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Cake Talent Search

Avatar of Jimmy Chen.
Avatar of Jimmy Chen.
iOS Engoneer @VoiceTube 紅點子科技股份有限公司
2020 ~ 2023
iOS Developer
Trong vòng một năm
公司 十二月三月Implemented RxSwift framework and MVVM patterns. Later refactoring to MVVM-C pattern - Introduce usage of Gitflow for maintaining proper feature development and release cycle - Assisted in debugging and testing, contributing to the successful launch of an app update - Developed and released a language vocabulary game, showcasing strong problem-solving skills and creative UI/UX design - Implemented a real-time language translation feature, leveraging Core ML and Natural Language Processing, expanding the app's global reach App Team Lead • iQIYI 愛奇藝 六月九月Adopted the MVVM pattern and
Thất nghiệp
Full-time / Quan tâm đến làm việc từ xa
6-10 năm
國立臺北大學 National Taipei University
Avatar of 林郁綺 / Irene.
Ngoại tuyến
Avatar of 林郁綺 / Irene.
Ngoại tuyến
Front-end application developer @美商優渥科技有限公司 Youwo Technology Co., Ltd.
2021 ~ Hiện tại
Trong vòng một năm
variety of programming courses on the online course center always interested me, such as: VueJS, AngularJS, C#, etc. In addition to this, after I worked for eight years, I am going back to school for a master's degree. The study is mainly based on the Python language, exploring the fields of web crawler, Flask, artificial intelligence, natural language processing, and I take this as the subject of my master's thesis - "Exploring Artificial Intelligence Technologies for Fake News Detection". During my studies and employment, it has cultivated my careful, positive work attitude and interpersonal communication
Đã có việc làm
Full-time / Quan tâm đến làm việc từ xa
10-15 năm
國立臺灣師範大學 National Taiwan Normal University
圖書資訊學研究所 Graduate Institute of Library and Information Studies

Kế hoạch tuyển dụng đơn giản và hiệu quả nhất

Tìm kiếm 40k+ CV và chủ động liên hệ với ứng viên để đạt hiệu quả tuyển dụng cao hơn. Sự lựa chọn của hàng trăm công ty.

  • Duyệt tất cả kết quả tìm kiếm
  • Bắt đầu trò chuyện không giới hạn
  • CV chỉ có thể truy cập bởi các công ty trả phí
  • Xem địa chỉ email và số điện thoại của người dùng
Hơn một năm
Logo of 美商優渥科技有限公司 Youwo Technology Co., Ltd..
美商優渥科技有限公司 Youwo Technology Co., Ltd.
2021 ~ Hiện tại
Professional Background
Tình trạng hiện tại
Đã có việc làm
Tiến trình tìm việc
Full Stack Development, Front-end Engineer, Hardware Engineer
Fields of Employment
Phần mềm, Dịch vụ cung cấp thông tin
Kinh nghiệm làm việc
10-15 năm
Chưa có
Kỹ năng
C# .Net MVC
Web crawler with python scrapy
Selenium Testing
Selenium WebDriver Automation
Ngôn ngữ
Job search preferences
Vị trí
Loại hình công việc
Địa điểm
Làm việc từ xa
Quan tâm đến làm việc từ xa
Học vấn
Trường học
國立臺灣師範大學 National Taiwan Normal University
Chuyên ngành
圖書資訊學研究所 Graduate Institute of Library and Information Studies


Full stack application developer

  Taipei, Taiwan

I'm Irene who graduated from the Department of Information Management at Shih Chien University in 2010, and graduated from the Institute of Library and Information Science at National Normal University in 2020. I have more than ten years experience in program development, including system design, database design, front-end and back-end software development, all with high proficiency.

I like learning and sharing new knowledge. This variety of programming courses on the online course center always interested me, such as: VueJS, AngularJS, C#, etc. In addition to this, after I worked for eight years, I am going back to school for a master's degree. The study is mainly based on the Python language, exploring the fields of web crawler, Flask, artificial intelligence, natural language processing, and I take this as the subject of my master's thesis - "Exploring Artificial Intelligence Technologies for Fake News Detection".

During my studies and employment, it has cultivated my careful, positive work attitude and interpersonal communication skills. My excellent learning ability is especially my advantage, whether it is in the face of highly customized projects or different development environments between systems. I can integrate quickly, I am quite confident in adapting. I hope to find not only a job, but also enjoy learning.


[email protected]

GitHub: https://github.com/iampuffylin

Welcome to contact; the head hunter do not disturb.



  • Competitor analysis
  • VueJS
  • AngularJS
  • CoffeeScript
  • SASS
  • CSS3
  • HTML5


  • RESTful API
  • Flask
  • Microsoft SQL
  • MySQL
  • Oracle
  • PL/SQL
  • Database Design
  • Database Analyze
  • Stored Procedure


  • C#
  • Python
  • NLP
  • Web Crawler
  • Web Services
  • Windows Forms
  • ASP (classic)


  • Git
  • JIRA
  • GULP
  • Colab


Front-end application developer

Youwo Technology Co., Ltd.

Sep. 2021 - Present
Taipei, Taiwan

Youwo Technology is an American tech start-up company. The largest project, Motom, is what I am mainly responsible for.

Motom is the people-first shopping platform that centralizes everyone's social feeds and makes it easier for social shopping.

We integrate current major social platform data and e-commerce marketing with bold and innovative ideas, developing a meticulous and smooth interface, providing content creators with a better user experience. People could create media posts , mark products, share posts, promote pages, etc.

We work based on the agile framework of Scrum, and used VueJS for frontend frameworks, cooperation with overseas partners to make our product more radiant. Mostly, I develop front-end programs for interacting with social media. In addition, I use Python Selenium tools to develop automated testing and stress testing to assist QA.

*Motom Online:https://www.motom.me/

*Frontend Demo Video:https://youtu.be/5_NFQGvCDY0

*Python Selenium Automated Testing Demo Video:https://youtu.be/4RH7WzBrO_g

*Stress Testing Report:https://www.canva.com/design/DAFNUBSXbDk/8sN69EuCA0c-BrqVGHr8uQ/view


*Project:Motom Social Media

*Skill:VueJS, SASS, Restful API, CSS3, HTML5, Amazon Web Services, Python, Selenium

*Tool:Git, FIGMA, Jira, Jenkins

#VueJS #SASS #CSS #AWS #Python #Selenium

Full stack application developer

BNP Paribas Cardif

Aug. 2020 - Aug. 2021
Taipei, Taiwan

Cardif is an international insurance company based in France with a presence worldwide. The company is part of the BNP Paribas Group. It mainly provides insurance services such as savings and protection products, it is the leader of the bancassurance channel, and I am responsible for the development of the Policy Transmission File System in its digital department.

Policy Transmission File System integrates the policy data of various insurance companies, calculates fees and commissions according to different business rules, and then returns the data. 

This job includes data analysis, system analysis, back-end API and front-end program development, production file service development, etc., and cooperating with foreign engineers to assist in the operation of the project.

*Project:Insurance Policy Transmission File System

*Skill:VueJS, Asp.Net MVC, C#, MS-SQL, Restful API, CSS3, HTML5


Full stack application developer

National Central University

Jun. 2018 - Jun. 2020
Taipei, Taiwan

During the graduate study period at National Taiwan Normal University, I did some contract work, developing the website of the Electrical Engineering department at National Central University.

These systems include electronic forms, teaching material management, teacher management, meeting room borrowing, department announcement management and external websites. 

My jobs include User Interface and User Experience design, system analysis, database architecture planning, project schedule planning, program development, document writing, and server maintenance etc, full stack work.

*NCUEE online:http://www2.ee.ncu.edu.tw/

*System Demo PPT:https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1VCgzkLx_utTZeZnOqSuN-LsQ9jVTqf_Y

*Project:Lab website, National Central University Electrical Engineering department (NCUEE) management system, NCUEE official website...etc.

*Skill:VueJS, Python, Flask API, JQuery, MySQL, Restful API, CSS3, HTML5

*Paper Work:System Flow Graph, Program Flow Graph, Entity-Relationship Diagram

*Honor:Second place in the 2018 Chinese Language Teaching Application Software Competition hosted by the National Education Research Institute(NTNU-NCU Chinese Typo Detection and Correction System)

#Python #flask #MySQL #userinterface #userexperience #jquery #VueJS


National Taiwan Normal University

May. 2018 - Jul. 2020
Taipei, Taiwan

During the graduate study period at National Taiwan Normal University, I developed web crawler programs to capture public data as a researcher, and then further analyze the data to create a training corpus, including similarity calculation and artificial intelligence model training, etc., to assist the AI & humanities project of National Science and Technology Council, and the writing of fake news detection thesis.

My master's thesis explores the actual performance of humans and computers in fake news detection. It included three experiments with humans and computers. First step, building a Traditional Chinese fake news corpus based on the Taiwanese fake news platform "CoFacts", and includes knowledge inference markers, then using Naive Bayes, SVM and BRET algorithms to predict true or fake news. Secondly, according to the Economic Daily News corpus, I use the GPT2-Chinese algorithm to generate fake news, and survey people to identify true or fake news.

Finally, integrate the above two, the third experiment uses a classifier to test whether the computer can identify fake news generated by GPT2-Chinese, and compare results between humans and computers.

*Master Thesis:https://hdl.handle.net/11296/g3reqt

*Project:National Science and Technology Council project Chinese Humorous Corpus Collecting, Fake News Predict Classification, Fake News Automatic Writing Model…etc.

*Skill:Python, Web Crawler, Scrapy, Selenium, Beautiful Soup, Tensor Flow, Keras, Natural Language Processing, Deep Learning, Machine Learning (SVM, BERT, GPT2, XLNet, RoBERTa…etc.)

*Honor:Artificial Intelligence Competition and Annotated Data Collection - Machine Reading-Thesis Classification Competition (AI CUP Pre-bid of the National College Artificial Intelligence Competition of the Ministry of Education - Artificial Intelligence Paper Machine Reading Paper Classification Competition)

#Python #NLP #MachineLearning #dataanalysis #softwareprogramming #naturallanguageprocessing

Full stack application developer

Chinese Culture University

Jan. 2016 - Apr. 2018
Taipei, Taiwan

The School of Continuing Education of Chinese Culture University is an independent business company affiliated to Chinese Culture University. Its major business is educational services, including courses in language, art, technology and sports fields...etc. The service targets are all over Taiwan's students and members of society.

As a member of the Chinese Culture University R&D team, I'm responsible for surveying a variety of new technologies, selecting these as the most suitable for projects, and applying them to creating new systems.

The development projects include the internal work sign-off system, the establishment of a psychological test system in cooperation with professional psychologists in the United States, and cooperation with a number of universities in China that have cooperated to build an interactive learning and education system.

The work includes system analysis, database planning, project progress management, program development, document writing and demand interviews.

*Project:Psychological Test System, myOffice Mobile Office System, Interactive Learning Education System, Cloud Drive Access System…etc.

*Skill:Asp.Net MVC, C#, AJAX, API, AngularJS, JQuery, SPA (Single Page Application), CoffeeScript, SASS, GULP, GIT, MS-SQL, Restful API, CSS3, HTML5

*Paper Work:System Flow Graph, Program Flow Graph, Entity-Relationship Diagram, Api Console

*Psychological Test System Specifications:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1f8T0IYsZzk3jGxJ7dLPHKgwzvPwITNDH

#ASP.NET #C# #JavaScript #CSS3 #jQuery #MS SQL

Software Engineer

Shin Kong Life Insurance Co., Ltd.

Apr. 2013 - Dec. 2015
Taipei, Taiwan

Shin Kong Life Insurance is a member of Shin Kong Group, and it is also the main company that initially formed Shin Kong Financial Holdings. It has been deeply involved in the insurance industry in Taiwan for more than half a century.

As a member of the e-commerce department, I am mainly responsible for the development and maintenance of internal systems and external marketing systems, such as: Policy Electronic Billing System, Electronic Leaflet system, SMS Notification System, Marketing Promotion Websites, Purchasing System ... etc.

The work includes requirements interview, system analysis, database planning, program development, developing programs for dispatching newsletters and EDM, project management, document writing and customer service consultation.

*Project:Policy Electronic Billing System, Electronic Leaflet system, SMS Notification System, Marketing Promotion Websites, Purchasing System…etc.

*Skill:Asp.Net, C#, MS-SQL, IBM Netezza Data Warehouse

*Paper Work:System Flow Graph, Program Flow Graph, Entity-Relationship Diagram

#ASP.NET #C# #software #programming #database #programming #MS SQL #softwareengineer #system #development

Software Engineer

Shinewave CO. LTD.

Jul. 2010 - Apr. 2013
Taipei, Taiwan

Shinewave International is a subsidiary of ASUS Computer, the head office in Taiwan. There are branches in the United States and China. We're world-class MES experts. The full name of MES is Manufacturing Execution System, and it can also be called "Factory Operation Control System", monitoring the production data generated in the manufacturing process to ensure the application of software for product production quality.

I belong to the project department, responsible for collecting and analyzing customer's requirements and developing the MES system, from Jig Setting, DIP and SMT Assembly, to Packaging and Shipping...etc. production line processes, and also develop Warehouse Management System, as well as core reports. For example: Automatic Work Order Scheduling Planning, Production Line Material Tracking, Inventory Age Statistics, and many other analysis reports can effectively help customers improve the operation efficiency of production lines, so many large electronic factories are our customers.

*Project:Jig Setting, DIP and SMT Assembly, Packaging, Shipping, Warehouse Management System, Automatic Work Order Scheduling Planning, Production Line Material Tracking, Inventory Age Statistics…etc.

*Skill:Asp.Net C#, WPF, WCF, Oracle database, PL/SQL, Stored Procedures

*Paper Work:User Operation Manual, System Flow Graph, Program Flow Graph, Entity-Relationship Diagram

#Oracle #Oracle #Database #ERP #MES #Factoryexecutionsystem #C# #ASP.NET #ManufacturingExecutionSystem


National Taiwan Normal University

Master's degree・Graduate Institute of Library and Information Studies

2018 - 2020

Shih Chien University

Bachelor's degree・Information Technology and Management

2006 - 2010

Hồ sơ của tôi


Full stack application developer

  Taipei, Taiwan

I'm Irene who graduated from the Department of Information Management at Shih Chien University in 2010, and graduated from the Institute of Library and Information Science at National Normal University in 2020. I have more than ten years experience in program development, including system design, database design, front-end and back-end software development, all with high proficiency.

I like learning and sharing new knowledge. This variety of programming courses on the online course center always interested me, such as: VueJS, AngularJS, C#, etc. In addition to this, after I worked for eight years, I am going back to school for a master's degree. The study is mainly based on the Python language, exploring the fields of web crawler, Flask, artificial intelligence, natural language processing, and I take this as the subject of my master's thesis - "Exploring Artificial Intelligence Technologies for Fake News Detection".

During my studies and employment, it has cultivated my careful, positive work attitude and interpersonal communication skills. My excellent learning ability is especially my advantage, whether it is in the face of highly customized projects or different development environments between systems. I can integrate quickly, I am quite confident in adapting. I hope to find not only a job, but also enjoy learning.


[email protected]

GitHub: https://github.com/iampuffylin

Welcome to contact; the head hunter do not disturb.



  • Competitor analysis
  • VueJS
  • AngularJS
  • CoffeeScript
  • SASS
  • CSS3
  • HTML5


  • RESTful API
  • Flask
  • Microsoft SQL
  • MySQL
  • Oracle
  • PL/SQL
  • Database Design
  • Database Analyze
  • Stored Procedure


  • C#
  • Python
  • NLP
  • Web Crawler
  • Web Services
  • Windows Forms
  • ASP (classic)


  • Git
  • JIRA
  • GULP
  • Colab


Front-end application developer

Youwo Technology Co., Ltd.

Sep. 2021 - Present
Taipei, Taiwan

Youwo Technology is an American tech start-up company. The largest project, Motom, is what I am mainly responsible for.

Motom is the people-first shopping platform that centralizes everyone's social feeds and makes it easier for social shopping.

We integrate current major social platform data and e-commerce marketing with bold and innovative ideas, developing a meticulous and smooth interface, providing content creators with a better user experience. People could create media posts , mark products, share posts, promote pages, etc.

We work based on the agile framework of Scrum, and used VueJS for frontend frameworks, cooperation with overseas partners to make our product more radiant. Mostly, I develop front-end programs for interacting with social media. In addition, I use Python Selenium tools to develop automated testing and stress testing to assist QA.

*Motom Online:https://www.motom.me/

*Frontend Demo Video:https://youtu.be/5_NFQGvCDY0

*Python Selenium Automated Testing Demo Video:https://youtu.be/4RH7WzBrO_g

*Stress Testing Report:https://www.canva.com/design/DAFNUBSXbDk/8sN69EuCA0c-BrqVGHr8uQ/view


*Project:Motom Social Media

*Skill:VueJS, SASS, Restful API, CSS3, HTML5, Amazon Web Services, Python, Selenium

*Tool:Git, FIGMA, Jira, Jenkins

#VueJS #SASS #CSS #AWS #Python #Selenium

Full stack application developer

BNP Paribas Cardif

Aug. 2020 - Aug. 2021
Taipei, Taiwan

Cardif is an international insurance company based in France with a presence worldwide. The company is part of the BNP Paribas Group. It mainly provides insurance services such as savings and protection products, it is the leader of the bancassurance channel, and I am responsible for the development of the Policy Transmission File System in its digital department.

Policy Transmission File System integrates the policy data of various insurance companies, calculates fees and commissions according to different business rules, and then returns the data. 

This job includes data analysis, system analysis, back-end API and front-end program development, production file service development, etc., and cooperating with foreign engineers to assist in the operation of the project.

*Project:Insurance Policy Transmission File System

*Skill:VueJS, Asp.Net MVC, C#, MS-SQL, Restful API, CSS3, HTML5


Full stack application developer

National Central University

Jun. 2018 - Jun. 2020
Taipei, Taiwan

During the graduate study period at National Taiwan Normal University, I did some contract work, developing the website of the Electrical Engineering department at National Central University.

These systems include electronic forms, teaching material management, teacher management, meeting room borrowing, department announcement management and external websites. 

My jobs include User Interface and User Experience design, system analysis, database architecture planning, project schedule planning, program development, document writing, and server maintenance etc, full stack work.

*NCUEE online:http://www2.ee.ncu.edu.tw/

*System Demo PPT:https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1VCgzkLx_utTZeZnOqSuN-LsQ9jVTqf_Y

*Project:Lab website, National Central University Electrical Engineering department (NCUEE) management system, NCUEE official website...etc.

*Skill:VueJS, Python, Flask API, JQuery, MySQL, Restful API, CSS3, HTML5

*Paper Work:System Flow Graph, Program Flow Graph, Entity-Relationship Diagram

*Honor:Second place in the 2018 Chinese Language Teaching Application Software Competition hosted by the National Education Research Institute(NTNU-NCU Chinese Typo Detection and Correction System)

#Python #flask #MySQL #userinterface #userexperience #jquery #VueJS


National Taiwan Normal University

May. 2018 - Jul. 2020
Taipei, Taiwan

During the graduate study period at National Taiwan Normal University, I developed web crawler programs to capture public data as a researcher, and then further analyze the data to create a training corpus, including similarity calculation and artificial intelligence model training, etc., to assist the AI & humanities project of National Science and Technology Council, and the writing of fake news detection thesis.

My master's thesis explores the actual performance of humans and computers in fake news detection. It included three experiments with humans and computers. First step, building a Traditional Chinese fake news corpus based on the Taiwanese fake news platform "CoFacts", and includes knowledge inference markers, then using Naive Bayes, SVM and BRET algorithms to predict true or fake news. Secondly, according to the Economic Daily News corpus, I use the GPT2-Chinese algorithm to generate fake news, and survey people to identify true or fake news.

Finally, integrate the above two, the third experiment uses a classifier to test whether the computer can identify fake news generated by GPT2-Chinese, and compare results between humans and computers.

*Master Thesis:https://hdl.handle.net/11296/g3reqt

*Project:National Science and Technology Council project Chinese Humorous Corpus Collecting, Fake News Predict Classification, Fake News Automatic Writing Model…etc.

*Skill:Python, Web Crawler, Scrapy, Selenium, Beautiful Soup, Tensor Flow, Keras, Natural Language Processing, Deep Learning, Machine Learning (SVM, BERT, GPT2, XLNet, RoBERTa…etc.)

*Honor:Artificial Intelligence Competition and Annotated Data Collection - Machine Reading-Thesis Classification Competition (AI CUP Pre-bid of the National College Artificial Intelligence Competition of the Ministry of Education - Artificial Intelligence Paper Machine Reading Paper Classification Competition)

#Python #NLP #MachineLearning #dataanalysis #softwareprogramming #naturallanguageprocessing

Full stack application developer

Chinese Culture University

Jan. 2016 - Apr. 2018
Taipei, Taiwan

The School of Continuing Education of Chinese Culture University is an independent business company affiliated to Chinese Culture University. Its major business is educational services, including courses in language, art, technology and sports fields...etc. The service targets are all over Taiwan's students and members of society.

As a member of the Chinese Culture University R&D team, I'm responsible for surveying a variety of new technologies, selecting these as the most suitable for projects, and applying them to creating new systems.

The development projects include the internal work sign-off system, the establishment of a psychological test system in cooperation with professional psychologists in the United States, and cooperation with a number of universities in China that have cooperated to build an interactive learning and education system.

The work includes system analysis, database planning, project progress management, program development, document writing and demand interviews.

*Project:Psychological Test System, myOffice Mobile Office System, Interactive Learning Education System, Cloud Drive Access System…etc.

*Skill:Asp.Net MVC, C#, AJAX, API, AngularJS, JQuery, SPA (Single Page Application), CoffeeScript, SASS, GULP, GIT, MS-SQL, Restful API, CSS3, HTML5

*Paper Work:System Flow Graph, Program Flow Graph, Entity-Relationship Diagram, Api Console

*Psychological Test System Specifications:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1f8T0IYsZzk3jGxJ7dLPHKgwzvPwITNDH

#ASP.NET #C# #JavaScript #CSS3 #jQuery #MS SQL

Software Engineer

Shin Kong Life Insurance Co., Ltd.

Apr. 2013 - Dec. 2015
Taipei, Taiwan

Shin Kong Life Insurance is a member of Shin Kong Group, and it is also the main company that initially formed Shin Kong Financial Holdings. It has been deeply involved in the insurance industry in Taiwan for more than half a century.

As a member of the e-commerce department, I am mainly responsible for the development and maintenance of internal systems and external marketing systems, such as: Policy Electronic Billing System, Electronic Leaflet system, SMS Notification System, Marketing Promotion Websites, Purchasing System ... etc.

The work includes requirements interview, system analysis, database planning, program development, developing programs for dispatching newsletters and EDM, project management, document writing and customer service consultation.

*Project:Policy Electronic Billing System, Electronic Leaflet system, SMS Notification System, Marketing Promotion Websites, Purchasing System…etc.

*Skill:Asp.Net, C#, MS-SQL, IBM Netezza Data Warehouse

*Paper Work:System Flow Graph, Program Flow Graph, Entity-Relationship Diagram

#ASP.NET #C# #software #programming #database #programming #MS SQL #softwareengineer #system #development

Software Engineer

Shinewave CO. LTD.

Jul. 2010 - Apr. 2013
Taipei, Taiwan

Shinewave International is a subsidiary of ASUS Computer, the head office in Taiwan. There are branches in the United States and China. We're world-class MES experts. The full name of MES is Manufacturing Execution System, and it can also be called "Factory Operation Control System", monitoring the production data generated in the manufacturing process to ensure the application of software for product production quality.

I belong to the project department, responsible for collecting and analyzing customer's requirements and developing the MES system, from Jig Setting, DIP and SMT Assembly, to Packaging and Shipping...etc. production line processes, and also develop Warehouse Management System, as well as core reports. For example: Automatic Work Order Scheduling Planning, Production Line Material Tracking, Inventory Age Statistics, and many other analysis reports can effectively help customers improve the operation efficiency of production lines, so many large electronic factories are our customers.

*Project:Jig Setting, DIP and SMT Assembly, Packaging, Shipping, Warehouse Management System, Automatic Work Order Scheduling Planning, Production Line Material Tracking, Inventory Age Statistics…etc.

*Skill:Asp.Net C#, WPF, WCF, Oracle database, PL/SQL, Stored Procedures

*Paper Work:User Operation Manual, System Flow Graph, Program Flow Graph, Entity-Relationship Diagram

#Oracle #Oracle #Database #ERP #MES #Factoryexecutionsystem #C# #ASP.NET #ManufacturingExecutionSystem


National Taiwan Normal University

Master's degree・Graduate Institute of Library and Information Studies

2018 - 2020

Shih Chien University

Bachelor's degree・Information Technology and Management

2006 - 2010