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Avatar of 陳柄宏.
Avatar of 陳柄宏.
Staff Cloud Architect Enginner @域動行銷股份有限公司
2023 ~ 2024
Within two months
宏 Cloud Data Engineer New Taipei City, Taiwan I hold certifications for both AWS and Azure platforms, and have been continuously deepening my knowledge in cloud computing. I am skilled in using Python programming language for data science-related tasks and automation operations. I have participated in big data projects such as smart transportation and real estate prediction, and I aspire to not only leverage my current skillset but also to be part of a team that encourages learning and growth for future [email protected] Skills Python Program writing, implementation of crawlers and data
hadoop ecosystem
Not open to opportunities
Full-time / Interested in working remotely
6-10 years
Avatar of the user.
Avatar of the user.
Ad monetization Senior Specialist @Kdan Mobile Software Ltd.
2022 ~ Present
Within six months
Google Analytics
Google Ad Manager (DFP)
Google Datastudio
Full-time / Remote Only
4-6 years
Avatar of 林采靜 Joyce.
Avatar of 林采靜 Joyce.
Associate Manager | Data and Tech @GroupM
2022 ~ Present
PM/產品經理/產品管理師/專案管理師/Project Manager/Product Manager
Within one month
與執行、CRM系統管理與應用、數據分析與視覺化、行銷KPI管理與追蹤、系統與應用開發、教育與內容製作 工作經歷 May 2022 ~ Now Associate Manager | Data and Tech GroupM, Taiwan 跨部門合作提案支援,支援項目主要為Data and Tech 服務。 提案、規劃、管理與執行Data and Tech部門專案。 為集團客戶提供Data
html + css
goolge analyitcs
Ready to interview
Full-time / Interested in working remotely
4-6 years

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Within six months
Assistant Ad Optimization Manager
Logo of Kdan Mobile Software Ltd..
Kdan Mobile Software Ltd.
2022 ~ Present
New Taipei City, 台灣
Professional Background
Current status
Job Search Progress
Digital Marketer
Fields of Employment
Computer Networking, AdTech / MarTech, Publishing
Work experience
4-6 years
Google Analytics
Google Ad Manager (DFP)
Google Datastudio
Google DV360
Digital Marketing
Google ads
Yahoo DSP
Facebook Ad Manager
Ad Optimization
Traffic Monetization
Standard SQL
Native or Bilingual
Job search preferences
Job types
Remote Only

蔡佩君 Joyce Tsai 


 台灣    [email protected]   joycetsai444



  • 廣告購買及優化
    • Google DV360
    • Google Ads
    • Facebook Ad Manager
  • 流量方變現
    • Google Ad Manager
    • Prebid
    • 程序化購買
    • 廣告聯播網
  • 廣告使用者身份知識


  • Google Analytics
  • 試算表
  • 標準 SQL
  • Datastudio


  • Adobe Premiere
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe Indesign
  • Power Director


  • 中文
  • 英文 (多益 835)

資深廣告優化專員  •  凱鈿行動科技股份有限公司

2022年九月 - 至今

1. App流量廣告變現
2. 跨部門溝通及制定廣告策略
3. A/B testing制定及決策
4. 廣告版位及價格優化
5. 數據處理、分析及視覺化
6. 監控成效及管理代理商
7. 合作夥伴開發及提案

1. 針對不同使用者區間提供不同廣告頻次
2. 混合定價策略導入且持續動態調整
3. 新產品廣告投遞策略制定

平台 & 工具 & 技能
1. 廣告中介服務:Google Ad Manager, AdMob , AppLovin , GroMore
2. 數據平台: Google Analytics / Spreadsheet / DataStudio
3. 廣告瀑布流管理及優化
4. 瀑布流優化及管理
5. A/B測試
6. 數據視覺化、基礎SQL

廣告優化副理 •  優像數位媒體科技股份有限公司(痞客邦)

2020年七月 - 2022年九月

1. 透過不同廣告來源將網站流量變現
2. 將廣告合作夥伴安排最適合之位置
3. 廣告版位優化
4. 數據處理、分析並視覺化
5. 跨部門溝通及共事

1. 導入及運營Prebid
2. 導入第三方文章推薦模組
3. 參與DMP變現專案
4. 參與使用者身份匹配專案

1. 為團隊設計自動化試算表,降低80%團隊時間成本
2. 在流量下滑時,團隊提升年營收10%

1. Coursera Google數據分析課程 (4/8)
2. Yahoo DSP 認證
3. 多益 835

平台 & 工具 & 技能
1. 廣告平台:Google Ad Manager, Ads, DV360 / Facebook Ad Manager/ Yahoo DSP
2. 數據平台: Google Analytics / Google big query / 試算表 / DataStudio
3. 廣告瀑布流管理及優化
4. 基礎使用者身份識別知識
5. 數據視覺化、基礎SQL, 基礎H5, 基礎CSS

資深行銷專員  • 伊凡達科技股份有限公司

2019年十月 -  2020年六月

1. 負責區塊鏈線上簽署產品行銷
2. 撰寫區塊鏈及數位轉型議題之文章
3. 企業文件整合
4. 產品教育訓練

1. 企業履歷 排版設計
2. 公關新聞稿
3. 產品白皮書 之整合

1. Google Analytics 證照

平台 & 工具
1. 平台:LinkedIn / Facebook / Twitter /  Medium / Google Analytics
2. 工具:Adobe illustrator / Adobe premiere / Adobe Indesign

數位行銷專員  •  自由時報企業股份有限公司

2016年六月 -  2019年十月

1. 透過海外廣告來源將網站及APP流量變現
2. 自售廣告上稿與結案
3. 廣告樣板設計
4. 數據處理、分析並視覺化
5. 跨部門溝通及共事
6. 數位廣告教育訓練

1. 導入Header bidding
2. 導入第三方文章推薦模組
3. 導入Facebook即時文章廣告
4. 參與導入 Google DV360 產品

1. 為團隊設計自動化試算表,降低90%團隊時間成本
2. 公司內首位上線「第三方文章推薦模組」,並在該版位提升10%月營收
3. 上線Facebook即時文章廣告,創造超過百萬月營收

1. Google DFP
2. Google GPT

平台 & 工具
1. 廣告平台:Google Ad Manager / Facebook Ad manager / YouTube
2. 數據平台:Google Analytics/ DataStudio / 試算表
3. 數據視覺化基礎H5、基礎CSS

客戶經理  •  采億科技股份有限公司

2015年七月 - 2016年六月

1. 以提升ROI為目標操作及優化廣告
2. 廣告素材設計 ( 圖像 / 影片 / 文案 )
3. 廣告洞察及結案報告

1. 服務廠商類別:美食/ 童裝/ 機能衣服/ 女性時尚&內衣
2. 操作月預算超過百萬元
3. 在首次合作後,提升廣告主超過300%的預算

#平台 & 工具
1. 平台:Facebook Ad Manager / Google Analytics
2. 工具:Adobe Illustrator / Adobe Photoshop / 威力導演



經濟系 (碩士) 2012 - 2014


經濟系 (學士)2008 - 2012

Joyce Tsai 蔡佩君

Hi!  I have 6 years plus experience of digital ads. I am used to working with different kinds of advertising partners at home and abroad. I am focusing on traffic monetization & optimization. To use data and find the best way of monetization is what I enjoy to do. Looking forward to talking to you & finding more future opportunities.

 Taiwan     [email protected] joycetsai444


Ad Optimization

  • Ads buying & optimizing
    • Google DV360
    • Google Ads
    • Facebook Ad Manager
  • Website traffic monetization
    • Google Ad Manager
    • Prebid
    • Programmatic buying
    • Ad network
  • Ad user identity knowledge

Data Analyzing

  • Google Analytics
  • Spreadsheet
  • Standard SQL
  • Datastudio

Other Skills

  • Adobe Premiere
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe Indesign
  • Power Director


  • Chinese
  • English (TOEIC 835)

Working Experience

Ad monetization Senior Specialist  •  Kdan Mobile Software Ltd.

Sep 2022 - Now

1. Traffic monetization ( Apps ) with different ad resources
2. Communicating, co-working and decide the strategies with cross-departments
3. Do the A/B testing with cross-departments and finalize the best one
4. Optimization of ad placements and price
5. Data process, analyzing and visualizing
6. Monitoring the performance of ad delivery and deciding the strategy with ad-agency
7. Partner development & brief ( new product )

1. Ad frequency test with different user segment
2. Implement of mix price adjustment strategy
3. Ad delivery strategy of new product

#Platform & Tool & Skill
1. Ad platforms / Mediation:Google Ad Manager, AdMob , AppLovin , GroMore
2. Data platforms: Google Analytics / Spreadsheet / DataStudio
3. Waterfall management & optimization
4. Price adjustment and analyzing
5. A/B testing
6. Data visualization/ Basic SQL

Assistant Ad Optimization Manager  •  PIXNET Digital Media Corporation

July 2020 - Sep 2022

# Task
1. Traffic monetization ( Website ) with different ad resources
2. Finding the best position and potential cooperation for ad partners
3. Optimization of ad placements
4. Data process, analyzing and visualizing
5. Communicating & co-working across departments

# Project
1. Conducted Prebid implementation & operation
2. Conducted third party article recommendation implementation
3. Participating in data management platform monetization
4. Participating in user-identity mapping project

# Performance
1. Designed automated spreadsheet report and reduced 80% time of labor
2. YOY increased in team revenue by +10% while the page-view decreased.

# Certification
1. Google Data Analytics Certification on Coursera (4/8)
2. Yahoo DSP certification
3. TOIEC 835

#Platform & Tool & Skill
1. Ad platforms:Google Ad Manager, Ads, DV360 / Facebook Ad Manager/ Yahoo DSP
2. Data platforms: Google Analytics / Google big query / Spreadsheet / DataStudio
3. Waterfall management & optimization
4. Basic user-identity knowledge
5. Data visualization/ Basic SQL, H5, CSS

Assistant Ad Optimization Manager  •  PIXNET Digital Media Corporation

July 2020 - Sep 2022

# Task
1. Traffic monetization ( Website ) with different ad resources
2. Finding the best position and potential cooperation for ad partners
3. Optimization of ad placements
4. Data process, analyzing and visualizing
5. Communicating & co-working across departments

# Project
1. Conducted Prebid implementation & operation
2. Conducted third party article recommendation implementation
3. Participating in data management platform monetization
4. Participating in user-identity mapping project

# Performance
1. Designed automated spreadsheet report and reduced 80% time of labor
2. YOY increased in team revenue by +10% while the page-view decreased.

# Certification
1. Google Data Analytics Certification on Coursera (4/8)
2. Yahoo DSP certification
3. TOIEC 835

#Platform & Tool & Skill
1. Ad platforms:Google Ad Manager, Ads, DV360 / Facebook Ad Manager/ Yahoo DSP
2. Data platforms: Google Analytics / Google big query / Spreadsheet / DataStudio
3. Waterfall management & optimization
4. Basic user-identity knowledge
5. Data visualization/ Basic SQL, H5, CSS

Senior Marketing  •  Evatar Technology Co.

October, 2019 - June, 2020

# Task
1. Blockchain based online signing product marketing
2. Generate blockchain & digital transformation articles
3. Visual integration of business documentation
4. Product training

1. Business teaser designing and translation
2. PR news
3. Visual integration of product White Paper
4. Google Analytics Certification

#Platform & tool
1. Platforms:LinkedIn / Facebook / Twitter /  Medium / Google Analytics
2. Tools:Adobe illustrator / Adobe premiere / Adobe Indesign

Digital Marketing  •  Liberty Times LTD.

June, 2016 - October, 2019

# Task
1. Traffic monetizing ( Website & APP ) with oversea ad resources
2. Ad uploading & report for direct sales demand
3. Ad template design
4. Communicating & co-working across departments
5. Data process, analyzing and visualizing
6. Ad tech training for sales team

# Project
1. Conducted Implementation of third party recommendation widget
2. Conducted header-bidding implementation
3. Conducted implementation of Facebook Instant article ad
4. Participating in Google DV360 implementation

1. Designed automated spreadsheet report and reduced 90% time of labor
2. Launch first recommendation widget and bring the slot 10% MOM revenue increase
3. Launch Facebook Instant article ad and brings more than 1 million in revenue per month

1. Google DFP
2. Google GPT

#Platform & tool
1. Ad platforms:Google ad manager / Facebook Ad manager / YouTube
2. Data platforms:Google Analytics/ DataStudio / Spreadsheet
3. Data visualization / Basic H5, CSS

Account Manager  •  Tsai Yi Technology Company

July, 2015 - June, 2016

# Task
1. Advertising operation & optimization targeted at ROI
2. Ad creatives producing (image/video/ ad copy)
3. Advertising insight and final report

1. Serving Types:Food/ Kids clothing/ Functional clothing/ Women's style & Underwear
2. The total budget exceeded one million NTD per month.
3. Enlarged the operation budget 300% MOM after the first IO.

#Platform & tool
1. Platforms:Facebook Ad Manager / Google Analytics
2. Tools:Adobe Illustrator / Adobe Photoshop / Power Director


Fu Jen Catholic University

Economics (Master) 2012 - 2014
Paper:Technology licensing under vertically differentiated markets

Fu Jen Catholic University

Economics (Bachelor)2008 - 2012


蔡佩君 Joyce Tsai 


 台灣    [email protected]   joycetsai444



  • 廣告購買及優化
    • Google DV360
    • Google Ads
    • Facebook Ad Manager
  • 流量方變現
    • Google Ad Manager
    • Prebid
    • 程序化購買
    • 廣告聯播網
  • 廣告使用者身份知識


  • Google Analytics
  • 試算表
  • 標準 SQL
  • Datastudio


  • Adobe Premiere
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe Indesign
  • Power Director


  • 中文
  • 英文 (多益 835)

資深廣告優化專員  •  凱鈿行動科技股份有限公司

2022年九月 - 至今

1. App流量廣告變現
2. 跨部門溝通及制定廣告策略
3. A/B testing制定及決策
4. 廣告版位及價格優化
5. 數據處理、分析及視覺化
6. 監控成效及管理代理商
7. 合作夥伴開發及提案

1. 針對不同使用者區間提供不同廣告頻次
2. 混合定價策略導入且持續動態調整
3. 新產品廣告投遞策略制定

平台 & 工具 & 技能
1. 廣告中介服務:Google Ad Manager, AdMob , AppLovin , GroMore
2. 數據平台: Google Analytics / Spreadsheet / DataStudio
3. 廣告瀑布流管理及優化
4. 瀑布流優化及管理
5. A/B測試
6. 數據視覺化、基礎SQL

廣告優化副理 •  優像數位媒體科技股份有限公司(痞客邦)

2020年七月 - 2022年九月

1. 透過不同廣告來源將網站流量變現
2. 將廣告合作夥伴安排最適合之位置
3. 廣告版位優化
4. 數據處理、分析並視覺化
5. 跨部門溝通及共事

1. 導入及運營Prebid
2. 導入第三方文章推薦模組
3. 參與DMP變現專案
4. 參與使用者身份匹配專案

1. 為團隊設計自動化試算表,降低80%團隊時間成本
2. 在流量下滑時,團隊提升年營收10%

1. Coursera Google數據分析課程 (4/8)
2. Yahoo DSP 認證
3. 多益 835

平台 & 工具 & 技能
1. 廣告平台:Google Ad Manager, Ads, DV360 / Facebook Ad Manager/ Yahoo DSP
2. 數據平台: Google Analytics / Google big query / 試算表 / DataStudio
3. 廣告瀑布流管理及優化
4. 基礎使用者身份識別知識
5. 數據視覺化、基礎SQL, 基礎H5, 基礎CSS

資深行銷專員  • 伊凡達科技股份有限公司

2019年十月 -  2020年六月

1. 負責區塊鏈線上簽署產品行銷
2. 撰寫區塊鏈及數位轉型議題之文章
3. 企業文件整合
4. 產品教育訓練

1. 企業履歷 排版設計
2. 公關新聞稿
3. 產品白皮書 之整合

1. Google Analytics 證照

平台 & 工具
1. 平台:LinkedIn / Facebook / Twitter /  Medium / Google Analytics
2. 工具:Adobe illustrator / Adobe premiere / Adobe Indesign

數位行銷專員  •  自由時報企業股份有限公司

2016年六月 -  2019年十月

1. 透過海外廣告來源將網站及APP流量變現
2. 自售廣告上稿與結案
3. 廣告樣板設計
4. 數據處理、分析並視覺化
5. 跨部門溝通及共事
6. 數位廣告教育訓練

1. 導入Header bidding
2. 導入第三方文章推薦模組
3. 導入Facebook即時文章廣告
4. 參與導入 Google DV360 產品

1. 為團隊設計自動化試算表,降低90%團隊時間成本
2. 公司內首位上線「第三方文章推薦模組」,並在該版位提升10%月營收
3. 上線Facebook即時文章廣告,創造超過百萬月營收

1. Google DFP
2. Google GPT

平台 & 工具
1. 廣告平台:Google Ad Manager / Facebook Ad manager / YouTube
2. 數據平台:Google Analytics/ DataStudio / 試算表
3. 數據視覺化基礎H5、基礎CSS

客戶經理  •  采億科技股份有限公司

2015年七月 - 2016年六月

1. 以提升ROI為目標操作及優化廣告
2. 廣告素材設計 ( 圖像 / 影片 / 文案 )
3. 廣告洞察及結案報告

1. 服務廠商類別:美食/ 童裝/ 機能衣服/ 女性時尚&內衣
2. 操作月預算超過百萬元
3. 在首次合作後,提升廣告主超過300%的預算

#平台 & 工具
1. 平台:Facebook Ad Manager / Google Analytics
2. 工具:Adobe Illustrator / Adobe Photoshop / 威力導演



經濟系 (碩士) 2012 - 2014


經濟系 (學士)2008 - 2012

Joyce Tsai 蔡佩君

Hi!  I have 6 years plus experience of digital ads. I am used to working with different kinds of advertising partners at home and abroad. I am focusing on traffic monetization & optimization. To use data and find the best way of monetization is what I enjoy to do. Looking forward to talking to you & finding more future opportunities.

 Taiwan     [email protected] joycetsai444


Ad Optimization

  • Ads buying & optimizing
    • Google DV360
    • Google Ads
    • Facebook Ad Manager
  • Website traffic monetization
    • Google Ad Manager
    • Prebid
    • Programmatic buying
    • Ad network
  • Ad user identity knowledge

Data Analyzing

  • Google Analytics
  • Spreadsheet
  • Standard SQL
  • Datastudio

Other Skills

  • Adobe Premiere
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe Indesign
  • Power Director


  • Chinese
  • English (TOEIC 835)

Working Experience

Ad monetization Senior Specialist  •  Kdan Mobile Software Ltd.

Sep 2022 - Now

1. Traffic monetization ( Apps ) with different ad resources
2. Communicating, co-working and decide the strategies with cross-departments
3. Do the A/B testing with cross-departments and finalize the best one
4. Optimization of ad placements and price
5. Data process, analyzing and visualizing
6. Monitoring the performance of ad delivery and deciding the strategy with ad-agency
7. Partner development & brief ( new product )

1. Ad frequency test with different user segment
2. Implement of mix price adjustment strategy
3. Ad delivery strategy of new product

#Platform & Tool & Skill
1. Ad platforms / Mediation:Google Ad Manager, AdMob , AppLovin , GroMore
2. Data platforms: Google Analytics / Spreadsheet / DataStudio
3. Waterfall management & optimization
4. Price adjustment and analyzing
5. A/B testing
6. Data visualization/ Basic SQL

Assistant Ad Optimization Manager  •  PIXNET Digital Media Corporation

July 2020 - Sep 2022

# Task
1. Traffic monetization ( Website ) with different ad resources
2. Finding the best position and potential cooperation for ad partners
3. Optimization of ad placements
4. Data process, analyzing and visualizing
5. Communicating & co-working across departments

# Project
1. Conducted Prebid implementation & operation
2. Conducted third party article recommendation implementation
3. Participating in data management platform monetization
4. Participating in user-identity mapping project

# Performance
1. Designed automated spreadsheet report and reduced 80% time of labor
2. YOY increased in team revenue by +10% while the page-view decreased.

# Certification
1. Google Data Analytics Certification on Coursera (4/8)
2. Yahoo DSP certification
3. TOIEC 835

#Platform & Tool & Skill
1. Ad platforms:Google Ad Manager, Ads, DV360 / Facebook Ad Manager/ Yahoo DSP
2. Data platforms: Google Analytics / Google big query / Spreadsheet / DataStudio
3. Waterfall management & optimization
4. Basic user-identity knowledge
5. Data visualization/ Basic SQL, H5, CSS

Assistant Ad Optimization Manager  •  PIXNET Digital Media Corporation

July 2020 - Sep 2022

# Task
1. Traffic monetization ( Website ) with different ad resources
2. Finding the best position and potential cooperation for ad partners
3. Optimization of ad placements
4. Data process, analyzing and visualizing
5. Communicating & co-working across departments

# Project
1. Conducted Prebid implementation & operation
2. Conducted third party article recommendation implementation
3. Participating in data management platform monetization
4. Participating in user-identity mapping project

# Performance
1. Designed automated spreadsheet report and reduced 80% time of labor
2. YOY increased in team revenue by +10% while the page-view decreased.

# Certification
1. Google Data Analytics Certification on Coursera (4/8)
2. Yahoo DSP certification
3. TOIEC 835

#Platform & Tool & Skill
1. Ad platforms:Google Ad Manager, Ads, DV360 / Facebook Ad Manager/ Yahoo DSP
2. Data platforms: Google Analytics / Google big query / Spreadsheet / DataStudio
3. Waterfall management & optimization
4. Basic user-identity knowledge
5. Data visualization/ Basic SQL, H5, CSS

Senior Marketing  •  Evatar Technology Co.

October, 2019 - June, 2020

# Task
1. Blockchain based online signing product marketing
2. Generate blockchain & digital transformation articles
3. Visual integration of business documentation
4. Product training

1. Business teaser designing and translation
2. PR news
3. Visual integration of product White Paper
4. Google Analytics Certification

#Platform & tool
1. Platforms:LinkedIn / Facebook / Twitter /  Medium / Google Analytics
2. Tools:Adobe illustrator / Adobe premiere / Adobe Indesign

Digital Marketing  •  Liberty Times LTD.

June, 2016 - October, 2019

# Task
1. Traffic monetizing ( Website & APP ) with oversea ad resources
2. Ad uploading & report for direct sales demand
3. Ad template design
4. Communicating & co-working across departments
5. Data process, analyzing and visualizing
6. Ad tech training for sales team

# Project
1. Conducted Implementation of third party recommendation widget
2. Conducted header-bidding implementation
3. Conducted implementation of Facebook Instant article ad
4. Participating in Google DV360 implementation

1. Designed automated spreadsheet report and reduced 90% time of labor
2. Launch first recommendation widget and bring the slot 10% MOM revenue increase
3. Launch Facebook Instant article ad and brings more than 1 million in revenue per month

1. Google DFP
2. Google GPT

#Platform & tool
1. Ad platforms:Google ad manager / Facebook Ad manager / YouTube
2. Data platforms:Google Analytics/ DataStudio / Spreadsheet
3. Data visualization / Basic H5, CSS

Account Manager  •  Tsai Yi Technology Company

July, 2015 - June, 2016

# Task
1. Advertising operation & optimization targeted at ROI
2. Ad creatives producing (image/video/ ad copy)
3. Advertising insight and final report

1. Serving Types:Food/ Kids clothing/ Functional clothing/ Women's style & Underwear
2. The total budget exceeded one million NTD per month.
3. Enlarged the operation budget 300% MOM after the first IO.

#Platform & tool
1. Platforms:Facebook Ad Manager / Google Analytics
2. Tools:Adobe Illustrator / Adobe Photoshop / Power Director


Fu Jen Catholic University

Economics (Master) 2012 - 2014
Paper:Technology licensing under vertically differentiated markets

Fu Jen Catholic University

Economics (Bachelor)2008 - 2012