Emergency Nurse Resume (Examples, Tips, Format)

emergency nurse resume example

An emergency room (ER) nurse, or emergency department (ED) nurse, assists doctors and medical technicians in helping patients who are suffering from injuries, traumas, or other severe medical conditions. 

An emergency room nurse works in a fast-paced and stressful environment that requires a strong mentality and flexibility to deal with complex and emergent situations. If you’re applying for an ER nurse, it’s important to show your personality, skills, and nurse experience to prove you’re the best fit for the job.

Read the thorough emergency room nurse resume guidelines below to craft a winning resume and increase your chances of landing the ideal job!

How to Write a Professional Emergency (ER) Nurse Resume?

Follow the 5-step guide below to craft a winning emergency room nurse resume and outshine your competitors.

Step 1: Write an Eye-catching ER Nurse Resume Headline

A good beginning is half the battle. The emergency room nurse resume headline is a line located at the top of your resume, right under the contact information to help you make a powerful first impression on the recruiters. You could emphasize your powerful achievements and personality in the headline.

Emergency Room (ER) / Emergency Department Registered Nurse (ED RN) Resume Headline Examples

  • Organized and registered ER Nurse with 3+ years of experience in the trauma and emergency center. 
  • Responsive and patient-centered ER nurse with 5+ years of experience handling emergent and heavy patient caseloads.
  • Compassionate ER nurse who managed approximately 10,000 patient visits in 3 years.

Step 2: Craft a Professional ER Nurse Resume Summary Statement

🔎 Study shows that every recruiter only spends approximately 6 seconds scanning a resume.

Hence, you could write a resume summary statement to outline your skills and experience to capture the recruiters’ interest. The summary statement for the emergency room nurse resume is generally 2 to 3 lines located right under the resume headline.

Emergency Department Registered Nurse (ED RN) Resume Summary Statements Examples

  • Experienced in providing emergency care to critically ill patients. Work efficiently in a high-stress and fast-paced environment. Skilled in ACLS and PALS.
  • Patient-centered ER nurse with strong interpersonal skills to provide emotional supports for patients and their family members. Assessed patient status and applied specialized care to more than 500 patients in 9 months. 
  • Served in a 30-bed emergency services unit for more than 4 years. Assessed, implemented, and documented critical care and life-saving interventions for patients. Mentored and trained 4 new nursing staff in 8 months.

Step 3: Include Key Skills in the Resume

The skills section is significant to your emergency room nurse resume. It showcases your hard and soft skills to prove your qualifications for the opening job. It’s recommended to show your skills in a simple or expanded bullet list.

Emergency Room (ER) Resume Skills Resume

  • Hard Skills: Triage, CCU, ER Level 2 (Trauma), IV Therapy, Pain Management
  • Soft Skills: Interpersonal Skills, Problem-Solving, Open-Minded, Negotiation, Time Management

Step 4: Tailor the ER Nurse Resume to a Specific Job

There are many different types of emergency room nurses including flight nurses, triage nurses, pediatric ED nurses, and burn center nurses. It’s crucial to tailor your resume and specify your skills, professions, and background that fits the needs of the opening job.

You could search for different emergency room nurse job openings and resume samples and examples on Cake.

Step 5: Proofread

Remember to proofread your emergency room nurse resume before submitting it to prevent wording or grammatical errors. It’s suggested to ask friends, colleagues, or family members to proofread your resume in case you miss out on some trivial errors.

❗️ Don’t forget to check your emergency room nurse resume format, font size, and font style. Also, make your it is readable for recruiters by keeping it neat and clean.

Best Resume Format for an Emergency Room (ER) Nurse Resume

There are 4 ER/ED nurse resume formats to choose from. Note that there is no “one-size-fits-all” format - you should pick the one that best suits your conditions.

1. Chronological Resume Format

This format focuses on your work experience. It places your work experience section above the skills and education sections while showing your current or most recent job experience first. Don’t forget to write down the company name, job position, responsibilities, accomplishments, location, and employment period while writing your work experience.

⇒ This format is a nice choice for experienced applicants with solid work experience to demonstrate their background in the emergency room nurse resume.

2. Functional Resume Format

This format highlights your skills and abilities rather than work experience. It places the skills section ahead of the work experience and education background parts.

⇒ If you are an inexperienced applicant with no work experience, you could pick this emergency nurse resume format to focus on your skills and academic performances!

3. Combinational Resume Format

It’s a mix of the chronological and functional resume format. This format puts the skills section before the work experience section, then shows your work experience in reverse chronological order. 

⇒ It’s an excellent choice for your emergency room nurse resume if you have work experience and solid skills that are related to the opening position.

4. Targeted Resume Format

A target resume format requires applicants to tailor the emergency room nurse resume for the specific position they want. To customize the resume, you should thoroughly research the institution and the job description of the opening position. 

⇒ It’s a format requiring a large amount of time and effort, but it’s highly suggested for every applicant to impress the recruiters.

Cake provides the right emergency nurse resume templates & formats for emergency nurse talents to showcase their skills and experiences. Sign up to create the best emergency nurse resume Now!

How to Make an Emergency Room (ER) Nurse Resume?

You could craft your emergency room nurse resume with tools like Microsoft Word or online resume builders, such as Cake

Below is a thorough resume structure guide to help you write a heart-winning emergency department nurse resume.

1. Select the Resume Format that Best Suits Your Conditions

  • Chronological format
  • Functional format
  • Combinational format 
  • Targeted format

2. Write Down These Sections in Your Emergency Room Nurse Resume

  • Contact Information 
    1. Full Name 
    2. Mobile Number
    3. Email Address
    4. Address (Optional)
    5. Link to Fan Page / Blog (Optional)
  • Resume Headline (1 Sentence)
  • Resume Summary Statement or Resume Objective (2-3 Lines Long)
  • Work Experience 
    1. Company names
    2. Job titles
    3. Job duties / responsibilities 
    4. Start date and end date of the employment period
    5. Accomplishments / projects
  • Education Background 
    1. College degree and above (You could write down the online courses or seminars you’ve taken if you don’t have a college degree.)
    2. School names
    3. Majors and minors
    4. Courses you’ve taken that are relevant to the job opening (Optional)
    5. Year of graduation
    6. GPA or rewards (Optional)
  • Skills 
    1. Hard Skills
    2. Soft Skills
  • Additional Information (Optional)
    1. Certifications
    2. Awards
    3. References
    4. Projects

3. Pick a Professional Font

  • Times New Roman
  • Helvetica
  • Cambria
  • Georgia
  • Calibri
  • Arial

4. Pick the Font Size

  • Choose a font size between 10-16 points.
  • Use larger fonts for headings and titles.

5. Change the Line Spacing

  • Use single or 1.15 line spacing.
  • Use double line spacing for section headers.

6. Make Your Resume ATS-friendly

  • Use a simple bullet list or expanded bullet list to showcase your work experience, skills, and educational background. 
  • Use bold text to emphasize your major projects, accomplishments, or skills.

7. Proofread Your Resume to Prevent Errors

First, check the logical flow in the resume.

Second, scan for wording and grammatical errors in your emergency nurse resume.

Last, check the resume format and design.

9. Send the Emergency Room Nurse Resume in PDF Format

Make sure the layout you laboriously created retains by saving your emergency room nurse resume as a PDF file so that it can be read across devices. 

10 Emergency Room (ER) Nurse Resume Dos and Don'ts

✔️  Dos:

1. Tailor the Resume and Include Only Relevant Information

Research shows that each job opening attracts an average of 250 resumes. Hence, You should tailor your emergency nurse resume to showcase your passion and advantages to stand out from the crowd.

You could tailor the resume by analyzing and picking up important keywords from the job description, then insert the keywords in your emergency room nurse resume to match your resume content with the specific position.

2. Add Quantifiable and Measurable Achievements

If you have great achievements, use numbers to make them more convincing and reliable. You could use numbers like timespans, percentages, volume, or dollar amounts to quantify your results in the ER nurse resume.

3. Optimize the Emergency Room Nurse Resume for ATS

Applicant Tracking System (ATS) is a system used by approximately 98% of Fortune 500 companies to filter out unqualified resumes for the job vacancy. You should optimize your ER nurse resume for the ATS system to increase your chances of landing the job.

Remember to avoid images, photos, videos, or illustrations in the emergency nurse resume that might be unparsable to the ATS system. Besides, keep your resume neat and clean to make sure it’s readable for the system.

4. Choose the Right Resume Format

You should consider your professional background and the role you’re applying for to pick the resume format that best suits you. 

For instance, if you have zero work experience, you could choose the functional format instead of the chronological format to focus on your academic work, apprenticeships, or volunteer history.

5. Use Action Verbs in the Emergency Room Nurse Resume

Action verbs make your achievements stronger and more attractive. You could use action verbs like “managed”, “upgraded”, “minimized”, and “coordinated” in your ER nurse resume.

Please avoid generic words like “did”, “finished”, and “helped” that can’t show your efforts and contributions.

❌  Don'ts:

1. Mix Up a Resume with a CV

An emergency nurse CV is different from a resume.

In short, a CV is a 2 to 3+ page long document demonstrating your entire background including work history, education background, publications, awards, projects, or seminars you've attended.

In comparison, a resume is a 1-page document outlining your experience that is relevant to the job you’re applying for.

Generally, resumes are frequently used by Americans and Canadians to apply for a job. They only write CVs when applying for an academic job or an overseas job in European countries. You could search for emergency nurse CV and CV templates and samples on Cake for reference.

2. Write an Old-style Resume Objective Statement

A resume objective statement shows your career goals and expectations. You could insert the company name and the position you’re applying for in your emergency room nurse resume objective statement to impress the recruiter.

Don’t insert irrelevant information like your current position and job duties in your career goals. You could emphasize them in the resume summary and work experience sections.

3. Disclose Confidential Information About Previous Employers

Never reveal confidential information from past recruiters like client names, internal project plans, and techniques in your emergency department nurse resume. 

No recruiters want to hire an untrustworthy employee who might sell out. Never sell out any confidential information that will ruin your reputation and credibility.

4. Include Unnecessary Personal Details that Might Lead to Discrimination

A resume is a document to showcase your competitive advantages and professional background. Don’t include personal details like gender, religious belief, sexual orientation, and nationality that are not relevant to the job vacancy. 

Besides, detailed personal information might lead to unwanted discrimination and stereotypes. It’s even illegal in some countries for employers to ask applicants for unnecessary personal information.

5. Send the Emergency Room (ER) Nurse Resume as a Word Doc.

Send your nurse practitioner resume and CV in PDF files unless recruiters ask for Microsoft Word files.

Convert your documents to PDF files to ensure the resume formatting on different devices, such as mobiles, tablets, laptops, and computers, stays the same.

Emergency Room Registered Nurse (ER RN) Resume Sample

Meng Hsien Lin

Licensed ER nurse with 3+ years of experience in critical care and patient management.

Mobile: (001)-234-5678 
Address: Avondale Estates City, GA, 00302


Dedicated ER nurse who works efficiently in fast-paced and high-stress situations. Expert in assessing patients and providing safe care to stabilize patients. BCLS and CCRN certified.

Work Experience

Registered ER Nurse
Doodle Health Care Center | New York City, NY

Mar 2019 - Nov 2021

  • Managed and trained 10+ nursing students regarding surgical operations and patient management.
  • Executed and monitored medical procedures including cardiac monitoring, UCG testing, and administering medications.

ER Registered Nurse 
ABC Hospital | New York City, NY

Jan 2018 - Jan 2019

  • Assessed and provided emergency critical care to 500+ patients in a 30-bed hospital trauma center.
  • Documented and monitored ER patients’ conditions and educated patients in wound care and pain management.


Hard Skills

  • ICU
  • CCU
  • Triage
  • Pain Management
  • ER Level 2 (Trauma)

Soft Skills

  • Interpersonal Skills
  • Stress Management
  • Open-Minded
  • Sympathy
  • Collaboration


The University of Texas | Austin, TX
Bachelor of Science, Nursing
2013 - 2017

--- Originally written by Naomi Lin --- 

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