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Avatar of 王鉉閺.
Avatar of 王鉉閺.
全端工程師 @瘋玩科技股份有限公司
2024 ~ 2024
Within one month
遊戲串接文件進行文件化 。 自動部屬:使用 gitlab runner 自動部屬專案 。 開發技術 程式語言:C#, Go, PHP 專案框架 : . Net Core 6, Swagger API,Gin Web Framework, Laravel 開發工具:Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code, Postman, GCP, VMware, Ubuntu,Docker, Gitlab 專案項目 虛擬運動賽事 專案說明 將體育題材的電腦遊戲以自動化腳本自動開啟
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Full-time / Interested in working remotely
6-10 years
Avatar of Ran.
Avatar of Ran.
資深工程師 @PChome Online 網路家庭
2024 ~ Present
Full Stack Web Developer
Within one month
在專案時程與有限的資源下提供相對最佳的解決方案 。 技術 後端 擅長 LNMP 架構,具備系統管理與性能優化的豐富經驗。 擅長 Laravel 框架,能靈活應對多元化需求,實現高效開發。 具備 Filament, October CMS 實務經驗。 擅長 Redis 與 Memcached 進行效能優化。 擅長 RESTful API 開發,透過 Postman 進行
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Full-time / Interested in working remotely
6-10 years
Tamkang University (TKU)
Avatar of 陳學成.
Avatar of 陳學成.
Freelancer @一字千金(公共電視)
2024 ~ Present
Senior iOS Developer
Within one month
wacowgo/id?mt=8 ) 在美國洛杉磯的一間公司的專案,除了開發iOS App外,後來也接了Server的開發。原本Server是用PHP原生開發,後來我導入Laravel Framework,重整整個架構排程。因為這個專案是店家優惠相關的產品,所以客戶加了新的需求是搜尋,我使用ElasticSearch來做搜尋引擎。 [2
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Full-time / Interested in working remotely
10-15 years
Avatar of 郭勇志.
Avatar of 郭勇志.
資深PHP工程師 @核碼資訊有限公司
2023 ~ 2023
Within one month
頁並解析 HTML,獲取公開資料。 工程師 傑瑀企業有限公司 三月九月 2016Taipei, Taiwan .開發公司產品的 WEB ERP 前端介面(HTML + jQuery)與後端服務(PHP Laravel +MySQL),約佔整體程式碼 90%。 學習並運用 Laravel 框架,提升開發效率。 實施版本控制工具 Git,促進團隊協作與代碼管理。 資訊工程師
Laravel Framework
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Part-time / Interested in working remotely
10-15 years
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2024 ~ Present
Senior Programmer
Within one month
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Full-time / Interested in working remotely
6-10 years
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM)
Komputer Sistem Informasi
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高級工程師 @不顯示公司名稱
2022 ~ Present
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Active Directory
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Full-time / Interested in working remotely
10-15 years
Avatar of 林承葦.
Avatar of 林承葦.
區塊鏈/資深後端工程師 @神兵資訊科技服務股份有限公司
2023 ~ 2024
後端工程師 區塊鏈工程師
Within one month
方嘗試不同事物。 技能 區塊鏈 Solidity Smart Contract Truffle WalletConnect Openzeppelin Unit Test 節點架設 / 維護 (POA) 後端 (鏈遊) Node.js Typescript Express web3.js yarn MySQL 後端 (網站) Golang Gin Postgres Php Laravel Composer npm 學習中的項目 重構 設計模式 ZK Rollup Hardhat CI / CD 工作經歷 六月六 月 2024 區塊鏈 / 資深後端工程師 神兵資訊科技服務股
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Full-time / Interested in working remotely
4-6 years
國立雲林科技大學 National Yunlin University of Science and Technology
Avatar of Nico Gawa Lahara.
Avatar of Nico Gawa Lahara.
Tech Lead @Infotek Andalas Metrodata
2023 ~ 2024
Software Engineer / Backend Engineer
Within one month
Nico Gawa Lahara Currently, I'm working as a Software Engineer or Full Stack Engineer. Starting My professional career as Full Stack Web Developer sinceearly. Some of programming language that I'm learning, working and implements in production environment such as Laravel PHP Framework (version 5.x - 10.x), Codeigniter (version 3), CakePHP and also Symfony Framework. I use javascript and ajax for client side. Since 2021, I start My Software Engineer journey learning some new program languages, such as C#, kotlin, java, python, and unity vuforia. although my specialty is as
sofware engineering
FullStack Development
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Full-time / Interested in working remotely
6-10 years
Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi (UNPAB)
Computer Science
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Avatar of the user.
Full Stack Engineer @Ledger Leopard
2023 ~ 2024
Frontend Developer
Within one month
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Full-time / Remote Only
6-10 years
Electrical Engineering High School ”Nikola Tesla”
Information Technology
Avatar of 余松庭.
Avatar of 余松庭.
後端工程師組長 @酷必資訊股份有限公司
2022 ~ Present
後端工程師,Team Lead。
Within one month
能 4~8 倍 使用 Redis 作為 Cache Driver 提升 API 2~4 倍吞吐量 優化 過多的 Query 語法, 並減少記憶消耗 提升 API 回應速度 1 倍 優化 排程機制(Laravel Schedule) 達成 “並行” 處理, 效率提升 2 倍 優化 使用切片(Laravel Collection chunk) 分組將數據寫入資料庫從20秒 減少至 3秒內 錄音與語音辨識:使
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Full-time / Interested in working remotely
6-10 years

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Within one month
Senior Backend Developer
Logo of Alphacore Technology lnc. 天昕科技股份有限公司.
Alphacore Technology lnc. 天昕科技股份有限公司
2023 ~ 2024
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Back-end Engineer, Full Stack Development
Fields of Employment
Information Services, Software
Work experience
4-6 years
I've had experience in managing 1-5 people
Fullstack developer
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Interested in working remotely


Senior Backend developer

  Taoyuan, Taoyuan District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan

Hi there, my name is Justin

  • Possess 6+ years of practical experience in full-stack website development.
  • Proficient in analyzing system operation processes and database planning.
  • Possess excellent communication skills and able to effectively integrate customer requirements. After understanding the pain points faced by the customer, able to provide suitable solutions through negotiation.
  • Have high expectations for system quality and follow SOLID principles and Git Flow for development. Use Docker environment for development and formal deployment. After completion, use CI/CD for automated deployment to ensure stability.
  • Skilled in using project management tools such as Trello, Gantter, and Slack for team communication. Able to track work progress and maintain project quality.
  • Self-directed in learning and adept in researching new knowledge. Enjoy working on side projects with friends and maintain a habit of writing technical articles and absorbing new knowledge.




  • Golang / Gin
  • PHP / Laravel
  • NodeJS / Express
  • Next.js / React.js
  • Quasar / Vue.js


  • React
  • Vue
  • jQuery
  • VanillaJS


  • MySQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • SQLite
  • Redis
  • ElasticSearch


  • Restful API
  • WebSocket
  • GraphQL
  • Nats MQ

Cloud Services

  • AWS

  • Alibaba

  • Linode
  • DigitalOcean

Dev Ops

  • Docker
  • CI/CD Building

  • Gitlab runner

  • Bitbucket / Drone CI


  • Gitlab flow /Git flow
  • Figma
  • Notion
  • Trello
  • Gantter


  • Jetbrains IDE
  • PostMan
  • Swagger
  • Navicat
  • DBSchema

Work Experience

Tech Leader / Senior backend developer  

Apr 2023 - Feb 2024

· Project

1. Le Orano - Private Travel Lifestyle Club Platform
      Role : Tech Leader 

      Skills:Gin ( go 1.20 )、Vue.js (Quasar)、Mysql 8、DockerNats Mq、AWS、Redis、ElasticSearch

1.1. Integrate team resources and expertise to define clear technical directions and decisions, promoting the smooth progression of the project and continuous technological innovation.
1.2. Plan and design a distributed operating system targeting high availability and scalability to ensure fault tolerance and efficient utilization of resources.
1.3. Construct a distributed system architecture along with the underlying infrastructure to support rapid business growth and agility.
1.4. Implement continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) processes to enhance development efficiency and automate testing and deployment.
1.5. Extract and encapsulate common functions into a library (lib) for easy sharing and maintenance across projects.
1.6. Design and develop independent microservices, utilizing Nats MQ for communication to provide functionalities like sending emails, SMS, operating Redis, and ElasticSearch.
1.7. Plan and design backend APIs for the application and admin-backend, ensuring secure, efficient, and scalable data exchange.
1.8. Create frontend layout and components to offer a user-friendly and responsive interface, enhancing user experience.  

Senior backend developer  •  Dgfactor

Jul 2022 - Apr 2023

· Own Product

1. Line-ERP

Skills:Laravel 5.8 ( php7.1 ) 、Mysql 8、Vue2.js

1.1. Planning and design of backend APIs.

1.2. Development of modularized components for frontend.

1.3. Development of modularized Line message module.

· Project

1. Taiwan Public Television Service Online - Customer Service Feedback System

      Skills:Laravel 9 ( php8.1 ) 、Gin ( go 1.19 )、Mysql 8、React.js 、Bootstrap、JQuery

1.1. System requirement planning.

1.2. Database planning and relational design.

1.3. Backend CMS component development.

1.4. Database planning and relational design.

1.5. Develop VM version control tool using GIN.

2. Green Peace - Live radio streaming


1.1. Integrating with Chunghwa Telecom's live streaming API.

Project Leader Engineer •   Great Tree Pharmacy 

Oct 2021 - Jul 2022

· Enterprise Information Portal

1. Logistics management system for shipping and receiving

     Skills:Laravel 7 ( php7.4) 、Mysql 8、Bootstrap、JQuery

1.1. Expansion planning and relational design of EIP subsystem database.

1.2. Front-end UI design and layout, and integration with APIs.

2. Short URL and SMS Publishing System

      Skills:Laravel 8 ( php8.1 ) 、Mysql 8、Bootstrap、JQuery

2.1. System planning based on project requirements.

2.2.  SSR-generated URL shortener website and redirection system V.1.0.0.

2.3.  Expanded SMS sending system V.1.2.0.

2.4. System upgrade and refactoring planning, establishing backward compatible front-end and back-end separation mode.

2.5. Completed the generation of custom short URLs according to different users V.2.0.0.

3. Line Bot and Internal feedback system

      Skills:Laravel 8 ( php8.1 ) 、Mysql 8、Vue3.Js

3.1. System planning based on project requirements.

3.2. Designing database system architecture and writing specifications.

3.3. Project control and resource allocation.

· Enterprise resource planning

1. Store Locator System

      Skills:Laravel 8 ( php8.1 ) 、Mysql 8、Vue3.Js

1.1. Plan the subsystem database.

1.2. Provide flexible customization of returned field content.

2. ERP Permission Management

      Skills:Laravel 8 ( php8.1 ) 、Mysql 8

2.1.  Planning subsystem database.

2.2. Flexible custom return field content.

 · Laravel Package Development

1. Developing template packages

      Skills:Laravel 8 ( php8.1 )

1.1. Command to read the current database.

1.2. Process table data, inject variables and generate files.

1.3. Reverse generate model, controller, resource, repository, and other files.

2. Taiwan county information system

      Skills:Laravel 8 ( php8.1 )

2.1. Regular schedule to call government open API

2.2. Synchronize data to the system database

3. Satis private repository - WebHook refresh - Receive notification after gitlab CI/CD is completed and synchronize update Satis private repository packages with Sql Lite


3.1. Develop an API to receive gitlab callbacks.

3.2. Connect gitlab pipeline notifications.

3.3. Get and update the private repository to the latest version.

· NodeJs

1. Automatic refresh i18n language files - Package


1.1. Refresh i18n every time during the development phase, v.1.0.0.

1.2. Convert it to command and transform it into package.json's script command.

· Side Project 

           Skills:Express ( NodeJs)

1. Plan and design product structure.

2. Use express framework MVC structure to develop Restful API interface.

3. Develop API and error messages.

4. Front-end uses React.js and Bootstrap.

5. Use axios to connect to API.

Full stack Developer  •  SOHO/自雇接案

Mar 2021 - Present

· Medical Shared Decision Making System

     Skills:Laravel 7 ( php7.4 ) 、Mysql 8、React.js

1. Conduct system planning based on project needs during project negotiation.

2. After doctors provide patients with access to the platform, patients can filter and collect data based on their own conditions through matrix problems, and return information on patients with similar symptoms, treatment methods, and feelings to assist doctors in quickly helping patients make treatment decisions. Doctors who use the platform can also share their data with other doctors. Other doctors must provide a certain amount of feedback to the sharer based on the number of clicks or video views. Doctors can also share the products they use as links within the text, and the product manufacturer must provide a certain amount of feedback to the doctor based on the number of clicks.

3.  Version 1.0.0 uses Vue3 for front-end development, and Version 2.0.0 switches to React for the redesign.

4.  Version 2.0.0 develops a total backend, doctor backend, and manufacturer backend, and implements shared relationships between doctors and completes cooperation relationships between doctors and manufacturers.

 ·  Online Education Matching Platform

      Skills:Laravel 8 ( php8.1 ) 、Mysql 8、React.Js、Next.js、Docker、Redis

1. Conduct system planning based on project needs during project negotiation.

2. Due to COVID-19 and the government's twelve-year national education plan, an online teaching platform is designed to allow teachers to customize their teaching fees and time. Students can view teacher evaluations and self-introduction videos to decide whether to purchase a teacher's course. The system is integrated with the "BluePay" payment gateway and Google/Facebook OAuth login function.

3.  Version 1.0.0 uses React and Next.js for SSR front-end development.

4.  Version 1.0.0 develops a total backend and teacher backend, allowing users to manage front-end content and SEO more finely. Teachers can also view data charts and reports to track student learning progress in the backend.

·  Image Websites

      Skills:WordPress ( php8.1)

1. 止痛知多少 - 衛教網

2.  聯亞資產

·  E-commence

      Skills:WordPress ( php8.1)、Woocomerce

1. 紅鷹牌

2. 振頤軒

3.  neodoxy

4.  八百樂

Backend  •  甜心科技有限公司

Dec 2018 - Mar 2021

·  MySpay

     Introduction : Taiwan Payment Gateway System

      Skills:Laravel 6 ( php7.1 ) 、Mysql 8、Vue2.js

1. Designed system architecture and wireframe based on reference to Green World and Easypay payment gateways.

2. Developed merchant backend and admin backend.

3. Integrated API of four major convenience stores and First Bank into the merchant backend to enable barcode payment and virtual bank functions.

4. Developed callback API to regularly receive verification and payment settlement data from the four major convenience stores and First Bank.

·  HoneyPay

     Introduction :  China Payment Gateway System

      Skills:Laravel 5.8 ( php7.1 ) 、Mysql 8、JQuery、Bootstrap

1. Developed a payment system that allows merchants to dynamically assign different payment gateway vendors to different customers to prevent high concurrency issues. Settlement payments are collected from gateway vendors and disbursed to merchants upon completion of the four-way payment.

·  Cryptocurrency Futures Trading Platform

      Skills:Laravel 6 ( php7.1 ) 、Mysql 8、JQuery、Bootstrap、Vue2.js

1. Users can recommend different people for cooperation, and a certain percentage of the recommended person's spending amount will be returned to the referrer. The referral bonus is "unlimited-layered" and can be enabled or disabled for different subordinates. Users can also view the subordinates in different levels and the referral bonus within a certain time period.

·  Shared Video Platform

      Skills:Laravel 6 ( php7.1 ) 、Mysql 8、JQuery、Bootstrap、Vue2.js

1. Developed a PAAS system that allows users to dynamically enable their own video platform and assign a unique URL, with their own membership system and free/paid video options.

· API  Gateway Server

      Skills:Laravel 5.8 ( php7.1 ) 、Mysql 8、JQuery、Bootstrap

1. Developed an API proxy server that can receive and forward different APIs from different apps, such as SMS verification system for member registration.



2012 - 2016

Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology南台科技大學

Electronic Engineering - Bachelor


Association of Proposal Management Professionals

Issue date: August 2016 . Validity: Permanent



Senior Backend developer

  Taoyuan, Taoyuan District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan

Hi there, my name is Justin

  • Possess 6+ years of practical experience in full-stack website development.
  • Proficient in analyzing system operation processes and database planning.
  • Possess excellent communication skills and able to effectively integrate customer requirements. After understanding the pain points faced by the customer, able to provide suitable solutions through negotiation.
  • Have high expectations for system quality and follow SOLID principles and Git Flow for development. Use Docker environment for development and formal deployment. After completion, use CI/CD for automated deployment to ensure stability.
  • Skilled in using project management tools such as Trello, Gantter, and Slack for team communication. Able to track work progress and maintain project quality.
  • Self-directed in learning and adept in researching new knowledge. Enjoy working on side projects with friends and maintain a habit of writing technical articles and absorbing new knowledge.




  • Golang / Gin
  • PHP / Laravel
  • NodeJS / Express
  • Next.js / React.js
  • Quasar / Vue.js


  • React
  • Vue
  • jQuery
  • VanillaJS


  • MySQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • SQLite
  • Redis
  • ElasticSearch


  • Restful API
  • WebSocket
  • GraphQL
  • Nats MQ

Cloud Services

  • AWS

  • Alibaba

  • Linode
  • DigitalOcean

Dev Ops

  • Docker
  • CI/CD Building

  • Gitlab runner

  • Bitbucket / Drone CI


  • Gitlab flow /Git flow
  • Figma
  • Notion
  • Trello
  • Gantter


  • Jetbrains IDE
  • PostMan
  • Swagger
  • Navicat
  • DBSchema

Work Experience

Tech Leader / Senior backend developer  

Apr 2023 - Feb 2024

· Project

1. Le Orano - Private Travel Lifestyle Club Platform
      Role : Tech Leader 

      Skills:Gin ( go 1.20 )、Vue.js (Quasar)、Mysql 8、DockerNats Mq、AWS、Redis、ElasticSearch

1.1. Integrate team resources and expertise to define clear technical directions and decisions, promoting the smooth progression of the project and continuous technological innovation.
1.2. Plan and design a distributed operating system targeting high availability and scalability to ensure fault tolerance and efficient utilization of resources.
1.3. Construct a distributed system architecture along with the underlying infrastructure to support rapid business growth and agility.
1.4. Implement continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) processes to enhance development efficiency and automate testing and deployment.
1.5. Extract and encapsulate common functions into a library (lib) for easy sharing and maintenance across projects.
1.6. Design and develop independent microservices, utilizing Nats MQ for communication to provide functionalities like sending emails, SMS, operating Redis, and ElasticSearch.
1.7. Plan and design backend APIs for the application and admin-backend, ensuring secure, efficient, and scalable data exchange.
1.8. Create frontend layout and components to offer a user-friendly and responsive interface, enhancing user experience.  

Senior backend developer  •  Dgfactor

Jul 2022 - Apr 2023

· Own Product

1. Line-ERP

Skills:Laravel 5.8 ( php7.1 ) 、Mysql 8、Vue2.js

1.1. Planning and design of backend APIs.

1.2. Development of modularized components for frontend.

1.3. Development of modularized Line message module.

· Project

1. Taiwan Public Television Service Online - Customer Service Feedback System

      Skills:Laravel 9 ( php8.1 ) 、Gin ( go 1.19 )、Mysql 8、React.js 、Bootstrap、JQuery

1.1. System requirement planning.

1.2. Database planning and relational design.

1.3. Backend CMS component development.

1.4. Database planning and relational design.

1.5. Develop VM version control tool using GIN.

2. Green Peace - Live radio streaming


1.1. Integrating with Chunghwa Telecom's live streaming API.

Project Leader Engineer •   Great Tree Pharmacy 

Oct 2021 - Jul 2022

· Enterprise Information Portal

1. Logistics management system for shipping and receiving

     Skills:Laravel 7 ( php7.4) 、Mysql 8、Bootstrap、JQuery

1.1. Expansion planning and relational design of EIP subsystem database.

1.2. Front-end UI design and layout, and integration with APIs.

2. Short URL and SMS Publishing System

      Skills:Laravel 8 ( php8.1 ) 、Mysql 8、Bootstrap、JQuery

2.1. System planning based on project requirements.

2.2.  SSR-generated URL shortener website and redirection system V.1.0.0.

2.3.  Expanded SMS sending system V.1.2.0.

2.4. System upgrade and refactoring planning, establishing backward compatible front-end and back-end separation mode.

2.5. Completed the generation of custom short URLs according to different users V.2.0.0.

3. Line Bot and Internal feedback system

      Skills:Laravel 8 ( php8.1 ) 、Mysql 8、Vue3.Js

3.1. System planning based on project requirements.

3.2. Designing database system architecture and writing specifications.

3.3. Project control and resource allocation.

· Enterprise resource planning

1. Store Locator System

      Skills:Laravel 8 ( php8.1 ) 、Mysql 8、Vue3.Js

1.1. Plan the subsystem database.

1.2. Provide flexible customization of returned field content.

2. ERP Permission Management

      Skills:Laravel 8 ( php8.1 ) 、Mysql 8

2.1.  Planning subsystem database.

2.2. Flexible custom return field content.

 · Laravel Package Development

1. Developing template packages

      Skills:Laravel 8 ( php8.1 )

1.1. Command to read the current database.

1.2. Process table data, inject variables and generate files.

1.3. Reverse generate model, controller, resource, repository, and other files.

2. Taiwan county information system

      Skills:Laravel 8 ( php8.1 )

2.1. Regular schedule to call government open API

2.2. Synchronize data to the system database

3. Satis private repository - WebHook refresh - Receive notification after gitlab CI/CD is completed and synchronize update Satis private repository packages with Sql Lite


3.1. Develop an API to receive gitlab callbacks.

3.2. Connect gitlab pipeline notifications.

3.3. Get and update the private repository to the latest version.

· NodeJs

1. Automatic refresh i18n language files - Package


1.1. Refresh i18n every time during the development phase, v.1.0.0.

1.2. Convert it to command and transform it into package.json's script command.

· Side Project 

           Skills:Express ( NodeJs)

1. Plan and design product structure.

2. Use express framework MVC structure to develop Restful API interface.

3. Develop API and error messages.

4. Front-end uses React.js and Bootstrap.

5. Use axios to connect to API.

Full stack Developer  •  SOHO/自雇接案

Mar 2021 - Present

· Medical Shared Decision Making System

     Skills:Laravel 7 ( php7.4 ) 、Mysql 8、React.js

1. Conduct system planning based on project needs during project negotiation.

2. After doctors provide patients with access to the platform, patients can filter and collect data based on their own conditions through matrix problems, and return information on patients with similar symptoms, treatment methods, and feelings to assist doctors in quickly helping patients make treatment decisions. Doctors who use the platform can also share their data with other doctors. Other doctors must provide a certain amount of feedback to the sharer based on the number of clicks or video views. Doctors can also share the products they use as links within the text, and the product manufacturer must provide a certain amount of feedback to the doctor based on the number of clicks.

3.  Version 1.0.0 uses Vue3 for front-end development, and Version 2.0.0 switches to React for the redesign.

4.  Version 2.0.0 develops a total backend, doctor backend, and manufacturer backend, and implements shared relationships between doctors and completes cooperation relationships between doctors and manufacturers.

 ·  Online Education Matching Platform

      Skills:Laravel 8 ( php8.1 ) 、Mysql 8、React.Js、Next.js、Docker、Redis

1. Conduct system planning based on project needs during project negotiation.

2. Due to COVID-19 and the government's twelve-year national education plan, an online teaching platform is designed to allow teachers to customize their teaching fees and time. Students can view teacher evaluations and self-introduction videos to decide whether to purchase a teacher's course. The system is integrated with the "BluePay" payment gateway and Google/Facebook OAuth login function.

3.  Version 1.0.0 uses React and Next.js for SSR front-end development.

4.  Version 1.0.0 develops a total backend and teacher backend, allowing users to manage front-end content and SEO more finely. Teachers can also view data charts and reports to track student learning progress in the backend.

·  Image Websites

      Skills:WordPress ( php8.1)

1. 止痛知多少 - 衛教網

2.  聯亞資產

·  E-commence

      Skills:WordPress ( php8.1)、Woocomerce

1. 紅鷹牌

2. 振頤軒

3.  neodoxy

4.  八百樂

Backend  •  甜心科技有限公司

Dec 2018 - Mar 2021

·  MySpay

     Introduction : Taiwan Payment Gateway System

      Skills:Laravel 6 ( php7.1 ) 、Mysql 8、Vue2.js

1. Designed system architecture and wireframe based on reference to Green World and Easypay payment gateways.

2. Developed merchant backend and admin backend.

3. Integrated API of four major convenience stores and First Bank into the merchant backend to enable barcode payment and virtual bank functions.

4. Developed callback API to regularly receive verification and payment settlement data from the four major convenience stores and First Bank.

·  HoneyPay

     Introduction :  China Payment Gateway System

      Skills:Laravel 5.8 ( php7.1 ) 、Mysql 8、JQuery、Bootstrap

1. Developed a payment system that allows merchants to dynamically assign different payment gateway vendors to different customers to prevent high concurrency issues. Settlement payments are collected from gateway vendors and disbursed to merchants upon completion of the four-way payment.

·  Cryptocurrency Futures Trading Platform

      Skills:Laravel 6 ( php7.1 ) 、Mysql 8、JQuery、Bootstrap、Vue2.js

1. Users can recommend different people for cooperation, and a certain percentage of the recommended person's spending amount will be returned to the referrer. The referral bonus is "unlimited-layered" and can be enabled or disabled for different subordinates. Users can also view the subordinates in different levels and the referral bonus within a certain time period.

·  Shared Video Platform

      Skills:Laravel 6 ( php7.1 ) 、Mysql 8、JQuery、Bootstrap、Vue2.js

1. Developed a PAAS system that allows users to dynamically enable their own video platform and assign a unique URL, with their own membership system and free/paid video options.

· API  Gateway Server

      Skills:Laravel 5.8 ( php7.1 ) 、Mysql 8、JQuery、Bootstrap

1. Developed an API proxy server that can receive and forward different APIs from different apps, such as SMS verification system for member registration.



2012 - 2016

Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology南台科技大學

Electronic Engineering - Bachelor


Association of Proposal Management Professionals

Issue date: August 2016 . Validity: Permanent