郭柏志 Bosh Kuo (Po-Chih, Kuo)

Web Developer & Software Engineer                                  

Blog: https://blog.boshkuo.com/    Tech notes: https://notes.boshkuo.com/
[email protected] 




National Taiwan University ( NTU )
• M.S.: Civil Engineering - Structural Engineering (GPA: 4.02/4.30)
• B.S.: Civil Engineering - Structural Engineering (GPA: 4.01/4.30)
• Awards: (2018-2 Presidential Awards)


Skills Summary

Primary Skillset

  • TypeScript, Javascript, Python
  • React, NextJS, MUI, TailwindCSS, Redux, Zustand, React-query, Webpack, Babel, Vite, Jest
  • Node.js, NestJS, MongoDB, MySQL, Redis,
  • Linux, Docker, Git, RESTful API

Past Experiences

  • Vue, Cypress, Django, ExpressJS, GraphQSQLite, Pytorch, Tensorflow, Keras, Scikit-Learn

Work Experience

Software Engineer  •  D8AI

Apr 2023 - Present

  1. Led a 3-person frontend team to develop a user-friendly drag-and-drop Intent-Flow editor system using modern React tools, enhancing customer service efficiency and becoming a core feature of the main product.
  2. Improved Frontend Infrastructure for a customized CTBC project by developing an API SDK to streamline frontend-backend communication, introducing tools like TypeScript, Prettier, and ESLint, etc., and reducing team development time by approximately 60%.
  3. Implemented Jest, MSW, and RTL testing suite with pre-commit hooks and CI/CD integration, substantially uplifting the main product's code quality and transforming the front-end culture.

Intern Frontend Engineer  •  GliaCloud Co., Ltd

Jul 2022 - Dec 2022

  1. Responsible for frontend E2E testing using Cypress to assist DevOps engineers in establishing an automated testing CI/CD process.
  2. Responsible for developing product frontend interfaces using Vue and React. Building and implementing modern frontend interfaces to enhance user experience.
  3. Using Django to modify the backend API. Implementing unit tests using pytest to ensure code correctness and reliability.
  4. We used Gatsby and Ghost to develop a content management website. For the frontend interfaces, we wrote them in React and used GraphQL to obtain the data required for smooth and fast page loading.
  5. Responsible for writing web crawlers using Beautiful Soup to collect data from specific websites. Combine the collected data with the company's video platform product to automate video production.
  6. Assisting with typing refactoring for the main Python backend project to improve code readability and maintainability, participating in team project code reviews to ensure code quality and maintainability.

Teaching Assistant (ML Course)  •  Dept. of Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University

Sep 2021 - Jan 2022

Served as a teaching assistant for the 2021 Fall Introduction to Machine Learning and Deep Learning course in the Department of Civil Engineering at National Taiwan University.

  1. I assisted in planning and organizing the teaching content for the machine learning course.
  2. Designed and evaluated the course assignments, midterm, and final Kaggle competitions.
  3. Held TA hours to provide assistance and guidance to students.

Machine Learning Engineer •  National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering

Jun 2020 -  Sep 2020

  1. Responsible for earthquake data preprocessing, analyzed earthquake response spectra, and normalized seismic time history data.
  2. I trained a deep learning model using Python and the TensorFlow deep learning framework. The model utilized an LSTM architecture to predict structures' nonlinear time-history responses under earthquake excitations.
  3. This project won the Best Achievement Award for the summer internship.


  • GNN-LSTM-based Fusion Model for Structural Dynamic Responses Prediction (Deep Learning):

    In this study, we developed a novel GNN-LSTM-based fusion model framework. It can predict the nonlinear responses history of acceleration, velocity, and displacement for each floor of any SMRF structure between 4 and 7 stories in height.
    (Tech Stacks: Python, Pytorch, Linux, GNN, LSTM, Seq2Seq)
  • Post-Flappy-Bird Web Game (Web Frontend):

    It's a React + Tensorflow.js frontend web game project with Tesnsorflow.js, which is a powerful and convenient deep learning library. I use Movenet to detect the user's body pose. Controlled by the key points detected by Movenet, the flappy bird will flap its wings up and down in response to the user's hand movements. 
    (Tech Stacks: React, Tensorflow.js, react-webcam, mediapipe, styled-component)

  • Computer Vision Game Playground (Web Fullstack):

    It’s my final project for NTUEE’s Web Development course; our group develops a web CV game playground consisting of three computer-vision games. In this project, I designed our website's UI/UX layout, developed the Post-Flappy-Bird game, and did part of the backend work.
    (Tech Stacks: React, Node.js, Tensorflow.js, GraphQL, MaterialUI, MongoDB, Express, Netlify, Heroku)

  • Bosh's Tech Notes (Web Frontend SSG):

    This website is a knowledge notes repository of my learning journey as a software engineer, and it primarily consists of notes and articles sourced from various online resources. As I continue to explore new technologies and programming concepts, I document my findings and share them on this platform to help fellow learners and aspiring developers. Through this website, I hope to contribute to the open-source community and foster a culture of knowledge-sharing and collaboration among software engineers.
    (Tech Stacks: Docusaurus, React, Github RESTful API, Vercel)            

CS-related course                                 

- C/C++ Programm ing (NTU - CSX 3002)
- Computer Programming (NTU - EE 3029)
- Introduction to Machine Learning and Deep Learning (NTU - CIE 5133)
- Machine Learning (NTU - EE 5184)
- Introduction to Computer Science (NTU - CSIE 1920)
- Web Programming (NTU - EE 3035)
- Introduction to Computer Networks (NTU - EE 4020)
- Data Structures and Algorithms (NTU - CSIE 1212)
- Applied Deep Learning (NTU - CSIE 5431)
- Database Management (NTU - IM 3008)

- Object-Oriented Programming (NTNU - MTC9006)