How to Write Subject for Job Application Email | Email Template, Tips & Examples

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Are you guilty of deleting emails before opening them? If you are, don't be because you're not alone. Many people automatically delete their emails before even reading them, especially if those emails aren't from someone they already know or aren't considered valuable. But "What does that have to do with a job searching process?" you may ask.  Well, since many recruiters still receive job applications via email, an eye-catching

Well, many recruiters actually still receive job applications via email unless they specify you to apply through a designated platform.

And although job portals provide all the convenience you can imagine—for instance, you can fill out your information once and any recruiters can see it, sending your resume or CV through email is more personal.

In this article, we'll show you why writing an interesting and effective email subject when sending a resume/CV is important, how to write an email's subject line when applying for a job with some practical examples. Without further ado, let's jump right in!

Why Email Subject Lines Are Important?

Most people with a full-time job will have dozens of emails waiting to be opened. Recruiters and hiring managers are no exception. One way to avoid having your CV email application from being tossed into the trash folder is having the appropriate subject line in your application email.

When sending your resume/CV, an effective email subject will immediately convey to the recipient that the email content is indeed important for them and that they should read it. What a way to portray a good first impression, right? Aside from that, the email subject line is also a way for you to advertise yourself (and we'll tell you how in a moment).

How to Write an Email Subject Line When Sending Your Job Application (+Examples)

The importance of having a catchy email subject line when sending a resume/CV isn't only about grabbing the recruiter's attention, it's also about convenience. Here are several factors make recruiters and hiring managers to open your email:

1. Purpose of the email

It is important to clearly state the purpose of your email in the subject line. Vague subjects may deter busy recipients from opening your message. You can use keywords such as "Job Application" or "Application for" in the subject line for better communication. Alternatively, you can mention "CV" to signal the content of your email.

2. Position title

When applying for jobs, it's important to include the job title in the email subject line. This not only helps the recruiters keep track of the applications, but it also makes it easier for you to manage and search for your applications if you're applying for multiple positions at different companies. Here's an example:

Subject: Application for Digital Incubator Venture Lead

3. Job location (if applicable)

If you're applying for a vacancy at multinational corporations, who often mention explicitly the job location in the job description, it's advice to include the name of the city or country on the email subject line for clarification. Let's look at the example below:

Subject: Application for Digital Incubator Venture Lead_Philippines

4. Position ID (if applicable)

Sometimes, big companies that have many job openings will also have a job reference ID number for them to streamline their internal procedure. Omitting the job ID from your email subject line when sending your resume/CV (if they have one) will cause your email to be removed even before they see your CV.  Here's an example:

Subject: Application for Digital Incubator Venture Lead_Job #554225_Philippines

5. Referral (if applicable)

A referral is similar to a recommendation, but it is more like an introduction to the person in charge of hiring. If you already know someone who's working for the company you're applying to, you can reach out to them and ask whether they'd be willing to help to refer you to the recruiter. Let's have a look at the example: 

Subject: Referred by John Hopkins_Application for Digital Incubator Venture Lead_Job #554225_Philippines

6. Your name

You want to approach someone on the other end, that’s why you’re sending your CV by email. So make sure to let them know who you are first. Here's an example: 

Subject: Sarah Mandela CV_Digital Incubator Venture Lead _Referred by John Hopkins_Job #554225_Philippines

💡 Pro Tip: You can also consider mentioning the company's name on the CV email subject, but keep in mind that it should not be overly lengthy.

Unless the company has a specific format on how to write a subject for sending CV applications, there is no absolute order for which information should go first. However, it is important to consider what information is the most important, and that information should go first.

7 Tips for Writing the Best Subject for an Email

💡 Thoroughly check the instructions when applying via email. 

When sending your CV to some companies, remember that they may have specific guidelines for email subject line. For instance, consider the following job posting as an example.


If there are any similar requirements specified in the job listing, make sure to follow the instructions correctly.

💡 Avoid a long subject line. 

A clear and concise email subject line when applying for a job application should be between 40-60 characters. Any email subject line that is longer than that would not show fully in the inbox page. Another point to remember is that you want your email subject to be phone screen friendly too, so make sure to keep it short and brief.

💡 Select formal and professional words.

It is important to maintain a professional tone of voice when composing an email, especially if it is for a job application. However, certain abbreviations are acceptable to include in your email if they're widely recognized and accepted in the position/industry you're applying for. This can show that you are knowledgeable in the field and understand the industry-specific language. Just be sure to use them appropriately and sparingly, as overuse can make your email appear unprofessional.

💡 Utilize punctuations.

Choose one type of punctuation such as hyphen (-), low dash (_), or colon (;) to separate different types of CV mail subject information and use it consistently, for example:

  • Jeremy Borne CV - Application for Product Manager - Job #12345 - New Jersey
  • Referral from Poppy Bloom: Lina Lin, CV for Stylist Assistant Position at Sheina Style
  • Application_Web Developer at IX Tech_Job Posting #0000_CV Attached

💡 Add a personal touch.

Remember what we do when we receive an email that looks like from bots or sounds like bot? We delete it without a second thought. To prevent this from happening to your job application emails, make sure to add a little bit of personal touch (where applicable).

💡 Always send using a professional email address.

When sending your CV via email, it's important to use an appropriate email address that the receiver can easily recognize. If you haven't had it already, consider create an email address that includes your full name, or at least part of it, and avoid using numbers or childhood nicknames that may not be recognizable.

Professional Email Address Examples: 

Unprofessional Email Address examples:

💡 Go over and proofread the job application email subject line.

Make sure that there is no spelling or grammar mistake, and that your email subject for sending your CV matches the content of the email. It's important to spell the company's name correctly and ensure there are no spelling or grammar mistakes.

How to Write an Email for Sending a CV

Now that you have your resume/CV, you've read the job description, and are ready to compose your email. The next step is to actually write an email that attracts recruiters and convince them to give you a phone call. Here are four simple steps to follow:

Write an Effective Email Subject Line

Again, this is highly important as it determines whether or not the recruiter will open your email. Make sure to follow the subject line format as above.

Compose the Message Content

Start by warmly greeting the recruiter or hiring manager by name (if possible). Then introduce yourself briefly and let them know your intention when sending the email

In the second paragraph of your email, write a short sentence inform the recipient that you have attached your CV and cover letter files. If the company does not require a cover letter, you may include a brief version of it in the email body, keeping it concise and limited to 2-3 paragraphs.

Close Your Email Professionally

If your application email subject line creates the first impression, the closing sign offs are just as important as it leaves a lasting impression. Always express gratitude for their time and consider including an invitation to meet and discuss in person. Even better, you can show enthusiasm for the job by telling the recruiters that you are always open for an interview.

Include your personal contact details after your professional email signature. 

Make sure that they clearly know who you are and how to reach you. Here's an example:

Best regards,
Damian Franz

[email protected]

📚 Further reading:  What to Write in an Email when Sending a Resume [+Examples & Tips]

7 Tips for Sending a Resume/CV via Email

Below are some more tips to make sure your email for sending CV is crafted to perfection:

✨ Pay attention to the requested file type.

Each employer has their own preferred method of reviewing applications because perhaps their system only accommodates certain file types. If they require you to provide a PDF, don't attach a Word file (.docx or .doc), follow instructions given.

💡 Pro Tip: If no specific file types are specified in the requirements, always send a PDF file to avoid formatting errors. Alternatively, you can send the link to a digital CV.

✨ CV and cover letter files should be named correctly.

Name these two files as clearly and short as possible to avoid confusion, e.g. "Mitch Anders-CV.pdf" and "Mitch Anders-Cover Letter.pdf". You can also use punctuations to separate information here.

💡 Pro Tip: Unless you are specifically required to attach your cover letter as a separate document, your cover letter more often becomes the content of your email. Make sure to check the requirements again.

✨ Aim for 3-5 sentences per paragraph.

Keeping the paragraph short and concise can help recipients who open their mails on mobile device have a better reading experience.

✨ Mention that your resume or CV is attached in the email (and don't forget to attach the file).

Different email providers have different layouts and ways to display their email content. It's advisable to inform the recipient about the attached document.

✨ Invite them to meet in person.

Be respectful and cordial in your invitation; before closing your email, a simple "I'm looking forward to your reply and will be glad to meet for further discussion" is always nice to have.

✨ Use a professional email signature to sign off your email.

Email signature is more than just for branding purposes. It provides ease for people to find you and know who you are professionally.

The essential aspects of a professional email signature are: 

  • Full name
  • Professional title
  • Company name (if any)
  • Phone number
  • Email address

Meanwhile, you could also include some of these optional elements:

  • (Professional) social media links
  • Company or personal logo
  • Photo (headshot)
  • Disclaimer

✨ Include links to your personal portfolio website in your job application email.

This includes LinkedIn, GitHub, online portfolio, and others that are relevant to your profession. This allows recruiters to see you beyond the resume or CV that you provide.

Email Templates to Use

If you're having trouble writing an email to send your resume, don't worry! We have a multipurpose template available for you to use immediately.

Subject: [Your name]_Application for [Job Position]_[Job ID]_at [Company Name]

Dear [Hiring Manager's name],

My name is [Your Name]. I would like to apply for the [Job Position] at [Company Name]. Enclosed is my CV and cover letter for your reference.

I have [number of years] years of experience in [field], with a proven record of [insert a quantifiable major accomplishment that's relevant to the job]. As someone who is [insert your skills] and has extensive knowledge in [insert your specialization or field], my goal is to [insert your objective in applying to this company] at [company's name].

I look forward to meeting you in person to discuss further about your goals for this role and my potential contribution to your company. Thank you for your time.


[Your name]
[Your professional title]
[Your email address]
[Your phone number]
[Your professional social accounts or website]

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--- Originally written by Teresa Edria ---

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