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Strategy and Planning Assistant Manager @Samyang
2024 ~ Present
Business Intelligence, Data Analyst, Strategy Planning
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4-6 years
Universitas Indonesia
Teknik Kimia
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高級機率工程師 @果遊科技有限公司
2024 ~ Present
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4-6 years
國立成功大學 National Cheng Kung University
Avatar of 曾郁茹.
Avatar of 曾郁茹.
procurement Specialist @瑞軒科技股份有限公司
2022 ~ Present
Within one month
roadmap meeting with suppliers Organize sales reports to observe changes in customer demand Product Specialist • Aeon Peak International Co., LtdJulFeb Seasonal selection of outdoor clothing and products from various brands Summary wholesalers demand to place order to the principal Import product data and orders into the ERP system Use excel to create an order form for wholwsalers to place orders English letters writting to communicate with the oringinal RMA application and process organize sales reports Education Tamkang University Bachelor of Department of Business Administration 2015 SepJun Skill Excel (functions, pivot) TOEIC Listening and Reading Test score 650 problem solving
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4-6 years
淡江大學 Tamkang University
Avatar of 羅心妤.
Avatar of 羅心妤.
品牌行銷企劃 @悠活原力股份有限公司
2023 ~ Present
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羅心妤 電商品牌行銷企劃 新北市三重區 嗨!我是Abby! 熱愛行銷、擅長品牌策略與數位推廣的行銷人,致力於透過創意與數據驅動行銷成效。我相信行銷不只是推廣產品,更是與消費者建立深厚連結的過程。期待運用我的經驗與專業,為品牌創造更
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6-10 years
真理大學 Aletheia University
Avatar of Kent Kumara.
Within one month
terkait. Memberikan dukungan teknis sebelum dan setelah penjualan. Melakukan negosiasi harga dan kontrak dengan pelanggan. Sales Engineering • PT. SAMN SATYA WIJAYASekarang | Gading Serpong, Indonesia Menawarkan dan menjual produk atau layanan teknis kepada pelanggan. Melakukan presentasi dan demonstrasi produk secara teknis. Melakukan riset pasar dan menganalisis tren industri terkait. Memberikan dukungan teknis sebelum dan setelah penjualan. Melakukan negosiasi harga dan kontrak dengan pelanggan. Education SMAN 2 KOTA TANGERANG Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial •Skills Troubleshooting & Problem-Solving Sales & Marketing Negotiation Skills Public Speaking & Presentasi Riset Pasar & Kompetitor Teamwork Microsoft Office Excel Languages English — Fluent
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More than 15 years
Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK)
Avatar of 傅驛爲.
Avatar of 傅驛爲.
專案經理 @MXIC
2022 ~ Present
Big Data Engineer
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傅驛爲(Wayne) Email: [email protected] Cell Phone:於交通大學統計所畢業後至旺宏電子服務,負責: 使用統計方法結合半導體專業知識,協助工廠排除設備異常、提升良率與產能,著重 Fault Detection and Classification ( FDC) 領域。 管理並指導資料分析工程師,作為部門代表參與廠級 FDC 會議,負責
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6-10 years
國立交通大學(National Chiao Tung University, NCTU)
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4-6 years
Avatar of Zahara Ulfah Yanaz.
Avatar of Zahara Ulfah Yanaz.
Administration and Financial @Lembaga Kebijakan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Pemerintah
2018 ~ Present
Administration Staff
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I hold a Bachelor Degree in Management with the Cumlaude GPA of 3,57. Very comfortable working with many people also work individually in an environment of change, challenges, multiple deadlines, and priorities. I am very confident that I can make a real and positive contribution. Work Experience Administration and Financial • Lembaga Kebijakan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Pemerintah AprilPresent Manage finance Manage budget Make accountability document Make contract Make salary document Plan budget absorption Recap accountability document Document administration Education Perbanas Institute ManagementUniversitas Diponegoro Office AdministrationSkills Excel Word PowerPoint Communication Languages Indonesian — Native or Bilingual English — Intermediate
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4-6 years
Perbanas Institute
Avatar of 簡永盛(Allen).
Avatar of 簡永盛(Allen).
品牌企劃 @智行數位行銷有限公司
2021 ~ 2025
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— Allen 1998/08/06 🌐: [email protected] 【個人簡介】 從事行銷與項目管理的工作,專注於為客戶提供創新的行銷解決方案,幫助品牌提高市場知名度和客戶忠誠度。我的工作涵蓋市場分析、品牌策略、社群媒體行銷和廣告策劃等多個領域,透過靈活的策略
Microsoft Office
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4-6 years
Avatar of Fuad Aji Setiawan.
Avatar of Fuad Aji Setiawan.
Quality Control Microbiologist @Tereos FKS Indonesia
2021 ~ Present
Operator Produksi atau Quality Qontrol
Within one month
pathogen SWAB verification Cleaning & Sanitation (Tank,Production Machine,Enviroment) Chemical Analyst • PT. Mitsuba Indonesia AgustusAgustus 2017 | Kawasan Industry Modern Cikande Blok C1,C2,C3 Ds.Kibin, Barengkok, Cikande, Serang Regency, Banten 4218 Job: Chemical Analyst Electro Disposition painting analyzing chemistry in processes Pre-Degresing - Degresing - Surface(PLX) -Phospatizing -painting( Deep Cation) - painting(Spray Powder) Distributed Control System Operator • Bayer JuliAgustus 2014 | Jl Raya Anyer KM 121 (Ciwandan) Cilegon BantenIndonesia Monitoring Reactor Prosses Control Pressure Control Valve and additing catalyst Pendidikan SMK Prima Mandiri Teknik Kimia IndustriUniversitas Al-Khairiyah Teknik Kimia (Dalam Pendidikan) Skil Excel Word Bahasa Japanese — Menengah
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4-6 years
Universitas Al-Khairiyah
Teknik Kimia

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Corporate Communications Manager
2020 ~ Present
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Community / Social Media, Digital Marketer, Video Editing Specialist
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4-6 years
Google Drive
Job search preferences
Video Producer, Videographer, Video Editor, Social Media Manager, Marketing and Communications Manager
Job types
Remote Only
National Institute of Business Management (NIBM)

AJIBULU EMMANUEL OLUWOLE  Email: [email protected].

Phone Number: 2347062022268

I am a strategic and results-driven Business Development Manager, Media Manager and corporate Communications consultant with a proven track record in cultivating client relationships, driving revenue growth, and executing successful market expansion strategies. I am a technology-inclined person with a creative flair that turns content into conversation. Adept at crafting engaging narratives, my expertise lies in driving brand visibility and engagement across platforms. From concept to execution, I blend strategic thinking with visual storytelling to deliver compelling content that resonates with audiences and elevates brand presence. A Business-driven Relationship Manager focused on deepening client relationships by providing superior service and support— an outgoing and ambitious professional with 13 years experience in the telecommunications and agrotechnology industries. I can prepare business proposals and I can make presentations. I have distinguished myself for excellence and continuous growth.


Work Experience


Business Development Manager  Evoke360 International Services Limited. 

March 2024- July 2024

As a Business Development Manager (BDM), I am responsible for identifying and pursuing new business opportunities, building and maintaining relationships with clients and partners, developing strategies to drive growth, handling corporate Communications, maintaining digital platforms and enhancing the company's market presence.

Relationship Manager  •  Farmforte

December 2021 - October 2022

I managed the investment portfolio for 180 high-net investors (HNI) With a collective investment value of over five million dollars ($5mil).
I worked with high-net investors to solve any business or technical challenges that they face.
Providing timely information about the status of investment and ROI (Return on Investment) expectations. Prevented Churn through developing strong investor relationships and
Identifying changes for increased earnings.

MD/ Brand/ Creative Designer  •  Vicham Resources and Development (Consultant)

July 2018 - Date

I am tasked with Real Estate digital marketing strategizing and brand positioning. Social media management and content creation. Hiring decisions

Digital Branding / Media Team coordinator •  JWCAM (Volunteer)

August 2020 - Date

I oversee Brand Compliance Monitoring, Video editing, Social Media Content creation, portfolio management, e-flier designing. Social Media Management

BDM•  Crude Resources oil and gas Limited (Consultant)

September 2016 - Date

I advise on Brand representation and portfolio management. Digital marketing strategizing and Telemarketing

mobile Financial services / Trade support officer  •  MTN Nigeria

August 2015 - April 2021

Diamond Yello Account helpdesk (With ECW , Avaya, Agility and CRM tools)
Financial Advisory services
Customer Savings account management
Financial facts validation
Risk and Returns verification
Super and Retail Agent Management

Customer Relations Officer •  MTN Nigeria

September 2009 - August 2015

As a Team Representative at MTN Nigeria, I handled various responsibilities, including customer engagement, upselling, and billing issue resolution. I managed over 800 postpaid bills in three months, tracked call trends, recommended process improvements, and maintained a high call volume. Additionally, I ensured adherence to MTN Nigeria's standards, oversaw team performance and initiated disciplinary measures when necessary.

News Writer, Nigerian Television Authority •  The Nigerian Television Authority (NTA)

March 2006 - March 2007

Served as a news writer and reporter (on diverse subject matter and newsworthy issues) for the 7:00 p.m. local news, where I was privileged to cover newsworthy functions. I interviewed sources who have information about the beats I handled, like the police, fire department, commissioners and heads of parastatals, convicted criminals, victims/casualties of tragic occurrences, students, meteorologists, farmers, and herdsmen among other sources. Sampled public opinion on topical issues (vox pop), I was attached to the electoral commission to get first-hand information on the gubernatorial election result. Among other responsibilities

PR Intern  •  Office Of the PRO, LGA. Secretariat

September 2004 - November 2004

Assisted the information department of the local government secretariat while understudying the Information Officer as a PR trainee to achieve timely implementation of duties routed to the PR department from the office of the executive chairman, circulate information to appropriate quarters (within and outside the secretariat) ,prepare the executive chairman for his speeches, represent the department at council meetings and public events, organize community based events and other duties assigned.

Pr Intern  •  Office of the PRO. Federal College of Education Okene

October 2003 - December 2003

Assisted the college PR department in the execution of its core responsibilities which is to bridge the information gap between the college and its public(internal and external) and to ensure that the positive image of the college is constantly intact. Assigned duties: daily maintenance of the college notice board, assisting in the production of the college provost speeches, ensuring the timely delivery and circulation of the college bulletins, assisting in planning and organize college events, and other duties assigned


MBA. National Institute of Business Management (NIBM)


2019 - 2019


Digital Marketing

2018 - 2018

Kogi State University, Anyigba

Mass Communication/Media Studies

2002 - 2005


AJIBULU EMMANUEL OLUWOLE  Email: [email protected].

Phone Number: 2347062022268

I am a strategic and results-driven Business Development Manager, Media Manager and corporate Communications consultant with a proven track record in cultivating client relationships, driving revenue growth, and executing successful market expansion strategies. I am a technology-inclined person with a creative flair that turns content into conversation. Adept at crafting engaging narratives, my expertise lies in driving brand visibility and engagement across platforms. From concept to execution, I blend strategic thinking with visual storytelling to deliver compelling content that resonates with audiences and elevates brand presence. A Business-driven Relationship Manager focused on deepening client relationships by providing superior service and support— an outgoing and ambitious professional with 13 years experience in the telecommunications and agrotechnology industries. I can prepare business proposals and I can make presentations. I have distinguished myself for excellence and continuous growth.


Work Experience


Business Development Manager  Evoke360 International Services Limited. 

March 2024- July 2024

As a Business Development Manager (BDM), I am responsible for identifying and pursuing new business opportunities, building and maintaining relationships with clients and partners, developing strategies to drive growth, handling corporate Communications, maintaining digital platforms and enhancing the company's market presence.

Relationship Manager  •  Farmforte

December 2021 - October 2022

I managed the investment portfolio for 180 high-net investors (HNI) With a collective investment value of over five million dollars ($5mil).
I worked with high-net investors to solve any business or technical challenges that they face.
Providing timely information about the status of investment and ROI (Return on Investment) expectations. Prevented Churn through developing strong investor relationships and
Identifying changes for increased earnings.

MD/ Brand/ Creative Designer  •  Vicham Resources and Development (Consultant)

July 2018 - Date

I am tasked with Real Estate digital marketing strategizing and brand positioning. Social media management and content creation. Hiring decisions

Digital Branding / Media Team coordinator •  JWCAM (Volunteer)

August 2020 - Date

I oversee Brand Compliance Monitoring, Video editing, Social Media Content creation, portfolio management, e-flier designing. Social Media Management

BDM•  Crude Resources oil and gas Limited (Consultant)

September 2016 - Date

I advise on Brand representation and portfolio management. Digital marketing strategizing and Telemarketing

mobile Financial services / Trade support officer  •  MTN Nigeria

August 2015 - April 2021

Diamond Yello Account helpdesk (With ECW , Avaya, Agility and CRM tools)
Financial Advisory services
Customer Savings account management
Financial facts validation
Risk and Returns verification
Super and Retail Agent Management

Customer Relations Officer •  MTN Nigeria

September 2009 - August 2015

As a Team Representative at MTN Nigeria, I handled various responsibilities, including customer engagement, upselling, and billing issue resolution. I managed over 800 postpaid bills in three months, tracked call trends, recommended process improvements, and maintained a high call volume. Additionally, I ensured adherence to MTN Nigeria's standards, oversaw team performance and initiated disciplinary measures when necessary.

News Writer, Nigerian Television Authority •  The Nigerian Television Authority (NTA)

March 2006 - March 2007

Served as a news writer and reporter (on diverse subject matter and newsworthy issues) for the 7:00 p.m. local news, where I was privileged to cover newsworthy functions. I interviewed sources who have information about the beats I handled, like the police, fire department, commissioners and heads of parastatals, convicted criminals, victims/casualties of tragic occurrences, students, meteorologists, farmers, and herdsmen among other sources. Sampled public opinion on topical issues (vox pop), I was attached to the electoral commission to get first-hand information on the gubernatorial election result. Among other responsibilities

PR Intern  •  Office Of the PRO, LGA. Secretariat

September 2004 - November 2004

Assisted the information department of the local government secretariat while understudying the Information Officer as a PR trainee to achieve timely implementation of duties routed to the PR department from the office of the executive chairman, circulate information to appropriate quarters (within and outside the secretariat) ,prepare the executive chairman for his speeches, represent the department at council meetings and public events, organize community based events and other duties assigned.

Pr Intern  •  Office of the PRO. Federal College of Education Okene

October 2003 - December 2003

Assisted the college PR department in the execution of its core responsibilities which is to bridge the information gap between the college and its public(internal and external) and to ensure that the positive image of the college is constantly intact. Assigned duties: daily maintenance of the college notice board, assisting in the production of the college provost speeches, ensuring the timely delivery and circulation of the college bulletins, assisting in planning and organize college events, and other duties assigned


MBA. National Institute of Business Management (NIBM)


2019 - 2019


Digital Marketing

2018 - 2018

Kogi State University, Anyigba

Mass Communication/Media Studies

2002 - 2005