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Marketing Project Manager @Shopee 新加坡商蝦皮娛樂電商有限公司台灣分公司
2023 ~ Présent
Customer Success / Marketing Specialist / Account Executive / Operation / Community
Dans 1 mois
Ouvert à de nouvelles opportunités
Temps plein / Intéressé par le travail à distance
4 à 6 ans
國立成功大學 National Cheng Kung University
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Apache YuniKorn Committer @Apache Software Foundation
2024 ~ Présent
Software Engineer/Back End Engineer/Data Engineer
Dans 1 mois
Ne recherche pas de nouvelles opportunités
Temps plein / Intéressé par le travail à distance
4 à 6 ans
國立成功大學 National Cheng Kung University
Avatar of 許鈺祥.
Avatar of 許鈺祥.
Senior Software Engineer Technical Lead @Nien Made Enterprise Co., LTD.
2024 ~ Présent
Engineer, SA, SD, Data Analyst, PM
Dans 1 mois
統網頁弱點掃描風險處理 技能 語言: 中文 (Native)、English (Advanced) B2B: SoftwareAG webMethods、RosettaNet、Java Service、EDI、VAN、SFTP/FTP ERP: SAP、Eclipse for ABAP、PP模組、SD模組 程式相關: C#、Java、Oracle SQL、Python、PL/SQL、VB6、VB.NET、VBA、WinForms、Windows Mobile、Dapper、DevExpress、NUnit、NLog、分散式系統 網頁相關: HTML、CSS、JavaScript、Vue.js、ASP.NET MVC、Web API、Web Service 版本控制: Azure DevOps Server 、Git、SVN、VSS
Ne recherche pas de nouvelles opportunités
Temps plein / Intéressé par le travail à distance
6 à 10 ans
國立成功大學 National Cheng Kung University
Industrial and Information Management
Avatar of 蔡承佑.
Avatar of 蔡承佑.
資深後端開發人員 @凱鈿行動科技股份有限公司 Kdan Mobile
2021 ~ Présent
Dans 6 mois
架為 Spring MVC + Hibernate + MySql,使用到的技術包括「WEB Socket」、「Quartz scheduler」、「Rabbit MQ」、「ImageMagick」等等。 2.負責過三個公司另外接的案子,負責的項目包括資料庫架構設計、後台功能撰寫、iOS APP 撰寫。 學歷國立成功大學 工業與資訊管理 技能 Ruby on Rails Spring Framework Docker Linux Nginx Tomcat Redis MySQL SQLite3 AWS Grafana 語言 English — 中階
Spring Framework
Reputation Credits1
Ne recherche pas de nouvelles opportunités
Temps plein / Intéressé par le travail à distance
4 à 6 ans
國立成功大學 National Cheng Kung University
Avatar of 劉若羚.
Avatar of 劉若羚.
Senior Project Manager @Positive Grid
2024 ~ Présent
產品經理 Product Manager
Dans 1 an
Ruo-Ling, Liu ( 劉 若羚 ) Product/Project Manager #Zero-to-one #Agile-development #Product-Coach #User-research #Data-driven #AI-powering I love creating things that excite and inspire people. I’ve executed innovative projects related to IoV, IoT, Blockchain, Cloud Computing Services, and Digital Entertainment. My work aims to find opportunities and possibilities that bring value to the product. I devote myself to carrying out the best practices to drive products to their success. Building awesome products that benefit people’s lives is where my passion lies
Microsoft Office
Jira . Scrum . Agile
Problem Solving
Sans Emploi
Temps plein / Intéressé par le travail à distance
4 à 6 ans
國立成功大學 National Cheng Kung University
創意產業設計, Institute of Creative Industries Design
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Product Manager @東元電機股份有限公司 (TECO Electric & Machinery Co. Ltd.)
2023 ~ 2023
Data Scientist, Data Analyst, Machine Learning Engineer
Dans 1 an
Power BI
Data Analytics
Temps plein / Intéressé par le travail à distance
6 à 10 ans
國立成功大學 National Cheng Kung University
Mechanical Engineering

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Dans 1 an
Logo of 東元電機股份有限公司 (TECO Electric & Machinery Co. Ltd.).
東元電機股份有限公司 (TECO Electric & Machinery Co. Ltd.)
2023 ~ 2023
Taoyuan City, Taiwan
Professional Background
Statut Actuel
Progrès de la Recherche d'Emploi
Back-end Engineer, Rotary Machine Engineer
Fields of Employment
Expérience Professionnelle
6 à 10 ans
I've had experience in managing 1-5 people
Power BI
Data Analytics
Machine Learning
Induction Motor Theory
Web Crawling
Marketing Strategy
Natif ou Bilingue
Job search preferences
Position Désirée
Data Scientist, Data Analyst, Machine Learning Engineer
Type d'emploi
Temps plein
Lieu Désiré
Taipei, 台灣, New Taipei City, 台灣, Taoyuán, 台灣, Hsinchu City, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia
Travail à distance
Intéressé par le travail à distance
Oui, je suis indépendant à temps partiel
國立成功大學 National Cheng Kung University
Mechanical Engineering

梁賦康 (Foo-Hong, Leong)

  Taoyuan City, Taiwan

Email: [email protected]

Tel: 0932187053

• Languages: Python
• DataBases: MySQL, SQLite
• Infrastructure tools: Github
• Machine learning libraries: TensorFlow, Keras, and Scikit-learn
• Data visualization tools: Power BI, Seaborn and Matplotlib
• Deployment: Streamlit

I have been working in Motor Manufacturing Industry for 8 years. My first programming was going to my Bachelor's degree, C++ was the first program I learned. Then I started to learn Python in 2018 at TEDU and my first project was the Stock Trend Prediction by CNN. I kept using Python to implement web crawling, OOP, and Pandas in my job, intend to let my work become more automated. I used those techniques to automate the data-gathering problem, which shorten the existing progress duration. I'm very passionate about Data Scientist and Machine Learning.


Work Experience

Product Manager  •  東元電機股份有限公司 (TECO Electric & Machinery Co. Ltd.)

January 2023 - October 2023

1. Product Analytics
2. Market Trend Analytics
3. New Product Development Project Management
4. Industrial Induction Motor Instructor

Team Lead Supervisor  •  東元電機股份有限公司 (TECO Electric & Machinery Co. Ltd.)

May 2021 - December 2022

1. Industrial Induction Motor Designer
2. R&D
3. Instructor of Oversea's Quotation and Engineering Department
4. Project Leader
-- Leading a team with 5 people

Senior Researcher  •  東元電機股份有限公司 (TECO Electric & Machinery Co. Ltd.)

January 2020 - April 2021

1. Industrial Induction Motor Designer
2. R&D
3. Instructor of Oversea's Quotation and Engineering Department
4. Project Leader

Assistant Researcher  •  東元電機股份有限公司 (TECO Electric & Machinery Co. Ltd.)

February 2015 - December 2019

1. Industrial Induction Motor Designer
2. R&D
3. Quotation and Engineering Consultant
4. Instructor of Oversea's Quotation and Engineering Department

Side Project

Genetic Algorithm Electrical Motor Design Program

This project is going to establish a program that can maximize the power density of electrical motor. This program can automatically design an electrical motor that has a lighter weight but the highest efficiency.  

Initialization: The motor design parameters become the genetic parameters, and motor characteristics will be set as the constraint parameters. 

Selection: Since the motor characteristic is a discrete type of data, therefore, fuzzy logic is carried out to define how good this chromosome is, which is the calculation of fitness. I use Deterministic Sampling for the first round of selection and then the Enlarged Sampling Space method for the rest generation. The Elitism Selection has also been used in the Selection Stage.

Genetic Operator: Double Crossover is the method that is used in the crossover operator.

  • Skills: Matlab · Genetic Algorithms

Pricing Web Crawling Program

This program solves the pricing update problem such as raw materials, accessories, and other parts. By combining the EFC Calculation Program, the complicated workload for every month's update can be more convenient.

  • Skills:Pandas (Software) · Web Crawling · OOP · Python

Stock Prediction by CNN

This project is about doing the stock prediction by CNN and using the triple barrier method to do the labeling.

Frontend: Streamlit

Crawling: Gather the data from the website by downloading the data or xpath to work on the data.

Data Preprocessing: 15 kinds of technical indicators are used to transform to a 15x15 pic, then drop those NA columns. The triple barrier method was used to do the labeling by inputting the upper bound of the stop profit and the lower bound of the stop loss, by the way, the holding period can be the input parameter also. Normalizing was used before transforming the data into a pic. by MinMaxScaler.

Training: I establish two different models which are the normal CNN model with RELU activation function and categorical cross-entropy with ADAM as optimizer to calculate the loss. The other one is using LeakyRELU as the activation function and RANGER optimizer in categorical cross-entropy loss calculation.

Finally, I will use the financial evaluation to calculate the profit I earn by using these two models.

  • SkillsPandas · Web Crawling · OOP · Github · Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) · Python


國立成功大學 National Cheng Kung University

Mechanical Engineering

Master Degree, 2012 - 2014

國立成功大學 National Cheng Kung University

Mechanical Engineering

Bachelor Degree, 2008 - 2012

Licenses and Certifications


ETC - Score: 855

Python Data Analytics Course


Issued April 2021 · 

Data Science: Modern Deep Learning in Python


Issued May 2023 · 

The Python Mega Course: Learn Python in 50 Days with 20 Apps


Issued March 2023 · 

Data Science: Deep Learning and Neural Networks in Python


Issued March 2023 · 



Issued February 2024 · 

Beginner's Guide to Power BI


Issued February 2024 · 

Top Skills

   Python      Power BI      Data Analytics      Machine Learning      Induction Motor Theory      Web Crawling      Marketing Strategy   


   English — Fluent      Chinese — Native or Bilingual      Malay — Fluent   


梁賦康 (Foo-Hong, Leong)

  Taoyuan City, Taiwan

Email: [email protected]

Tel: 0932187053

• Languages: Python
• DataBases: MySQL, SQLite
• Infrastructure tools: Github
• Machine learning libraries: TensorFlow, Keras, and Scikit-learn
• Data visualization tools: Power BI, Seaborn and Matplotlib
• Deployment: Streamlit

I have been working in Motor Manufacturing Industry for 8 years. My first programming was going to my Bachelor's degree, C++ was the first program I learned. Then I started to learn Python in 2018 at TEDU and my first project was the Stock Trend Prediction by CNN. I kept using Python to implement web crawling, OOP, and Pandas in my job, intend to let my work become more automated. I used those techniques to automate the data-gathering problem, which shorten the existing progress duration. I'm very passionate about Data Scientist and Machine Learning.


Work Experience

Product Manager  •  東元電機股份有限公司 (TECO Electric & Machinery Co. Ltd.)

January 2023 - October 2023

1. Product Analytics
2. Market Trend Analytics
3. New Product Development Project Management
4. Industrial Induction Motor Instructor

Team Lead Supervisor  •  東元電機股份有限公司 (TECO Electric & Machinery Co. Ltd.)

May 2021 - December 2022

1. Industrial Induction Motor Designer
2. R&D
3. Instructor of Oversea's Quotation and Engineering Department
4. Project Leader
-- Leading a team with 5 people

Senior Researcher  •  東元電機股份有限公司 (TECO Electric & Machinery Co. Ltd.)

January 2020 - April 2021

1. Industrial Induction Motor Designer
2. R&D
3. Instructor of Oversea's Quotation and Engineering Department
4. Project Leader

Assistant Researcher  •  東元電機股份有限公司 (TECO Electric & Machinery Co. Ltd.)

February 2015 - December 2019

1. Industrial Induction Motor Designer
2. R&D
3. Quotation and Engineering Consultant
4. Instructor of Oversea's Quotation and Engineering Department

Side Project

Genetic Algorithm Electrical Motor Design Program

This project is going to establish a program that can maximize the power density of electrical motor. This program can automatically design an electrical motor that has a lighter weight but the highest efficiency.  

Initialization: The motor design parameters become the genetic parameters, and motor characteristics will be set as the constraint parameters. 

Selection: Since the motor characteristic is a discrete type of data, therefore, fuzzy logic is carried out to define how good this chromosome is, which is the calculation of fitness. I use Deterministic Sampling for the first round of selection and then the Enlarged Sampling Space method for the rest generation. The Elitism Selection has also been used in the Selection Stage.

Genetic Operator: Double Crossover is the method that is used in the crossover operator.

  • Skills: Matlab · Genetic Algorithms

Pricing Web Crawling Program

This program solves the pricing update problem such as raw materials, accessories, and other parts. By combining the EFC Calculation Program, the complicated workload for every month's update can be more convenient.

  • Skills:Pandas (Software) · Web Crawling · OOP · Python

Stock Prediction by CNN

This project is about doing the stock prediction by CNN and using the triple barrier method to do the labeling.

Frontend: Streamlit

Crawling: Gather the data from the website by downloading the data or xpath to work on the data.

Data Preprocessing: 15 kinds of technical indicators are used to transform to a 15x15 pic, then drop those NA columns. The triple barrier method was used to do the labeling by inputting the upper bound of the stop profit and the lower bound of the stop loss, by the way, the holding period can be the input parameter also. Normalizing was used before transforming the data into a pic. by MinMaxScaler.

Training: I establish two different models which are the normal CNN model with RELU activation function and categorical cross-entropy with ADAM as optimizer to calculate the loss. The other one is using LeakyRELU as the activation function and RANGER optimizer in categorical cross-entropy loss calculation.

Finally, I will use the financial evaluation to calculate the profit I earn by using these two models.

  • SkillsPandas · Web Crawling · OOP · Github · Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) · Python


國立成功大學 National Cheng Kung University

Mechanical Engineering

Master Degree, 2012 - 2014

國立成功大學 National Cheng Kung University

Mechanical Engineering

Bachelor Degree, 2008 - 2012

Licenses and Certifications


ETC - Score: 855

Python Data Analytics Course


Issued April 2021 · 

Data Science: Modern Deep Learning in Python


Issued May 2023 · 

The Python Mega Course: Learn Python in 50 Days with 20 Apps


Issued March 2023 · 

Data Science: Deep Learning and Neural Networks in Python


Issued March 2023 · 



Issued February 2024 · 

Beginner's Guide to Power BI


Issued February 2024 · 

Top Skills

   Python      Power BI      Data Analytics      Machine Learning      Induction Motor Theory      Web Crawling      Marketing Strategy   


   English — Fluent      Chinese — Native or Bilingual      Malay — Fluent