Winning Web Developer Resume Guide [+ Examples & Tips]

web developer resume examples
Created by Cake

What does a web developer do? 

Simply put, web developers build websites and are divided into front-end and back-end sides: Front-End developers write code to implement the design of the web and are responsible for the content using mainly HTML, CSS, and JavaScript as their programming languages. 

Back-End developers are to maintain the server-side of the website and to collect databases to contribute a portable, efficient code by using PHP, Python, Java, C#, and node.js. Full-Stack Developers, on the other hand, have to be acquainted with the work of both front-end and back-end developers.

Web Developer vs. Web Designer

While web developers construct websites by writing codes, web designers contribute to style the websites. Web designers need to think creatively and customize the websites’ visions. They usually focus on UX(User Experience) and UI(User Interface) designs, and, as web developers, some designers do both UX and UI designs. Web developers then use the coding languages mentioned above to functionalize websites.

How to craft the perfect web developer resume

To apply for the position, it is essential to write the perfect website developer resume. A guide to writing a resume helps you emphasize your top skills and enhance the possibility to outstand other competitors. 

Whether you are writing a web developer intern resume, an entry-level web developer resume, or even a freelance web developer resume, the following points should be noted.

Step 1: What is a "Resume" and what is a "CV"?

Before writing a resume, understanding the difference between a web developer CV and resume is a must. 

Resume vs. CV

Curriculum Vitae
1-2 pages
no limits
Job Application
Academic aspects
Top skills to prove you’re competent for the job
Complete facts about one’s background
  • Length: Curriculum Vitae needs to be more detailed. Normally a resume only takes up 1-2 pages, while a CV has no limit on length.
  • Purpose: CV contains complete facts which focus on academic purposes such as science and medicine fields. A resume is mostly about the key skills you own from your background.
  • Content: A resume usually only includes the skills needed to apply for the job to prove that you possess the capacity. For a web developer CV, however, it needs a more thorough summary based on your past achievements and skills.
  • Design: The layout of a resume depends on the job, industry while that of a CV is plain.

Step 2: Use a suitable format for your web developer resume.

Before you jump into writing a resume, a correct resume format for web developers will emphasize your strength more clearly. Resume formats are divided into 4 types: chronological, functional, hybrid, and targeted. 

Each resume format has its pros and cons, and it is crucial to find the best way to prove your abilities when pursuing your dream job.

Eager to see more? View Different Types of Resume Formats and Templates!

Step 3: Look up web developer resume templates & samples online as references.

When structuring a resume, try to begin with reviewing a web developer resume template online. Search for web developer resume templates for free online and gather the advantages and disadvantages of different kinds of resume examples.

You may as well find out the perfect web developer resume website template. 

💡 Tips: Don’t forget to take note of the ideas you pop out with.

Step 4: Customize your web developer resume for the job position.

Remember to look through each job description so you can write the perfect and qualified web developer resume. Keep in mind that whether it is an entry-level or managerial job, each position may require different qualities. It is important to write down the experiences and backgrounds required for your dream job.

Step 5: Write the perfect web developer cover letter.

A cover letter is like a pre-interview. It should cover not only your programming skills, past achievements, but also your desire for the web developer position.

Step 6: Make sure it’s error-free.

Double-check your resume. Make sure there are no reckless errors and mistakes. Keep note that a professional website developer profile always impresses your employer beforehand.

What to put on a resume for a web developer

Resumes are the first impression you leave on your employer. A perfect impression would lead you to the second round - interview.

No matter if you're writing a resume as a web developer fresher, or writing a senior web developer resume, a good resume can contribute to a successful outcome of your career.

Personal information

First and foremost, basic information must be included. Recruiters need to be informed of the candidate’s contact information to get in touch. The following shows the must-have and the details that should not be included:


  1. Full Name: ensure identity and individuality
  2. Professional Title: show how experienced you are and the level you’re at
  3. Email Address
  4. Phone Number
  5. Address: especially for freelance, remote, and international working

❌ DO NOT Include:

  1. Current Salary: this information mentioned in the interview would be a bargaining tool to negotiate but isn’t appropriate to be mentioned in the resume.
  2. National Insurance Number/Social Security Number: it is not necessary when you apply for a job and would expose your private details.
  3. Other: Sexual Orientation, Marital Status, Race, Gender, Age, Nationality, Religion, and Photograph

Resume headline

A catchy headline highlights your strengths. By using strong sentences, employers would get to understand your expertise and achievements. A single-line phrase on top of the resume immediately tells the hiring manager whether you suit this job or not. 

Therefore, note that you put in the keywords with strong words and place them on top of your web developer resume to highlight your advantages.

Web Developer Resume Headline Examples:

  • Full-Stack Developer who Managed to Build and Optimize Websites
  • Senior Web Developer with an Outstanding History in Creating Website

Resume summary / objective

A resume summary and objective means to put the long story short as a longer version of a resume headline. A summary is different from a career objective. Though they own a similar format, a web developer resume objective is usually vague and does not present your specialties.

With 2-3 sentences, write down what skills, achievements, or experiences you think would impress your hiring managers the most and, on the other hand, the goals you want to achieve.

A web developer profile summary is intended to emphasize all your abilities so employers can have a better understanding of your resume while a career objective for web developers would give your employer a vision of your career aspirations.

To write a web developer resume summary, there are 3 simple steps. 

  1. First, read through the job description. 
  2. Second, pick relevant skills and experiences. 
  3. Third, summarize the above. 

Web Developer Summary Example:

Senior Web Developer devoted to front-end and back-end development. Specialized in creating different stages of websites and optimizing the performance. Well experienced in using coding languages such as Java, C#, Python. Looking forward to being the leader of a team and building different types of websites.


Web developer skills on a resume are said to be the most important part of all. Hiring managers mostly depend on your skills to determine whether you’re qualified for this job or not. Especially when the job description is stated clearly, it is even crucial that you give out the proper information on the outstanding skills you possess.

Web Developer Skills Resume Section Example:

  • Programming Languages:
    Java, Javascript, Python, CSS, C, C++, C#, HTML, node.js
  • WordPress
  • Languages: 
    • English, Mandarin

Work experience

Past experiences show the candidate’s competence in this position. Employers consider this as an accurate way to understand the candidate. If you’re an entry-level, might as well add volunteering to your web developer experience resume section. 

When writing down a work experience, remember to include:

  1. Organizations’ names
  2. Job titles
  3. Starting date and ending date of your previous jobs
  4. Simple and brief descriptions including your responsibilities and achievements

Web Developer Work Experience Example:

Web Developer at ABC
07/2019 to present

  • Assist the head of the web developer and collaborate with clients to provide a complex front- and back-end web development.
  • Optimize user experiences and maintained optimal workflow.
  • Improve search engine rankings.


Compared to skills and work experiences, education might be less relevant, but it can be a rather important section in a web developer profile. It gives hiring managers a simple understanding of yourself and whether you meet up to qualifications listed in the job description.

To write education background in a resume, remember to add the following details:

  1. School or University: could include high school education if you’re still a high school student
  2. Degree or Major: Bachelor, Master, and Doctoral
  3. Year of Graduation
  4. Honor & Awards
  5. Optional: Minor, GPA, and Extracurricular

Web Developer Education Section Example:

University of California - Berkeley

  • BS in Computer Science
  • GPA: 3.7/4.0
  • Minor in Statistics

Additional information 

If you have earned certificates, done any web development projects for resumes, or competed in any contests, remember to write them in! Especially when they are related to the duties of a web developer.

Putting the best web development projects for resumes could be a plus and outline your abilities in related fields.

Examples for Additional Information Section:

  • Certified Web Professional - Web Developer from IWA
  • Application Developer (EMCApD) from Dell Corporation
  • Certified Software Development Professional (CSDP) from IEEE Computer Society

Tips for writing the best web developer resume

Before you start with the resume, here are some tips you need to keep in mind.

  • Tip 1: Customize Your Web Developer Profile.
    Each position requires different qualities, so customize the resume. Make sure whether the position would be suitable more for a front-end developer resume, back-end developer resume, or full-stack web developer resume. For a diverse job description, remember to change the skills and accomplishments section accordingly.
  • Tip 2: Give Quantitative Data. 
    Adding data to support your previous experiences or accomplishments could make the whole selecting process even more advantageous. Employers can see through the actual result and understand how great you were doing.
  • Tip 3: Make an ATS-friendly Website Developer Resume.
    Remember to use a rather general resume format. If your resume is too fancy, likely, your resume wouldn’t be screened properly.
  • Tip 4: Use Strong Action Words.
    Verbs are the essence of a sentence. Keep note that using correct action verbs can boost your resume and personal image.
  • Tip 5: Include Certificates of Accomplishment for Your Web Developer Resume.
    Keep in mind to list the programming languages you learned and any certificate you’ve earned so the hiring manager knows your strength.

Cake provides the best Web Designer resume templates & examples for talents to demonstrate qualifications. Let us help you land the dream in Web Designer job with a strong resume (free download)!

How to write a web developer cover letter

A web developer cover letter should include:

  • Contact details: put down your contact information first; remember to include your full name, email address, and mobile number
  • Introduction: a nice greeting to your manager gives the first impression
  • Motivation (Intention to apply): tell your potential employer your interests in the company’s product, concept, or even the whole industry
  • Qualification: convince them that you’re suitable for the position. Give in the best accomplishments on your past experiences.
  • Closing: thank the hiring manager for reading it through

📝  When you submit your resume, a strong web developer cover letter is a must. A good web developer cover letter will impress your hiring manager, and give you a higher chance of getting the job.

Web Developer Resume Sample

Zachary Edwards

Creating websites with the best quality using both front-end & back-end techniques

Mobile: (+1)000-1234
Email: [email protected]

Resume Summary

A senior web developer who had eight years of experience in front-end and back-end development. Created various websites with user-friendly and object-oriented designs. Specialized in JavaScript, Python, and Golang.

Work Experience

Senior Web Developer at ZYX

June 2018 to Present

  • Led a team of three and worked closely with clients to meet their needs and goals
  • Customized the desired function working with UX designers
  • Optimized user experiences by debugging 

Front-End Developer at ABC

July 2013 to June 2018

  • Collaborated with the head of the web developer and created websites for various clients
  • Enhanced user interface by overhauling the internal system
  • Built extension tools through A/B tests in an agile team


Hard Skills: 

  • Programming Language
  • JavaScript
  • Python 
  • Golang

Soft Skills:

  • Creative Thinking 
  • Patience
  • Communication


University of Duke 2009-2013
BS in Computer Science
GPA: 3.67/4.0

--- Originally written by Eliana Tschnag ---

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