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People Operations
Jul 14th 2024

8+ Effective Employee Recognition Examples for 2024 to Boost Staff Morale

way to increase morale, productivity, and output. In this article, we’ll explore ways you can plan an employee recognition program and discuss why they are so important. Remember, when you empower employees through recognition, you foster a positive work culture that benefits the entire team. Table of Contents What Are Employee Recognition Programs? Why Are Employee Recognition Programs Important? Employee Recognition Program Examples Key Takeaways What Are Employee Recognition Programs? An employee recognition program is a way for organizations
Recruitment & HR
Mar 6th 2024

Creating an Inclusive Workplace: a How-to Guide for Staff and Employers

inclusive workplace is to honor employee’s differences and contributions to make work a safe and enjoyable environment for everyone. There are many different benefits of creating an inclusive workplace, and here are just a few: Benefits of An Inclusive Workplace Improved Employee Engagement Employees that feel safe and valued are going to be less stressed, and more content and engaged at work. Increased Productivity As employee engagement rises, so does productivity. An inclusive workplace culture removes tension and supports
Career Planning
Mar 6th 2024

Ultimate Step-by-Step Guide to Crafting a Two-Week Notice Letter

Created by Cake Whether you’re changing jobs , taking personal leave or retiring , notifying your workplace in a professional manner is required. However, writing a two week notice letter can prove to be quite tricky, depending on the reason you're leaving or your workplace culture. Although they are not always required by law, a two-week notice letter is an important piece of documentation which you should always provide when leaving a company. Here, we will provide you with
People Operations
Dec 3rd 2022

How to Provide Equal Employment Opportunity

Created by Cake In this article, we’ll cover: What is EEO? EEO Compliance How to Make Sure You’re EEO Compliant EEO Violation Examples Companies nowadays are often promoting diversity and inclusion within their workplace, and this extends to their hiring practices. However, whilst diversity, equity and inclusion are related to workplace culture, equal employment opportunity (EEO) is related to the protection of employees against discrimination during the hiring process and the employment. EEO is enforced by law, and
Recruitment & HR
Mar 6th 2024

Am I in a Toxic Work Environment? [+Signs & How to Deal]

Created by Cake Being employed in a typical 9:5 job means that more than half of your time in a week is spent at work. Workplace environments, therefore, play a pivotal role in shaping our professional experiences. It influences everything from career growth to mental well-being. You might be fortunate enough to get a job with a positive workplace culture that also pushes you to climb your career ladder. However, at the same time, many people out there
People Operations
Jul 20th 2024

Ways to Boost Employee Loyalty and Drive Business Success

Ways to Boost Employee Loyalty and Drive Business Success A productive and positive company culture relies on commitment from both the employer and employees. This commitment is also known as employee loyalty, where employees feel a sense of belonging and want to express that through being dedicated to their company. Fostering loyal employees can allow you to have more dedicated teams who do great work; and can also help with overall workplace culture. With almost 80% of employees saying that
Recruitment & HR
Apr 17th 2023

Cultural Fit: What You Need to Know and Its Importance in the Hiring Process

Cultural Fit vs Cultural Add How to Hire for Cultural Add Company culture can make or break organizational productivity. Whether it’s a quiet and professional office or a lively and interactive space, you’ve probably experienced how company culture can govern the way you present yourself, what you feel are appropriate ways of conduct or how openly you can communicate with others. Companies can suffer from disparate views that block collective progress without an established workplace culture. Even
Career Planning
Aug 30th 2022

How to Write an Engaging Letter of Intent [Tips & Examples]

This is when a letter of interest comes into the picture. A letter of interest is a great way of putting yourself out there first for potential dream companies to know about you and understand why you fit into their workplace culture. Who knows? You might be their dream employee! Read on to find out how to format a letter of intent, how to write a letter of intent, tips on writing a letter of intent, and examples of letters
People Operations
Jun 20th 2024

Fostering a Positive Work Environment (How to Do It & Why It Matters)

Fostering a Positive Work Environment Workplace environment and culture contribute greatly to employee well-being and overall satisfaction. Many job hunters are starting to prioritize workplace environments; with 88% of employees believing a positive workspace contributes to an organization's success, fostering a positive work environment is essential for employee retention , business success, and company reputation . A positive work environment goes beyond team-building activities, holiday parties, and happy hours. Work culture is cultivated every day through employee interactions, leadership
Recruitment & HR
Mar 10th 2024

The Go-To Employee Offboarding Checklist (2024 Tips & Guide Update)

 The Go-To Employee Offboarding Checklist The two most challenging things to say in life are hello for the first time and goodbye for the last. This sentiment also applies to the realm of human resources, where employees come and go. While much has been said about how to make a great first impression on employees' first day, it is crucial to recognize that the last impression, or offboarding, is much more than just bidding farewell to the employees

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