Hi! I am Salie, a product designer with 7+ years of experience in web & app design. Majorly focus on consumer products, interested in fintech, travel, and entertainment industry.
Currently, I'm working on product design & project management at LINE Bank. My experience in design-initiative projects, data-informed design, UX Research, product management, and cross-team stakeholder management help me become a key contributor to the design team.
• Build product from 0 to 1, and manage stakeholder relationships between business managers, engineers, and designers.
• Lead product and design strategy by analyzing business goals, legal regulations, user needs, and technical considerations.
• Establish Design System from scratch.
• Designed and shaped Agoda Flights, which a new product have launched in mid-2019, and now hit an average of 1K+ of daily booking. Directed and organized the scrum for app platforms.
• Collaborated closely with designers, researchers, data scientists, engineers, and product managers to bring new features and enhance the product.
• Collaborated closely with the design system team to delivering new components with comprehensive documentation and guideline.
• Worked on Product Marketing, which includes Pricing to upsell better deals, Pulse Marketing to generate and join campaigns easier, and SEO to optimize the mobile experience.
• Co-initiated a recruitment & mentoring program for Agoda Design, which partnered with Thammasat Design Center to coach the participants to complete the design challenges from research to the final solution. Successfully hired a new designer in the team.
• Conceptualized, directed, and designed digital experiences on several projects from large scale revamping to the marketing campaign. Clients from e-commerce, jewelry to the industrial industry.
• Launched a movie forum from scratch, which is an internal initiative project.
• Reorganized the content strategy of VidaOrange.com, supported content marketing, native advertising, and wrote articles.
• Achieved page likes by 142% on Facebook business page and average page views to 6K on the website.
• Coached interns on experimental projects.
• Translated and wrote the articles assigned by the editor. Sources included Mic., Business Insider, and the Atlantic. Topics included education, economy, and lifestyle.
• Offered a full-time role upon graduation.
Selected project in 2016 - 2019. Please reach out to [email protected] for the latest updates.
創立於台灣三十餘年,MOXA 以自有品牌在自動化產業的設備聯網領域中,已居亞洲第一大、世界第三大。
本次官網翻新目標主要為聚合 MOXA 龐雜的資訊內容與產品文件,並提升集團形象的一致性,在 UX 方面全面提升使用者需求、提高產品轉換率。
2006 年創立於陽明山腳下,草山金工是台灣最早打響知名度的金工品牌,2013 年更受邀進駐誠品生活松菸店,每年吸引上萬名國內外觀光客,動手製作專屬於自己的金工回憶。
深耕美國市場的兒童傢俱電商品牌 Teamson,創立於 1997 年至今在美國大型電商通路如 Amazon、Wayfiar 等打響知名度,本次官網建置目標主要是自建會員系統,同時提升品牌形象,以提升再行銷與銷售策略。
台灣怎麼沒有一個和 IMDb 一樣好用的電影資料庫?一個簡單的想法催生了 VUE 的誕生。從 Idea 發想到網站規劃,與團隊成員一手打造結合電影評論、戲院場次訂票、影視新聞的全方位影視平台。
中國江蘇省前五十大地產集團——美麟地產集團 Mayrin Group,為配合近年業務板塊拓及至澳洲的國際化策略佈局,希望企業形象官網融合西式美感,為中國的使用者帶來全新的網站體驗。
為台北表演藝術中心設計 Logo 和標準字, 以獨特的建築體為主視覺,融入建築師以鴛鴦鍋、太極為發想的設計概念,紅色則代表捷運淡水線。