Room (ER) Nurse Resume? 10 Emergency Room (ER) Nurse Resume Dos and Don'ts Emergency Room Registered Nurse (ER RN) Resume Sample An emergency room (ER) nurse, or emergency department (ED) nurse, assists doctors and medical technicians in helping patients who are suffering from injuries, traumas, or other severe
Resume & CV
Jun 7th 2021

ICU Nurse Resume (Examples, Tips, Cover Letter)

Created by Cake You'll learn: How to write an ICU nurse resume? What to put on a resume for an ICU nurse? Tips for Writing the Best ICU Nurse Resume How to write an ICU nurse cover letter? ICU Nurse Resume Sample An ICU (Intensive Care Unit) nurse, also called a critical care nurse, is the one who provides health care to patients with severe illness or injuries in intensive-care units. This position’s typical responsibilities include closely

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