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Career Planning
Mar 6th 2024

Active Listening: Why Is It Important and How to Improve It

Created by Cake Good communication, whether you work with a team or independently, is the key to professional success. It not only helps you advance your career but also makes you a more thoughtful and mature person. And at the heart of effective communication, lies active listening. You might have heard of the term active listening while looking at resume samples online , interview tips or career development advice . But what exactly is active listening? How do you become a better
Career Planning
Mar 6th 2024

Top 5 Highest Paid Jobs in the Current Market 2023 - 2024

What Makes a High-Paying Job In recent years, the landscape of well-paying jobs has evolved significantly. Technological advancements and the modernization of the workspace have spelt drastic changes to the types of jobs available, the technical qualifications needed to work them, and the corresponding compensation for these more technical positions. Jobs that pay well now are typically those that have not yet been automated or replaced by emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence. According to recent research conducted
Career Planning
Mar 6th 2024

How to be a Good Leader: Guide to Mastering Leadership!

Created by Cake Tim Cook, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, and Elon Musk are household names that all have one thing in common; they are excellent leaders that have taken their companies to the very highest level. In many cases, a visionary leader is what separates a successful company from a great company. But, of course, this is much easier said than done! This begs the question: How do you become a good and effective leader? Being a good leader is
Career Planning
Dec 20th 2022

Last Assignment in December: Jotting Down Your 2023 Career Resolution

“The unexamined life is not worth living.” The famous Greek philosopher Socrates once said. And yes, our little self-pondering at the end of the year might not qualify as “examining life” that Socrates referred to (hint: it’s a life-long task). But hey, reflecting on the past situation and making new resolutions do have their own merits. They help us mull over what we have done. Good or bad. As well as driving us forward. Be it
Career Planning
Aug 22nd 2022

Why You Should Hire a Career Counselor

Created by Cake In this article, we'll cover: What is a Career Counselor? Signs You Should Hire a Career Counsellor How to Select a Career Counselor What to Do Before You Hire a Career Coach A career coach or career counselor can give you advice and guidance on a number of job-related topics. People might go to career counseling if they are trying to decide on their next career path, if they are not sure what kind of
Career Planning
Aug 22nd 2022

Get Hired: The Ultimate Guide to Tackling Job Search Obstacles

Created by Cake In this article, we'll cover: Reasons Why You’re Not Getting Interviews Reasons Why You’re Getting Rejected After Interviews Job Search Tips What Else to Do When You Can’t Find a Job Have you ever found yourself asking, "Why can't I find a job?" It's so frustrating. You're qualified, you have experience, and you're a hard worker, and yet you struggle to find a job. If so, you're not

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