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Avatar of 蔡益嘉.
Avatar of 蔡益嘉.
Software Developer @Micron Technology
2021 ~ Présent
Software engineer
Dans 1 mois
processes using GitLab CI/CD, reducing release time by 50% and increasing test coverage to significantly improve system stability. Successfully implemented a new billing reconciliation system, reducing daily manual work time by two hours, which improved team efficiency and accuracy in financial processing. Education Queen Mary University of London MSC Computer Science 2018 ~ 2019 National Kaohsiung University of Technology BSC Information Management 2014 ~ 2018 Awards & Certifications Certification : Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer (Credential ID GAward : Culture champion, 2022 Micron Technology, New logical operations to improve data analysis. Culture champion, 2023 Micron Technology, Image analysis operation enhancement.
C++ Language
Prêt à l'interview
Taiwan・United Kingdom
Temps plein / Intéressé par le travail à distance
4 à 6 ans
Queen Mary University of London
Computer Science
Avatar of 吳書溥.
Avatar of 吳書溥.
SA @網際威信 HiTRUST
2024 ~ Présent
Software Engineer / Backend Engineer
Dans 1 mois
吳書溥 台灣 || [email protected] Senior Back-End Developer with over a decade of experience, possessing a strong foundation in development and design. Skilled in communication and providing support to team members, approaching tasks with calmness and responsibility. Passionate about data science and ML. 工作經歷 Senior Back End Devel0per • 英仕國際 三月四月 2024 | Taipei, Taiwan Optimized callback service for high concurrency, reducing response time by 30%, and resolved race condition issues using the Singleton pattern. Developed a MySQL partition script tool, reducing query
Prêt à l'interview
Temps plein / Intéressé par le travail à distance
10 à 15 ans
National Chung Hsing University
Computer Science and Engineering
資深管理師 @群聯電子 PHISON Electronics
2020 ~ Présent
Software Engineer
Dans 1 mois
CHUN-HSIEN (TEDDY) LIN E-mail: [email protected] Tel:Zhunan Town, Miaoli County, Taiwan (R.O.C.) My name is Teddy Lin, and I am from Miaoli, Taiwan. I am 40 years old and hold three master's degrees. I majored in Industrial Management at Chung Hua University in Taiwan, Environmental Science and Management at Stanford University in the United States, and Computer Science at National Chung Hsing University in Taiwan. Currently, I am pursuing a Ph.D. in Data Science and Engineering at National Yang Ming Chiao Tung
Operating Performance Analysis
Occupational Health Safety Management
Prêt à l'interview
Temps plein / Intéressé par le travail à distance
Plus de 15 ans
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
Institute of Computer Science and Engineering
Avatar of Charles Li.
Avatar of Charles Li.
R&D Software Engineer @多維數控股份有限公司
2023 ~ Présent
Software Engneer
Dans 1 mois
全國大專校院資訊應用服務創新競賽 - 第三名 投刊論文 / Paper 碩士班期間和指導教授共同發表會議論文,投刊至IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Systems "A Deep Learning Approach to Sensory Navigation Device for Blind Guidance," accepted by The 7th International Workshop on Embedded Multi-core Computing and Applications (EMCAin conjunction with The 20th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC-2018), June 28-30, 2018, Exeter, Devon
Deep Learning
Ouvert à de nouvelles opportunités
Temps plein / Intéressé par le travail à distance
4 à 6 ans
Avatar of LeoLi.
Avatar of LeoLi.
Software Engineer @HP Inc.
2023 ~ Présent
Web Engineer、ASP.Net MVC / C# Engineer
Dans 1 mois
webform webpage to C# MVC Development and Maintain Product Information System Software Engineer / Micron / Oct,Jun, 2023 Used C#, .Net Core, AngularJS, TypeScrip, Azure, TFS, PaaS, OpenShift, Splunk, YAML, k8S, Git, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap5, DevOps Cross Contry Cooperation Improve the planning and scheduling system with data scientist to optimize manufacture performance, make it can reach maximize production efficiency Migrate the system from Winform to webpage UI for strength the flexble and information security Build and maintain automatic release CI/CD pipeline on Azurefor easier to maintain official release control and reduce operate error.
Ouvert à de nouvelles opportunités
Temps plein / Intéressé par le travail à distance
4 à 6 ans
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
Avatar of the user.
Avatar of the user.
Senior Customer Engineer @iKala 愛卡拉互動媒體股份有限公司
2022 ~ Présent
Software Engineer/Customer Engineer/AI Engineer
Dans 1 mois
nlp machine learning
AI & Machine Learning
ELK stack
Ouvert à de nouvelles opportunités
Temps plein / Intéressé par le travail à distance
6 à 10 ans
Avatar of 張逸.
Avatar of 張逸.
Backend Engineer @酷訊搜索股份有限公司
2021 ~ Présent
Dans 1 mois
需要的節目標籤資料 (Django, Bootstrap, jQuery) 與臺科大 AI 中心合作撰寫推薦系統核心 (Keras, Pandas, MariaDB, Crontab) 串接遠傳智慧音箱使其能夠控制機上盒 (OAuth2, Docker, NodeJS) 機上盒網站開發~與前端工程師遠端合作更新會員中心 (PHP Phalcon, Memcache, Jenkins) Ski lls Programming Python Web Back-end Flask Django FastAPI Data Science Pandas Selenium MySQL DevOps K8S Cloud Run GCP
Temps plein / Intéressé par le travail à distance
4 à 6 ans
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Avatar of the user.
Senior Robotic Process Automation Developer @HachiAI
2020 ~ Présent
RPA Developer / IT Lead / Project Manager
Dans 1 mois
Process Analysis
Proficiency in RPA Tools
Solution Design
Temps plein / Uniquement Travail à distance
4 à 6 ans
University of the Punjab
Computer Software Engineering
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Avatar of the user.
Data Scientist @安智聯科技
2023 ~ 2024
Dans 6 mois
Sans Emploi
Temps plein / Je ne suis pas intéressé par le travail à distance
4 à 6 ans
National Central University
Avatar of Shaun Zhang.
Avatar of Shaun Zhang.
Senior Backend Engineer @Morrison Express
2021 ~ 2023
Dans 6 mois
optimization algorithm that increased the first pass yield by over 2%, resulting in annual savings of over ten million TWD. Optimized a report generation service for a key client, reducing the time required to produce reports by over 80%, boosting efficiency and satisfaction. Managed and mentored a team of 3-4 junior data scientists, fostering a collaborative environment and enhancing team productivity. Worked with stakeholders to define clear and actionable requirements, contributing to project success and high customer satisfaction scores . Skills and Expertise Python SQL Docker Redis Git JWT Auth Data Science Techniques (...
Machine Learning
Sans Emploi
Temps plein / Intéressé par le travail à distance
4 à 6 ans
National Chiao Tung University
Civil Engineering

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Dans 6 mois
Logo of Velodash Inc..
Velodash Inc.
2019 ~ 2023
Taipei, 台灣
Professional Background
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Ne recherche pas de nouvelles opportunités
Android Developer, Software Engineer, Back-end Engineer
Fields of Employment
Computer Networking
Expérience Professionnelle
6 à 10 ans
Natif ou Bilingue
Job search preferences
Position Désirée
Android / Flutter / Backend
Type d'emploi
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Denny Cheng ( 鄭翔元 )

I am a software engineer with diverse skills. From 2016 to 2018, I was responsible for Android and backend development (Python Flask). From 2019 to 2023, my main focus was on Flutter and React. In addition, I also use C# for side project development. My skill set spans across the development of applications for various platforms, and I maintain a curious and learning-oriented attitude towards new technologies.

  Taipei, Taiwan          [email protected]


2010 - 2014

National Cheng Kung University ( 國立成功大學 )

Computer Science and Information Engineering ( 資訊工程學系 )

Work Experience

Software Engineer  •  Velodash ( 沛司科技股份有限公司 )

Apr 2019 - Oct 2023  |  Taipei, Taiwan

In this company, I am responsible for the development of both mobile apps and webpages. I worked on two major projects. The first one is the B2B-side application called Staff (Web/Android/iOS), and the second is the B2C-side project called Velodash (Web/Android/iOS). Due to the similarity in functionality between the web and app, to reuse the same codebase, both are developed using Dart. The difference lies in the web version using Dart React, while the app utilizes Flutter. I also place emphasis on the separation of business logic and UI design.

The scope of the project covered various features such as adding new route and events, exploring events and routes created by others, viewing live events, personal profiles, inboxes, user communication, disaster reporting, and more. The following are some key aspects:

  • Utilized MobX as a state manager and Drift as a local database. WebSocket was employed to ensure synchronization between local data and server data.
  • In 2020, due to the immaturity of Flutter Web, the web version was developed using the Dart version of React.
  • While web and app share common business logic, there are still some differences in implementation (e.g., which API to use). Therefore, I utilize get_it and injectable as Dependency Injection tools to facilitate easier implementation swapping.
  • On the app side, when certain native functionalities lacked plugin support, communication with the native platform was established using Method Channel, for example, with flutter_barometer.
  • On the web side, since Dart React developers do not primarily focus on static typing, I created a custom tool called type_react . It uses code generation technology to automatically parse class field names and convert them into corresponding React objects.
  • Docker was employed for deploying the web version.

Skills Summary: Dart, Flutter, react, mobx, drift, event_bus, method channel, code generation, Docker

Software Engineer  •  Addweup ( 艾威奧普股份有限公司 )

Sep 2016 - Feb 2019  |  Taipei, Taiwan

During my time at Addweup, I independently developed the mobile and tablet app components of the project. DEMO Video 1 and DEMO Video 2.

  • Initially, I used Java, and later transitioned to Kotlin for development. 
  • The project was built using the MVP (Model-View-Presenter) architecture.
  • Communication between devices was facilitated through Bluetooth, and additional features on the mobile side involved utilizing the camera and microphone.
  • A significant use of Fragments was incorporated in the project to simplify data transfer between different screens.
  • For enhanced security, AES encryption was applied when sending requests to the backend.

I also provide additional support for Python Flask backend development.

  • Add type hints and unit tests to legacy code.
  • Fixed issues related to login/logout, timezone, and refunds.
  • Drafting the encryption process.

Skills Summary: Java, Kotlin, Android, MVP, Python, Flask, Pycrypto, Restful API, pytest

Other Projects

GodotSharpKit ( C# Source Generator ) • Jun 2023 - Now

Nuget Github / Motivation behind the production ( 製作緣由 )

A C# Source Generator designed for the Godot game engine. The motivation behind this project stems from the engine's issues with C# support, often requiring extensive boilerplate code. To address this, a new project was initiated to automate code generation. The main functionalities of this project include:

  • Generating OnReady code.
  • Generating code for resource locations.
  • Generating code for communication with GDScript.
  • When producing code, utilizing "record" to carry metadata, enhancing the efficiency of the Source Generator. This helps prevent redundant code generation resulting from edits to the source code.

Skills Summary: C#, Godot, Source Generator

Remnant 2 - DPS Calculator (Flutter Web) • Nov 2023

Demo Github / Introduction (Chinese)

I created this program to save time on manual calculations during gaming.

  • Expectancy and DPS Calculation.
  • Users can add equipment, items, and skills. User also can save builds.
  • Users can export/import builds and items.
  • Utilizes Bloc for state management. Incorporates the freeze library, making it easier to create immutables.
  • Deployed on Netlify.

Skills Summary: Dart, Flutter Web, bloc

回家 - Homeward ( Godot ) • Mar 2020 - Feb 2022

Steam version Android version iOS version

A small game developed with friends. This game is created using the Godot engine and is a casual puzzle-solving game. Players can use clicks to move obstacles and help the character reach the destination.

Skills Summary: Godot

節奏遊戲與刻字大師 ( Android ) • Aug 2017 - Nov 2017

This is a contracted piece of work. DEMO

It contains two small games: one involves a beat game controlled through gestures, while the other allows users to 'write' a word by rotating their eyes.

  • Adopted MVP as the primary architecture.
  • Integrated eye tracking and gesture recognition APIs provided by the contracted vendor.
  • Extensively utilized TextureView for customized animations.

Skills Summary: Android, Java, MVP, TextureView

家有大貓 - Nekojishi ( Renpy / Python ) • Jul 2016 - Apr 2018

Steam i18n Tool

A PC game developed in collaboration with several friends. The game is built using the Ren'Py game engine, which employs a substantial amount of custom language and a minimal amount of Python (used for plugin functionality). My primary responsibilities include:

  • Game Main Script: Involves scripting for branching narratives and flag creation.
  • Multilingual Tool: Due to the small team size and limited resources for multilingual translation, a tool was created to allow the community to independently generate translations and import them into the game. This tool is written in Python using the PyQt library and distributed using pyinstaller.

Skills Summary: Renpy, python, pyinstaller 


Denny Cheng ( 鄭翔元 )

I am a software engineer with diverse skills. From 2016 to 2018, I was responsible for Android and backend development (Python Flask). From 2019 to 2023, my main focus was on Flutter and React. In addition, I also use C# for side project development. My skill set spans across the development of applications for various platforms, and I maintain a curious and learning-oriented attitude towards new technologies.

  Taipei, Taiwan          [email protected]


2010 - 2014

National Cheng Kung University ( 國立成功大學 )

Computer Science and Information Engineering ( 資訊工程學系 )

Work Experience

Software Engineer  •  Velodash ( 沛司科技股份有限公司 )

Apr 2019 - Oct 2023  |  Taipei, Taiwan

In this company, I am responsible for the development of both mobile apps and webpages. I worked on two major projects. The first one is the B2B-side application called Staff (Web/Android/iOS), and the second is the B2C-side project called Velodash (Web/Android/iOS). Due to the similarity in functionality between the web and app, to reuse the same codebase, both are developed using Dart. The difference lies in the web version using Dart React, while the app utilizes Flutter. I also place emphasis on the separation of business logic and UI design.

The scope of the project covered various features such as adding new route and events, exploring events and routes created by others, viewing live events, personal profiles, inboxes, user communication, disaster reporting, and more. The following are some key aspects:

  • Utilized MobX as a state manager and Drift as a local database. WebSocket was employed to ensure synchronization between local data and server data.
  • In 2020, due to the immaturity of Flutter Web, the web version was developed using the Dart version of React.
  • While web and app share common business logic, there are still some differences in implementation (e.g., which API to use). Therefore, I utilize get_it and injectable as Dependency Injection tools to facilitate easier implementation swapping.
  • On the app side, when certain native functionalities lacked plugin support, communication with the native platform was established using Method Channel, for example, with flutter_barometer.
  • On the web side, since Dart React developers do not primarily focus on static typing, I created a custom tool called type_react . It uses code generation technology to automatically parse class field names and convert them into corresponding React objects.
  • Docker was employed for deploying the web version.

Skills Summary: Dart, Flutter, react, mobx, drift, event_bus, method channel, code generation, Docker

Software Engineer  •  Addweup ( 艾威奧普股份有限公司 )

Sep 2016 - Feb 2019  |  Taipei, Taiwan

During my time at Addweup, I independently developed the mobile and tablet app components of the project. DEMO Video 1 and DEMO Video 2.

  • Initially, I used Java, and later transitioned to Kotlin for development. 
  • The project was built using the MVP (Model-View-Presenter) architecture.
  • Communication between devices was facilitated through Bluetooth, and additional features on the mobile side involved utilizing the camera and microphone.
  • A significant use of Fragments was incorporated in the project to simplify data transfer between different screens.
  • For enhanced security, AES encryption was applied when sending requests to the backend.

I also provide additional support for Python Flask backend development.

  • Add type hints and unit tests to legacy code.
  • Fixed issues related to login/logout, timezone, and refunds.
  • Drafting the encryption process.

Skills Summary: Java, Kotlin, Android, MVP, Python, Flask, Pycrypto, Restful API, pytest

Other Projects

GodotSharpKit ( C# Source Generator ) • Jun 2023 - Now

Nuget Github / Motivation behind the production ( 製作緣由 )

A C# Source Generator designed for the Godot game engine. The motivation behind this project stems from the engine's issues with C# support, often requiring extensive boilerplate code. To address this, a new project was initiated to automate code generation. The main functionalities of this project include:

  • Generating OnReady code.
  • Generating code for resource locations.
  • Generating code for communication with GDScript.
  • When producing code, utilizing "record" to carry metadata, enhancing the efficiency of the Source Generator. This helps prevent redundant code generation resulting from edits to the source code.

Skills Summary: C#, Godot, Source Generator

Remnant 2 - DPS Calculator (Flutter Web) • Nov 2023

Demo Github / Introduction (Chinese)

I created this program to save time on manual calculations during gaming.

  • Expectancy and DPS Calculation.
  • Users can add equipment, items, and skills. User also can save builds.
  • Users can export/import builds and items.
  • Utilizes Bloc for state management. Incorporates the freeze library, making it easier to create immutables.
  • Deployed on Netlify.

Skills Summary: Dart, Flutter Web, bloc

回家 - Homeward ( Godot ) • Mar 2020 - Feb 2022

Steam version Android version iOS version

A small game developed with friends. This game is created using the Godot engine and is a casual puzzle-solving game. Players can use clicks to move obstacles and help the character reach the destination.

Skills Summary: Godot

節奏遊戲與刻字大師 ( Android ) • Aug 2017 - Nov 2017

This is a contracted piece of work. DEMO

It contains two small games: one involves a beat game controlled through gestures, while the other allows users to 'write' a word by rotating their eyes.

  • Adopted MVP as the primary architecture.
  • Integrated eye tracking and gesture recognition APIs provided by the contracted vendor.
  • Extensively utilized TextureView for customized animations.

Skills Summary: Android, Java, MVP, TextureView

家有大貓 - Nekojishi ( Renpy / Python ) • Jul 2016 - Apr 2018

Steam i18n Tool

A PC game developed in collaboration with several friends. The game is built using the Ren'Py game engine, which employs a substantial amount of custom language and a minimal amount of Python (used for plugin functionality). My primary responsibilities include:

  • Game Main Script: Involves scripting for branching narratives and flag creation.
  • Multilingual Tool: Due to the small team size and limited resources for multilingual translation, a tool was created to allow the community to independently generate translations and import them into the game. This tool is written in Python using the PyQt library and distributed using pyinstaller.

Skills Summary: Renpy, python, pyinstaller