Learn How to Write an Employee Termination Letter [ +Examples and Format]

It is never easy to inform someone they have been terminated, and it’s crucial to make sure that the particular employee doesn't feel degraded or cheated in the process. While some employers may find writing a termination letter unpleasant, as they might find it difficult to deliver such a message or fearful of resentment, it is the only way to make sure legal ramifications do not follow. 

When processing the termination notice to an employee, employers should aim to do it respectfully, ethically, and fairly, to ensure the company’s reputation is protected and the outgoing employee is able to cope with the occurrence. 

In this article, we’ll tell you exactly how to write an employee termination letter and provide you with clear examples and letter format. Let’s delve into it!

how to write an employee termination letter
How to Write a Termination Letter

What Is a Termination Letter?

A termination letter is a formal notice sent from an employer to an employee to notify them that they have been dismissed from their job. A termination letter would usually include information such as the reason for termination, final paycheck date, severance package or benefits, as well as any other relevant details. 

Other than that, some of the most common reasons why an employee may receive a termination notice could include voluntary unemployment, poor performance, misconducting behavior, redundancy, business downsizing, end of a fixed-term contract, breach of a statutory restriction, or conflict of interests.

Regardless of the type of information included, a termination letter (sometimes also called a letter of notice to an employee or an end-of-employment letter), it is fundamental to send a termination letter to an employee to formally end the relationship, as an employee who is not actively working because of leave of absence or illness, or an employee who is furloughed, is still deemed to employed. 

It is also important to recognize the difference between the types of termination letters employers might write to their employees. There are two types of termination letters: (1) termination with cause and (2) termination without cause.

Termination letter with cause

A termination letter with a cause is where the employee is dismissed due to issues related to their behavior or performance.

For instance, when an employee is frequently absent from work without reasonable notice or pre-approval, despite repeated warnings from the employer. The employer would issue a termination letter with cause to the employee. 

Termination letter without cause 

On the other hand, a termination letter without cause is written to an employee when the dismissal is directly related to the company, such as a workforce reorganization or department downsizing, where the employment of a worker is forcefully terminated by the company and not due to the employee’s behavior or performance. 

How to Write a Termination Letter

Now that you understand the importance of writing a termination letter to an employee and the different types of termination letters you can write, it is time to look at some tips below on how to begin writing one. 

1. Follow the standard business letter format 

As with other standard business letters, when writing a termination letter to an employee, you should also aim to use the same format. This would include the use of an official company letterhead, with details such as company name, address and contact details printed in the header. The employee’s title and name should be addressed, and the writer of the termination letter, or in some cases the head of the company, should be used to sign off the termination letter. The written date of the termination letter should also be printed in either the top right or left corner beneath the header. 

2. Start with a formal statement of termination

The next step in writing a termination letter is to make a clear statement that the company has officially dismissed the services of the employee, which can be addressed using sentences such as “This letter is to formally inform you that you have been terminated…” or “I am sorry to notify you that…”. 

3. State the date of termination

Another key point to look out for when writing the termination letter is to make sure the date of termination is stated. This is essential as the employee needs to be informed of their last working day in the company. The gap between delivering the termination notice to the employee and the final date of employment also needs to be equal to or more than the notice period stated within the employment contract. 

4. Provide reasons for termination 

This is a crucial part of the termination letter, as the receiving employee will likely be shocked and want to understand the reasons behind the dismissal. All the reasons should be listed in the termination letter. 

If it is a termination letter with cause, supporting evidence should be included where possible in the letter to help the terminated employee clearly understand the cause of termination. In any case of doubt, consult a lawyer to make sure you can legally terminate the employee. 

If it is a termination letter without cause, explain the company’s position on why the dismissal is taking place. The purpose of this is to demonstrate that the company has provided sufficient opportunity for the employee to take corrective measures prior to proceeding with the dismissal. 

5. Provide instruction on returning company property

In the case where the employee is in possession of any company property, it is crucial to request them return these upon leaving the company. List in the termination letter the items the employee needs to return, such as a laptop, monitor, keyboard, mobile phone, and ID card. If they are occupying an accommodation provided by the company, request them to vacate the property within a reasonable timeframe in the termination letter. 

6. Remind them of any binding agreements

In some cases, the employee may have signed a non-disclosure agreement or a non-competing clause upon joining the company. This would often continue to be valid even after an employee has left the company. Ensure that any such binding agreements are mentioned within the termination letter and provide copies for their record. 

7. End with your signature

Similarly, with a standard business letter, you should end the termination letter with good wishes to the employee and a closing salutation such as “Best wishes” or “Sincerely.” Finally, add a signature including your name and title. In the case where the termination letter is print-out, sign it on paper after it is printed. 

If you’re working with a contractor/freelancer, learn how to write a professional contractor termination letter since there are slight differences between writing to your full-time employees and a contractor!

Termination Letter Samples

Sample termination letter without cause

15 June 2022

Dear Karl Simspon,

We are sorry to inform you that your employment with Creative Solutions stands terminated effective from 15 July 2022.

For the last three quarters, our company has been experiencing financial difficulties due to a drop in services and projects required in the marketing and communications industry. After exploring various options to expand the revenue sources of the company, the concluding executive decision is to carry out a workforce reduction of the company. It is with regret to say that the removal of your position as an account specialist is a part of this measure. 

Please note that this decision is final and authorized. 

You would receive your salary for the current month after your last day of employment. You would also be entitled to receive payment for any unused annual leaves. Any employee benefits will also end on the last day of your employment. 

You must return any company devices, including laptop and mobile phones, as well as ID cards, by the last day of employment. 

Any related queries or issues please contact the HR department. 

We thank you for your contribution and wish you luck in your future endeavors.

Yours sincerely,

Terence Liu
Head of Human Resources

Sample termination letter for poor performance

4 Dec 2022 

Dear Sam Peters,

This letter is to inform you that your employment with Mile Yard Electronics will end as of December 5 2022. This decision is not final and not reversible.

It was decided that your employment will be terminated for these performance reasons:

On September 1 2022, you received performance coaching and received a notice informing you that your performance would need to improve if your employment with Mile Yard Electronics were to continue. On October 1 2022, you received a second warning informing you that failure to improve performance within 60 days would result in your termination.

As you have failed to meet the performance targets agreed, your employment has now been terminated.

You will receive your final salary for the current month after your last day of employment. You will also receive a $2,500 severance payment once we have received a signed copy of the release of claims document attached below. 

Your health care benefits will remain in effect until 1 January 2023. 

You are requested to return all company property received, including your ID, phone, laptop and car by the end of December 5 2022.

Should you have any questions about compensation, benefits, company property, or policies you have signed, please contact Regina Owens at 415-3734.

Yours sincerely,

Justin Atkins
Internal Staff Manager

Sample employee termination letter for probationary employee

10 March 2022

Dear Ram Kenneth,

We are writing to let you know that we recognize the hard work you have put into your role during the probation period. While we appreciate your devotion and effort, the outcomes, unfortunately do not meet the company’s expectations. This letter is to inform you that your final day of employment will be next week on 17 March 2022.

Any outstanding payments will be made to you after your last day of employment. We will send any relevant documents to your residential address. 

You must return all company property received, including your ID and by the end of 17 March 2022.

Please keep in mind that the non-disclosure agreement that you signed at the time of joining the company would remain in force even after you leave the company. A copy of the said agreement is attached for your records.

Any related queries or issues please contact the HR department. 

We thank you for your contribution and wish you luck in your future endeavors.

Yours sincerely,

Mark Eccles
Talent Management

Termination Letter Template

Now that you have read about the steps needed to write a termination letter, you can follow the termination letter template below to begin drafting one. 

Dear [Employee Name],

I’m sorry to inform you that as of [Date of Termination], you’ll no longer be employed with [ Company Name]. We have finalized this decision, because of [Reason for Termination]

From [Date of Termination], you won’t be eligible for any compensation or benefits associated with your position. You are requested to return [List of Company Property] before [Date of Termination] to the Human Resources office.

We will issue your final salary up after your [Date of Termination]. Any unused annual leaves will also be compensated to you. We will also provide a severance pay of [Amount]. You will receive any relevant documents in post.

Please keep in mind that you have signed a non-compete, non-solicitation and non-disclosure agreement. If you have any information about our customers, employees or other stakeholders stored on paper or on your personal devices, you must delete them immediately.

If you have questions or require any clarifications, I’m at your disposal for up to [Number of Days] working days after your last day of employment.

We thank you for your contribution and wish you luck in your future endeavors.

Yours sincerely,

[ Name ]

[ Job Title ] 

[ Signature ]

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— Originally written by Wayne Chang —

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