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Mar 6th 2024

How to Write a Professional Letter of Recommendation in 2023

 At some point in your studying path and career, you've probably needed a recommendation letter, which may go by different names such as a letter of recommendation, recommendation letter, letter of reference, or job reference. Whatever the term may be, this formal document is commonly associated with employment and university applications. A recommendation letter is typically written by a candidate’s past or present professional contact. A recommendation letter serves as a detailed endorsement that allows companies and
Recruitment & HR
Mar 6th 2024

A Survival Guide on How to Navigate Office Politics

Created by Cake You think you’ve found the perfect job and then BAM! Office politics. And even if examples of office politics haven’t cropped up yet in your career, it’s still highly likely that somewhere down the line they will, as 68% of respondents from a report by Pepperdine University describe them as being common in their workplace. Office politics is such a common phenomenon in the workplace that there’s an entire show based around it
Resume & CV
Feb 7th 2022

Tutor Resume: Example and Tips

Created by Cake You'll learn: How to pick the best tutor resume format 8 key sections to include in a resume for tutoring jobs 5 tips for writing a better tutor resume Finding a suitable tutor resume template Tutor resume sample Tutors commonly work as independent contractors in private companies, or in partnership with a school, university, or local education center. They usually perform the following tasks: Prepare lessons or assignments that are grade and subject appropriate Assess and
Career Development
Aug 23rd 2022

What Do I Major In? A Comprehensive Guide

Created by Cake In this article, we'll cover: What to Consider When Choosing a Major What to Do When You Don’t Know What to Major In What If You Still Don’t Know What to Major In? Reality Check If you’ve begun your academic career, you might be struggling to pick a major. It’s common for students to begin university without a clear idea of what to major in, and typically, students will change their major
Cover Letter
Oct 19th 2022

Write an Assistant Professor Cover Letter – Tips and Template

associate professor cover letter to the specific English department. This cover letter sample for assistant professors can act as a guide for your own application. Peter Ettore 111-111-1111 [email protected] Ginette Vibeke English Department Manager Great Mind University Dear Ms. Vibeke, I’m writing to apply for the open Assistant Professor position in the English Department at Great Mind University. I have a master’s degree in English literature from New City College and relevant experience as
Resume & CV
Feb 10th 2022

Best College Application Resume/CV with Examples [Resume Writing Guideline]

Created by Cake To get admitted by the dream colleges, all applicants have to go through complicated college application processes, including school/department selection, preparing entrance exams, interviews, and so on. Many high school graduates are busy preparing required documents during the college admission period. A resume for college application is important as it is the most direct way that the university can have profound insights into applicants. Your resume for college applications can show not only your abilities and

Mengenal Information Security Analyst, Profesi Bergaji Tinggi

Profesi Information Security Analyst alias Analis Keamanan Informasi adalah posisi yang potensial untuk digeluti saat ini, terutama karena data digital makin mudah untuk diakses oleh black hat hacker . Muncul perkiraan dari Insight Global, memasuki tahun 2025, dunia akan mengalami kerugian sebesar 10,5 Triliun Dollar Amerika karena kejahatan siber yang tidak dicegah dari awal. Tidak heran jika data dari Western Governors University memperkirakan kebutuhan atas tenaga ahli Information Security Analyst bakal meningkat sebesar 31%. Peningkatan tersebut selaras dengan meningkatnya penggunaan
Resume & CV
Jun 2nd 2022

How to List an Associate Degree on Resume? [+Examples & Tips]

Associate Degree on a Resume Associate Degree on Resume Examples An associate degree is an undergraduate degree awarded after completing a post-secondary program that lasts two to three years. It is a level of education between high school and university. Despite the relatively short duration of its course, an associate degree is no doubt a legitimate degree and can be put on a resume. According to Georgetown University’s study , some persons with associate degrees nowadays can even earn
Mar 23rd 2022

How to Make a Drawing Portfolio [+ Ideas & Examples]

Created by Cake In this article, we will include: What Is a Drawing Portfolio? How to Make a Drawing Portfolio - What to Include Tips on How to Make a Digital Drawing Portfolio Drawing Portfolio Examples An art drawing portfolio, or a drawing portfolio, is a compilation of an artist’s best works. Although a drawing portfolio sounds fitting for professional artists, many art students often need to make one for their classes or university applications. A drawing portfolio represents the
Personal Development
Jun 15th 2022

Growth Mindset: Arti, Penerapan dan Manfaatnya dalam Karir

Daftar isi : Growth Mindset vs Fixed Mindset Manfaat Memiliki Growth Mindset Cara Mengembangkan Growth Mindset Kesalahpahaman Tentang Growth Mindset Kesuksesan seseorang tidak hanya ditentukan dari bakat dan kemampuan yang dimiliki. Ada satu faktor yang paling penting dan kuat yang dapat mempengaruhi kesuksesan seseorang yaitu mindset atau pola pikir. Perspektif yang kamu miliki tentang diri kamu dapat sangat mempengaruhi kemampuan kamu untuk mendorong kesuksesan baik secara profesional maupun pribadi. Menurut seorang psikolog dari Stanford University, terdapat 2 jenis pola pikir, yaitu

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