Whether you're an international student looking for a part-time job in cleaning, or simply someone who simply seeks for a job in cleaning, a good cover letter to elaborate on your skills is always good to have when submitting your job application.
A cover letter is a one-page letter that introduces your working intentions for the company to the recruiter. It is one helpful letter that helps you get the chance for an interview with the recruiter. In this article, we will share with you how you can write the best cover letter for cleaning jobs along with some examples, templates, and tips.
Just like how you would write a cover letter attached with any CV, the structure is almost the same. Let’s take a look at how to write a simple cleaner cover letter.
At the very beginning of your writing, you should fill in the contact information and address of both you and the recruiting company as the cover letter header. This ensures your reader knows how to get back to you when they need it.
The cleaning cover letter header should look like this if you are sending a written mail.
After completing the header, you should greet the recruiter formally and directly. The basic format of a cover letter salutation is “Dear/Hello” + Employer’s name.
Here’s an example: “Dear Mr. Samson,”
💡 Pro tip: You can always find the employer’s name on the company’s official website. Greeting the employer directly adds more points to the employer's eyes.
In the opening paragraph, you will have to introduce yourself about your working experience and personal traits while also explaining the purpose of writing. You may use 2 to 3 sentences to complete the introduction to keep it brief and informative.
💡 Pro tip: Informing the recruiter about what you can offer to the company can help catch their attention at the beginning of the letter.
When writing the body paragraph of an application letter as a cleaner, you should use words to demonstrate your skills. This relevant information is more convincing when you include them as a story in your elaboration of the work experience.
💡 Pro tip: You can use bullet points and numeric values to catch the recruiter’s attention. It is also easier to understand when there are numbers to see.
One more thing that you should mention is how your goal aligns with the business’s values so that your growth in the company will also provide help to the company’s growth. Recruiter’s like applicants who have the same values as the company because it makes working together in the future easier.
Now that you have reached the end of your sharing, you would want to wrap up your cleaning cover letter with a few sentences. The right way to do it is to use a call-to-action to invite the recruiter for an interview and also review your attachments like the resume and other qualification certifications.
Last but not least, sign off your cleaning cover letter with your full name at the bottom of the letter. This ends the writing completely and you will need to read it again to avoid grammar mistakes.
Rachyl Liza
351 West Aspen Avenue
Chillicothe, OH 45601
[email protected]
Aug 24, 2022
Rosie Templeton
Exploration Kids
71 Pearl Avenue
Lewis Center, OH 43035
Dear Ms. Templeton,
My name is Rachyl Liza, an independent, self-motivated, and hard-working neat freak who has 2 years of working experience as a cleaner at Piccolo Co. I saw the opening for a cleaner at jobhunt.com and I am seeking a new environment change for my cleaning career. Hence, I am very interested in taking that position.
During my time as a cleaner at Piccolo Co, I worked well with other colleagues and had a great time completing the cleaning tasks over the company. My daily tasks were surrounded by tasks like vacuuming the offices, dusting the shelves, cleaning the washrooms, and keeping the working environment safe for every worker in the company.
While I was working at Piccolo Co, I developed an interest in children because some of my colleagues often shared their experiences taking care of their children. It inspired me to want to provide a clean space for children to learn and have fun. I believe with my current cleaning experiences, I would be able to help maintain great hygiene for the children at Exploration Kids.
I have attached my resume in the mail and it would be great if you can take a look at it. Please send an email if you have any questions; an interview would also be great. Thank you for your time and I look forward to your reply.
Rachyl Liza
Angie Lam
529 North Redwood St.
Morgantown, WV 26508
[email protected]
Aug 25, 2022
Inga Simone
Sunshine Hotel
700 Ashley Street
Sioux City, IA 51106
Dear Ms. Simone,
My name is Angie Lam and I am a fresh graduate from Monroe College with a bachelor’s degree in Hospitality Management. I found the opening for a cleaner position at Sunshine Hotel and I am very interested to join the team and be part of the company.
Throughout my college years, I have learned different skills in cleanliness and hygiene management as per the course’s requirements. I have also taken an interest in keeping things clean and tidy so that it would be eye-pleasing and also comforting when customers get into a hotel. I love deep cleaning, I have good stamina and I seek to make my abilities to good use while also learning in Sunshine Hotel.
Though I do not have any experience working in a hotel, I still have an internship experience at Crocolake Motel which is where I gained some cleaning product knowledge and the communication skills to provide help whenever the customers need it. I also have great attention to detail when it comes to cleaning because I know that it is important to not leave out any corners for the customers to spot and have negative reviews for the hotel.
I am excited to be part of Sunshine Hotel and I have attached my resume to this email. It would be great if we can have an interview for me to provide more information. Last but not least, thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Best regards,
Angie Lam
As mentioned above, a cleaner job is a hands-on job. A hiring manager takes your cleaning skills stated in the cover letter to evaluate if you are suitable for the position.
Here, you can find 10 examples of hard and soft skills required of a cleaning professional:
Listing out skills in a cleaning cover letter can show the recruiter that you are qualified for the requirements but describing them by mentioning how you use those skills in the job can make it more understandable. Here’s an example:
I am highly attentive to details when it comes to cleaning specific areas. I clear out all the dust and gunks when cleaning because as a housekeeper, I have to ensure the place is clean and safe for the children to stay in. I believe my attention to detail will also help me notice the places that are needed to be cleaned in Hospital Marina to ensure there is nowhere for the bacteria to grow.
You might find it a little hard to form the body paragraph when you do not have any work experience as a cleaner. However, you can emphasize the details about your daily cleaning experience and what skills you have gained from them. This showcases your skills and allows the recruiter to have a concept of your capabilities.
Recruiters wouldn’t want to spend time on an email that is very informal like written friendly mail. Hence, you should show your professionalism to the application by using the correct formatting for the cleaning cover letter.
Don’t worry if you do not know the correct format because there’s a template for you to refer to when you scroll down.
A one-page cover letter is not a place for you to tell long stories. Recruiters want to spend less time on every applicant’s attachments. Therefore, you should keep your information short but informative and avoid including unnecessary details that wouldn’t get you the job.
This simple application letter template for cleaners might be your lifesaver if you don’t know how to start writing
[Sender’s Name]
[Sender’s Mailing Address]
[Sender’s Contact Information]
[Date of Writing]
[Recruiter’s Name]
[Company’s Name]
[Company’s Mailing Address]
Dear Mr./Ms. [Recruiter's Name],
My name is [Your name], and I am [Your qualifications] who is eager to be applying for the position at [Company’s name] where I saw from [The place where you found the job listing]. [Your reason to apply for the position and your career goals].
During my time working at [Your previous job], I have [Achievement #1], [Achievement #2], and [Achievement #3]. I have gained [Relevant skills gained from previous experience] which will benefit me for the position at [Company name].
Moreover, I am a [Personal trait #1], and [Personal trait #2] person who is [soft skill #1], [soft skill #2], [soft skill #3]. I believe with my experiences and skills, I would be a great fit for the company.
I have attached my resume to this email for your reference. If you have any questions, feel free to email me. It would be great if we can have an interview for me to provide more information. I look forward to hearing some good news from you soon. Thank you.
[Your signature]
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— Originally written by Ryan Goh —
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