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Recruitment & HR
Mar 5th 2024

Talent Pool là gì? Top 4 lợi ích của nguồn Talent Pool

Ý nghĩa của Talent Pool là gì? Mục lục: Talent Pool là gì? Việc xây dựng và quản lý Talent Pool quan trọng như thế nào? 4 nguồn Talent Pool doanh nghiệp nên khai thác Cách xây dựng và quản lý Talent Pool hiệu quả Đối với các doanh nghiệp lớn trên thế giới hiện nay, Talent Pool là một thuật ngữ không còn quá xa lạ. Tuy nhiên, tại Việt Nam, việc xây dựng và quản lý Talent Pool
Recruitment & HR
Oct 3rd 2024

Membangun Talent Pool Berkualitas: Strategi, Contoh, Jenis, dll.

pasti akan membuat talent pool. Namun, terkadang terdapat kendala dalam cara membuat talent pool ini. Apakah perusahaan Anda sedang membuat talent pool? Bisa simak penjelasan CakeResume berikut ini, ya. Daftar isi: Apa itu Talent Pool? Jenis-jenis Talent Pool Manfaat Talent Pool Cara Membangun Talent Pool Perusahaan yang Berkualitas Contoh Talent Pool Berkualitas di Perusahaan Apa itu Talent Pool ? Sebelum belajar membuat talent pool, Anda perlu mengerti apa itu talent pool dan mengapa talent pool penting digunakan. Talent pool adalah
Recruitment & HR
Nov 22nd 2024

Strategi Merekrut Karyawan di Kala Persaingan yang Ketat | Cake Can Help

lebih dari 7 juta talenta digital Indonesia telah menggunakan CV online Cake dalam proses pencarian kerjanya. Dengan CV online dan situs lowongan kerja Cake, rekruter dapat terhubung dengan talent pool terbaik di Indonesia. Terhubung dengan +7 juta kandidat berkualitas di talent pool Cake dan temukan kandidat ideal Anda! Cari Kandidat Ideal Cari Kandidat dengan AI-Powered Talent Search Engine Kami mengerti sulitnya merekrut kandidat dengan skill-skill yang relevan di era digital ini. Maka itu, Cake merilis mesin talent search
Recruitment & HR
Dec 8th 2024

Talent Pipeline là gì? Khái niệm, lợi ích và quy trình xây dựng A-Z

VietnamWorks, TopCV hoặc từ các hội thảo, sự kiện ngành. Công ty lưu thông tin của họ vào cơ sở dữ liệu ứng viên để có thể liên hệ khi cần. So sánh Talent PoolTalent Pipeline Cả Talent PoolTalent Pipeline đều là những chiến lược quan trọng trong tuyển dụng, nhưng hai khái niệm này có những đặc điểm khác biệt rõ ràng. Dưới đây là bảng so sánh chi tiết: Đặc điểm Talent Pool Talent
People Operations
Jun 16th 2022

10 Best Locations & Companies for Offshore Software Development

are provided by companies or individuals who are based in a neighboring country. Let's look at the pros and cons of both. 🎯 Offshore software development ✅ Pros: Offshore development breaks down the geographic barriers of hiring software development talent, which means you get to tap into a global talent pool and find talent in countries with a lower cost of living. If you want to save on development costs without sacrificing quality, offshore development can be a cost
Recruitment & HR
Jul 17th 2019

如何用獵頭服務找到優秀人才?ShopBack 人資分享異業合作經驗

企業招募將需要花費更多時間在等待 candidate 的到來。而與獵頭合作,不僅能夠仰賴它所經營的人才庫(talent pool),讓招募的效率提升,獵頭也能夠成為企業的代言人,讓更多人了解這家企業。 Vivian 舉了一個簡單
People Operations
Oct 26th 2022

Your Guide to Internal Recruitment: Why, How, When + Tips

internally, you can save yourself from going through all the hassle other methods require. What is internal recruitment Let us start by learning the definition of internal recruitment. By saying internal recruitment, we mean filling job vacancies from the existing talent pool within a company. One of the benefits of internal recruitment is that it is usually a fast and convenient way to fill a position. However, internal and external recruitment are more similar than they are different. The processes
Job Search Tips
Jan 18th 2022

6 Best Freelance Sites to Land on a Job in 2022

2018 alone, the market share of the gig economy generated a whopping $1.28 trillion for the US economy. With all that said, how do you land on a freelance job in 2022? The Internet is a huge virtual global talent pool and there are two main ways for you: 1. Personal Websites Building your personal portfolio site is a wise move for the long run; you can build your reputation to a point where you can get a steady
Job Search Tips
Aug 19th 2020

How to Find Jobs in India? 3 Best Ways for Job Hunting Online & Offline

a job: Online job search websites , Facebook job groups , and walk-ins . These are some decent advice worth pondering! Online Job Search Sites 3 Domestic Online Job Search Sites 3 Domestic Online Job Search Sites The internet is a large talent pool, you’re bound to find plenty of opportunities online. Here are some promising websites with high-traffic, India-based websites that draw more than 1M visits per month. For freshers and veterans, your wishes to find a job
People Operations
Mar 6th 2024

A Complete Guide to the Recruitment Process in 2023-2024

Employees are undeniably valuable assets of an organization and the key to its success, no matter what level. They are highly skilled people who strive hard to deliver their best work and contribute to the profits and worth of the organization. To hire the right people for your business, you need to develop and implement an effective recruitment process. This is one of the most complex aspects of operating a business as there are different types of recruitment, and each

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