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An innovative, curious and concentrative senior software engineer who likes to learn and use new technical skills. Discipline in coding to write readability, maintainability , reusability code.
Aug 2018 - Feb 2025 | Taipei, Taiwan
Cloud / DevOps
June 2013 - July 2018 | Taipei, Taiwan
負責 iOS / Web 行動應用開發,並領導 iOS 專案。開發與維護 JavaEE 後端網路服務及前端網頁。
Performed iOS / Web mobile app development and leading iOS project. Develop and maintain JavaEE web services and front-end web.
July 2009 - May 2013 | Taipei, Taiwan
為 Windows 和 Mac OS X 開發軟硬整合應用程式,控制 Nikon / Canon 相機並搭配自家產品使用互動,及影像後製。
Design and development of software for Windows and Mac OS X to control Nikon / Canon cameras with our products.
Sep 2002 - Jun 2007
An innovative, curious and concentrative senior software engineer who likes to learn and use new technical skills. Discipline in coding to write readability, maintainability , reusability code.
Aug 2018 - Feb 2025 | Taipei, Taiwan
Cloud / DevOps
June 2013 - July 2018 | Taipei, Taiwan
負責 iOS / Web 行動應用開發,並領導 iOS 專案。開發與維護 JavaEE 後端網路服務及前端網頁。
Performed iOS / Web mobile app development and leading iOS project. Develop and maintain JavaEE web services and front-end web.
July 2009 - May 2013 | Taipei, Taiwan
為 Windows 和 Mac OS X 開發軟硬整合應用程式,控制 Nikon / Canon 相機並搭配自家產品使用互動,及影像後製。
Design and development of software for Windows and Mac OS X to control Nikon / Canon cameras with our products.
Sep 2002 - Jun 2007