Resume Headline: What It Is & How to Craft a Professional One [20+ Examples]

First impressions matter, which is why a well-phrased resume headline is of grave importance; it is the first thing the recruiter looks at. Also known as resume titles or CV headlines, resume headlines summarize your qualifications in a single, concise line. Effective resume headlines capture the recruiter's attention.

But what is a good headline for the resume? In short, a good resume title helps you stand out. 

Of course, there are various factors you need to consider when writing your resume headline. In this article, we've provided a detailed guide to crafting a professional resume title.

What is a Resume Headline?

A resume headline is a one brief line that summarizes your entire resume. It is also referred to as a profile title or CV headline. You can’t have a winning resume without a winning resume headline. Hence, it is important to give as much thought to the title for your resume as you give the body of your resume.

Resume headlines are typically placed at the very top of resumes, right under the name. Hence, one of the first things the recruiter would look at a resume is undoubtedly the resume headline. It tells your story and shows your value. Your resume title should convey your identity and potential value to the company at a glance.

Recruiters typically spend only a few seconds reviewing a resume, and a compelling resume headline can capture their attention, prompting them to read further. Therefore, it's crucial to craft resume headlines that immediately grab people's eyes. In practice, a well-crafted resume headline can significantly increase your chances of standing out among a large pool of job applicants.

How to Write a Resume Headline?

Whether you are a fresher or an experienced professional, a good resume title can be beneficial. However, to write a killer headline for your resume is not an easy task. But don't you worry. Follow the steps below and you can create a professional resume title that wins over the recruiter.

Step 1: Brainstorm your achievements and strengths

Make a list of your achievements and strengths that are relevant to the job you're applying for. The idea is to sell yourself as much as possible, to make sure you won’t be shoved aside easily.

Step 2: Use strong, catchy words and phrases

You want to capture attention and keep recruiters’ eyes glued to your resume. Using strong, catchy phrases gives spice to your resume headline and makes it unique.

Regular or generic words do little to nothing to make you stand out. Words like "hardworking", "goal-getter", phrases like "good resource personnel", "honest sales representative", and etc., are very common and overused words and phrases which easily define anyone and do nothing to give you an edge. Therefore, opting for more captivating and impactful terms provides your resume with a unique and individualized identity. These words set you apart in a less generic manner.

Examples of catchier and stronger resume titles:

  • Compassionate Nurse
  • Award-winning Test Engineer
  • Bilingual Customer Service Representative

📚Further reading:  60+ Words to Best Describe Yourself for Interviews & Resumes

Step 3: Place it at the top of your resume

After crafting out your winning resume headline, you should place it at the most conspicuous part of your resume, which is at the top, right under your name and contact information. It introduces your entire resume. For that reason, it should be positioned where it will catch the recruiter's eye first among the many resumes from other job seekers.

10 Tips for Writing a Professional Resume Title

These are additional quick tips that will further ensure your resume title comes out perfectly and grabs attention when you use them.

Tip 1: Use title case

It is suggested to write your resume title with each word capitalized to make it stand out even more and show professionalism.

Capitalization rule for titles

In the following cases, the words should remain lowercase in titles:

  • Articles (a, an, the)
  • Coordinating conjunctions (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so)
  • Prepositions (after, in, to, on, with, from, for, like, under, off, etc.)

Tip 2: Write several

Write down a few resume titles that are compelling and highly relevant to the position. Pick the one that shows your "selling point"’ the most. It takes time, but it would be worth it eventually. 

Tip 3: Insert keywords

There are specific keywords (e.g. skills, experiences, personal traits, and etc.) most looked out for by recruiters. Adopting them can help boost the resume title which gives candidates a much more advantageous edge.

Tip 4: Place it at the top

A resume headline should be glaring, not hidden. Place it under or beside your name, and right above the section of personal information in resume. However, if the resume format you adopt can't best highlight the resume headline in the above scenario, you can opt to place your resume title at the top of the resume summary or career objective section.

Tip 5: Avoid writing objectives

Since career objectives are usually written from a job seeker's perspective, explaining how a candidate wishes the potential employer can benefit their career, which is something a recruiter may care less about. Besides, objectives can be vague and generic sometimes.

💡Pro tip: Make sure the focus of your resume title is kept on your strongest skills and the most relevant experiences which can show your qualifications, instead of adding vague objectives or ambiguous adjectives.

Tip 6: Add years of experience

This is important if you have experience in the field you are applying for. Employers often seek candidates with a greater capacity, and experience can serve as solid proof. Adding the number of years you have been working in the relevant industry/field can certainly give you an edge.

📚Further reading: Work Experience on a Resume|Samples, Formats, Writing Guide

Tip 7: Be concise and cut cliché

Ideally, a good resume headline should be a 'one-liner.' Avoid redundant words or phrases and make it straight to the point. Cliché lines indicate that the candidate is either inattentive or unqualified. Resumes with generic headlines often go unnoticed among other job applicants and are skipped over.

Tip 8: Include relevant license or certification

If a specific license or certification is mentioned in the job requirement, and you by chance own it, make sure that you put it to good use while crafting your resume headline.

Tip 9: Highlight accomplishments using quantifiable data

Numbers can easily catch hiring managers' attention and at the same time, demonstrate the potential value you can bring to the organization. The accomplishments you've achieved in school or at work is something specific to you, which can profoundly set you apart.

Examples of quantifiable data

  • The number of awards won
  • The amount of product sold
  • The growth of conversion rate
  • The sum of of sales goal achieved
  • The number of satisfaction rate

Tip 10: Customize for different companies & job positions

Since every company has different core value and organizational culture, it is highly suggested to customize your resume title for each job you apply for, even the job title is the same. A tailor-made resume headline demonstrates enthusiasm and attentiveness, indicating that the candidate is paying close attention.

How to Write a Resume Headline in Naukri?

The character limit of the resume headline section in Naukri is 250 characters, which can approximately accommodate 3 - 5 sentences. However, do remember the essence of a professional resume headline - concise and unique. Keep it an one-line phrase as previously instructed. If you have abundant of achievement and experience to showcase, choose the one that can instantly differentiate you from other candidates, and save the others for the profile summary section.

How to write professional resume headlines in Naukri for freshers?

Writing a resume headline often seem discouraging to fresh graduates. This comes from the feeling of inadequacy when comparisons are made to people with many years of experiences.

As a fresher, your resume headline should grab the recruiters' attention in a split second. Instead of including years of experience, write out things that make you unique as an individual and a candidate, such as your greatest strengths or specific personal traits. Outline the skills required for the job position/industry/field you are applying for. As long as you have acquired the expertise needed, you would be viewed as a professional.

Resume headlines tips for freshers in Naukri

Since the lack of experience is the biggest disadvantage for freshers, leveraging the following items can distract recruiters from the fact that you are inexperienced, while highlighting your qualifications at the same time.

  • Skills & knowledge you posses
  • Leadership roles you have played
  • Accomplishments you have achieved
  • Educational achievement you have attained
  • Volunteer works, academic projects, and extra-curricular activities you have participated in

How to write resume headline in Naukri for experienced job seekers?

Even with a lot of experience, relevance can be easily overlooked when your resume headline is not properly structured. Apart from showing how long you have been working in that capacity, you also need to show how well you have done within those years.

In the midst of several achievements, identify and adopt the best ones in your resume headline. Show statistics or quantifiable data to prove your statements and the value you added to your previous companies. Do note that it is suggested to include the goals you reached in your most recent position.

20+ Resume Headline Examples

Resume headline for Network engineers

  • Skilled Network Engineer with Stunning Records in Creating and Configuring 1000+ VPNs for Corporate Use

Resume headline example for freshers

  • Multilingual Sales Marketer with a Focus on Digital Marketing

Resume headline example for entry-level job seekers

  • Empathic Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) in Florida with a Strong Emphasis on Mental Health

Resume headline samples for experienced job seekers

  • Resourceful Manager Who Has Won 15 Awards with 25 Years of Experience
  • Ambitious Sales Marketer Who Exceeded Sales Targets by 40%

Resume headline examples for customer service

  • Patient Customer Service Specialist with 900 Fully Satisfied Customer Feedbacks in One Year
  • Bilingual Customer Service Representative with 15 Years of Experience

Resume headline samples for software developers

Resume headline for software engineer

  • Skillful Software Engineer Especially Knowledgeable in Python and C++

Resume headline for software engineer fresher

  • Detail-Oriented Software Engineer with UX Design Skills

Resume headline for experienced software developer

  • Active Open Source Contributor & Senior Software Developer with 18 Years of Relevant Experience

Resume headline samples for Java developers

Resume headline for Java developer fresher

  • Junior Java Developer with Profound Knowledge in Java, MySQL, MongoDB, and Heroku

Resume headline for experienced Java developer

  • Seasoned Java Developer with 10 years of experience in building reliable, scalable, and maintainable software applications

Resume headline for BCom (Bachelor of Commerce) freshers

  • Harvard Certified Bachelor of Commerce Graduate with Outstanding Internship Performance

Resume headline for software testers

Resume headline for experienced software tester

  • Senior Software Tester with 25 Years of Industry Experience

Resume headline for automation test engineer

  • Goal-Oriented Automation Test Engineer with 7 Years’ Experience of Providing Satisfactory Service

Resume title examples for mechanical engineers

Resume headline for mechanical engineer fresher

  • Highly-Motivated Graduating Mechanical Engineer with Excellent Results Accomplished in Internships

Resume headline for mechanical design engineer

  • Microsoft Certified Mechanical Design Engineer with 12 Years of Experience

Resume headline for experienced mechanical engineer

  • Professional Mechanical Engineer with 30 Years of Field Experience

Resume title examples for electrical engineers

Resume headline for electrical engineer

  • Seasoned Electrical Engineer with 15+ Years of Relevant Experiences

Resume headline for electronics engineer fresher

  • Published Research Assistant and Graduating Electronics Engineering Student

Resume headline for experienced electrical engineer

  • Expert Electrical Engineer with 24 Years of Experience

Resume headline example for HR

  • Result-Driven HR Executive Who Exceeded Recruitment Conversion Rate by 30%

Resume headline for MBA freshers

  • Certified MBA Graduate with Proven Skills in Human Relations and Communication

CV headline examples for teachers

Resume headline for teacher

  • Passionate Teacher with Special Teaching Techniques for Kids Between 5 - 9 Years

Resume headline for primary teacher

  • Widely Experienced Teacher with Distinguished Skills in Juvenile Management

Resume headline example for accountants

  • Internationally Recognized Certified Accountant with 35 Years of Experience

Resume headline sample for civil engineers

  • Oxford Certified Civil Engineer with Additional Skills in Management

Resume headline for business analysts

  • Result-Oriented Business Analyst with 30 Years of Constant Award-Winning Record

CV headline for MCA (Master of Computer Applications) freshers

  • Resilient MCA Degree Holder with Proven Skills Required in the Field of Information Technology

Resume headline for data analysts

  • Detail-Oriented Data Analyst with 20 Years of Field Experience

Resume headline for digital marketing

  • Skilled Digital Marketer with Additional Specialization in SEO

Resume headline for Android developers

  • Globally Acclaimed Android Developer with 16 Years of Experience in Samsung Group

Cake provides the best free resume builder & great resume examples to help you create the perfect resume for your job hunt. Take your career journey to new heights - create a resume online (free download) now!

--- Originally written by Ryan Goh ---

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