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Career Planning
May 19th 2020

4 Things You Should Ponder on Before Working at a Startup

a startup. 1. What is work ing at startup s like ? An industrial-style office, cool sticky-note meetings, a confident "pitch" – these are what most people think of startup businesses. While these indeed form part of their daily routine, startups are much more than that. If you plan to work at a startup, you must first understand the difference between a “startup” company and a “new” company. The difference between startup companies and general businesses lies in their distinct
Career Planning
Nov 3rd 2020

First job for freshers: Startups or Corporates? 3 differences

For freshers, startups allow you to know your preferences before deciding which specific skill you want to develop. But for others, the aforementioned features could be an added layer of pressure, they’d prefer a clear chain of command and lists of duties. They might prefer to work at established companies. In enterprise careers, the environment is more “tepid,” you won’t need to shoulder tremendous responsibility, even if mistakes are made, consequences won’t be so severe. In establish...
Job Search Tips
Apr 8th 2019

Applying for Internships and Jobs at Startups

working your way up. Bite off more than you can chew. In addition to having a better shot at being selected at a small outfit compared to a big player, you will also be exposed to a bigger variety of work and job functions, giving you a better handle of all the hard work that goes into tech services provision. Fewer employees at startups means not just access to more varied work, but also greater recognition of your contribution in
Career Development
Mar 6th 2024

Success Secrets 101: A Guide to Career Development for Students

positions could be to start a blog or work at the school paper. Gain Practical Experience Relevant and practical work experience is often the most valued section on a resume. Taking the form of internships, part-time jobs, and volunteer work , these experiences demonstrate a clear and continued interest in a specific field. Work experience is also a great indicator to employers of your ability to perform well in real-world work environments, as well as your professional development during
Career Planning
Sep 7th 2022

What Are Work Styles & How to Find Yours

often collaborate or work in teams, utilizing the strengths of your and others’ work styles allows teams to work more cohesively. Not only does individual work style impact team projects; preferences in teamwork style might differ greatly to how you work alone. Understanding these will allow team dynamics to quickly settle. 3. Suitable career paths: Your work style is ultimately how you prioritize communication and your attitudes towards outcomes at work. A reason you might be unhappy with your job
People & Culture
Mar 6th 2024

From Freelancing to Content Marketing Intern at Cake

had a good feeling about the interview since they gave me a positive response and explained the workflow, payment, tools, etc. Here are some of the things that helped me with the job interview: Being confident in myself and my work Do a lot of research about Cake and SEO Practice my presentation and interview questions many times Bring a pen and paper to the interview ✨ How Did I Become a Content Marketing Intern at Cake? Six months later
Career Development
Aug 12th 2024

From Campus to Career: How Networking in College Pays Off

Table of Contents The Benefits of Networking While You're Still in College Networking Tips for Early Career Professionals Common FAQ about Networking Networking is something that can happen anywhere, at any time. A 1-minute conversation in an elevator could lead to your dream job. When you're good at networking, you'll generate countless opportunities for success. However, don’t think that just because you’re still in college, your chances to network are limited. In fact, networking
Resume & CV
Feb 25th 2021

How to write an internship resume? Pro Tips for Students

Though internships might strike you with stereotypes such as low pays and repetitious errands, there are indeed some great internship jobs you can ponder upon. Here are a few things to think carefully before crafting your resume: What kind of work do I want to try? What kind of work culture would suit me? (e.g. Startups, SMEs, big corporate) What are my strengths and personal interests? The research can be pretty mundane, but answers to these questions can help
Resume & CV
Oct 24th 2024

Top 20+ Backend Developer Resume Examples and Writing Guide

Getting a good backend developer job starts with a good resume. While an emphasis on coding is key in the industry, qualified individuals still need a cohesive backend developer resume to present their skills and projects in an organized fashion to future employers. And with the number of developers around the globe expected to reach 28.7 million , having a good backend developer resume is key to getting that coveted interview. Table of Contents: How to Write a Winning Backend
Job Search Tips
Jan 18th 2022

Freelancers in 2022: Top 8 Most Lucrative Industries

Hey there, we’re coming to the end of a magnificent decade. Bid farewell to 2021 and hello 2022! 2021 was a whirlwind of a year: a bumpy one for the world, but for the freelancing industry, it’s undoubtedly rewarding. Thanks to the Internet, with one simple click, you’re connected with the world and surrounded by an unprecedented lot of information and opportunities that can blow your mind. In 2019, we saw a proliferated growth in the freelancing

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