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在6年多的工程師職涯中擔任Back-end並兼任DevOps居多,後端擅長語言為node.js(expree.js),RDBMS為MySQL與PostgresSQL。DevOps擅長使用容器化技術(Docker)建立Serverless架構並應用CI/CD服務(AWSCodePipeline)達到自動化部屬及運用AWS ECS管理與擴展容器。
性格率直正向善溝通, 追求自我反思並果斷改善,人生價值觀為【將心比心】。
後端 & DevOps工程師
因為經歷了多元角色,對於往後職涯更加堅定的想深入後端領域,第三份選擇後端兼任DevOps,應用了過往開發應用與使用AWS實務經驗,將Serverless架構與自動化CI/CD導入我參與的每個專案中,讓團隊成員能夠專注於開發MVP,更貼近了敏捷開發(Scrum)精神。並且在專業Scrum Master帶領的團隊中,更深入理解敏捷開發方法與精神讓我受益良多。
1.重構prototype的Saas產品: prototype功能Poduct Owner想要進行大幅度調整,重新規劃了Saas 兩大功能HR & Accouting
職責: 如出勤管理, 假單管理, 簽核管理等功能的API撰寫與表格調整. 調整正式環境的雲端架構與建立測試環境
tech stack: React.js, Node.js , MariaDB
cloud services(AWS): (1)CloudFront (2)S3 (3)ALB (4)Certificate Manager (5)Route53
(6)CodeCommit (7)ECS(Fargate) (8)RDS (9)CodeBuild (10)CodeDeploy
(11)CodePipeline (12)CloudWatch (13)SES (14)SDK
2.美容產業開發新版POS: 提供客戶能夠購買美容產品與課程
職責: 點數, 課程, 產品購買與課程預約等功能的後端API撰寫,與資料庫表格設計, 以及在雲端平台建立正式環境與測試環境, 並且導入自動化CI/CD
tech stack: React.js, Node.js(Express.js), MariaDB
cloud services(AWS): (1)CloudFront (2)S3 (3)ALB (4)Certificate Manager (5)Route53
(6)CodeCommit (7)ECS(Fargate) (8)RDS (9)CodeBuild (10)CodeDeploy
(11)CodePipeline (12)CloudWatch (13)SES (14)SDK
1.運動電商平台: 提供客戶購買羽毛球拍與羽球場地租借的平台
職責: 第三方金流API串接與發票API串接,後台管理系統增加庫存管理頁面與撰寫後端對應API邏輯
tech stack: React.js, Node.js(Sail.js), MySQL
cloud services: (1)AWS-EC2 (2)AWS-RDS
2.集團內導入OAuth 2.0: 整合子集團平台所有會員資料, 並補齊會員資料使資料一致, 最後導入OAuth 2.0
職責: 實作OAuth2.0 Authorization Code Grant流程, 撰寫需要使用的API
tech stack: React.js, Node.js(Koa.js), PostgreSQL
cloud services: (1)AWS Amplify (2)AWS-ECS (3)AWS-RDS, (4)AWS-CodePipeline
3. 店家行銷平台: 店家註冊, 建立行銷票卷, 行銷小遊戲等功能.
職責: 前期撰寫API與表格設計, 後期負責部分前端串接API任務
tech stack: React.js, Node.js(Koa.js), PostgreSQL
cloud services: (1)AWS Amplify (2)AWS-ECS (3)AWS-RDS, (4)AWS-CodePipeline
4.平行子公司SaaS外包專案: 甲方與乙方對於最終驗收標準不一致,因此公司擔任第三方協調. 目標是完成最終驗收.
職責: 負責協助甲方與乙方溝通認知落差, 調整最終驗收標準, 並協助測試.
tech stack: .NET
cloud services: (1)Azure VM (2)Azure SQL
5.某企業內部問卷平台: 外包專案
職責: 擔任前端, 依照UI/UX規劃及業務邏輯串接API, 調整前端畫面與邏輯
1.工業4.0 智慧工廠戰情室: 透過IOT聯網時時上傳資料,使管理層能夠快速了解目前工廠設備的狀況
職責: 撰寫DashBoard的資料顯示與更新的API
tech stack: React.js, Node.js(Express.js), MariaDB
2.自動倉儲管理系統(WMS): 操作員可以透過掃描原物料條碼, 了解倉庫中的料架狀態與位置
職責: 負責撰寫原物料的入料、出料、退料API
tech stack: React.js, Node.js(Express.js), MySQL
2022 台灣敏捷大賞 年度敏捷團隊
During my over 6-year career as an engineer, I have predominantly served as a back-end developer with additional responsibilities in DevOps. I specialize in the Node.js (Express.js) programming language for back-end development and have expertise in relational databases, particularly MySQL and PostgresSQL. In the realm of DevOps, I excel in utilizing containerization technology (Docker) to establish serverless architectures. Additionally, I apply CI/CD services, such as AWS CodePipeline, to achieve automated deployment. I am adept at managing and scaling containers using AWS ECS, contributing to the automation of deployment processes.
I am a straightforward, positive and good communicator, always seeking self-reflection and taking decisive actions to improve. My personal values is to "put oneself in others' shoes".
Back-end & DevOps
MBTI result
Hello, I am Min-Sheng Tzeng. My educational background spans information engineering and psychology. During my undergraduate studies, I developed an interest in psychology and, eager to explore different fields, pursued a master's degree in psychology. For the two years following graduation, I worked as an HR professional responsible for education, training, and organizational development. I collaborated with the Management Information Systems (MIS) team to develop a new version of the HR system, taking on the role of a project manager (PM).During this period, I also participated in a 3-day Agile education training program provided by the company for engineers. Through diverse experiences in different domains, I realized that the role of a software engineer aligns better with my temperament. Consequently, I embarked on a career as a web engineer.
My first job in the web-related field was as a backend engineer. JavaScript was a language I hadn't used during my student years. However, within two months, I grasped its language features and project requirements. Subsequently, I collaborated with frontend engineers to develop an Automated Warehouse Management System (WMS) and an Industry 4.0 Smart Factory Command Center. It took approximately three months to bring these systems online.
In my second job, I took on various roles and responsibilities in different projects. This experience provided me with a clearer and more concrete understanding of the responsibilities associated with different roles. I applied the Agile principles I had learned during my time in HR to practical situations. During my tenure as a DevOps professional, I accumulated extensive practical experience with AWS, gaining proficiency in every stage of application development, from inception to deployment.
Having experienced diverse roles, I have become more determined to specialize in the backend domain in my future career. In my third job, I chose to be a backend developer with additional responsibilities in DevOps. I applied my past experience in application development and practical knowledge of AWS to introduce Serverless architecture and automated CI/CD into every project I participated in. This approach allowed team members to focus on developing Minimum Viable Products (MVPs), aligning more closely with the Agile development (Scrum) philosophy.Additionally, working within a team led by a professional Scrum Master deepened my understanding of Agile development methods and principles, providing me with valuable insights and benefits.
In my fourth job, I continued to serve as a backend developer with additional responsibilities in DevOps. This experience provided me with insights into how to plan my work rhythm and coordinate team members' pacing in a fully remote work setting. I gained an understanding of how to navigate and ensure the smooth development of features in a less immediate communication environment.
Regarding my current career goals, I aspire to progress towards the roles of a senior backend engineer and cloud architect.
In my past collaborative experiences, I have been goal-oriented. When faced with differing opinions, I am open to reasonable explanations or better solutions from others, and I don't insist on my views if others' proposals are more suitable. I enjoy working in a pleasant atmosphere and strive to create a team environment that aligns with my preferences. In any meeting or collaborative setting, I am proactive in expressing my opinions and raising questions to ensure that meetings conclude with clear decisions. I have a decisive work style, and when reflecting on how to improve a situation, I promptly make adjustments.
Experience Roles:
Job Description:
1.Refactoring a SaaS product prototype: The Product Owner for the prototype functionality intends to make significant adjustments and has undertaken a redesign of the two major SaaS functions, HR and Accounting.
Responsibilities: Writing APIs and adjusting forms for functions such as attendance management, leave request management, and approval management. Adjusting the cloud architecture for the production environment and establishing a testing environment.
tech stack: React.js, Node.js, MariaDB
cloud services(AWS): (1)CloudFront (2)S3 (3)ALB (4)Certificate Manager
(5)Route53 (6)CodeCommit (7)ECS(Fargate) (8)RDS (9)CodeBuild (10)CodeDeploy
(11)CodePipeline (12)CloudWatch (13)SES (14)SDK
2.Developing a new version of the POS system for the beauty industry: enabling customers to purchase beauty products and courses.
Responsibilities: Backend API development for features such as points, course, product purchases, and course reservations, along with database table design. Setting up the production environment and testing environment on a cloud platform, and implementing automated CI/CD processes.
tech stack: React.js, Node.js, MariaDB
cloud services(AWS): (1)CloudFront (2)S3 (3)ALB (4)Certificate Manager (5)Route53 (6)CodeCommit (7)ECS(Fargate) (8)RDS (9)CodeBuild (10)CodeDeploy
(11)CodePipeline (12)CloudWatch (13)SES (14)SDK
Experience Roles:
Job Description:
1. Sports E-commerce Platform: Providing customers with a platform to purchase badminton rackets and rent badminton court facilities.
Responsibilities: Integrating third-party payment gateway APIs and invoice APIs, adding inventory management pages to the backend administration system, and writing corresponding backend API logic.
tech stack: React.js, Node.js (Sail.js), MySQL
cloud services(AWS): (1)EC2 (2)RDS
2. Implementing OAuth 2.0: Integrating all member data across subsidiary platforms, ensuring completeness and consistency, and finally implementing OAuth 2.0.
Responsibilities: Implementing the OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Grant flow and writing the necessary APIs for implementation
tech stack: React.js, Node.js (Koa.js), PostgreSQL
cloud services(AWS): (1)Amplify (2)ECS (3)AWS-RDS (4)CodePipeline
3. Store Marketing Platform: Features include store registration, creation of promotional vouchers, and marketing games.
Responsibilities: In the initial phase, writing APIs and designing tables; in the later phase, responsible for integrating some frontend tasks with the APIs.
tech stack: React.js, Node.js (Koa.js), PostgreSQL
cloud services(AWS): (1)Amplify (2)ECS (3)RDS (4)CodePipeline
4. Parallel Subsidiary SaaS Outsourcing Project: There is a discrepancy between Party A and Party B regarding the final acceptance criteria, so the company is acting as a third party to coordinate. The goal is to complete the final acceptance.
Responsibilities: Responsible for assisting in communication to bridge the understanding gap between Party A and Party B, adjusting the final acceptance criteria, and assisting in the testing process.
tech stack: .NET
cloud services(Azure): (1)VM (2)SQL
5. Internal Survey Platform for a certain enterprise: Outsourced Project
Responsibilities: Serve as the frontend developer, integrate APIs based on UI/UX design and business logic, and adjust frontend interface and logic.
tech stack: React.js, .NET
Experience Roles:
Job Description:
1. Industry 4.0 Smart Factory Command Center: Utilizing IoT connectivity to continuously upload data, enabling management to quickly understand the current status of factory equipment.
Responsibilities: Writing APIs for data display and updates on the Dashboard.
tech stack: React.js, Node.js(Express.js), MariaDB
Accomplishments :
2. Automated Warehouse Management System (WMS): Operators can scan barcodes of raw materials to understand the status and location of racks within the warehouse.
Responsibilities: Responsible for writing APIs for the incoming, outgoing, and returning of raw materials in the warehouse management system.
tech stack: React.js, Node.js(Express.js), MySQL
Accomplishments :
2022 Agile Award, Agile Team of the Year
ACT Home:
Combining human resources, accounting, online signature SaaS
Provide user find badminton team and racket rental
Provide integrate membership information services for customers
Provides easy-to-use marketing tools for stores
在6年多的工程師職涯中擔任Back-end並兼任DevOps居多,後端擅長語言為node.js(expree.js),RDBMS為MySQL與PostgresSQL。DevOps擅長使用容器化技術(Docker)建立Serverless架構並應用CI/CD服務(AWSCodePipeline)達到自動化部屬及運用AWS ECS管理與擴展容器。
性格率直正向善溝通, 追求自我反思並果斷改善,人生價值觀為【將心比心】。
後端 & DevOps工程師
因為經歷了多元角色,對於往後職涯更加堅定的想深入後端領域,第三份選擇後端兼任DevOps,應用了過往開發應用與使用AWS實務經驗,將Serverless架構與自動化CI/CD導入我參與的每個專案中,讓團隊成員能夠專注於開發MVP,更貼近了敏捷開發(Scrum)精神。並且在專業Scrum Master帶領的團隊中,更深入理解敏捷開發方法與精神讓我受益良多。
1.重構prototype的Saas產品: prototype功能Poduct Owner想要進行大幅度調整,重新規劃了Saas 兩大功能HR & Accouting
職責: 如出勤管理, 假單管理, 簽核管理等功能的API撰寫與表格調整. 調整正式環境的雲端架構與建立測試環境
tech stack: React.js, Node.js , MariaDB
cloud services(AWS): (1)CloudFront (2)S3 (3)ALB (4)Certificate Manager (5)Route53
(6)CodeCommit (7)ECS(Fargate) (8)RDS (9)CodeBuild (10)CodeDeploy
(11)CodePipeline (12)CloudWatch (13)SES (14)SDK
2.美容產業開發新版POS: 提供客戶能夠購買美容產品與課程
職責: 點數, 課程, 產品購買與課程預約等功能的後端API撰寫,與資料庫表格設計, 以及在雲端平台建立正式環境與測試環境, 並且導入自動化CI/CD
tech stack: React.js, Node.js(Express.js), MariaDB
cloud services(AWS): (1)CloudFront (2)S3 (3)ALB (4)Certificate Manager (5)Route53
(6)CodeCommit (7)ECS(Fargate) (8)RDS (9)CodeBuild (10)CodeDeploy
(11)CodePipeline (12)CloudWatch (13)SES (14)SDK
1.運動電商平台: 提供客戶購買羽毛球拍與羽球場地租借的平台
職責: 第三方金流API串接與發票API串接,後台管理系統增加庫存管理頁面與撰寫後端對應API邏輯
tech stack: React.js, Node.js(Sail.js), MySQL
cloud services: (1)AWS-EC2 (2)AWS-RDS
2.集團內導入OAuth 2.0: 整合子集團平台所有會員資料, 並補齊會員資料使資料一致, 最後導入OAuth 2.0
職責: 實作OAuth2.0 Authorization Code Grant流程, 撰寫需要使用的API
tech stack: React.js, Node.js(Koa.js), PostgreSQL
cloud services: (1)AWS Amplify (2)AWS-ECS (3)AWS-RDS, (4)AWS-CodePipeline
3. 店家行銷平台: 店家註冊, 建立行銷票卷, 行銷小遊戲等功能.
職責: 前期撰寫API與表格設計, 後期負責部分前端串接API任務
tech stack: React.js, Node.js(Koa.js), PostgreSQL
cloud services: (1)AWS Amplify (2)AWS-ECS (3)AWS-RDS, (4)AWS-CodePipeline
4.平行子公司SaaS外包專案: 甲方與乙方對於最終驗收標準不一致,因此公司擔任第三方協調. 目標是完成最終驗收.
職責: 負責協助甲方與乙方溝通認知落差, 調整最終驗收標準, 並協助測試.
tech stack: .NET
cloud services: (1)Azure VM (2)Azure SQL
5.某企業內部問卷平台: 外包專案
職責: 擔任前端, 依照UI/UX規劃及業務邏輯串接API, 調整前端畫面與邏輯
1.工業4.0 智慧工廠戰情室: 透過IOT聯網時時上傳資料,使管理層能夠快速了解目前工廠設備的狀況
職責: 撰寫DashBoard的資料顯示與更新的API
tech stack: React.js, Node.js(Express.js), MariaDB
2.自動倉儲管理系統(WMS): 操作員可以透過掃描原物料條碼, 了解倉庫中的料架狀態與位置
職責: 負責撰寫原物料的入料、出料、退料API
tech stack: React.js, Node.js(Express.js), MySQL
2022 台灣敏捷大賞 年度敏捷團隊
During my over 6-year career as an engineer, I have predominantly served as a back-end developer with additional responsibilities in DevOps. I specialize in the Node.js (Express.js) programming language for back-end development and have expertise in relational databases, particularly MySQL and PostgresSQL. In the realm of DevOps, I excel in utilizing containerization technology (Docker) to establish serverless architectures. Additionally, I apply CI/CD services, such as AWS CodePipeline, to achieve automated deployment. I am adept at managing and scaling containers using AWS ECS, contributing to the automation of deployment processes.
I am a straightforward, positive and good communicator, always seeking self-reflection and taking decisive actions to improve. My personal values is to "put oneself in others' shoes".
Back-end & DevOps
MBTI result
Hello, I am Min-Sheng Tzeng. My educational background spans information engineering and psychology. During my undergraduate studies, I developed an interest in psychology and, eager to explore different fields, pursued a master's degree in psychology. For the two years following graduation, I worked as an HR professional responsible for education, training, and organizational development. I collaborated with the Management Information Systems (MIS) team to develop a new version of the HR system, taking on the role of a project manager (PM).During this period, I also participated in a 3-day Agile education training program provided by the company for engineers. Through diverse experiences in different domains, I realized that the role of a software engineer aligns better with my temperament. Consequently, I embarked on a career as a web engineer.
My first job in the web-related field was as a backend engineer. JavaScript was a language I hadn't used during my student years. However, within two months, I grasped its language features and project requirements. Subsequently, I collaborated with frontend engineers to develop an Automated Warehouse Management System (WMS) and an Industry 4.0 Smart Factory Command Center. It took approximately three months to bring these systems online.
In my second job, I took on various roles and responsibilities in different projects. This experience provided me with a clearer and more concrete understanding of the responsibilities associated with different roles. I applied the Agile principles I had learned during my time in HR to practical situations. During my tenure as a DevOps professional, I accumulated extensive practical experience with AWS, gaining proficiency in every stage of application development, from inception to deployment.
Having experienced diverse roles, I have become more determined to specialize in the backend domain in my future career. In my third job, I chose to be a backend developer with additional responsibilities in DevOps. I applied my past experience in application development and practical knowledge of AWS to introduce Serverless architecture and automated CI/CD into every project I participated in. This approach allowed team members to focus on developing Minimum Viable Products (MVPs), aligning more closely with the Agile development (Scrum) philosophy.Additionally, working within a team led by a professional Scrum Master deepened my understanding of Agile development methods and principles, providing me with valuable insights and benefits.
In my fourth job, I continued to serve as a backend developer with additional responsibilities in DevOps. This experience provided me with insights into how to plan my work rhythm and coordinate team members' pacing in a fully remote work setting. I gained an understanding of how to navigate and ensure the smooth development of features in a less immediate communication environment.
Regarding my current career goals, I aspire to progress towards the roles of a senior backend engineer and cloud architect.
In my past collaborative experiences, I have been goal-oriented. When faced with differing opinions, I am open to reasonable explanations or better solutions from others, and I don't insist on my views if others' proposals are more suitable. I enjoy working in a pleasant atmosphere and strive to create a team environment that aligns with my preferences. In any meeting or collaborative setting, I am proactive in expressing my opinions and raising questions to ensure that meetings conclude with clear decisions. I have a decisive work style, and when reflecting on how to improve a situation, I promptly make adjustments.
Experience Roles:
Job Description:
1.Refactoring a SaaS product prototype: The Product Owner for the prototype functionality intends to make significant adjustments and has undertaken a redesign of the two major SaaS functions, HR and Accounting.
Responsibilities: Writing APIs and adjusting forms for functions such as attendance management, leave request management, and approval management. Adjusting the cloud architecture for the production environment and establishing a testing environment.
tech stack: React.js, Node.js, MariaDB
cloud services(AWS): (1)CloudFront (2)S3 (3)ALB (4)Certificate Manager
(5)Route53 (6)CodeCommit (7)ECS(Fargate) (8)RDS (9)CodeBuild (10)CodeDeploy
(11)CodePipeline (12)CloudWatch (13)SES (14)SDK
2.Developing a new version of the POS system for the beauty industry: enabling customers to purchase beauty products and courses.
Responsibilities: Backend API development for features such as points, course, product purchases, and course reservations, along with database table design. Setting up the production environment and testing environment on a cloud platform, and implementing automated CI/CD processes.
tech stack: React.js, Node.js, MariaDB
cloud services(AWS): (1)CloudFront (2)S3 (3)ALB (4)Certificate Manager (5)Route53 (6)CodeCommit (7)ECS(Fargate) (8)RDS (9)CodeBuild (10)CodeDeploy
(11)CodePipeline (12)CloudWatch (13)SES (14)SDK
Experience Roles:
Job Description:
1. Sports E-commerce Platform: Providing customers with a platform to purchase badminton rackets and rent badminton court facilities.
Responsibilities: Integrating third-party payment gateway APIs and invoice APIs, adding inventory management pages to the backend administration system, and writing corresponding backend API logic.
tech stack: React.js, Node.js (Sail.js), MySQL
cloud services(AWS): (1)EC2 (2)RDS
2. Implementing OAuth 2.0: Integrating all member data across subsidiary platforms, ensuring completeness and consistency, and finally implementing OAuth 2.0.
Responsibilities: Implementing the OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Grant flow and writing the necessary APIs for implementation
tech stack: React.js, Node.js (Koa.js), PostgreSQL
cloud services(AWS): (1)Amplify (2)ECS (3)AWS-RDS (4)CodePipeline
3. Store Marketing Platform: Features include store registration, creation of promotional vouchers, and marketing games.
Responsibilities: In the initial phase, writing APIs and designing tables; in the later phase, responsible for integrating some frontend tasks with the APIs.
tech stack: React.js, Node.js (Koa.js), PostgreSQL
cloud services(AWS): (1)Amplify (2)ECS (3)RDS (4)CodePipeline
4. Parallel Subsidiary SaaS Outsourcing Project: There is a discrepancy between Party A and Party B regarding the final acceptance criteria, so the company is acting as a third party to coordinate. The goal is to complete the final acceptance.
Responsibilities: Responsible for assisting in communication to bridge the understanding gap between Party A and Party B, adjusting the final acceptance criteria, and assisting in the testing process.
tech stack: .NET
cloud services(Azure): (1)VM (2)SQL
5. Internal Survey Platform for a certain enterprise: Outsourced Project
Responsibilities: Serve as the frontend developer, integrate APIs based on UI/UX design and business logic, and adjust frontend interface and logic.
tech stack: React.js, .NET
Experience Roles:
Job Description:
1. Industry 4.0 Smart Factory Command Center: Utilizing IoT connectivity to continuously upload data, enabling management to quickly understand the current status of factory equipment.
Responsibilities: Writing APIs for data display and updates on the Dashboard.
tech stack: React.js, Node.js(Express.js), MariaDB
Accomplishments :
2. Automated Warehouse Management System (WMS): Operators can scan barcodes of raw materials to understand the status and location of racks within the warehouse.
Responsibilities: Responsible for writing APIs for the incoming, outgoing, and returning of raw materials in the warehouse management system.
tech stack: React.js, Node.js(Express.js), MySQL
Accomplishments :
2022 Agile Award, Agile Team of the Year
ACT Home:
Combining human resources, accounting, online signature SaaS
Provide user find badminton team and racket rental
Provide integrate membership information services for customers
Provides easy-to-use marketing tools for stores