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我是一名喜歡學習新技術、挑戰不同領域的人,目前在Morrison Express專注於全端開發,積極參與物流和倉儲工具Web程式的開發,以提高倉庫人員的作業效率。
在資拓宏宇參與了M3專案,在這過程中學習了spring framework, hibernate等框架的使用,建立了Web開發架構的基礎。在專案上線後,AP遇到記憶體不足導致crash問題,之後經由分析把造成memory leak的物件改成Sington模式解決了這個問題,經由這次事件知道了Design Pattern的重要性。
在之後參與了BankWiz產品開發,這是一套可以讓使用者容易的開發SOA Application的工具。而開發產品與開發專案的思維不同,需要更注重軟體架構的可擴充性,以及如何穩定的交付給客戶,因此,我為這套產品設計了一套框架,使其他同事減少開發新功能的學習成本,事後發展成其他產品也可套用這框架。在SOA Mapping的部分,我設計了演算法使原本需要數秒才能mapping到服務進而優化為數毫秒。此外,我也在團隊中積極導入CI/CD流程,這期間增強了許多有關IaC的知識以及自動化腳本撰寫等技能。
Thesis:A More Friendly Android-based Operating Interface for Cadabia
Project:節奏追蹤的應用 - 音樂節拍地圖產生
I am Ian, who enjoys learning new technologies and taking on challenges in different domains. Currently, I am at Morrison Express, focusing on full-stack development, and actively involved in developing web applications for logistics and warehouse tools to improve warehouse CS/OP work efficiency.
While at IISI, I was involved in the M3 project, where I became familiar frameworks like Spring and Hibernate. After the project went live, a memory leak issue occurred in the application. After analyzing the issue, we used Singleton Pattern to solve the issue. After this incident, I realized the importance of design patterns.
Subsequently, I participated in BankWiz development, which was a tool designed to make it easy for users to develop SOA (Service-Oriented Architecture) applications. Developing a product requires a different mindset compared to project development. It requires greater attention to the scalability of software architecture and ensuring stable delivery to customers. So, I designed a framework that reduced the time required for adding new features. Over time, this framework apply to other products as well. In the context of SOA mapping, I designed algorithms that improved the mapping process from taking seconds to mere milliseconds. Additionally, I proactively introduced CI/CD processes within the team, which enhanced my knowledge of IaC (Infrastructure as Code) and honed my skills in writing automation scripts.
Later, during my time at TrendMicro, I am a DevOps engineer. In the course of my work, I became well-versed in the use of AWS and Azure. Given that TrendMicro is a cybersecurity company, there was a particular emphasis on security concerns, which further reinforced my focus on security aspects in software development. To analyze suspicious behavior in the logs, I implemented a log collection system using Kafka, Logstash, and Elasticsearch. Additionally, I utilized Pandas for log analysis. I also established guidelines for sharing logs with other teams.
Thesis:A More Friendly Android-based Operating Interface for Cadabia
Project:節奏追蹤的應用 - 音樂節拍地圖產生
我是一名喜歡學習新技術、挑戰不同領域的人,目前在Morrison Express專注於全端開發,積極參與物流和倉儲工具Web程式的開發,以提高倉庫人員的作業效率。
在資拓宏宇參與了M3專案,在這過程中學習了spring framework, hibernate等框架的使用,建立了Web開發架構的基礎。在專案上線後,AP遇到記憶體不足導致crash問題,之後經由分析把造成memory leak的物件改成Sington模式解決了這個問題,經由這次事件知道了Design Pattern的重要性。
在之後參與了BankWiz產品開發,這是一套可以讓使用者容易的開發SOA Application的工具。而開發產品與開發專案的思維不同,需要更注重軟體架構的可擴充性,以及如何穩定的交付給客戶,因此,我為這套產品設計了一套框架,使其他同事減少開發新功能的學習成本,事後發展成其他產品也可套用這框架。在SOA Mapping的部分,我設計了演算法使原本需要數秒才能mapping到服務進而優化為數毫秒。此外,我也在團隊中積極導入CI/CD流程,這期間增強了許多有關IaC的知識以及自動化腳本撰寫等技能。
Thesis:A More Friendly Android-based Operating Interface for Cadabia
Project:節奏追蹤的應用 - 音樂節拍地圖產生
I am Ian, who enjoys learning new technologies and taking on challenges in different domains. Currently, I am at Morrison Express, focusing on full-stack development, and actively involved in developing web applications for logistics and warehouse tools to improve warehouse CS/OP work efficiency.
While at IISI, I was involved in the M3 project, where I became familiar frameworks like Spring and Hibernate. After the project went live, a memory leak issue occurred in the application. After analyzing the issue, we used Singleton Pattern to solve the issue. After this incident, I realized the importance of design patterns.
Subsequently, I participated in BankWiz development, which was a tool designed to make it easy for users to develop SOA (Service-Oriented Architecture) applications. Developing a product requires a different mindset compared to project development. It requires greater attention to the scalability of software architecture and ensuring stable delivery to customers. So, I designed a framework that reduced the time required for adding new features. Over time, this framework apply to other products as well. In the context of SOA mapping, I designed algorithms that improved the mapping process from taking seconds to mere milliseconds. Additionally, I proactively introduced CI/CD processes within the team, which enhanced my knowledge of IaC (Infrastructure as Code) and honed my skills in writing automation scripts.
Later, during my time at TrendMicro, I am a DevOps engineer. In the course of my work, I became well-versed in the use of AWS and Azure. Given that TrendMicro is a cybersecurity company, there was a particular emphasis on security concerns, which further reinforced my focus on security aspects in software development. To analyze suspicious behavior in the logs, I implemented a log collection system using Kafka, Logstash, and Elasticsearch. Additionally, I utilized Pandas for log analysis. I also established guidelines for sharing logs with other teams.
Thesis:A More Friendly Android-based Operating Interface for Cadabia
Project:節奏追蹤的應用 - 音樂節拍地圖產生