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Senior Software Engineer @Silentmode Sdn. Bhd
2024 ~ Present
Backend developer/Full-stack developer
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Microsoft Office
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Program and Project Analyst @Accenture
2019 ~ Present
前端工程師 Front-End Developer
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Google Drive
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Principal L N Welingkar Institute of Management Development and Research L. N. Road, Opp. Matunga Gymkhana, Matunga (Central) Mumbai 400 019
International Business
Avatar of 杜詩怡.
Avatar of 杜詩怡.
Senior Data Engineer @柏文健康事業股份有限公司
2023 ~ Present
software developer,system analyst
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Administrator Assoicate (Certificate number: EA5F98-6C2B4Y) Job description: 1. The Big data platform owner, lead the BI-team to maintain the ETL pipelines and provide the stable and correct data service. MayFebruary 2023 Data engineer CTBC Bank Achievement: 1. Deal with over 2 billion records with hive SQL on Hadoop in one hour 2. Optimize SQL query of Hadoop, performance speed up 30% (more than 2 million records) 3. Design a checklist of over 30 inspection items to review data or program quality then reduce 5 workdays * 5 people running costs. 4. Release
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國立高雄師範大學 National Kaohsiung Normal University
Information Education
Avatar of 王郁翔.
Avatar of 王郁翔.
軟體開發資深工程師 @緯創軟體股份有限公司
2023 ~ Present
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端技術:zk 後端技術:spring mvc, spring NamedParameterJdbcTemplate, JasperReports、POI 開發的內容在 Web 上進行表單填寫功能、計算售價、表單查詢、報表生成、透過 excel 匯入資料庫。 SQL 效能優化與調教,如優化 SQL 語句、查詢條件調整與新增 index 等。 參與專案交易用 REST API 後端 功能說明:提供一系列的 API 讓合作
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4-6 years
Avatar of 林士傑.
Avatar of 林士傑.
資深主任 @台灣客服科技股份有限公司
2018 ~ 2024
AI工程師、機器學習工程師、數據分析師、資料科學家、Machine Learning Engineer、Deep Learning Engineer、Data Scientist
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林士傑 具 5 年資料分析與產品管理經驗,專注於語言模型訓練與應用整合、深度學習架構開發、機器學習模型自動化及雲端架構實現。近期協助桌球館開發語言模型機器人並整合 LineBOT,參與玉山人工智慧公開挑戰賽,進一步強化語言模型設計與
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輔仁大學 Fu Jen Catholic University
Avatar of BO-GUAN JHOU.
Avatar of BO-GUAN JHOU.
Backend Software Engineer @格拉墨科技有限公司
2022 ~ 2024
Software Engineer
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byte-based pagination on FTP, enhancing data access performance. • Ensured strong consistency in transactions within a distributed environment to maintain data integrity. • Applied design patterns to abstract business logic, reducing repetitive code and improving testability and maintainability. International Integrated Systems, Inc. Software Engineer OctSept• Optimized complex SQL queries to enhance processing speed and efficiency. • Streamlined the CI process to enable automated Git merge operation. • Developed a binary search-based logger to improve large file download speed. • Automated operational workflows by creating key scripts in Java. National Taiwan Normal University Graduate Student SeptAug
Spring Boot
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4-6 years
國立臺灣師範大學 National Taiwan Normal University
Computer Science & Information Engineering
Avatar of Tom Jheng.
Avatar of Tom Jheng.
Java後端工程師 @重高科技股份有限公司
2024 ~ Present
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和興趣: JAVA後端工程師 台灣台北 [email protected] 技能/軟體 前端 React 版控 Github/ SVN Maven/Gradle 後端 Java Spring/Spring MVC/Spring Boot Hibernate/MyBatis MS SQL/MySQL 微服務 SpringCloud Feign Spring Cloud Bus Hystrix Ribbon Zuul Spring Cloud Config Eureka 分佈式 Docker 軟體專案經歷 重高科技 (2024/9 ~ now) 銀行專案 : 角色:PG 環境:spring boot + oracle 負
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Avatar of Arif.
Avatar of Arif.
Strategy and Planning Assistant Manager @Samyang
2024 ~ Present
Business Intelligence, Data Analyst, Strategy Planning
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Arif Hendrawan Data Analyst, Strategy & Planning [email protected] A professional person who is driven by change, eagerness to grow, and continually seeks collaboration—having skills in Spreadsheets, SQL, Python, Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) and Data Visualization tools such as Looker and Tableau through practical projects and courses. Experienced as a Sales Strategy Planning and Operation Analyst in the Retail industry and one of Indonesia's biggest distributors and logistics, skilled in delivering insight based on sales data analysis, budget monitoring, SKU optimization, and stock forecasting. I’m seeking opportunities to solve problems, deliver actionable insights
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4-6 years
Universitas Indonesia
Teknik Kimia
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Senior Analyst, Structure Data @Assembly Global
2020 ~ 2024
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Google Ads
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6-10 years
Soochow University
Avatar of Helene Picchiarini.
Avatar of Helene Picchiarini.
Chef de projets - Cellule Event Connecté @Village AV Prod
2020 ~ Present
Data Analyst, Product Manager, Business Analyst
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Helene Picchiarini Chef de projets / Business Analytics / Data Intelligence Experte en gestion de projets et en management d'équipes, je mets à profit mes 10 années d'expériences pour relever les défis du data analysis. Passionnée par l'apprentissage continu et la résolution de problèmes, je cherche à contribuer à une entreprise innovante engagée envers ses clients et la responsabilité sociale des entreprises (RSE). Lille, Hauts-de-France, [email protected]
Power BI
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4-6 years
Le Wagon
Modélisation / stockage des données et administration de bases de données

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Logo of Trend Micro 趨勢科技.
Trend Micro 趨勢科技
2021 ~ Present
Taipei, 台灣
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C,C++ Developer, Software Engineer, Full Stack Development
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National Chengchi University
Computer Science

白紋愷 Kevin Bai

Experienced Software Engineer with a strong background in product feature development, cloud-based backend systems, and Windows endpoint products. Skilled in C/C++, Python, C#, and JavaScript with hands-on experience in Azure and AWS cloud platforms. Proven ability to optimize performance, implement CI/CD pipelines, and develop secure, scalable software solutions.

Software Engineer
Taipei, TW
[email protected]

Work Experience

Trend Micro, Engineer, Oct 2021 ~

  • Product Feature Development and Maintenance (C++, JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.js):
    • Upgraded third-party libraries and MSVC versions to adopt new functions and mitigate CVE issues. 
    • Developed and maintained desktop applications utilizing Chromium Embedded Framework and Electron, integrating Node.js for backend processing, web view management, and seamless system integration. 
    • Enhanced and maintained Windows endpoint products by resolving issues, conducting root cause analysis, and collaborating cross-functionally to implement swift and effective solutions, ensuring optimal user satisfaction.
  • Cloud Based Backend Server (Python, FastAPI, Azure Database for PostgreSQL):
    • Developed and maintained a backend system using Azure API Server and IoTHub. 
    • Managed the Azure Database for PostgreSQL service to store and maintain device information, ensuring high availability, security, and efficient data access within the cloud infrastructure. 
    • Implemented a purge rule to remove non-activated devices from the system, resulting in a 23% reduction in cloud service costs.
  • Product CI/CD (GitHub Action):
    • Implemented deployment strategies for automatic package deployment, contributing to faster delivery and minimized risk. 
    • Used GTest for unit testing and migrated the CI process from Jenkins to GitHub Actions, achieving a 10% decrease in deployment errors, with improved capability to identify and resolve errors promptly during build failures.

BlockChain Security Corp, Programmer, May 2020 ~ Oct 2021 

  • Web App Penetration Testing Platform (C#):
    • Developed a penetration testing platform hosted on IIS using .NET Framework. 
    • Architected and optimized SQL Server databases to store and manage user data and penetration testing results, ensuring data integrity, security, and high availability. 
    • Integrated APIs of third-party penetration testing tools, enhancing platform capabilities. 
    • Addressed performance limitations of external scan tools by implementing advanced multi-threading techniques, achieving the specified requirements and improving scanning speed.
  • Maintained Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) tool (C/C++):
    • Maintained a desktop application for system event logging and connection status collection. 
    • Optimized end-point operations by packing and compressing files, improving task efficiency. 
    • Performed normalization on local SQLite databases to reduce database size.

SYSTEX, Programmer, Sep 2017 ~ Oct 2019

  • Quoting System Development and Maintenance (C/C++): 
    • Participated in developing a quoting system for real-time data processing and dissemination. 
    • Developed a socket tool for system troubleshooting, expediting error resolution times by 30% and improving system stability. 
    • Designed and implemented complex stored procedures to handle real-time data processing within the quoting system, significantly improving query execution efficiency and reducing the load on the application servers.
  • Technical Support and Customer Engagement (C/C++): 
    • Conducted on-site training for users to effectively utilize the quoting system. 
    • Identified and resolved customer issues through comprehensive troubleshooting. 
  • Broker Gateway Development (C#): 
    • Developed a broker gateway for stock orders via mobile, implementing multi-functional features. 
    • Modularized functions for better manageability and used multi-threaded management and MSMQ communication.


National Chengchi University, Bachelor's degree, Computer Science, 2012 ~ 2016


Programming Languages: C/C++, Python, C#, JavaScript, TypeScript, Java, Node.js 

Database: SQL Server, SQLite 

Tools: Git, Windows Drive Kit(Verify, WinDbg, Process Monitor, Process Explorer, xperf) 

Cloud Platform: Azure, AWS Languages: English, Mandarin


白紋愷 Kevin Bai

Experienced Software Engineer with a strong background in product feature development, cloud-based backend systems, and Windows endpoint products. Skilled in C/C++, Python, C#, and JavaScript with hands-on experience in Azure and AWS cloud platforms. Proven ability to optimize performance, implement CI/CD pipelines, and develop secure, scalable software solutions.

Software Engineer
Taipei, TW
[email protected]

Work Experience

Trend Micro, Engineer, Oct 2021 ~

  • Product Feature Development and Maintenance (C++, JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.js):
    • Upgraded third-party libraries and MSVC versions to adopt new functions and mitigate CVE issues. 
    • Developed and maintained desktop applications utilizing Chromium Embedded Framework and Electron, integrating Node.js for backend processing, web view management, and seamless system integration. 
    • Enhanced and maintained Windows endpoint products by resolving issues, conducting root cause analysis, and collaborating cross-functionally to implement swift and effective solutions, ensuring optimal user satisfaction.
  • Cloud Based Backend Server (Python, FastAPI, Azure Database for PostgreSQL):
    • Developed and maintained a backend system using Azure API Server and IoTHub. 
    • Managed the Azure Database for PostgreSQL service to store and maintain device information, ensuring high availability, security, and efficient data access within the cloud infrastructure. 
    • Implemented a purge rule to remove non-activated devices from the system, resulting in a 23% reduction in cloud service costs.
  • Product CI/CD (GitHub Action):
    • Implemented deployment strategies for automatic package deployment, contributing to faster delivery and minimized risk. 
    • Used GTest for unit testing and migrated the CI process from Jenkins to GitHub Actions, achieving a 10% decrease in deployment errors, with improved capability to identify and resolve errors promptly during build failures.

BlockChain Security Corp, Programmer, May 2020 ~ Oct 2021 

  • Web App Penetration Testing Platform (C#):
    • Developed a penetration testing platform hosted on IIS using .NET Framework. 
    • Architected and optimized SQL Server databases to store and manage user data and penetration testing results, ensuring data integrity, security, and high availability. 
    • Integrated APIs of third-party penetration testing tools, enhancing platform capabilities. 
    • Addressed performance limitations of external scan tools by implementing advanced multi-threading techniques, achieving the specified requirements and improving scanning speed.
  • Maintained Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) tool (C/C++):
    • Maintained a desktop application for system event logging and connection status collection. 
    • Optimized end-point operations by packing and compressing files, improving task efficiency. 
    • Performed normalization on local SQLite databases to reduce database size.

SYSTEX, Programmer, Sep 2017 ~ Oct 2019

  • Quoting System Development and Maintenance (C/C++): 
    • Participated in developing a quoting system for real-time data processing and dissemination. 
    • Developed a socket tool for system troubleshooting, expediting error resolution times by 30% and improving system stability. 
    • Designed and implemented complex stored procedures to handle real-time data processing within the quoting system, significantly improving query execution efficiency and reducing the load on the application servers.
  • Technical Support and Customer Engagement (C/C++): 
    • Conducted on-site training for users to effectively utilize the quoting system. 
    • Identified and resolved customer issues through comprehensive troubleshooting. 
  • Broker Gateway Development (C#): 
    • Developed a broker gateway for stock orders via mobile, implementing multi-functional features. 
    • Modularized functions for better manageability and used multi-threaded management and MSMQ communication.


National Chengchi University, Bachelor's degree, Computer Science, 2012 ~ 2016


Programming Languages: C/C++, Python, C#, JavaScript, TypeScript, Java, Node.js 

Database: SQL Server, SQLite 

Tools: Git, Windows Drive Kit(Verify, WinDbg, Process Monitor, Process Explorer, xperf) 

Cloud Platform: Azure, AWS Languages: English, Mandarin