Best Computer Skills for Your Resume: How to List Them & Examples

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In this information age, computer skills are of paramount importance, especially for your resume. There is hardly any professional position that doesn’t require some level of computer skills. To get a job, learning how to list computer skills on the resume is, thus, an integral part to resume writing.

This task might seem a bit overwhelming as there is a great deal of computer skills that could be put on the resume. And after you pick out the most important and relevant software and hardware skills for your resume, you still have to come up with a way to clearly describe the levels of your computer skills. 

In this article, we’ve provided a detailed guide on how to list computer skills on a resume with examples to help you showcase your computer literacy.

💡 Tip: Effective demonstration of computer literacy, including basic computer skills, software skills, and hardware skills, in your CV helps the recruiter to understand how good your command over computers is and how your computer skills can translate to producing desired results efficiently. This is one of the good skills to include on your resume.

Computer Skills for Your Resume

Before considering what computer skills to put on your resume, you need to carefully read the job description of the position you want to apply for. Instead of including all the computer skills you have on the resume, write down only ones that are relevant so that the hiring team can see your computer proficiency fits the position at a glance.

For example, if you are a recent computer science graduate looking for jobs in the field, it is crucial for you to know what technical skills for computer science students are needed for the role and show them on your resumes.

After you read the job description and requirements carefully, you can start brainstorm what computer skills to put on the resume by identifying the different types of common computer skills. 

 Common computer skills that can be listed on a resume can be divided into four groups: basic computer skills, web tool skills, software skills and hardware skills.

1. Basic Computer Skills

Basic computer skills concerns your ability to operate a computer for day-to-day office work. They are needed for a wide variety of positions, such as data entry clerks, business development representatives, etc, and are good skills for resume. Do not dismiss them as even the most basic skills, like typing skills, on a resume, can help you impress the hiring team when suitably placed on a resume.

Below is a list of example basic computer skills for resumes: 

  • Typing 
  • Word Processing: Microsoft Word, Microsoft OneNote, SharePoint, Pages, Google Docs
  • Presentation Tools: Microsoft PowerPoint, Keynote, Google Slides
  • Spreadsheet: Microsoft Excel, Numbers, Google Sheets
  • Communication Tools: Microsoft Outlook, Mail, Gmail, Microsoft Team, Google Hangout, Skype, Zoom, Slack, TeamViewer
  • Cloud: Microsoft OneDrive, iCloud, Google Drive, Dropbox
  • Scheduling Tools: Outlook Calendar, Calendar, Google Calendar
  • Web Browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Safari

Further reading:  How to List Microsoft Office Skills on a Resume [+50 Examples]

2. Web Tool Skills

Web tool skills relate to your ability to utilize web interfaces to manage website content as well as store and analyze data. These computer skills are good skills to include on resume for marketing specialists and data analysts and roles in similar fields; they should be reflected on the resume if you are considering applying for the type of job.

Here are some example web tool skills to put in a resume:

  • Blogging: CSS, HTML, WordPress, Content Management System (CMS)
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Google Pagespeed Insight, Google Mobile-Friendly Test, Google Ads Keyword Planner, Google Trend, Ahrefs, Ahrefs’ Backlink Checker, Ahrefs’ SEO Toolbar, Moz, SEMrush, GTmetrix, Yoast SEO, Classy Schema Structured Data Viewer, SERP Robot, SERPsim, XML Sitemaps
  • Social Media: Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, YouTube, Hootsuite
  • Web Builder: Wix, Weebly, Squarespace, WordPress,, HubSpot Web Builder, Gator, Shopify

3. Software Skills

Software skills refer to your ability to efficiently use computer programs to produce desired results. For people applying for professional creative and analyst jobs, software skills in resumes are crucial, whereas database skills on resumes are central to programmers. The majority of their work depends on their proficiency in various computer software programs, so make sure to show your software skills if you are applying for those jobs.

Below are examples of some good software skills for your resume: 

  • Data Science: Microsoft Access, NoSQL, BI Tools, MYSQL, SQL, MATLAB, Erwin DM, ETL Tools, Talented, Apache Spark, etc.
  • Design & Creativity: Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Premiere Pro, After Effects, Spark, Dreamweaver, Adobe XD, Audition), GarageBand, Ableton Live, Logic Pro, Audacity, etc.
  • Business Management: Business continuity planning (BCP), Customer relationship management (CRM), E-Commerce, HR management tools (Kissflow HR Cloud, Zoho People, iCIMS Talent Acquisition, Breezy HR, ADP), Enterprise resource planning (ERP), etc.  
  • Web Development & Programming: Ruby on rails,  XML, Swift, Python, Java, JavaScript,  Perl, PHP, etc.

Further reading:  100+ Must-Have IT Skills on Your Resume (with Examples)

4. Hardware Skills

Hardware skills, or technical skills, in a resume involve your ability to build and fix a computer or other electronic devices. They are essential skills for technicians, desktop supports and engineers, and so on. 

On a resume, hardware skills can be categorized into three different groups: internet connection, operating system maintenance, and computer drivers and component configuration.

Below are some good example hardware skills for your CV: 

  • Internet Connection: wireless configuration, modem, router, IP address, bandwidth, ethernet connection
  • Operating System Maintenance: software update, computer component maintenance (motherboard, hard drive, central processing unit, power supply, bluetooth & wireless cards, cooling system, video, sound, & network cards, random access memory, ports)
  • Computer Drivers & Components Configuration: external devices (monitor, printer, scanner, hard drive)

These are all software skills examples and computer technical skills examples that can be put on your resume and help you stand out. Having seen examples of god computer skills to list on resume, you might be wondering now: where do I put my computer skills on my resume?

How to List Computer Skills on a Resume

In a resume, there are four sections where you can describe your computer skills: resume summary section, skill section, work experience section, and certification section. Each has its own pros and cons.

Here are some ways to describe your computer skills, with examples.

Resume Summary Section:

You can mention one or two of your most impressive computer skills that are relevant to the job, whether they are basic computer skills, web tool skills, software skills, or hardware skills, at the top of your resume. Write a couple of sentences to make an impression on the hiring team.

✅  Pro: 

  • Guarantees that the HR manager sees your computer literacy in cv

❌  Con: 

  • Limits the number of computer skills you can include in this section

Example of listing computer skills in resume summary section:

Detail-oriented and creative computer scientist, with 5 years of experience in project management. Expert in cross-platform coding. 

Skills Section:

The skill section, alternatively known as “core competencies” or “key skills”, is a good place to list your computer skills in bullet points. Group them if you have more than 10 skills.

✅  Pro: 

  • Allows you to list as many relevant skills as you see fit

❌  Con: 

  • Doesn’t give you a chance to show how your computer skills are applied on the resume

Example of listing computer skills in the skills section:

Software Skills

  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe Premier
  • Final Cut Pro

Work Experience Section:

The work experience section is sometimes called “professional experience” or just simply “experience” on the resume. In this section, you list your accomplishments in various positions. Adding your computer knowledge alongside your achievements on your resume can be advantageous.

✅  Pros: 

  • Highlights the relevance of your computer skills to the position
  • Directly shows how your computer skills can benefit the prospective employer

❌  Cons:

  • Increases the risk of your computer literacy in CV being overlooked
  • Renders your computer skills somewhat unorganized as they are not grouped

Example of listing computer skills in the work experience section:

Marketing Specialist  | ABC Innovative, Inc
Jan. 2019 – March 2021 

  • Utilized SEO tools to enhance newsletter open rate by 35% and increased conversion rate by 33%
  • Improved mobile interface and the loading time with HTML and CSS

Certification Section:

The certification section is ideal for listing your computer skills, including typing skills, web tool skills, database skills, on a resume for various reasons.

✅  Pros: 

  • Shows objective and credible validation of your computer skills
  • Allows the hiring team to quickly understand your quantified computer skills

❌  Con: 

  • Offer a limited range of skills that can be certificated and listed in this section

When you are listing your computer skills in the certificate section, don’t forget to include:

  • Name of the institute that issued the certificate
  • Year that you obtained the certificate
  • Name of the certificate

Example of listing computer skills in the certification section:

  • Intro to SQL: Querying and Managing Data (2021) | Online Course – Khan Academy
  • The SEO Certification Courses (2021) | Online Course – HubSpot

How to Describe Computer Proficiency Levels on Resumes

Now you know what computer skills to put on a resume and where to put them, the next question is: how do I show that I am good? How do I describe the levels of my computer skills in resumes? 

Describing the levels of your computer skills is not as difficult as it sounds. Keep in mind that you have one goal, which is to make your computer proficiency easy to understand and measure for the hiring team. You can achieve this by following the suggestions below:

🟢 DOs:

  • Provide certificates or test scores: nothing speaks objectivity more than certifications or test results given by a third-party organization. No more words are needed.
  • Give numbers or statistics: numbers and statistics directly show the results you are able to produce through hardware and software proficiency in resumes.

❌ DON’T:

  • Use progress or level bar. Despite its appealing appearance, a progress or level bar is not a good way to display your computer skills as it is not objective nor clear.

Another simple but effective way to describe your computer literacy in your CV or resume is to do it like how you would describe language skills in a CV or resume:

Indicate your computer proficiency on the resume with the following 5 levels: 

  • Fundamental -- you know about 25% of all the functions of a software or a web tool, or know how to diagnose hardware problems. 
  • Basic -- you know about 25% of all the functions of a software or a web tool, or know how to diagnose and fix 25% of hardware problems you encounter. 
  • Intermediate -- you know about 80% of all the functions of a software, web tool, or know to diagnose and fix 50% of hardware problems you encounter. 
  • Advanced -- you know all the functions of a software, web tool, or know how to diagnose and fix hardware problems. 
  • Proficient -- you know a software and web tool, including the keyboard shortcuts, inside out and know to diagnose and fix hardware problems efficiently.

💡 Keep the below principles in mind to properly show your computer proficiency on the resume:

  • Be concise
  • Be clear
  • Be objective

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How to Upgrade Your Computer Skills

We all know computer information technology is always evolving. So should your computer skills. To make sure you stay at top of the game, learn the latest computer skills to upgrade your computer proficiency in resumes. 

You can easily do this by utilizing accredited online learning resources that offer courses on a wide variety of computer skills such as SEO, database skills, software skills. Following are some websites where you can level up your computer literacy and improve your resume.

1. Basic Computer Skills

2. Web Tool Skills

3. Software Skills

4. Hardware Skills

📝  To showcase computer skills on a resume is of great importance and not easy, but it is not impossible. Follow these steps and you undeniably will be able to impress future employers with your computer skills on your resume.

  1. Know what relevant computer skills you have and group them.
  2. Decide where in your resume you are going to include your computer skills.
  3. Indicate the level of your computer skills in a clear, concise and objective way.
  4. Up your game! Always look out for new computer skills to learn.

Cake is the best resume builder that provides you with many free ATS-friendly resume. Follow our blog for more resume writing and job search advice!

--- Originally written by Yin-Hsuan Liang ---

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