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Cake Talent Search

Avatar of Justin Huang.
Avatar of Justin Huang.
Senior Software Engineer @Delta Energy
2024 ~ Present
Senior Software Engineer / Tech Lead
Within one month
js modern web framework, managing 3 Jr. engineers to achieve project objectives. Deployed web apps using Docker, Kubernetes, and ArgoCD, achieving GitOps workflows for version control, and environment synchronization. Enhanced the CI process to run unit and E2E tests in parallel during merge request creation, enhancing development efficiency and code stability. Senior Programmer • HKTV | Shoalter Technology • OctOct 2023 Designed and implemented a monorepo architecture, including Next.js app and shared packages such as ui components, i18n, config. Executed the migration of the CMS product framework to Next.js. Th...
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Full-time / Interested in working remotely
4-6 years
Avatar of Justin Liu.
Avatar of Justin Liu.
技術副理 @TSMC 台積電
2024 ~ 2024
Technical Manager / Director / Tech Lead / Team Lead / Project Lead
Within one month
歷 技術副理 TSMC 台積電 • 八月十月 2024 設計官網新架構並評估可行性,解決高流量導致停擺問題。 採用GCP混合雲架構,技術涵蓋Next.js、Directus Headless CMS,搭配CloudFlare、GCS、MySQL、Redis、MinIO滿足存儲與流量需求。 透過Docker、Azure DevOps CI、ArgoCD完成Cloud Run與Kubernetes自動部署。 規劃Drupal轉型,確保架構升級
Team Management
Team Leadership
Digital Transformation
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Full-time / Interested in working remotely
10-15 years
世新大學 Shih Hsin University
Management Information Systems, General
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Avatar of the user.
Full Stack Developer @街口電子支付股份有限公司
2023 ~ 2025
Within one month
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Full-time / Interested in working remotely
6-10 years
Avatar of Kai Chu.
Avatar of Kai Chu.
Senior Frontend Developer @POSITIVE GRID 佳格數位科技有限公司
2023 ~ Present
Front-End / Back-End / Full Stack Web Developer
Within one month
十二月 2022 Taipei, Taiwan Frontend Developer Linc Upgraded core order tracking pages from React 15 class components to React 18 functional components. Optimized to reduce bundle size by 40%, maintaining stability without introducing major bugs for millions of online users. Developed the client-facing dashboard with Next.js, OAuth2, and built its scheduling e2e monitoring with Cypress. Built internal automation tools to improve everyday productivity for CSE, QA and engineers. Enhanced backend architecture such as general logging, WSGI, timeout mechanism. Implemented RESTful CRUD APIs using Python AioHttp, Swagger, ORM. 十月
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Full-time / Interested in working remotely
4-6 years
National Taiwan University
Computer Science & Information Engineering
Avatar of Jamoliddin Fakhriddinov.
Avatar of Jamoliddin Fakhriddinov.
Frontend / Backend Engineer @UZCE
2023 ~ Present
Front-End Developer
Within one month
Jamoliddin (Jamal) Fakhriddinov FullStack(Heavy Frontend) Developer Tech skills: Front-end : HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React.js, Next.js, Git, Redux, Bootstrap, Tailwind CSS, Ant Design, Material ui, SCSS, Anime.js, Draft.js, Liquid, Back-end : Node.js/Express, NoSQL(MongoDB), Mongoose, RESTful API, Stripe Payment, Heroku, Cloudinary, AWS Testing: Jest, testing) Languages/Frameworks (prior experience): Python, R, Adobe Photoshop Work Experience AugPresent Front-end developer - UZCE ● Developed and maintained front-end applications for the only multifunctional exchange in Uzbekistan, specializing in currency exchange, government securities, and financial derivatives
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Full-time / Interested in working remotely
4-6 years
Economics / 經濟系
Avatar of 曾博彥.
Avatar of 曾博彥.
Frontend engineer @AIFT (OneDegree)
2021 ~ 2022
Within one month
統 ( IXT Core ) 各項模組開發。 積極參與公司內部技術分享會,擔任講者分享前端相關技術 ( monorepo , react-spring )。 Frontend Engineer • Playsee • 2020/6–2021/10 Tech stack: TypeScript, React, Next.js, react-spring , Styled Components, CSS modules, SCSS、Material-UI, i18next, , Storybook, Scrum 導入 Next.js 作為團隊新的 SSR 解決方案,主導開發主產品 App 至 Web 端的內容分享平台 - Playsee
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Full-time / Interested in working remotely
4-6 years
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Avatar of the user.
前端工程師 @Bonio 幫你優
2021 ~ 2024
Within one month
JavaScript / ES6 / jQuery
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Full-time / Interested in working remotely
4-6 years
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Avatar of the user.
Frontend engineer - 新加坡商嘉訊科技有限公司台灣分公司
2024 ~ 2024
Front-End Engineer 網頁前端工程師
Within two months
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Full-time / Interested in working remotely
4-6 years
National Taiwan University
Avatar of Chien-Hua (Grace) Ku.
Avatar of Chien-Hua (Grace) Ku.
Front-end Developer @Lumos House
2023 ~ 2024
Software Engineer
Within one month
Chien-Hua (Grace) Ku Software Engineer Results-driven front-end engineer with 5 years of experience in React, Redux, and TypeScript. Demonstrated ability to optimize performance, manage technical transitions, and foster collaboration across cross-functional teams. Skilled in leading development teams and consistently delivering measurable improvements in project performance. Committed to continuous learning and staying ahead of emerging technologies, while making informed and stable technical decisions to drive project success.  [email protected],TW Skills Front-end Technologies : React, Redux, TypeScript, JavaScript, MUI, react-query, WebSocket, Antd, Mobx, Next.js, Vue 3, Angular
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United States・Taiwan・Australia・Japan・Canada
Full-time / Interested in working remotely
4-6 years
Tajen University
Avatar of 陳怡蘋.
Avatar of 陳怡蘋.
Frontend Engineer @KKday
2021 ~ 2023
前端工程師 Front-End Developer
Within one month
格的代碼審查和測試,保障平台穩定運行。通過持續學習,致力成為提升使用者體驗的開發者。  - Skills - Web Development  JavaScript TypeScript React React Native Redux MobX / MST Next.js Tailwind CSS CSS in JS GraphQL Github flow Jest JavaScript TypeScript React React Native CSS in JS GraphQL Redux MobX / MST Next.js Tailwind CSS Github flow Jest - objective - Recently 個人網站使用技術套件版本全面升
React Native
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Full-time / Interested in working remotely
4-6 years
National Sun Yat-Sen University

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Within one month
Front-End Developer
Logo of Morrison Express Corp..
Morrison Express Corp.
2022 ~ Present
Professional Background
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Not open to opportunities
Front-end Engineer
Fields of Employment
Work experience
4-6 years
I've had experience in managing 1-5 people
Native or Bilingual
Job search preferences
Frontend Developer
Job types
台灣新北市, 台灣台北市
Interested in working remotely
Yes, I freelance in my spare time
FengChia University

Eason Liu

Front-End Developer

  New Taipei City, Taiwan

Focusing on leveraging the most suitable technologies to create user-centric web experiences.


- In my previous positions, I have worked with front-end frameworks including Vue 2, Vue 3 and React 16+, demonstrating flexibility in adapting to the development frameworks utilized by different teams, Currently working with React.js in my job. 

- Carefully consider potential problems and propose solutions or efficiency improvements when assigned a project or task.

- Passionate about exploring new technologies and tackling new challenges. I diligently address issues and constantly seek better methods to minimize the technical debt I accumulate.

Work Experience

Front-End Developer

Morrison Express Corp.  •  十一月 2022 - Present

- Conducted a project code refactoring, reducing the codebase by 75% while enhancing maintainability and scalability.

- Collaborated with DevOps to enhance the CI/CD processes and redesign the deployment workflow, reducing the number of Jenkins files by nearly 90%.

- Refactored large files into module-based imports, resolving FCP issues and enhancing user experience, and designed APIs to dynamically load data in smaller chunks, resulting in a 20% improvement in load speed and overall performance.

- Proactively organized at least one technical sharing session per quarter, covering interdisciplinary experiences, potential future technologies for team members, and tech trends.

Front-End Developer

街口電子支付股份有限公司  •  六月 2022 - 十月 2022

- Collaborated with designers and participated in the complete development cycle of campaign websites, successfully completing projects 25% ahead of schedule.

- Re-designed API format and error handling mechanisms with back-end developers, establishing comprehensive error handling messages.

- Rapidly built  website backends using a low-code platform, significantly reducing development time and increasing efficiency.


聯合線上股份有限公司  •  八月 2019 - 五月 2022

- Using React.js. Built a single page application membership system, with standard member login and integrated third-party authentication systems like Apple, Google, and Facebook.

- Implemented Webpack concepts for team members, and designed develop templates for campaign websites, which reduced development costs and increased re-usability.

- Proactive learned Vue 3.0, and used it to build a large-scaled business system.

- Maintained legacy projects using Vue 2.0, refactored thousand lines code, and decoupled logic for enhanced maintainability.


- Adept at selecting the correct and appropriate semantic HTML tags.

- Frequently use the BEM naming convention for CSS, focusing on component-based development and reducing CSS specificity.

- Proficient in JavaScript templating engines like Pug, Handlebars, and EJS.

- Well-versed in CSS preprocessors such as Stylus and Sass.

- Proficient in utilizing CSS frameworks like Tailwind CSS, Bootstrap for rapid and responsive UI development. 


- Proficient in ES6+ syntax as well as packaging tools like Webpack for handling compatibility issues. 

- Extensive experience in API integration, coupled with proficiency in collaborating with backend engineers to design robust API architectures. 

Equipped with substantial knowledge in webpack, capable of building configurations from scratch. I have proactively organized knowledge sharing sessions on webpack and frequently handle and optimize this aspect in my current role.


- Having successfully led the integration and refactoring of existing projects with TypeScript. 

- Conducted sessions to share knowledge with colleagues, introducing TypeScript concepts. 

- Utilized TypeScript to supplement missing documentation in JavaScript components, enhancing maintainability by enforcing strict type-checking.   


Stayed abreast with React developments from version 16 to 18, effectively applying relevant knowledge in suitable projects for optimal development.

- Highly proficient in utilizing React Hooks for building and managing stateful functional components.

- Considerable level of knowledge in Redux for state management.


- Experienced in maintaining and developing large-scale projects using Vue 2.x.

- Independently developed a business inventory system utilizing Vue 3.x.

CI / CD & Others

Streamlined existing Jenkins jobs for improved efficiency and enhanced reusability. For example, i have reduced the number of Jenkins files from 50 to fewer than 10. 

- Possess foundational knowledge of Amazon Web Services such as CloudFront, S3, and EC2. Capable of effective communication with DevOps and backend engineers. Also, planning to pursue relevant certifications in the future. 

- Enhancing the company's i18n architecture, introducing modular imports, and implementing permission mechanisms. 

- Implemented an image processing system that handles caching, cropping, and format conversion.  


Eason Liu

Front-End Developer

  New Taipei City, Taiwan

Focusing on leveraging the most suitable technologies to create user-centric web experiences.


- In my previous positions, I have worked with front-end frameworks including Vue 2, Vue 3 and React 16+, demonstrating flexibility in adapting to the development frameworks utilized by different teams, Currently working with React.js in my job. 

- Carefully consider potential problems and propose solutions or efficiency improvements when assigned a project or task.

- Passionate about exploring new technologies and tackling new challenges. I diligently address issues and constantly seek better methods to minimize the technical debt I accumulate.

Work Experience

Front-End Developer

Morrison Express Corp.  •  十一月 2022 - Present

- Conducted a project code refactoring, reducing the codebase by 75% while enhancing maintainability and scalability.

- Collaborated with DevOps to enhance the CI/CD processes and redesign the deployment workflow, reducing the number of Jenkins files by nearly 90%.

- Refactored large files into module-based imports, resolving FCP issues and enhancing user experience, and designed APIs to dynamically load data in smaller chunks, resulting in a 20% improvement in load speed and overall performance.

- Proactively organized at least one technical sharing session per quarter, covering interdisciplinary experiences, potential future technologies for team members, and tech trends.

Front-End Developer

街口電子支付股份有限公司  •  六月 2022 - 十月 2022

- Collaborated with designers and participated in the complete development cycle of campaign websites, successfully completing projects 25% ahead of schedule.

- Re-designed API format and error handling mechanisms with back-end developers, establishing comprehensive error handling messages.

- Rapidly built  website backends using a low-code platform, significantly reducing development time and increasing efficiency.


聯合線上股份有限公司  •  八月 2019 - 五月 2022

- Using React.js. Built a single page application membership system, with standard member login and integrated third-party authentication systems like Apple, Google, and Facebook.

- Implemented Webpack concepts for team members, and designed develop templates for campaign websites, which reduced development costs and increased re-usability.

- Proactive learned Vue 3.0, and used it to build a large-scaled business system.

- Maintained legacy projects using Vue 2.0, refactored thousand lines code, and decoupled logic for enhanced maintainability.


- Adept at selecting the correct and appropriate semantic HTML tags.

- Frequently use the BEM naming convention for CSS, focusing on component-based development and reducing CSS specificity.

- Proficient in JavaScript templating engines like Pug, Handlebars, and EJS.

- Well-versed in CSS preprocessors such as Stylus and Sass.

- Proficient in utilizing CSS frameworks like Tailwind CSS, Bootstrap for rapid and responsive UI development. 


- Proficient in ES6+ syntax as well as packaging tools like Webpack for handling compatibility issues. 

- Extensive experience in API integration, coupled with proficiency in collaborating with backend engineers to design robust API architectures. 

Equipped with substantial knowledge in webpack, capable of building configurations from scratch. I have proactively organized knowledge sharing sessions on webpack and frequently handle and optimize this aspect in my current role.


- Having successfully led the integration and refactoring of existing projects with TypeScript. 

- Conducted sessions to share knowledge with colleagues, introducing TypeScript concepts. 

- Utilized TypeScript to supplement missing documentation in JavaScript components, enhancing maintainability by enforcing strict type-checking.   


Stayed abreast with React developments from version 16 to 18, effectively applying relevant knowledge in suitable projects for optimal development.

- Highly proficient in utilizing React Hooks for building and managing stateful functional components.

- Considerable level of knowledge in Redux for state management.


- Experienced in maintaining and developing large-scale projects using Vue 2.x.

- Independently developed a business inventory system utilizing Vue 3.x.

CI / CD & Others

Streamlined existing Jenkins jobs for improved efficiency and enhanced reusability. For example, i have reduced the number of Jenkins files from 50 to fewer than 10. 

- Possess foundational knowledge of Amazon Web Services such as CloudFront, S3, and EC2. Capable of effective communication with DevOps and backend engineers. Also, planning to pursue relevant certifications in the future. 

- Enhancing the company's i18n architecture, introducing modular imports, and implementing permission mechanisms. 

- Implemented an image processing system that handles caching, cropping, and format conversion.