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Oct 4th 2024

Contoh Portofolio Content Creator dan Tips Membuatnya!

semakin besar. Content creator yaitu termasuk penulis, jurnalis, influencer , desainer grafis, musisi, podcaster , pembuat video, dan lain-lain. Agar tetap kompetitif di industri, kamu perlu menonjol di antara content creator lain yang juga sama berbakat. Langkah pertama yaitu membuat sebuah portfolio content creator . Manfaatkan kemudahan akses teknologi, software , dan platform yang ada untuk membuat portofolio content creator yang menarik. Dengan dokumen ini, kamu bisa menunjukkan hasil karya terbaik kamu ke berbagai media online. Baca artikel Cake ini untuk memperoleh tips
Mar 23rd 2022

30 Photographer Websites That You Can’t Miss [+Tips]

the portfolio, you will be walking through different segments of services that they provide. Fashion Photography Portfolio by Rankin Todd Anthony Tyler - Fashion Photography Portfolio Todd Anthony Tyler is one of the most renowned fashion photographers. Todd’s fashion photography portfolio provides not only his photoworks but also a good self-introduction stating down his career experiences. Instead of using only words to be descriptive, he also included a video clip to be more explanatory. Fashion Photography Portfolio by Todd
Cover Letter
Sep 16th 2024

Crafting a Standout Social Media Manager Cover Letter [+Templates & Tips]

Social Media Cover Letter For those who are pursuing a career in social media , a cover letter is another important piece of document in your application, alongside a social media manager's resume and portfolio! According to a survey of 625 hiring managers in the UK, more than 80% confirmed that they always read candidates' Cover Letters . This partly reflects that besides resumes, cover letters also play an important part in increasing your chance of getting into that interview! Therefore
Oct 8th 2021

Cara Membuat Portofolio Online: 15 Website Gratis untuk Portofolio yang Menarik

sebuah CV maker online dimana kamu bisa bikin CV gratis yang menarik. Kini, Cake menyediakan platform membuat web portofolio terbaik yang bisa digunakan oleh orang-orang dari berbagai macam profesi. Kamu bisa dengan mudah membuat portofolio online gratis tanpa batas. Portfolio Website Cake ✨ Fitur: Portfolio website Cake menyediakan tools pengeditan canggih serta pilihan warna yang banyak. Kamu bisa menampilkan video dalam portofolio dan kamu juga bisa menyambungkan portofolio ke CV kamu sehingga memudahkan rekruter untuk melihat koleksi karya kamu
Resume & CV
Aug 30th 2024

15+ Marketing Coordinator Resume Examples and Templates

and expertise. Personal information Start off your marketing coordinator resume with a snapshot of who you are as a marketing professional. Include the following information: Name Professional title/marketing niche Email Address Phone Number Address or City Link to your portfolio It's not essential to include your social media on your marketing coordinator resume, but if you use social media platforms as a way of hosting your portfolio work, then you can consider including it. Make sure your resume
Career Planning
Mar 6th 2024

Make Money With These 10 Side Hustle Ideas

to figure out what you can do best. Make a list of your skills and examine your areas of expertise. Another consideration for a side hustle is your hobby – for example, a fitness lover could coach people on the side, or a knitting enthusiast can sell their products online. Step 2: Prepare Your Portfolio A portfolio of your previous side hustle jobs can help you stand out. Tools like Cake’s portfolio builder can help you prepare an effective po...
Dec 13th 2024

15+ Contoh Portofolio Lamaran Kerja Menarik dan Cara Membuatnya!

kerja kamu. CakeResume : CakeResume merupakan situs untuk membuat portofolio lamaran kerja yang baik karena tampilan yang sederhana dan mudah untuk dioperasikan. Portofolio online CakeResume dapat dicantumkan di CV sebagai link. Selain itu, membuat portofolio lamaran kerja di CakeResume gratis dan tidak dibatasi loh! Behance : Behance merupakan salah satu platform yang paling banyak digunakan untuk membangun portfolio designer website, khususnya portfolio UX designer dan portfolio UI designer . Besarnya komunitas digital disana menjadikan Behance sebagai platform untuk rekruter mencari orang-orang bert...
Resume & CV
Aug 4th 2021

Cara Membuat CV Online yang Menarik di Cake, 100% Gratis!

akan lebih berfokus tentang bagaimana cara mendesain CV yang menarik dengan menggunakan template CV yang profesional. Setelah mempelajari tentang bagaimana membuat CV online dan memodifikasinya, pastinya CV lamaran kerja kalian akan berbeda dengan pelamar kerja lainnya dan mendapatkan perhatian rekruter. Tips & Trik Membuat CV Online Gratis di Cake: Pilih Template CV Gratis Mengedit dan Modifikasi CV Mengganti Background atau Warna Dasar CV Mengganti Warna, Ukuran dan Jenis Font Mengganti Susunan Format CV Menambahkan Foto atau Video pada CV Masukkan Link
Career Planning
Nov 10th 2022

Kickstart Your Freelancing Career: Top 20 Freelance Websites

Created by Cake In this article, we’ll go over Top 20 Freelance Websites: Upwork Fiverr Cake We Work Remotely Freelancer.com Designhill LinkedIn Aquent Guru Toptal People Per Hour Behance Dribbble TaskRabbit DesignCrowd Authentic Jobs 99Designs ServiceScape FlexJobs JustRemote Freelancing keeps gaining track year by year. Researchers estimate that by 2027, freelancers will take up to 50.9% of the US Workforce. Freelancers get jobs from a wide variety of channels. Some check freelance websites, some use different social
Sep 1st 2021

How to Make an Online Portfolio [+ Tips, Examples, Guide]

In this article, you will learn about: What is an online portfolio? How to build a professional work portfolio What to include in an online portfolio (+tips for 15 different portfolio types) Summary/Key takeaways Just like how arguments are more persuasive with supporting evidence, resumes and job applications are also more appealing with portfolios. But some may ask, what is a portfolio ? By definition, a portfolio is a document of various materials compiled, that showcases both your personal and

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