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Avatar of 李竺霖.
Avatar of 李竺霖.
專案規劃師、App工程師(React Native)、iOS原生工程師 @創典科技有限公司
2021 ~ Present
iOS工程師 / React Native App工程師
Within one month
學習不同的技術及語言。 學歷 樹德科技大學, 工程師學位, 資訊工程, 2014 ~ 2018 工作經歷 創典科技有限公司, 專案規劃師、App工程師(React Native)、iOS原生工程師, Apr 2021 ~ 現在 *專案類別 ReactNative *專案名稱 1. GD-PDM 系統是針對鋼結構製 造所開發的⼀套完整⽣管及品 管系統
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Full-time / Interested in working remotely
6-10 years
Avatar of Bento Putra Hermanto.
Avatar of Bento Putra Hermanto.
Software Engineer @Bang Jamin
2023 ~ Present
Front-end Engineer
Within one month
Bento Putra Hermanto Jakarta, Indonesia || [email protected] Experienced Software Engineer with a proven track record in building scalable, high-performance applications across diverse industries including pharmaceuticals, retail e-commerce, human resource services, and insurtech. Proficient in React JS, Next JS, React-Native, JavaScript, and TypeScript. Leveraging a Computer Science degree from Bina Nusantara University, I excel at delivering innovative solutions, optimizing user experience, and driving business success through technical expertise and collaboration. Work Experience Software Engineer • Bang Jamin AugustPresent | South Jakarta, Indonesia Developed Claim Feature, Partner Dashboard, and Claim Dashboard for GoTo in collaboration
React Native
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Full-time / Interested in working remotely
4-6 years
BINUS University
Computer Science
Avatar of Efendi Salim.
Avatar of Efendi Salim.
Frontend Engineer @PT. Medika Komunika Teknologi (
2020 ~ 2024
Frontend Web Developer
Within one month
an admin system for fashion clothing orders using PHP Laravel and MySQL. Integrated GTM and other marketing tags to track user behavior on the website Sr Web Developer • LYTO DATARINDO FORTUNA, PT AugApril 2016 Sliced PSD files into interactive web pages, allowing players to register their game accounts through the website. Integrated payment channels for in-game purchases through the website. EducationsBinus University IT - Computer ScienceSMA Fransiskus (Highschool) Science Skills Node.js / Express.js React JS Next JS PHP Laravel Framework AdonisJS AntDesign ChakraUI Languages English — Professional Bahasa Indonesia - Native
React Native
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Full-time / Remote Only
10-15 years
Binus University
Teknik Informatika
Avatar of 陳怡蘋.
Avatar of 陳怡蘋.
Frontend Engineer @KKday
2021 ~ 2023
前端工程師 Front-End Developer
Within one month
開發流程,執行嚴格的代碼審查和測試,保障平台穩定運行。通過持續學習,致力成為提升使用者體驗的開發者。  - Skills - Web Development  JavaScript TypeScript React React Native Redux MobX / MST Next.js Tailwind CSS CSS in JS GraphQL Github flow Jest JavaScript TypeScript React React Native CSS in JS GraphQL Redux MobX / MST Next.js Tailwind CSS Github flow Jest - objective - Recently 個人網站使用技術
React Native
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Full-time / Interested in working remotely
4-6 years
National Sun Yat-Sen University
Avatar of the user.
Avatar of the user.
android工程師 @三也科技股份有限公司
2021 ~ Present
前端工程師 Front-End Developer
Within one month
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Full-time / Interested in working remotely
6-10 years
Avatar of 黃顯欽 Taz.Huang.
Avatar of 黃顯欽 Taz.Huang.
資深工程師 @英屬維京群島商法騰科技有限公司
2020 ~ Present
Software Engineer / Backend Engineer
Within one month
驗收 - 使用python dependency injection相容於既有架構下提供新功能 - 使用celery處理背景執行任務實現單一操作多工控制設備端流程 - 修正前端React.js功能並更新UI提供更友善操作方式 2022/台哥大(twm)主案 - fix some issues. - merge new features in other project. 2022/台哥大(twm)擴充案 - phase3(focus on device
MySQL database design
Web Development
Ready to interview
Full-time / Interested in working remotely
6-10 years
軟體開發, 軟硬體整合應用研發
Avatar of Hiroto.
Avatar of Hiroto.
Lead Developer @Future Oriented Studio
2020 ~ 2023
Senior Front-end Engineer
Within one month
my skills and experience to contribute to the success of innovative projects with outstanding ideas. Quebec, Canada Work Experience NovemberJuly 2024 Lead Developer Future Oriented Studio • Led the development of school websites, achieving a 25% increase in website traffic within six months. • Implemented responsive front-end solutions, utilizing React and Next.js, resulting in improved user experiences. • Collaborated seamlessly with design teams to translate mock-ups into functional interfaces, integrating custom features like event calendars and grade tracking systems. • Launched 9 school websites successfully, receiving positive client feedback and contributing to improved online visibility.
JavaScript / ES6 / jQuery
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Full-time / Interested in working remotely
6-10 years
Toyohashi University of Technology
Computer Science and Engineering
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Avatar of the user.
前端工程師 @Bonio 幫你優
2021 ~ 2024
Within one month
JavaScript / ES6 / jQuery
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Full-time / Interested in working remotely
4-6 years
Avatar of the user.
Avatar of the user.
資深軟體開發工程師 @緯創軟體股份有限公司
2022 ~ Present
Front-End / Back-End / Full Stack Web Developer / Software Engineer
Within one month
JavaScript / ES6 / jQuery
Ready to interview
Full-time / Interested in working remotely
6-10 years
Avatar of 曾文彥.
Avatar of 曾文彥.
frontend tech leader @DeepHow
2023 ~ Present
前端工程師 Front-End Developer, 技術經理
Within one month
com/in/文彥-曾a 前端主管 新竹縣,TW [email protected] 技能 technology 後端 Backend NodeJS(Express, Koa), WebSocket, Socket.IO, ASP.NET Core/MVC, ASP.NET Webform, PHP, firebase 前端 Frontend TypeScript, React, React Native, NextJS, Vue, NuxtJS 資料庫 DB firebase, NoSQL(MongoDB), MS Sql、MySQL, PostgQL...etc. 工作經歷 Deephow , Front-end tech leader/ TPM , Mar 2023 ~ Now 1. Vue 搭配firebase開發系統,用戶可以
Ready to interview
Full-time / Remote Only
4-6 years

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Within one month
fontend engineer
Logo of MetaCRM.
2024 ~ Present
Taipei, 台灣
Professional Background
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Open to opportunities
Front-end Engineer
Fields of Employment
Information Services
Work experience
1-2 years
CICD(github action)
GCP Compute Engine
Node.js / Express.js
React Native
Job search preferences
前端工程師 Front-End Developer
Job types
台灣台北市, 台灣新北市
Interested in working remotely
Yes, I freelance in my spare time
輔仁大學 Fu Jen Catholic University



gmail: [email protected]


- 熟悉React與Nextjs

- 熟悉SCSS 、StyledComponents、Tailwind CSS

- 熟悉 RESTful API 串接與API 測試工具,例如:Postman。

- 熟悉製作可共用的React 元件或custom hook

- 熟悉React Hooks、redux 的使用 

- 使用過前端國際化 (i18n) 技術和工具的經驗 實現和無限滾動 (Infinite Scroll) 功能的經驗 

- 串接WebSocket 實現雙向綁定 

- 製作過chrome Extension  

- 使用過TypeScript撰寫專案

- 使用過後端Node.js、Express 、Flask 、php

- 資料庫的操作和管理:如 MySQL、MongoDB 、Mongoose與 Firebase

- 製作過身份驗證與加密:如 JWT、bcrypt 

- 撰寫過jest unit test經驗與husky自動測試

- 使用過dexie操作存取indexDB經驗

- 熟悉git

- 使用過免費架設網站的工具:vercel、netlify、github page

- 使用過容器化docker去做部署

- 做過ci/cd(github action) 去將東西部署在gcp computer engine

- 自己架設過gcp computer engine


FANXI 繁宇科技 | Unigate, 前端工程師, Feb 2023 ~ 現在


使用 React、Nextjs 和相關工具進行前端開發,並應用Styled Components 和 Tailwind CSS 進行網頁設計。 

使用 Redux 狀態管理庫結合react-query,管理全域狀態與減輕伺服器負擔。 

實現 WebRTC 技術,以實現網頁之間的實時通信和視訊會議功能。 

使用 WebSocket 通訊協議,建立雙向通訊通道,以實現即時更新和互動性功能。 

應用 Web3 技術,與區塊鏈進行交互,串接智能合約製作所需功能。 

使用Dexie.js 將訊息資料暫存在IndexDB

獨立開發 Chrome Extension,並與後端工程師合作,設計並串接所需的 API。 

使用 Git 進行版本控制和協作。

使用LightHouse、react Profiler、coverage優化專案

綠擊掌數位有限公司, 前端實習生, Mar 2022 ~ Nov 2022

負責開發網頁功能,修正錯誤,並與後端工程師討論 API 串接,以確保項目按時交付並達到高品質標準。 

與設計師使用figma密切合作,使用scss 進行網頁設計,以實現優秀的使用者體驗和視覺設計。 

使用 React、Nextjs 獨立開發專案


瞭解並應用前端國際化 (i18n) 技術,以處理多語言網頁的需求。 

實現網頁中的畫畫遊戲,利用 Canvas 技術開發互動性高的遊戲體驗,並使用 JavaScript 控制遊戲邏輯和動畫效果。 使用 GitLab 進行版本控制和團隊協作,使用 Asana 進行專案管理和團隊協調。


2.中間是我自己對於投資十分有興趣,但是之前找etf的淨值都要去台灣證交所十分麻煩,所以我自己使用Reactjs做了一個pwa讓我自己的方面觀看並且使用netlify function製作api串接
3.最右邊是我最近做了自己的履歷網頁,這個是我自己做的後台,方便我自己更新,前端使用reactjs當前端、firebase做資料庫利用netlify Function製作api串接,後台使用reactjs搭配firebase存取資料

Charon yu

I am a React frontend engineer with a passion for continuous learning and exploring new technologies. I enjoy applying this knowledge to create high-quality websites and mobile applications, always striving to provide a better user experience. The sense of accomplishment I feel upon completing a project is immense, and I constantly seek ways to refine and elevate my skills. I look forward to collaborating with teams that share a common goal, aiming to develop astonishing applications together. Thank you for reading.

gmail: [email protected]


Proficient in React and Next.js. 

Familiar with SCSS, StyledComponents, and Tailwind CSS. 

Experienced in integrating with RESTful APIs and using API testing tools, such as Postman. 

Capable of creating reusable React components and custom hooks. 

Well-versed in React Hooks and the use of Redux.  

Experience with frontend internationalization (i18n) techniques and tools. 

Familiar with implementing infinite scrolling functionality. 

Experience in integrating WebSocket for bidirectional binding. 
Created Chrome Extensions. Experience in writing projects with TypeScript. 

Worked with backend technologies like Node.js, Express, Flask, and PHP. 

Database operations and management: MySQL, MongoDB, Mongoose, and Firebase. 

Implemented authentication and encryption techniques, such as JWT and bcrypt. 

Experience in writing unit tests with Jest. 

Experience in using Dexie to access and operate on IndexedDB. 

Proficient in Git. Used free web hosting tools like Vercel, Netlify, and GitHub Pages.

Docker containerization for efficient application deployment. CI/CD automation using GitHub Actions for continuous integration and delivery. Deployment on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) for scalability and stability. Self-hosting GCP Compute Engine instances for customized cloud infrastructure management.

Work Experience

FANXI, Frontend Engineer, Feb 2023 ~ 現在

In charge of the company's product web design and feature development. 

Refactored and optimized company projects while communicating and collaborating with company colleagues to ensure the product met the desired user experience. 

Engaged in frontend development using React, Next.js, and related tools. 

Applied Styled Components and Tailwind CSS for web design. Utilized the Redux state management library in conjunction with react-query to manage global states and reduce server load. 

Implemented WebRTC technology to achieve real-time communication and video conferencing features between web pages. 

Employed the WebSocket communication protocol to establish bidirectional communication channels for real-time updates and interactive functionalities. 

Applied Web3 technology to interact with blockchain, connecting smart contracts to develop required features. Used Dexie.js to temporarily store message data in IndexedDB. 

Independently developed Chrome Extensions and collaborated with backend engineers to design and integrate necessary APIs. 

Used Git for version control and collaboration. Employed tools such as LightHouse, react Profiler, and coverage to optimize projects.

CacDi, Frontend Engineer, Mar 2022 ~ Nov 2022

Responsible for developing website features, rectifying errors, and discussing API integrations with backend engineers to ensure timely delivery of projects while maintaining high-quality standards. 

Collaborated closely with designers using Figma and employed SCSS for web design, aiming to achieve exceptional user experience and visual design. 

Independently developed projects using React and Next.js. 

Assisted team members in resolving issues and addressing daily technical challenges. 

Understood and applied frontend internationalization (i18n) techniques to cater to multilingual website requirements. 

Implemented drawing games on the web, using Canvas technology to develop a highly interactive gaming experience, while employing JavaScript to manage game logic and animation effects. 

Utilized GitLab for version control and team collaboration, and used Asana for project management and team coordination.




gmail: [email protected]


- 熟悉React與Nextjs

- 熟悉SCSS 、StyledComponents、Tailwind CSS

- 熟悉 RESTful API 串接與API 測試工具,例如:Postman。

- 熟悉製作可共用的React 元件或custom hook

- 熟悉React Hooks、redux 的使用 

- 使用過前端國際化 (i18n) 技術和工具的經驗 實現和無限滾動 (Infinite Scroll) 功能的經驗 

- 串接WebSocket 實現雙向綁定 

- 製作過chrome Extension  

- 使用過TypeScript撰寫專案

- 使用過後端Node.js、Express 、Flask 、php

- 資料庫的操作和管理:如 MySQL、MongoDB 、Mongoose與 Firebase

- 製作過身份驗證與加密:如 JWT、bcrypt 

- 撰寫過jest unit test經驗與husky自動測試

- 使用過dexie操作存取indexDB經驗

- 熟悉git

- 使用過免費架設網站的工具:vercel、netlify、github page

- 使用過容器化docker去做部署

- 做過ci/cd(github action) 去將東西部署在gcp computer engine

- 自己架設過gcp computer engine


FANXI 繁宇科技 | Unigate, 前端工程師, Feb 2023 ~ 現在


使用 React、Nextjs 和相關工具進行前端開發,並應用Styled Components 和 Tailwind CSS 進行網頁設計。 

使用 Redux 狀態管理庫結合react-query,管理全域狀態與減輕伺服器負擔。 

實現 WebRTC 技術,以實現網頁之間的實時通信和視訊會議功能。 

使用 WebSocket 通訊協議,建立雙向通訊通道,以實現即時更新和互動性功能。 

應用 Web3 技術,與區塊鏈進行交互,串接智能合約製作所需功能。 

使用Dexie.js 將訊息資料暫存在IndexDB

獨立開發 Chrome Extension,並與後端工程師合作,設計並串接所需的 API。 

使用 Git 進行版本控制和協作。

使用LightHouse、react Profiler、coverage優化專案

綠擊掌數位有限公司, 前端實習生, Mar 2022 ~ Nov 2022

負責開發網頁功能,修正錯誤,並與後端工程師討論 API 串接,以確保項目按時交付並達到高品質標準。 

與設計師使用figma密切合作,使用scss 進行網頁設計,以實現優秀的使用者體驗和視覺設計。 

使用 React、Nextjs 獨立開發專案


瞭解並應用前端國際化 (i18n) 技術,以處理多語言網頁的需求。 

實現網頁中的畫畫遊戲,利用 Canvas 技術開發互動性高的遊戲體驗,並使用 JavaScript 控制遊戲邏輯和動畫效果。 使用 GitLab 進行版本控制和團隊協作,使用 Asana 進行專案管理和團隊協調。


2.中間是我自己對於投資十分有興趣,但是之前找etf的淨值都要去台灣證交所十分麻煩,所以我自己使用Reactjs做了一個pwa讓我自己的方面觀看並且使用netlify function製作api串接
3.最右邊是我最近做了自己的履歷網頁,這個是我自己做的後台,方便我自己更新,前端使用reactjs當前端、firebase做資料庫利用netlify Function製作api串接,後台使用reactjs搭配firebase存取資料

Charon yu

I am a React frontend engineer with a passion for continuous learning and exploring new technologies. I enjoy applying this knowledge to create high-quality websites and mobile applications, always striving to provide a better user experience. The sense of accomplishment I feel upon completing a project is immense, and I constantly seek ways to refine and elevate my skills. I look forward to collaborating with teams that share a common goal, aiming to develop astonishing applications together. Thank you for reading.

gmail: [email protected]


Proficient in React and Next.js. 

Familiar with SCSS, StyledComponents, and Tailwind CSS. 

Experienced in integrating with RESTful APIs and using API testing tools, such as Postman. 

Capable of creating reusable React components and custom hooks. 

Well-versed in React Hooks and the use of Redux.  

Experience with frontend internationalization (i18n) techniques and tools. 

Familiar with implementing infinite scrolling functionality. 

Experience in integrating WebSocket for bidirectional binding. 
Created Chrome Extensions. Experience in writing projects with TypeScript. 

Worked with backend technologies like Node.js, Express, Flask, and PHP. 

Database operations and management: MySQL, MongoDB, Mongoose, and Firebase. 

Implemented authentication and encryption techniques, such as JWT and bcrypt. 

Experience in writing unit tests with Jest. 

Experience in using Dexie to access and operate on IndexedDB. 

Proficient in Git. Used free web hosting tools like Vercel, Netlify, and GitHub Pages.

Docker containerization for efficient application deployment. CI/CD automation using GitHub Actions for continuous integration and delivery. Deployment on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) for scalability and stability. Self-hosting GCP Compute Engine instances for customized cloud infrastructure management.

Work Experience

FANXI, Frontend Engineer, Feb 2023 ~ 現在

In charge of the company's product web design and feature development. 

Refactored and optimized company projects while communicating and collaborating with company colleagues to ensure the product met the desired user experience. 

Engaged in frontend development using React, Next.js, and related tools. 

Applied Styled Components and Tailwind CSS for web design. Utilized the Redux state management library in conjunction with react-query to manage global states and reduce server load. 

Implemented WebRTC technology to achieve real-time communication and video conferencing features between web pages. 

Employed the WebSocket communication protocol to establish bidirectional communication channels for real-time updates and interactive functionalities. 

Applied Web3 technology to interact with blockchain, connecting smart contracts to develop required features. Used Dexie.js to temporarily store message data in IndexedDB. 

Independently developed Chrome Extensions and collaborated with backend engineers to design and integrate necessary APIs. 

Used Git for version control and collaboration. Employed tools such as LightHouse, react Profiler, and coverage to optimize projects.

CacDi, Frontend Engineer, Mar 2022 ~ Nov 2022

Responsible for developing website features, rectifying errors, and discussing API integrations with backend engineers to ensure timely delivery of projects while maintaining high-quality standards. 

Collaborated closely with designers using Figma and employed SCSS for web design, aiming to achieve exceptional user experience and visual design. 

Independently developed projects using React and Next.js. 

Assisted team members in resolving issues and addressing daily technical challenges. 

Understood and applied frontend internationalization (i18n) techniques to cater to multilingual website requirements. 

Implemented drawing games on the web, using Canvas technology to develop a highly interactive gaming experience, while employing JavaScript to manage game logic and animation effects. 

Utilized GitLab for version control and team collaboration, and used Asana for project management and team coordination.