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Recruitment & HR
Mar 6th 2024

How to Announce an Employee is Leaving [+Examples & Writing Tips]

Whether it be for the sake of professional progression or conflict within the workplace, there are many reasons that an employee can announce their departure from a company. It is standard practice for either the company administration or the employee to announce their resignation to the staff as a matter of courtesy and respect. Announcing that an employee is leaving allows the staff to keep updated as to who their colleagues are so that work can continue as usual after
Recruitment & HR
Mar 6th 2024

How to Draft an Effective Performance Improvement Plan [+ FAQs]

As a business owner, you should constantly be seeking ways to improve workflow, efficiency, and returns on your investments. Thus, it is critical for employers to constantly monitor and maintain the performance level of their employees. But what happens when an employee is falling short of the mark? It is not always the best idea to simply fire and rehire. A great way to maintain and guide the performance level of employees is through a performance improvement plan! Performance improvement
Recruitment & HR
Mar 6th 2024

Complete Guide to Writing a Relieving Letter [+ Examples & Tips]

Created by Cake In our fast-paced and ever-changing professional world, the transition between jobs can be a highly stressful endeavor. Transitioning or resigning from a job , thankfully, does not always come from a negative experience in one place of employment. In fact, moving between jobs is seen as a great way to progress up the corporate ladder and leverage prior experiences into higher-paying jobs . That said, the bureaucratic systems in place mandate some form of physical communication
Recruitment & HR
Mar 6th 2024

Do’s and Don’ts When Dealing with Difficult Co-Workers

Created by Cake In a typical 9-5 job, over 30% of your day is surrounded by the same people. While having a healthy and fully cooperating work environment is the best feeling ever, there are often a couple of co-workers that are difficult to deal with. Whether it be a difference in opinion, values, or personal problems, you may find yourself having to deal with difficult colleagues in the office regularly. Conflict management and having complete control over
Recruitment & HR
Apr 24th 2023

10 Types of Leaves In Company For Better Employees Retention [+ Examples]

10 Types of Company Leaves In this article, you'll read about: Why You Should Have Leave Policies 10 Types of Leaves - Definition & Examples Including paid leaves in working policies is a must for many employers to grow their business and drive the workforce. If team members know they have access to their proper leave entitlements, they will have more confidence and trust in the business. An employee-friendly leave policy helps drive employee satisfaction and loyalty, thus leading to
Recruitment & HR
Nov 18th 2022

How to Classify Types of Employees (Definitions & Examples)

Created by Cake In this article, we’ll cover: Employees vs Contingent Workers Different Types of Employees Different Types of Contingent Workers What to Consider When Hiring The demands of an organization are ever-changing. If you’re a business owner or HR professional, you might be deciding the types of employees to hire to implement your organization’s plans and realize its potentials. You may opt to hire different types of employees on a full-time, part-time, temporary
Recruitment & HR
Sep 23rd 2024

35 Common Business Analyst Interview Questions

Like all interviews, a successful business analyst interview requires careful preparation on both sides. Interviewers should have a good sense of what traits and skills they want to evaluate in interview, while prospective business analysts should be prepared for a range of questions that test technical and soft skills. Business analyst interviews can be fairly comprehensive and may occur over multiple stages, including pre-screening, technical assessments, a standard interview, case studies, and a final hiring team interview. This article
Recruitment & HR
Mar 6th 2024

A Short Guide to Gender Equality in the Workplace

Created by Cake Claudia Goldin recently became the first solo woman to win a Nobel prize in economics, and her award-winning research focused – fittingly – on women's employment and pay. Her work highlighted the fact that even now there still exists a substantial pay gap and a problem with gender equality in the workplace. The issue of gender inequality in the workplace is still topical in 2023. Low wage roles are still on average occupied by more women , while
Recruitment & HR
Mar 6th 2024

Am I in a Toxic Work Environment? [+Signs & How to Deal]

Created by Cake Being employed in a typical 9:5 job means that more than half of your time in a week is spent at work. Workplace environments, therefore, play a pivotal role in shaping our professional experiences. It influences everything from career growth to mental well-being. You might be fortunate enough to get a job with a positive workplace culture that also pushes you to climb your career ladder. However, at the same time, many people out there
Recruitment & HR
Mar 6th 2024

Mental Health Leave of Absence: How to Ask When You Need It!

Created by Cake Mental health plays a major role in our everyday lives, especially at work. Many people say that their workload from the office tends to pile up very easily, and when it does, it can get a bit overwhelming. Talking about mental health might not be easy for everyone, especially when they are opening up about their feelings in a workplace setting. Research shows that there is not a small number of employees who choose to suppress their

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