Simple resume format for freshers: examples & tips for different jobs

For recent graduates or entry-level job applicants who are getting their first job, an appropriate resume format easily conveys professional ability for a fresher. The resume format you choose as a fresher will highlight different parts of your professional strengths.

After understanding the purposes of each resume format, you can start building your resume with the best format that is suitable for freshers.

What Is the Best Resume Format for Freshers?

There are three basic resume formats for freshers: chronological resume format, functional resume format, and combinational resume format.

Each of them highlights different aspects, with respective pros and cons for freshers. Let's have a look to find out

1. Chronological Resume Format (Reverse-Chronological Format)

A chronological resume format organizes professional experience in an orderly manner on a resume. Reverse-chronological resume format for a fresher resume emphasizes your most recent experience upfront, before previous and earlier experiences.

The chronological resume format is preferred for freshers by most HR managers and recruiters. This basic resume format straightforwardly presents work progression and career path for freshers.

🟢  Pros:

  • Preferred by most HR managers and recruiters.
  • Applicant-Tracking-System-friendly, which enhances your chance of being seen.
  • Demonstrate career path clearly.

❌  Cons:

  • The resume format might expose limited or lack of experience for freshers.

Here’s what a freshers’ teacher’s resume example using chronological format looks like:

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2. Functional Resume Format (Skill-Based Format)

A functional resume format categorizes a fresher’s experience into “skills.” It emphasizes how skills are transferable to the job title for freshers like you. 

In a functional resume format for freshers, the hiring manager understands your expertise at a glance. In addition, a functional resume format hides limited experience for freshers.

🟢  Pros:

  • Ideal resume format to highlight specific skills.
  • If you’re switching careers, you can explain how your skills can transfer to the new job.
  • Useful resume format for freshers who have limited experience.

❌  Cons:

  • HR managers and recruiters might not be familiar with functional resume format and might think that you are hiding something.
  • Not an Applicant tracking systems (ATS) friendly resume format.

Here’s what a fresher mechanical engineering resume example using functional format looks like:

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3. Combination Resume Format (Hybrid Format)

The combination resume format is a hybrid of chronological and functional resume formats. It has a skills section often referred to as a “qualifications summary” or “professional profile” and includes a work experience section arranged in reverse-chronological order.

The combination resume format would suit freshers who want to highlight their skills and experiences.

Here’s what an MBA fresher resume example using combination format looks like:

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Sample resume format for freshers

1. Sample Chronological Resume Format for Freshers

The chronological resume format is suitable for most freshers or any applicant who has some experience, such as a fresher teacher, bank job fresher, or HR fresher for their resume format.

Personal Details
[Full name]
[Primary phone number]
[Email address]
[Country and city you’re currently in]
[LinkedIn, Github, or personal website]

Resume Headline
[One-line title that describes your professional position.]

Resume Objective or Summary
[3-5 sentences that summarize your experience and goal. It should be concise, strong and relevant to the job position you are applying for.] 

Relevant Professional ExperienceWrite your work experience in reverse-chronological order. 
Talk about achievements rather than responsibilities.
Use quantified (numbers) results to make them more specific.

[Include hard/soft skills, computer skills, or language skills that are applicable to the job position.]

[Major and degree] | [Institution name]
[The city and country]
[Time of study]
[List GPA, relevant coursework, or academic honors]

Optional SectionsCertificates / Awards
Personal projects and portfolio
Interests and Hobbies

2. Sample Functional Resume Format for Freshers

Best resume format for those who need to have solid skills to work in the industry but have limited experiences, such as architect freshers, CSE freshers, or mechanical engineers freshers.

Format a functional resume for freshers in this order:

  • Personal Details
  • Resume Headline 
  • Resume Objective or Summary
  • Key Competencies and Skills Set
  • Work Experience (optional)
  • Education
  • Optional Sections
    • Certificates / Awards
    • Volunteer
    • Personal projects and portfolio
    • Interests and Hobbies

3. Sample Combination Resume Format for Freshers

The combination resume format is ideal for freshers who have profound experience as well as skills proficiency, such as MBA finance freshers.

A functional resume format for freshers can have zero or minimal work experience, but a combinational resume puts equal attention on both skills and work experience.

Format your combination resume in this order:

  • Personal details
  • Resume Headline 
  • Resume Objective or Summary
  • Skills Set
  • Work Experience
  • Education

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Tips for writing a winning resume using the right format (+ Examples) 

1. Tailor the contents of your resume to the job description.

Read the job description before you start filling in your resume format. For freshers, reading the qualifications helps you choose keywords to use and tailor your resume to get past the ATS. Here's an example of a resume experience for freshers.

Recruiters' job description writes:

  • Create and oversee HR policies, procedures, interpret and administer National and State laws and regulations.
  • Perform duties including screening, interviewing, selecting, and hiring new employees. Recruiting and sourcing talent to fill vacant and new positions.
  • Analyze human resources metrics to implement new or improved procedures, strategies, or programs.

Your resume's work section:


HR Generalist | Emsi
Jan 2017 - Jun 2019

  • Created and ensured actionable human resource policies and procedures aligned with National and State law, standards, and regulations with less than 2% amendment needed.
  • Assisted in writing recruiting messages, sourcing, interviewing, and screening talents with senior HR.
  • Ability to transfer human resources into measurable metrics and develop quality training programs for new employees.

2. Include details of your skills.

Don't be too general when dealing with the skills section in a resume format for freshers. Specify how good you are by supplying details or works. Describe positive results you have accomplished using the tools.

3. Include volunteer work, internships, or extracurricular activities

For freshers with no previous experience, you can include volunteer experience, internships, and other extracurricular activities to make up.


Software Engineer Intern | Petimo
July - August 2020

  • Software intern in an automobile renting service company.
  • Developed a new function for exclusive members to receive discounts on Holiday seasons and optimized procedure to cut process time by 15%.

Software Engineer Volunteer | DonateCode 
July 2018

  • Developed and worked with 7 team members on a health educational game app for NowHealthy using C# with Unity.

4. Include only relevant interests & hobbies.

Interests and hobbies show who you are as a person, but unrelated hobbies in a resume format for freshers are often not helpful in the workplace. However, including industry-relevant interests are definitely a plus.

5. Show your motivation to learn.

You can show your motivation by attending seminars and speeches, volunteering, or developing side projects.

6. Create a one-page resume.

HR managers don’t expect to read your autobiography. Keeping a resume formatted concise and strong is the best strategy for a fresher.

7. Emphasize relevant training and certifications.

By completing online course certificates or receiving relevant training, and passing tests, your skills are more substantial and recognized. Adding these certificates are no doubt helpful in the resume model for freshers.


There are three common resume formats for freshers to utilize: the reverse-chronological, functional, and combinational resume formats. To select the best resume format for freshers, consider your personal circumstances and choose a format that emphasizes your strongest attributes. 

When creating a resume, choose the best resume builder to help you quickly pull together your resume and effectively showcase your strengths, experience, and skills. As a fresher with limited experience, it can be beneficial to list your skills, certificates, and extracurricular training to make up for any gaps in your work history. Utilizing these free online resume builders can help you present a polished and professional resume that highlights your strengths and sets you apart from other candidates in the job market.

--- Originally written by Wu Chao Min ---

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