What to Write in an Email When Sending a Resume [+ Examples & Tips]


In today’s world, there are many ways to submit a job application: in-person, job-search platforms such as CakeResume and LinkedIn, and the company's official website. Despite that, email to send resume is still relevant as many recruiters require job-seekers to email job applications and documents.

As you send your resume by email, the content of email with a resume is exceptionally important since it is the first thing that recruiters will see. 

So, if you’re wondering what to write in an email when sending a resume, in this article, we will guide you to write an effective job application email that is eye-catching and convincing.

Table of Contents

What to Write in an Email When Sending a Resume

When Considering what to write in an email when sending a resume, think of the elements that need to be included in it. Each element plays a role and conveys a different message. We compile the following list for you to format your mail properly as you email your resume. 

Here are the 7 key elements for a resume mail format:

1) A Clear Subject Line

The subject line is the first things recruiters look at and determine whether they will open your job application email or not. So when sending your job application email, ask yourself if the subject line is clear enough.

You can use this format to write your subject line: 

[Application] + [Job Position You're Applying For] at [COMPANY NAME] + [Your Name].

Let’s take a look at this simple job application email sample:

Example of an email subject line for sending a resume #1

 [Application] Marketing Manager at ABC Company — Frank Davies

Keep in mind that some job vacancies ask applicants to use specific guidelines when sending resume via email, so make sure to follow that.

2) Greetings

There are various ways to greet when sending an email with a resume. While you can be creative, it's better to be direct and professional. Find out who you’ll send this email to, and if you don’t know the name of the recipient, you can simply use “hiring manager” or “Recruitment Department at XYZ company.

3) Self Introduction and Objectives

Start off your email by stating who you are and why you are writing the email. The job application email sample is indicated at the bottom of this article, but to summarize, the opening statement(s) of your email should be a brief presentation of your application. Here are some examples of how to write a self-introduction and email objectives when sending your resume via email:

Examples of introduction when emailing a resume:

  • “My name is Roger Jones. I’m writing this email to express my interest in the job vacancy at Valcor”
  • “My name is Roger Jones, and I am submitting my application for the current job opening as Financial Analyst at Valcor.”
  • “My name is Roger Jones. I came across Valcor's job ads on CakeResume, and I am keen on applying for the Marketing Specialist position."

The first section/paragraph of your job application email should not be more than three sentences. Keep it short and straight to the point, and remember to avoid using possessive pronouns when referring to the company you’re applying for (e.g., “your company”); you should use the company names instead. It is also important to come up with a universal introduction if you are going to use a bulk email sender to send your resume.

4) Reasons for Applying and Your Accomplishments

After the greeting and the introduction, your next paragraph should talk about your qualifications and why you are interested in working for them. You can also let them know what’s the job description that makes you want to apply for the position.

Here are some guidelines for you:

  • Accomplishments
  • Relevant work experience
  • Qualifications directly related to the job description’s requirements

You can also include your most outstanding license or certification or even extracurricular activities like relevant internships, achievements in uni, and relevant courses.

However, don’t go in-depth! You want to write a brief summary of your relevant accomplishments to catch the attention of recruiters as well as intrigue them to open your resume.

5) Proposal to Meet in Person

This part is the last section before closing and signing your name. A proposal to meet in person is a sign of enthusiasm and work-ready. Simply state that you’re willing to meet to have further discussion about the vacancy and qualifications. You can also let them know that you welcome any questions they have about your resume or experience.

6) Attached Resume

Employers usually require you to send your resume in either a Word or pdf format via mail. If they don't specify their preference for the format of your resume files, send your resume to the HR in PDF format to avoid technical issues.

7) Professional Signature with Contact Details

Finish your job application email with a professional e-signature, name, and contact details like phone number and email address. You can also add your digital business card, which has quick access to all your contact information. This gives a personal and professional touch to your email to which your resume is attached.

Simple Job Application Email Samples

Created by CakeResume

Now that we have discussed the important elements to include in a job application email, let's review three sample emails for reference. These examples can guide you not only on the formatting of the email but also on what sentences to write when you send your resume.

Job application email sample #1

Subject: Job Application - Operations Manager, Job ID #27423 - Michael Wilson

Dear Mr. Adams,

My name is Michael Wilson, an experience operation manager with three years of experience. I came across Vallo's job post on CakeResume and am interested in applying for the vacancy. I have attached my resume and cover letter to this email for your consideration.

For the past 10 years, I have handled many capital projects, operations management, and process improvement. I want to be part of a team that will make the mission of Vallo Inc. a reality. Moreover, I believe Vallo has the financial strength and stability to allow me to gain more expertise.

I welcome the opportunity to have a one-on-one meeting with you to learn more about the opening position. I can be reached at [email protected].

Thank you for your time and consideration


Michael Wilson
Operations Manager
[email protected]
(+81) 0000-2382

Job application email sample #2

Subject: Marketing Assistant Application - Frederick Walters

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am interested in applying for the position of marketing assistant at Tello Inc. My resume and cover letter are attached to this email for your consideration.

For the past eight years, I have been responsible for creating marketing plans for various companies. Moreover, I have executed marketing plans on my own and have provided marketing advice to clients. I believe these qualifications will benefit Tello’s short-term and long-term goals.

I appreciate you taking the time to review my resume and my cover letter. Looking forward to hearing from you.


Frederick Walters
Marketing Specialist
[email protected]
(+15) 0000-3219

Sample email when mailing a resume #3

Subject: [APPLICATION] Graphic Designer Internship at Be Creative - Lester Williams

Dear Mr. Adams,

My name is Lester Williams. I graduated from the Georgia Institute of Technology with a bachelor's degree in Graphic Design. As I came across your job posting on CakeResume, I’m really keen on being a part of your company.  I have recently worked for Eternal Publishing, and I am very eager to apply my skills and knowledge acquired from this internship to contribute to Be Creative. 

I have attached my resume and portfolio for your review and consideration

Thank you for reviewing my application. 

Looking forward to hearing about any steps or procedures.

Lester Williams
[email protected]
(+4) 0000-4657

CakeResume is a resume builder tool that provides you with hundreds of free resume templates and examples that help showcase your best qualifications to land your dream job. Try our free resume builder now!

Tips for Writing an Email to Send a Resume for Job Applications

Put your cover letter in your email when sending your resume.

While you can use your cover letter as a job application email, in most cases, you just need to send a short message to notify the recruiter about your application. Hence, it’s recommended to add a cover letter to your email when sending a resume to help companies understand your work experience and aspirations in a more comprehensive way. 

Use a professional-looking email address.

While what to write in the mail when sending a resume is important, so is the “who,” and that is your email address. Using your first and last name as an email address is a safe practice. If you need to include numbers, try to use a few digits and make sure these don’t have inappropriate associations (e.g., 666).

Address the hiring manager by their name.

For better results, it is best to write the recruiter’s name in the greeting while sending your resume. If you can’t find their name, stick to writing “Hiring manager.”

Be straight to the point and concise.

As shown in each job application email sample, your body text should be concise and clear. Remember that what you say when emailing a resume is to introduce yourself and briefly state your motivation and qualifications.

Use the correct resume file format.

Before you attach your resume to the email and send it out to HR, make sure your resume is in the correct format. Some companies specify what file format they want, but when there is no such requirement/instruction, sending in your resume in PDF format is the safest option.


Thoroughly check your mail, including the subject line, the email body, and your signature, for any mistakes when you are about to send out your job application email.

Send a test email message to yourself.

An excellent practice is to have a preview of how your email looks to the receiver, so send a test email to yourself to see if your resume mail and its format are on-point.

Add a LinkedIn URL, personal website, or portfolio link.

Knowing what to say when emailing a resume is important, but if you have a presentable and eye-catching portfolio, recruiters will surely take your application into consideration. So don’t be shy away from including them.

Key Takeaways

When sending your resume via email, the email is like a ‘preface’ of your application, so knowing what to say in every part of the email and how to format it is important to get your application reviewed. Make sure to format your email properly when sending an email, the best practice is to follow any format recruiters ask for when submitting your application. If there are no specifications on formatting, follow the rules for general business letters when you send your resume via email.

Remember, job application emails sent to HR for your job application should highlight your strengths and qualifications like a cover letter but shouldn't be as long as one, don’t forget to include a properly formatted resume as an attachment.

Your resume can be made with a free resume builder like CakeResume, which also provides you with thousands of ready-to-use resume templates. With simple drag-drop action, you can create an eye-catching and compelling resume.

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--- Originally written by Jose J. Rosales ---

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