39+ Sales Interview Questions: How to Answer Them and Tips


Being a sales representative is a challenging career. You must be able to build strong relationships with customers and ensure they have the perfect service experience from start to finish when purchasing products or services.

Data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that sales representative jobs are a good choice for recent college graduates or job seekers without a bachelor's degree. For this reason, it is important to learn sales interview questions and answers in addition to your resume!

The same organization estimates that the employment of sales representatives will grow by 0.7% between 2022 and 2032. This means that there will be approximately 9,100 job openings. It would be a shame if you didn't take advantage of this opportunity.

This article will focus on sales representative interview questions and answers specifically for sales representative positions.

Table of Contents:

Who Are Sales Representatives? What Are Their Responsibilities? (+Salary Guide)

A sales representative is a person who works to promote and sell a company's products or services. Because they deal directly with customers, it's no wonder that a sales representative is often referred to as the face of the company they work for.

Earlier in this article, you got the idea that a sales position does not usually require a specific degree. The minimum education required is a high school diploma. However, a degree in marketing and business can be a plus.

The range of industries in which sales representatives work is very diverse. According to Western Governor University, there are several types of organizations and departments where sales representatives are in high demand:

  • B2B sales: In business-to-business sales, the salesperson is responsible for finding solutions for customers who need help growing their business.
  • B2C: In business-to-consumer sales, salespeople focus on selling to end users.
  • Inside Sales: In this type of job, the sales representative makes sales through email and direct sales calls to potential customers. In inside sales, sales representatives are allowed to work from anywhere (WFA).
  • Outside Sales: The opposite of inside sales, outside sales requires sales representatives to meet face-to-face with customers and offer the company's services and products.

The responsibilities of a sales representative can vary from company to company, depending on the needs and type of business. But here's a list of some of the most common daily tasks:

  • Sales representatives sell the company’s products and services according to a daily target amount.
  • As representatives of the company or brand they work for, sales representatives also make the best offers, give product/service demonstrations, answer all questions, and maintain good customer relations.
  • Disseminate offers and business leads through a variety of platforms, including email, social media, phone, and text messaging.
  • Negotiate with customers to obtain the best deal for the purchase of products/services.
  • Ensure customer orders are recorded and delivered on time.
  • Summarize sales results in the form of reports to be presented to the sales manager.

The Average Salary of a Sales Representative

Salaries are based on many factors: work experience, skills, minimum wage for the city, and the size of the company.

For sales, companies usually have a bonus system. This bonus is calculated based on the number of leads (the number of positive customers who purchase products or services) that a salesperson generates.

For example, the company promises an additional bonus of US$100 for every two leads a salesperson gets. The bonus is accumulated each month and transferred with the base salary received.

Here's an overview of the base salary for a sales representative in the United States.

  • Entry level: $68,070 per year
  • Mid-level: $108,256 per year
  • Senior level: $180,850 per year

Meanwhile, in Singapore, the average monthly sales representative salary ranges from $2,088 to $3,700. In Australia, the figure ranges from $70,000 to $85,000 per year.

Meanwhile, in Singapore, the average monthly sales representative salary ranges from $2,088 to $3,700. In Australia, the figure ranges from $70,000 to $85,000 per year.

Top Common Interview Questions for Sales Representatives


1) Can you tell us something about yourself?

Sample answer

“Thank you for this opportunity. My name is XX [insert your name], a marketing graduate from XX University. After completing my education, I worked as a Customer Service Representative from 2022 to 2023 and managed to achieve a 99% customer satisfaction rate by providing exceptional service.

I describe myself as hardworking, eager to learn and grow, confident, and loyal. After reading the job description of your vacancy, choosing me as a Sales Representative in your company is the right choice.

As stated in my sales representative resume, I am accustomed to working with tough goals supported by a comprehensive understanding of the sales process.”

2) How did you hear about this position? And why did you choose our company?

Sample answer

“I am currently actively looking for a sales job. I have registered with several job boards to find suitable vacancies. I found the company and job posting you posted on Cake on May 25, 2024.

I carefully studied the job description and requirements that you listed in the job posting. I also visited your company's website and social media accounts before submitting my application. Because I believe that my experience and skills match what you are looking for, I am confident in submitting my application.”

3) What do you know about our company?

Sample answer

“The company was established in 1970 with its first factory in Jakarta, Indonesia. From 1970 until the early 2000s, the company was the only flour producer in Indonesia and one of the largest in Asia. In the post-2000s, competitors began to emerge. But the company has not lost its prestige. I consulted with several of its former employees, and they also praised the working environment the company provided.”

4) Are you familiar with our products and services?

Sample answer

“Of course. My family and I have purchased and used your products several times. I also know that many of my family and friends are also familiar with your products. This makes me confident in your company's future and I am eagerly submitting my application for the sales representative position.”

5) As a recent graduate, why did you choose a sales career over other fields?

Sample answer

“I've always been fascinated by people-related work. The sales representative position gave me the opportunity to fulfil that interest while providing a platform for me to grow as a recent graduate in my first professional career. Although I'm still at the entry-level, I'm sure that the sales representative position will enrich my experience in the future.”

6) How do your part-time jobs/internships prepare you for this role?

Sample answer

I learned useful sales skills during a previous sales assistant part-time job six months ago. At that time, I learned to organize customer data, document sales records, and manage time. I learned to use software to manage sales-related information and look for patterns of different types of customers.”

7) Why are you interested in becoming a sales representative?

Sample answer

“As a marketing management graduate, I have studied the career path in sales. Sales representatives have a great responsibility to achieve high sales goals for the company. For me, the job challenged my ambitious nature to exceed the set targets. 

In addition, being a sales representative can also be a stepping stone to higher positions such as account executive, then sales manager, sales director, vice president of sales, and finally the position of chief sales officer (CSO).”

8) Tell us about your sales experience and approach

Sample answer

“I have one year of experience as a sales representative in the manufacturing industry. My main task was to map the data of my target customers. I did my research in various ways, from canvassing to following the latest trends on social media, to researching Google Analytic movements regarding the products I sold. 

I then created a list of potential customers and divided them into several sections: those to be contacted by phone, those to be contacted by email, and those to be visited in person.”

9) What skills do you think it takes to be a sales rep?

Sample answer

“The first skill a salesperson must have is the ability to communicate effectively because not all customers enjoy small talk or have time to discuss product offerings.

The next skill is knowledge of the products and services being offered. If a salesperson is unable to provide satisfactory answers, potential customers are likely to hesitate and look for a more convincing company. 

Another list of skills that should be developed is, of course, negotiation, collaboration, problem-solving, listening, data analysis, and adaptability.

All of these skills were practised long before I applied to your company. If I am accepted as a sales representative, I will use these skills when communicating with customers.”

10) How do you build a good relationship with customers?

Sample answer

“In my opinion, maintaining good relationships with existing customers is the most interesting part of a sales representative's job. First, I record information about customers in spreadsheets. For a salesperson, data cleanliness is a non-negotiable tool of war.

Every morning, before starting my work routine, I would check the list of discounts, attractive offers, and the latest products and services that meet the needs of existing customers. I would contact them to give them the information they needed.

So as not to be annoying, I also make a schedule for when the right time to contact customers is. That way, when we call, the customer is not in a busy position.”

11) How do you deal with customers who criticize, protest, or complain about the products they buy?

Sample answer

“The first step I take is to listen to all complaints, protests, and criticisms from customers. After that, I will quickly guide the customer to contact customer service directly as the party in charge of solving this kind of problem. Of course, after that, I will establish communication with the customer service department to make sure that the customer's rights have been fulfilled.”

12) What would you do if you encountered a difficult customer?

Sample answer

I would be a good listener and try to find out what the obstacles are for the customer. Then I make sure that I come up with a solution or agreement that benefits all parties.

There are times when difficult customers do not respond well despite our best efforts. If it reaches this stage, I will consult with the supervisor to determine if it is feasible to continue providing services or if it should be discontinued.”

13) Since your job involves products (which could be more than 1), how do you keep up with industry trends while improving your knowledge of the products you sell?

Sample answer

“I'm a two-way street when it comes to understanding things, and I apply this to learning about the products and services I sell. 

The first tip is to provide a blank book to write down all the information about the company's products and services. This helps me remember and understand it better. 

The second tip is that I will make a simple data visualization when needed. This kind of visualization is not only neat but also interesting and convenient to use.”

14) Tell us about your sales successes.

Sample answer

“Last year, I successfully guided a client who needed web design services on a very limited budget. I walked the client through various options and plans. At the time, I only believed that the help and guidance I provided would have a big impact on the client's business. 

We communicated by phone, email, and even met in person. I also connected the client's needs with the company's UI/UX design team. In the end, the web design was completed and the client was pleased with the results. 

In April, the same client placed another order for web design services, this time with a budget of $100,000. He contacted me directly because he trusted me to handle the purchase.”

15) Describe a time when you turned down a sales lead.

Sample answer

“As a sales representative, my goal is to ensure that all customers find the products and services they need. But in 2022, I reluctantly turned down a sales lead from a local convenience store.

I carefully explained that our products did not fit their business needs and suggested products from other companies. The customer eventually accepted my explanation and advice.

From the beginning, I emphasized honesty and transparency with the customer. Although there was no transaction at that time, I believe the positive interaction will pave the way for possible future opportunities.”

16) What do you think the job of a salesperson will look like in the future? Is there anything that needs to be anticipated?

Sample answer

“The salesperson's job in the future will be made easier by technology, especially in the use of AI to map prospects. But I also see a broader range of future sales challenges. 

Trends in society will change faster, people's needs will change, and conventional approaches will be increasingly abandoned. If a salesperson is not quick to recognise this shift, his or her position can change quickly.

Companies must also actively create space for salespeople to gain new knowledge, provide regular training, and encourage discussion among teams to anticipate new sales strategies.”

17) What advice would you give to first-time salespeople?

Sample answer

“There is no career that hasn't been built through hard work and study. A successful employee is built on a lot of hard work.”

18) If you are accepted into our company, how will you develop?

Sample answer

“First, I will build a good relationship with the seniors. The experience of those who joined the team first can have an impact on my development. 

Second, I would like to have the opportunity to attend trainings both inside and outside the company. 

Thirdly, I am willing to accept tough challenges with high sales targets in order to improve my skills. I believe that great people are made on a steep path.”

19) Nowadays, almost all industries use artificial intelligence, what do you think?

Sample answer

“Of course, we cannot turn a blind eye to the development of technology today, especially AI. But being a salesperson is a job that requires a human touch. Customer trust is built on human communication, which consists of consistency and deep understanding. In this case, no machine can ever replace such approaches.”

20) Would you close a guaranteed $10,000 deal or try to close a $100,000 deal?

Sample answer

Both are tough decisions. The second deal is worth ten times more than the first. So I had to make a careful decision. 

I will certainly analyze this month in terms of sales goals. Is the amount needed still far from the expected amount, or is it close to the target? 

Second, I would also check the situation and condition of the company. Pursuing the opportunity to get a $100,000 deal during the off-season is certainly a wise choice. 

Third, I will discuss the situation with my boss. I will ask for his consideration and advice before making a final decision.”

21) Tell me about a time when you failed to achieve a goal. What did you do to get over it?

Sample answer

“In 2023, when I was still working as a customer service representative, I received a complaint from a customer who thought I was too slow. The manager called me on it. The first thing I wanted to do was get angry. But I tried to calm down on the office balcony and thought about it for 30 minutes. When I was ready, I went back to my manager and asked for feedback on what I needed to do to correct the mistake.

Since then, I believe that self-control is important for every employee. I was able to think more clearly and openly instead of being consumed by anger.”

22) What are your strengths as a salesperson?

Sample answer

“My ability to communicate and understand customers is my strength as a salesperson. As a sales representative, we cannot avoid challenging customers. One way to overcome this problem is to try to put ourselves in the customer's shoes and adjust our communication style accordingly.”

23) What do you think is the best way to align marketing and sales?

Sample answer

“In my opinion, a salesperson should be able to see the big picture, that he or she is part of a big team. Sales cannot stand alone without the help of other teams, especially marketing, and the best way to do that is to develop goals, strategies, and key performance indicators (KPIs) together. Both teams must also be willing to share workflows.”

24) How do you keep up with the latest industry trends in sales?

Sample answer

“Be open to all the information that comes your way. I'm an active user of social media, so it's no surprise that I'm quick to pick up on the latest trends that people are talking about.

I can also tell which trends are short-lived and which are long-lived. Sometimes I use the results of this identification when I'm doing business with clients.”

25) What are your future career plans? Do you dream of continuing to work in sales?

Sample answer

“Sales is a job with great opportunities and a clear career path, and ever since I decided to go into sales as a sales representative, I have had plans to be at the top of the sales field, namely Chief Sales Officer (CSO).”

26) Tell me about a time when you exceeded your supervisor’s expectations.

Sample answer

“In one task, I had to research and give an exhaustive presentation to the sales team. The presentation was about five new market competitors. The manager’s requirements were rather simple, and I had to research their products, prices, and other sales-related information. I saw an opportunity to go beyond and decided to use effective data visualization to explain my research more clearly. Moreover, all of the sales team members were well-informed by my presentation. The presentation helped us define our next sales goals more precisely.”

27) Sell me this pen.

Sample answer

You: If you don’t mind me asking, how often do you use a pen and what for?

Interviewer: I use it almost every day to take notes and comment on documents.

You: Seems like your work relies heavily on pens. Would you mind telling me about a time you were upset with a pen?Interviewer: I once had to sign a big contract. The pen wasn’t working initially, so I had to rewrite it several times and ended up accidentally tearing the sheet. It was horrible.

You: I’m sorry to hear that. I believe that with all the big contracts and documents you have to go through each day, that experience really gave you horror.

Interviewer: Yeah, it did.

You: Here’s what I believe, a busy woman like you shouldn’t let an awfully manufactured pen ruin your tight schedule. This pen is designed with thoughtful details and aims to prevent these horrible situations. It has an anti-leak ink tank and a smooth and shock-proof nib that will never malfunction. Better yet, we are offering new buyers a 50% off deal. Sign your future contracts with this pen. What do you say? 

28) How do you negotiate terms with clients?

Sample answer

“Three months ago, I met a client who had an extremely limited budget. I first understood their needs and tried to offer solutions to their problems when negotiating with them. With a bottom line in mind, I first made myself firm but gentle. Next, I explained why our product was unrivaled and how this product would solve their problem. To close the deal without sacrificing profits, I helped them come up with better budget plans by recommending better manufacturers for other items.

29) How would colleagues describe you?

Sample answer

“My former colleagues would probably describe me as a responsible, humorous, and versatile salesperson. As a part of the sales team, my colleagues and I had good relationships, and we often helped each other to close deals. Good humor certainly made our sales work more effective and motivating. In addition, I often helped my colleague respond with quick changes by agilely coming up with win-win terms.

30) Why should we consider you as a sales representative?

Sample answer

“I have a proven track record of successfully exceeding 15% sales goals at my previous company. In addition, customers consistently give me five-star ratings for their satisfaction with the services I provide.

I also have the ability to work with other teams and am always open to criticism and suggestions. My experience and skills will be a valuable addition to your sales team.”

31) What makes you a good salesperson?

Sample answer

“My curiosity makes me an exceptional retail sales representative. I want to know everything and thus always thoroughly research all kinds of products and competitors. I firmly believe a good retail sales representative needs to have knowledge of what they’re selling, and I strive to be one of those who has this kind of knowledge. Nevertheless, if customers ask questions I am not acquainted with, I’m always happy to find answers for them and keep their inquiries in mind.”

32) What are you looking for in a company that hires you?

Sample answer

“I have been following the development of your company for 3 years through your Instagram and Twitter accounts. The content you uploaded through social media, showing the activities of your employees at work, in training, and in meetings, left a deep impression on me.

The posts showed me that this company has a strong commitment to providing growth opportunities for all of its employees. This kind of supportive work environment is exactly what I was looking for.

I am also looking forward to the transparency and clarity regarding employment contracts, rights and responsibilities as an employee. I hope that your company will also be open to discussing the need for work tools, insurance, vacations, and bonuses.

33) How do you decide when it’s time to stop working with a potential client?

Sample answer

“Sometimes expectations just don’t match. Last year, a client came to us and proposed to buy our products at an incredibly low price in a massive volume. They were unwilling to make any changes or accept other offers. As a result, our team determined it was not feasible or profitable to land a deal at this moment. However, we still remained in a friendly relationship after suggesting solutions for them.”

34) What are your short- and mid-term career goals?

Sample answer

“My short-term goal at the moment is to attend marketing training from a certified organization. This training is a stepping stone to my long-term goal of being in a management position.”

35) How do you stay motivated during these challenging times?

Sample answer

“Journaling has always helped me deal with problems. I have a special book that I use to record many things, from small to large information. 

When work is too overwhelming, I take time on the weekend to exercise or just do nothing at home.

It may seem like a trivial activity, but the truth is that being quiet makes it easier for me to organize my thoughts. I use this method whenever I face difficulties, and so far it has proven to be effective in getting me through them faster.”

36) What do you like least about sales?

Sample answer

“I would say that rejection is my least favorite part of being a sales rep. However, I understand that not every product or service we market is for everyone. That is why I am determined to maintain a good relationship with my existing customers.”

37) What would you do if you weren't a sales rep?

Sample answer

“Even if I don't become a salesperson, I will still work in a field that deals with people. I have a great interest in public relations, which is why my first career choice was sales. I can use my language and speaking skills to communicate with people.”

38) Do you have any hobbies outside of work?

Sample answer

Reading books and watching movies in theaters or on streaming services are activities that I specifically schedule after work. I enjoy all genres of books and movies. After more than 10 years of pursuing these hobbies, I feel that they help me to have an open, critical, and analytical mind. The biggest change I feel from reading books and watching movies is in my verbal and written communication skills.”

39) Do you have any questions about our company?

Sample answer

“Of course, I am very glad that you gave me the opportunity to ask. If I am hired, will the company provide any training and how long will the probationary period be? How much base salary and total compensation will I receive as an entry-level sales representative?”

Questions to Ask Interviewers During an Interview for a Sales Position

The end of the sales representative interview is your chance to ask the sales hiring manager questions about the contract, salary, workload, vacation policy, insurance, and more. There is no need to be shy about asking questions, as it is your right to know about the company's policies.

Remember, you also have the right to accept or reject the company's offer.

As for the hiring managers, answering the candidate's questions is one of the obligations of the interview. The transparency of the company is also an added value that makes potential candidates more confident to join the company.

Here are some questions you could ask:

  1. What are the daily and weekly responsibilities of a sales representative in your company?
  2. Does the company currently have specific goals for sales representatives? If so, can you explain them in detail so I can get an idea?
  3. What type of experience or skills are you looking for? Does the company provide learning opportunities?
  4. Does the company offer training for sales representatives?
  5. What is the career path for this position?
  6. What is the composition of the sales team at this company? Who will I work and interact with most?
  7. Who will I report to most frequently? Is the reporting process weekly or monthly?
  8. What is the process for providing feedback to salespeople as a team or individually?
  9. What will the onboarding process be like if I am hired?
  10. What is the company policy regarding probationary employees, including salary and other benefits?
  11. What are the chances of contract employees becoming permanent employees?
  12. What is the company's policy regarding employee leave?
  13. Is there a penalty policy for employees who decide to leave before the end of their contract?
  14. What is your company's payroll system like? What is the base salary and take-home pay for a sales representative position? Are there bonuses and opportunities for raises? If so, what is the system?
  15. What are the working hours in this company?
  16. Does the company provide health insurance, unemployment insurance, and income tax?
  17. When will the salary be paid?
  18. Does the company provide work tools?
  19. How flexible is the company in allowing employees to work from home (WFH), work from anywhere (WFA), and hybrid work systems?
  20. How long will it take to receive confirmation of the interview results?
  21. Do you have any specific advice for me during the interview?

6 Sales Representative Interview Tips

Congratulations, you have reached the interview stage! Getting an interview is no easy feat, so getting to this stage is a huge achievement!

For some job seekers, attending interviews is the most nerve-wracking part of the process - difficulty getting a good night's sleep is just one of the effects! This nervousness can be exacerbated if it is not coupled with good and sufficient preparation.

Meanwhile, for hiring managers, the moment of the interview is a crucial point. Sales hiring managers can get valuable information about candidates that is not written in the resume, such as the ability to communicate verbally, critically, and in an organized manner.

Just because the interview is online doesn't mean you can let your guard down. Maintaining professionalism is one of the keys to impressing the hiring manager and adding positive value to yourself.

Cake’s interview tips will help you make a great impression during the interview.

1) Gather information about your company with thorough research!

Research should be done before writing your resume. The goal is to understand what kind of company you are applying to, what the work environment is like, what benefits they offer, etc. The most common questions asked during the interview process are as follows:

During the interview process, the most common question asked is "What do you know about our company? If you do your research, you won't be stumped and confused when you give a statement.

Start by visiting the company's official website, typing the company name into a search engine, and following the company's social media accounts.

Research is just the first step in your overall interview preparation. If you think you've done enough research, it doesn't mean you don't have other things to prepare.

2) Dress to impress

Appearance is always a factor in the hiring team's assessment, especially if your job will involve customer contact. Looking neat, smelling good, and being polite is a way to show respect for yourself, the hiring manager, and the company that has given you this opportunity.

You don't need expensive clothes to look your best. Just follow these few steps:

  • Long shirts are the best choice for interviews (even if the interview is online).
  • Make sure your shirt is pressed.
  • Avoid bright colors.
  • Wear perfume and deodorant. Avoid vanilla-scented perfumes as they are not suitable if you are a sweaty person. Instead, choose a perfume with a citrus scent. 
  • Try not to eat before the interview to make sure your breath is fresh.
  • Try to keep your hair neat and tidy.

3) Train your confidence by simulating interview questions and answers

You can simulate an interview in front of a mirror or with the help of family and close friends. Ask the person closest to you to ask questions like a hiring manager.

This exercise will not only build your confidence but also prepare you for unexpected questions later. You can use the list of questions above during the simulation.

This mock interview is also useful for getting used to the pace of speaking. Indirectly, you will know when to speak, when to answer questions, and when to listen.

The second step in building your confidence is to practice your body language. You can get used to walking and sitting in a straight (not stiff) position.

4) Arrive 15 to 20 minutes before the interview time

You want to arrive at the interview fresh and relaxed. Allow yourself 15 to 20 minutes to calm down by catching your breath, looking around the office, and improving your appearance. Arriving early will also reduce your nervousness during the interview.

5) Show enthusiasm during the interview

In the previous tip, you learned how to pace yourself. This time, don't forget the important point of always showing personal interest and enthusiasm when presenting your ideas to the hiring manager.

Note that your enthusiasm should not be contrived or fake. Make your enthusiasm as natural as possible while still keeping your pace.

6) Ask the hiring manager for feedback

Here we are at the end of the interview! The hiring manager will definitely allow you to ask any questions related to the position you're applying for. Aside from technical questions about the job, don't forget to ask the hiring manager for feedback about yourself.

Not only does this show that you're open to suggestions and criticism, but it's also useful for future needs. Not all interviews go well, and the hiring manager's feedback will help you improve when you apply elsewhere.

These are the key points in sales interview questions. We understand that the job search is the most difficult moment for many people, but the only way to get through it is to be confident that you can do it. Cake is here to help job seekers who need guidance. So let's get started now!

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— Originally written by Erika Rizqi —

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