20 Great UI Designer Portfolios Examples [+ Pro Tips]

Having a well-curated UI designer portfolio is not only about selecting the perfect projects and how you display them. A UI portfolio functions similarly to a traditional resume. But, instead of only having your information presented in words, you also get to showcase your skills and past projects in an aesthetically-pleasing way.

Whether you are a self-employed UI designer or you work for a company, your UI design portfolio is a gateway for potential clients or future employers to get a grasp of your expertise, style, and personality. It’s your opportunity to sell your services through your previous works. Additionally, as a UI designer, having a UI portfolio can be the deal-breaker in whether or not you will land a gig or job.

With that said, let’s take a look at some UI designer portfolio examples that will inspire you. We’ll divide them into two categories, UI designer personal websites and UI design portfolios made on portfolio platforms.

20 Best UI Designer Portfolio Examples

Here are the top UI designer portfolios created on various portfolio platforms:

1. UI Designer Portfolio by Xin Yan

Created on Cake’s free online portfolio builder, Xin Yan’s UI designer portfolio is straightforward, clean, and simple. Cake’s online portfolio maker is equipped to connect to a resume, making anyone who visits Xin Yan’s UI portfolio can easily access her resume as well. 

Cake’s free online portfolio service is highly suitable for someone who just got into the UI industry and wants to make a starting UI portfolio. It is also a great UI design portfolio example that utilizes a portfolio builder site, thus minimizing the maintenance that a personal UI portfolio website requires.

UI designer portfolio on Cake by Xin Yan 
UI designer portfolio on Cake by Xin Yan

2. UI Design Portfolio by Pawel Malinowski

Another UI design portfolio example using an already-existing online platform is Pawel Malinowski’s Toptal portfolio. With the Toptal UI portfolio, potential clients can review his work history, and they can also hire him directly through this platform. 

For someone who’s big on practicality, this UI designer portfolio platform might just be for you. Create an eye-catching summary, select your best work, and clients can hire you with just a click of a button!

UX/UI designer portfolio on Toptal by Pawel Malinowski
UX/UI designer portfolio on Toptal by Pawel Malinowski

3. UI Designer portfolio by Oussama Yamine

Behance is known to be THE social media platform for designers. Designers can connect and support each other, as well as feature their creative work on this platform. Having a UI designer portfolio on Behance allows others to view your work, and you can track how many people have seen your creation, given you their appreciation, and followed you.

This UI developer portfolio platform is highly suitable for those who like to network with people within the creative industry. 

UI designer portfolio on Behance by Oussama Yamine
UI designer portfolio on Behance by Oussama Yamine

4. UI Portfolio Website by Lucas Simons

Minimalist, clean but never boring. With over 10 years of experience being a UX/UI designer, Lucas definitely knows his personal style and it shows. Right off the bat, his homepage is screaming with vibrancy. His Format UX/UI portfolio website is nothing but striking and informative. The “Services” page is embellished with minimalist icons and a short description of the services he offers.

If you like to play with color but want to keep your UI portfolio site uncluttered, Lucas’ UI portfolio is a great inspiration.

UX/UI designer portfolio site by Lucas Simons
UX/UI designer portfolio site by Lucas Simons

5. UI Designer Portfolio by Eszter Szigethy

If you prefer a catalog-style portfolio over a website-style, take Eszter’s UX/UI designer portfolio on Issuu as an example. Eszter walked through each project she did in detail, from the client’s background, the challenges, her design process, and the prototypes.

Since you need to create your UI designer portfolio using design software first before uploading it to Issuu, there is absolutely no limitation on what your UI portfolio could look like. For those who are looking to have a more comprehensive portfolio where you can pour more information into your UI portfolio, this is definitely one option you can consider.

UX/UI designer portfolio by Eszter Szigethy
UX/UI designer portfolio by Eszter Szigethy

6. UI Design Portfolio by Taras Migulko

Migulko’s UI design portfolio on Dribbble is an assortment of design styles. You can see his versatility from the shots of each work that he did. He also added a friendly and inviting message on each to engage with the design community. What an exemplary way to connect with fellow designers through your UI designer portfolio!

Dribbble offers a feature where clients can hire directly from the platform. Additionally, Dribbble also lets designers find jobs (full-time or freelance) through their site.

UX/UI portfolio by Taras Migulko
UX/UI portfolio by Taras Migulko

Now that we have covered the different platforms you can choose to create your UI designer portfolio, time to move on and see the best UI designer personal website examples for your portfolio. A personal website portfolio can literally be anything that you want, so let’s dive in!

7. UI Portfolio by Bradley Haynes

Experienced product designer Bradley Haynes’ UI portfolio focuses on the storytelling aspect of his projects, leading visitors straight to the content. The lack of a conventional homepage on his UI portfolio website intrigues people to actually keep scrolling. Bradley has also worked with top brands like Airbnb and Lonely Planet.

Product and UI designer portfolio by Bradley Haynes
Product and UI designer portfolio by Bradley Haynes

8. UI Website Portfolio by Stefan Hiienurm

Don’t underestimate the power of subtle animation. Stefan Hieenurm has proven it in the most elegant way through his UI website portfolio. The dynamic yet subtle change when you hover the cursor over one of his projects makes it fun to scroll through and view. The color scheme of Stefan’s UI portfolio site is very subdued, but he managed to make it interesting with a tiny splash of blue here and there.

UX/UI designer portfolio website by Stefan Hiienurm
UX/UI designer portfolio website by Stefan Hiienurm

9. UI Design Portfolio Website by Josie Allison

Sometimes, less is not more. Sometimes more is definitely more, and we can’t get enough of it.

When we say Josie’s online UI designer portfolio has her personality written all over it, we mean it’s oozing with it. Many designers have a clean-cut look for their UI portfolio, and Josie clearly knows how to stand out among the crowd. She also provides comprehensive information on how she conducted her projects so that potential clients understand her workflow.

Graphic / product / UX / UI designer portfolio by Josie Allison
Graphic / product / UX / UI designer portfolio by Josie Allison

10. UI Designer Portfolio by Emi Lantz

Despite the dark theme, Lantz’s UI design portfolio has a friendly tone. She also clearly knows how to market herself, not just her clients’ products. One big key takeaway from Emi’s portfolio is that you should only present some works that you consider are your best works and relevant to the skill sets and services you offer. Additionally, to make visitors understand the project easier, she also provided a one-sentence brief below the project name.

UI Design Portfolio Projects by Emi Lantz
UI Design Portfolio Projects by Emi Lantz

11. UI Design Portfolio Site by Paula Wrzecionowska

The vibe that first comes across when anyone lands on Paula’s portfolio is friendly. The color scheme she chose is warm and approachable. Her UI design portfolio site is a great example of how important the color palette is. She also shows that you didn’t have to choose black, white, and gray, or monochromatic colors to be minimalist.

UX/UI designer portfolio website by Paula Wrzecionowska
UX/UI designer portfolio website by Paula Wrzecionowska

12. UI Portfolio Website by Sinem Kurt

Clean, straightforward, and easy to navigate. This Berlin-based UX/UI designer clearly put herself in a user’s shoes when designing her UI portfolio. Everything is easy to find and intentional. Another plus point from Sinem’s UI website portfolio is the testimonial section. Just enough good words from previous employers and/or clients to impress new ones.

UI/UX designer portfolio website by Sinem Kurt
UI/UX designer portfolio website by Sinem Kurt

13. UI Design Portfolio by Jason Mei

One thing that stands out immediately from Jason’s UI designer portfolio website is the refreshing neon smiley face logo with his initials that travels down as you scroll. The bottom is more than just a regular website footer, you get an amusing “About Me”, brief work history, and links to his socials. The personal touches really enhance Jason’s entire UI portfolio.

UI Design Portfolio by Jason Mei
UI Design Portfolio by Jason Mei

14. UI Design Portfolio by Gloria Lo

A UI design portfolio example that shows quality over quantity. Gloria only has 3 projects on her website, but she made sure she presented them to perfection. She also assures that her other platforms where she creates other creative works get the exposure through her UI portfolio. For instance, when you click on “write” on her homepage, you’ll be directed to her Medium page. She showed us not to be shy to self-promote!

UX/UI design portfolio website by Gloria Lo
UX/UI design portfolio website by Gloria Lo

15. UI Designer Portfolio Website by Liz Wells

Can we talk about how striking Liz’s landing page is? It’s no surprise she has won so many design awards and worked with big brand names like Nike, Google, Facebook, Twitch, and more. When you hover to one of her homepage’s featured works, there’ll be a Windows lag screen effect that shows the gist of the project.

UI design portfolio by Liz Wells
UI design portfolio by Liz Wells

16. UI Designer Portfolio Website by Buzz Usborne

British designer and design coach living and working remotely in Australia. Buzz’s experience in the industry clearly translates onto his UI designer portfolio website. If there’s one thing—clearly not just one—that we can learn from him is the importance of a distinct logo for personal branding.

UI designer portfolio by Buzz Usborne
UI designer portfolio by Buzz Usborne

17. UI Design Portfolio by Dejan Baric

Dejan is a Serbian-based UI/UX designer. He laid out his projects in a gallery view that highlights what he did and for how long the project went on. A clever way to summarize months of projects in just two lines! He also put a couple of shots from each project so visitors can take a sneak peek at what the project looks like.

UX/UI design portfolio website by Dejan Baric
UX/UI design portfolio website by Dejan Baric

18. UI Design Portfolio by Tom Parkes

Professional and sleek are the two words we would use to describe Tom’s UI designer portfolio website. The big-sized text is bold yet very comforting to the eyes and makes the website less empty. Big kudos to Tom for linking his teammates/co-founders on his UI design personal website too. 

Branding and UI designer portfolio by Tom Parkes
Branding and UI designer portfolio by Tom Parkes

19. UI Design Portfolio by Katherine Chen

Once you get to Katherine’s homepage, you’re welcomed by a cute illustration of her. This shows that your UI designer portfolio website can be as personal as you want, as long as you can deliver your message correctly. Katherine’s bold move is showcasing an ongoing project. But she made sure those projects are password protected and you are asked to contact her directly if you really are curious. A creative way to make people reach out!

UX/UI designer personal portfolio by Katherine Chen
UX/UI designer personal portfolio by Katherine Chen

20. UI Design Portfolio by Jared Bartman

No menu, no problem! Jared’s UI designer portfolio is unambiguous and easy to navigate—just scroll. However, with endless scrolling and a lack of the menu button, especially when you’re reading one of the case studies, his placement of the “Back to Top” button is extremely helpful.

Product, graphic, UX/UI designer portfolio by Jared Bartman
Product, graphic, UX/UI designer portfolio by Jared Bartman

That concludes our list of the best UI designer portfolio websites for you to get inspired by. But we’re not done just yet. We still have some tips and tricks for you to create your best UI design portfolio. Keep reading, we’re almost there!

Tips for Creating a UI Designer Portfolio

💡 Put the final product image in the first part of each project.

Let the visitors have a sneak peek at your amazing final design. It helps to invite and attract clients to read through the case study when they are reading your UI designer portfolio.

💡 Describe & visualize the design process.

Get creative with words and walk readers through your thought process when you were doing the project. This can help show off your creativity and can give potential clients a view of how you could fit their needs through your UI design portfolio.

💡 Include only your best works.

When choosing the works to include in your UI designer portfolio, it is always quality over quantity. You’d be surprised how much a few can do if executed perfectly. It also ensures your UI portfolio is not too confusing.

💡 Regularly update your UI designer portfolio.

Aside from maintaining the content, a regular update is necessary for you to see and check how your portfolio engagement is doing. 

💡 Don’t be shy to throw your personality into it.

Having a personality in real life already sets you apart from others, so why not try incorporating it even more into your UI designer portfolio? Use color, animations, or anything that’s your specialty.

💡 Proofread your copy.

A great UI design portfolio is not only easy to the eyes, but it also contains perfect grammar. Be thorough when double-checking your spelling.

💡 Lay an assortment of projects.

As a designer, the way you advance is by continuous learning. Display various work to show your flexibility and variety, even a few UI design practice projects that aren’t paid work can also be featured.

Now that you are inspired and informed of all the tips to perfect your UI portfolio website, what are you waiting for?

Cake’s free online portfolio maker is suitable for creative and design professionals. With our user-friendly portfolio-making tools, anyone can make their very own portfolio hassle-free. Create your online portfolio now!

--- Originally written by Teresa Edria ---

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