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Java工程師 @言某諮詢管理顧問有限公司
2023 ~ 2024
Within one month
Spring Data JPA
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Full-time / Interested in working remotely
4-6 years
Java & Android程式設計班
Avatar of 劉明坤.
Avatar of 劉明坤.
Java工程師 @奕特資訊科技公司ITER TECHNOLOGY LTD.
2023 ~ 2025
Within one month
學學系 碩士 中華大學 應用數學系 學士 工作經歷-Work Experience 奕特資訊有限公司 - Java工程師 2023//01 一騰資訊服務股份有限公司 - Java軟體開發工程師 2021//09 宏康智慧股份有限公司 - 軟體工程師 2020//06 暴 風網路科技有限公司-Java後端工程師 2018/07
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Full-time / Interested in working remotely
6-10 years
國立中正大學(National Chung Cheng University)
Avatar of Tom Jheng.
Avatar of Tom Jheng.
Java後端工程師 @重高科技股份有限公司
2024 ~ Present
Within one month
補強 。對技術和開發充滿熱情的我,不斷尋求機會發展職業生涯。 您可以通過以下連結了解更多關於我的專業背景和興趣: JAVA後端工程師 台灣台北 [email protected] 技能/軟體 前端 React 版控 Github/ SVN Maven/Gradle 後端 Java Spring/Spring MVC/Spring Boot Hibernate/MyBatis MS SQL/MySQL
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Full-time / Interested in working remotely
4-6 years
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java工程師 @奕特資訊有限公司
2024 ~ Present
Within one month
Spring Boot
Spring MVC
Spring Cloud
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Full-time / Interested in working remotely
10-15 years
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Senior Java Engineer @栩琛科技股份有限公司
2024 ~ Present
Senior Java engineer
Within one month
Spring Framework
Spring Boot
Ready to interview
Full-time / Interested in working remotely
10-15 years
Avatar of 李佶峯.
Avatar of 李佶峯.
Senior Java Engineer @裕隆集團_格上汽車租賃股份有限公司
2022 ~ 2024
Sr. Java Web Developer, Back-end Developer
Within one month
Mark Lee Sr. Java Web Developer, Back-end Developer Taichung City, TW [email protected] ,工作經歷 Senior Java Engineer . 裕隆集團_格上汽車租賃股份有限公司~.共享車GoSmart app、一般租車微服務架構後端開發 .會員、權限、票券、推播、租車 .串接跨部門SDK、第三方API .新舊系統整合與翻新 Java Engineer . 雲端互動股份有限公司
Spring Framework
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Full-time / Interested in working remotely
4-6 years
Avatar of Matthew Chang.
Avatar of Matthew Chang.
Software Architect @Leading Information System
2023 ~ Present
Software Architect / Manager / Director
Within one month
Matthew Chang Java Software Architect - B.S. degree in Software - Engineering with 15+ year industry experiencesyears experiences in developing web based cloud application using server and database technology. (Java, micro-service, Kubernetes, Spring framework, PostgreSQL, Oracle, HANA, Restful, JBOSS, Tomcat, JavaScriptyear experiences in full stack developing Element Management System. (Java, SNMP, XML-RPCyear experiences in QA and QA automation for networking. (Python, Tcl, Silktest, Java, Oracle) - Fluent in English and Mandarin; basic understanding in Cantonese. Taoyuan, 桃園區桃園市台灣[email protected] 工作經歷
Ready to interview
Full-time / Interested in working remotely
More than 15 years
San Jose State University
Software Engineering
Avatar of CY Wang.
Avatar of CY Wang.
System Analyst, Backend Developer @我愛數位科技股份有限公司
2023 ~ 2025
Senior Software Engineer
Within one month
CY Wang Senior Software Engineer | Node.js | TypeScript | JavaScript | Backend | Web Developer | Python Taipei, Taiwan More than 8 years experience in Software System Development. From Requirement (User Story or UI Flow) Analysis, System Design, to Database Design, Backend Architecture, API Spec. Design and Implementation. Started my career as a fullstack developer, switch to backend focused during the transition from junior to senior. Done well in teamwork with frontend developers, delivering predictable and well performing API backend. GitHub: Experience System Analyst, Backend Developer • 4iTech 我愛數
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Full-time / Interested in working remotely
6-10 years
國立台北教育大學 National Taipei University of Education
Computer Science
Avatar of Chih-Hsuan Wei.
Avatar of Chih-Hsuan Wei.
Senior Software Engineer @Azurewave Technology
2023 ~ Present
Senior Software Engineer
Within one month
以柔資訊, Taichung City, FebJan 2023 Develop web application for IT user for file management and access right. Windows shell extension : overlayIcon, contextmenu Sign PE files tool by .NET remoting. Web server management by Nginx. Skills C/C++/C#, java, JavaSever Faces, Primefaces, Nginx, Subversion Software Engineer, Moldex3D, Zhubei City, MarJan 2022 Software development in Siemens NX plugin. Applying Moldex3d simulation and mesh knoweledge in NX cad software. Develop and maintain OEM product (Siemens NX Easy Fill Advanced). Auto pack OEM product (Siemens NX Easy Fill
Wireless Technologies
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Full-time / Interested in working remotely
4-6 years
National Yunlin University of Science and Technology (YunTech)
Mechanical Engineering/Mechatronics and System Control
Avatar of ChingJui Wu.
Avatar of ChingJui Wu.
軟體工程師 @Atome Taiwan_新加坡商輕鬆享股份有限公司台灣分公司
2021 ~ 2023
Within one month
and inductive reasoning of failure codes and make the proper decision to fix it. Team work and co-working problem solving ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND ACHIEVEMENTS Refactoring the old project that connect to SingPass with Oauth2 Analyzed the SQL latency and optimized sql Technical Skills Rdbms : MySQL / Oracle Programming Languages : Java / JavaScript (Vue) FrameWork : Spring Boot (including : Spring Data / Spring Security / Spring Cloud) Others : RabbitMQ / Redis / Git / Docker / k8s / AWS / Prometheus / Grafana / Kibana Education & Experience Atome Backend Developer, WFH - Jun~ AprAnalyzed the specification and produced technical writing 2.
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Full-time / Not interested in working remotely
4-6 years

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Within one month
Java Software Architect
Leading Information System
2023 ~ Present
Taoyuan, 桃園區桃園市台灣
Professional Background
Current status
Job Search Progress
Ready to interview
Development Manager, System Architecture
Fields of Employment
Work experience
More than 15 years
I've had experience in managing 1-5 people
Spring Framework
Job search preferences
Software Architect / Manager / Director
Job types
Taipei, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Taiwan, Taoyuán, 台灣
Interested in working remotely
San Jose State University
Software Engineering

Matthew Chang

Java Software Architect

- B.S. degree in Software
- Engineering with 15+ year industry experiences.
- 10+ years experiences in developing web based cloud application using server and database technology. (Java, micro-service, Kubernetes, Spring framework, PostgreSQL, Oracle, HANA, Restful, JBOSS, Tomcat, JavaScript)
- 4+ year experiences in full stack developing Element Management System. (Java, SNMP, XML-RPC)
- 4+ year experiences in QA and QA automation for networking. (Python, Tcl, Silktest, Java, Oracle)
- Fluent in English and Mandarin; basic understanding in Cantonese.

Taoyuan, 桃園區桃園市台灣
[email protected]


五月 2023 - Present
Taipei, Taiwan

Software Architect

Leading Information System

  • - Introduce API Gateway architecture to upper managements and engineers (+ POC demo).
    - Implement API Gateway plugin for Auth Service.
    - Design and implement Auth and Config Services to centralize login.
    - Design and implement Schedule Service.
    - Integrate with MS AAD for login.
    - Scrum Master for a team.
    - Manage front-end team of 3.
    - Re-Architect that centralizes react components to the npm package for all the projects used.
    - Introduce Micro-front-end.
    - Re-Architect and help to deploy dockerlize official website into AWS eks from a single vm.
    - Deal with GitHub action environment issue for CI and CD
    - Deal with React 16 to 18 upgrade’s planning and execution.
    - POC for micro-frontend and mono repo.
    - Langchain Rag POC with google Gemini.
    - Spring AI POC using tool function with mistral AI.

十一月 2022 - 五月 2023
Taipei, Taiwan

Sr Software Engineer

Cloud Interactive (OpenTable)

  • - Create 3 new CI/CD with Team City for docker build and k8s deployment.
    - Fix issue that Api service change architecture from postgres fdw to ShardingSphere.
    - Help to QA between fdw version and ShardingSphere version of API service.
    - Create new database upgrade Team City Pipline by sample spring boot application with

九月 2021 - 四月 2022
Taipei, Taiwan

Software Architect


  • - Pre-sales, to understand customer’s infrastructure and then give suggestion how to fit in our software solution.
    - Design and Implemented Auth Service.
    - Introduce forward auth for Kong API Gateway and then integrated with Auth service.
    - POC for User Management service for RBAC.
    - Work with OPs to enhance the current CI / CD.

八月 2020 - 九月 2021
Taipei, Taiwan

Software Architect/Manager

Infoboom Co, Ltd.

  • - Manage team of 5 people.
    - Assign and manage task to the team and take care team needed to make sure project delivered
    on time.
    - Re -Architect multiple service's to micro-service using GKE K8s in GCP
    - Setup Traefik for API Gateway and Istio for Grpc service to service commnutication.
    - Grow max user support to 4 times as tested, should be more with new Architecture
    - Designed and Implemented Job service
    - Designed and Implemented Auth service.
    - Re-Designed multiple stateful service's to stateless.

十月 2014 - 六月 2020
California, USA

Principal Java Software Engineer


  • - Scrum master and developer in a 7 people team.
    - Take care Saml2 protocol in SSO service.
    - Integrate with IdP.
    - Generate Jenkins, Docker and K8s yaml files for SSO service's CD/CI.
    - Implemented and Test feature in Azure and GCP

    Lead Software Java Engineer
    - Lead a team with 2 junior engineer
    - Designed and Implemented SSO service Service Provider POC as micro-service.
    - Re-Designed DB upgrade framework and DB report service to fit into Docker container as micro-service.

    Senior Software Java Engineer
    - Take over DB upgrade framework using by SaaS application.
    - Designed and Implemented new version of DB upgrade framework.
    - Designed and Implemented DB report to help operation team to analyze DB issue.
    - Designed and Implemented service maintenance mode.
    - Help on debugging and fix issue on session manager and SSO.

    Senior Quality Specialist
    - Designed and implemented a java base automation framework.
    - Developed tools for testing needed.
    - Manual and Developed automation to test DB upgrade feature, DB cluster functionality, and
    SSO feature.

二月 2014 - 七月 2014
California, USA 

Staff Software Java Engineer

RGB Network

  • - Designed, and Implemented Configuration Tool in new product BNE to support export data from node into XML file, and support import data from XML file into node.
    - Designed, and Implemented EMS and GUI for new product BNE.

一月 2013 - 十二月 2013
California, USA 

Software Java Engineer


  • - Designed, and implemented the south bound adapter to read and configure with different type of switch using SNMP and CLI protocol.
    - Designed, and Implemented the Session Manager to manager all the switch communication sessions for south bound adapter.
    - Designed, and Implemented the Configuration Manager to exchange switch information with other components and configure and update switch information by used Session Manager and adapters.
    - Designed and implemented a flex base demo GUI in V Center plugin to read and configure virtual switch.
    - Designed and implemented some switch related feature in web base UI using JavaScript, JQuery and know out for fabric manager.
    - Setup and Implemented python plugin to exchange information between quantum server and fabric manager for openstack quantum demo.

九月 2010 - 九月 2010
California, USA

Sr. Software Java Engineer

RGB Network

  • - Designed, and Implemented the Configuration Tool to support the export/import data, backup and conversion of PID from/to node by XML file.
    - Designed and Implemented the Transcoding function in EMS to support the output TS, output Program, and Grooming.
    - Designed, and Implemented the GUI to support the configuration of output TS, output Program and grooming, to provide the default parameter setting including GOP Structure based on video type such as MPEG and H264, and to provide the validation of fields between Input and Output TS based on video types.
    - Designed and Implemented in EMS to support DVB-CA in global setting, CA configuration including ECMG setting, EMMG setting and Access criteria listing, and SCG configuration including the association of ECMG configuration, Access Criteria and Grooming Elementary Stream.
    - Designed and implemented the QAM project screens to support QAM group, and Logical Device, software upgrade, Ethernet/Virtual Management Ports, output TS and Session.
    - Redesigned the entire EMS application in QAM project, it requires to redesign on QAM configuration and Output TS including data model configuration.
    - Redesigned the GUI layout in QAM project, is also included the support in all different types such as Automatic Port Mapping, TW RPC, NGOD, and Pass-Through. Implemented most of new screens to have a better GUI presentation for better flow of configuration.

    Sr. Software QA Automation Engineer
    - Designed and implemented the automation tool server to help hardware team to setup, run test cases and collect debug information by read and configure the node using SNMP protocol.
    - Designed and Implemented many APIs to control streamer server including starting and stopping the streamer server, quality of streamer, PID, destination IP Address/UDP port. The coding is done in C and Python. The project is target to use in SQA team.

二月 2006 - 六月 2008
California, USA 

Sr. Software QA Engineer

Tellabs Inc

  • - Setup test bed and trouble shoot system problem in Solaris and windows.
    - Develop Java codes to call CORBA Interface Definition Language IDL for testing CORBA North bound feature of NMS.
    - Design and Develop the automation code using commercial vendor package silktest to test Tellabs 8890 NMS application.
    - Develop TCL scripts to test end to end connection through SNMP North bound Interface of NMS. The test result is to match the data between SNMP interface, GUI/CLI, and database.
    - Perform Tellabs 8890 NMS and EMS manual testing with Tellabs 8800 MPLS routers.
    - Perform DB upgrade and downgrade test between Oracle database 8i and 9i.


2000 - 2003

San Jose State University

Software Engineering

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.


  • Java
  • Kubernetes
  • Microservices
  • Spring Framework
  • Docker
  • JDBC
  • AWS
  • GCP
  • Azure


  • English — 中階
  • Chinese — 進階

Matthew Chang

Java Software Architect

- B.S. degree in Software
- Engineering with 15+ year industry experiences.
- 10+ years experiences in developing web based cloud application using server and database technology. (Java, micro-service, Kubernetes, Spring framework, PostgreSQL, Oracle, HANA, Restful, JBOSS, Tomcat, JavaScript)
- 4+ year experiences in full stack developing Element Management System. (Java, SNMP, XML-RPC)
- 4+ year experiences in QA and QA automation for networking. (Python, Tcl, Silktest, Java, Oracle)
- Fluent in English and Mandarin; basic understanding in Cantonese.

Taoyuan, 桃園區桃園市台灣
[email protected]


五月 2023 - Present
Taipei, Taiwan

Software Architect

Leading Information System

  • - Introduce API Gateway architecture to upper managements and engineers (+ POC demo).
    - Implement API Gateway plugin for Auth Service.
    - Design and implement Auth and Config Services to centralize login.
    - Design and implement Schedule Service.
    - Integrate with MS AAD for login.
    - Scrum Master for a team.
    - Manage front-end team of 3.
    - Re-Architect that centralizes react components to the npm package for all the projects used.
    - Introduce Micro-front-end.
    - Re-Architect and help to deploy dockerlize official website into AWS eks from a single vm.
    - Deal with GitHub action environment issue for CI and CD
    - Deal with React 16 to 18 upgrade’s planning and execution.
    - POC for micro-frontend and mono repo.
    - Langchain Rag POC with google Gemini.
    - Spring AI POC using tool function with mistral AI.

十一月 2022 - 五月 2023
Taipei, Taiwan

Sr Software Engineer

Cloud Interactive (OpenTable)

  • - Create 3 new CI/CD with Team City for docker build and k8s deployment.
    - Fix issue that Api service change architecture from postgres fdw to ShardingSphere.
    - Help to QA between fdw version and ShardingSphere version of API service.
    - Create new database upgrade Team City Pipline by sample spring boot application with

九月 2021 - 四月 2022
Taipei, Taiwan

Software Architect


  • - Pre-sales, to understand customer’s infrastructure and then give suggestion how to fit in our software solution.
    - Design and Implemented Auth Service.
    - Introduce forward auth for Kong API Gateway and then integrated with Auth service.
    - POC for User Management service for RBAC.
    - Work with OPs to enhance the current CI / CD.

八月 2020 - 九月 2021
Taipei, Taiwan

Software Architect/Manager

Infoboom Co, Ltd.

  • - Manage team of 5 people.
    - Assign and manage task to the team and take care team needed to make sure project delivered
    on time.
    - Re -Architect multiple service's to micro-service using GKE K8s in GCP
    - Setup Traefik for API Gateway and Istio for Grpc service to service commnutication.
    - Grow max user support to 4 times as tested, should be more with new Architecture
    - Designed and Implemented Job service
    - Designed and Implemented Auth service.
    - Re-Designed multiple stateful service's to stateless.

十月 2014 - 六月 2020
California, USA

Principal Java Software Engineer


  • - Scrum master and developer in a 7 people team.
    - Take care Saml2 protocol in SSO service.
    - Integrate with IdP.
    - Generate Jenkins, Docker and K8s yaml files for SSO service's CD/CI.
    - Implemented and Test feature in Azure and GCP

    Lead Software Java Engineer
    - Lead a team with 2 junior engineer
    - Designed and Implemented SSO service Service Provider POC as micro-service.
    - Re-Designed DB upgrade framework and DB report service to fit into Docker container as micro-service.

    Senior Software Java Engineer
    - Take over DB upgrade framework using by SaaS application.
    - Designed and Implemented new version of DB upgrade framework.
    - Designed and Implemented DB report to help operation team to analyze DB issue.
    - Designed and Implemented service maintenance mode.
    - Help on debugging and fix issue on session manager and SSO.

    Senior Quality Specialist
    - Designed and implemented a java base automation framework.
    - Developed tools for testing needed.
    - Manual and Developed automation to test DB upgrade feature, DB cluster functionality, and
    SSO feature.

二月 2014 - 七月 2014
California, USA 

Staff Software Java Engineer

RGB Network

  • - Designed, and Implemented Configuration Tool in new product BNE to support export data from node into XML file, and support import data from XML file into node.
    - Designed, and Implemented EMS and GUI for new product BNE.

一月 2013 - 十二月 2013
California, USA 

Software Java Engineer


  • - Designed, and implemented the south bound adapter to read and configure with different type of switch using SNMP and CLI protocol.
    - Designed, and Implemented the Session Manager to manager all the switch communication sessions for south bound adapter.
    - Designed, and Implemented the Configuration Manager to exchange switch information with other components and configure and update switch information by used Session Manager and adapters.
    - Designed and implemented a flex base demo GUI in V Center plugin to read and configure virtual switch.
    - Designed and implemented some switch related feature in web base UI using JavaScript, JQuery and know out for fabric manager.
    - Setup and Implemented python plugin to exchange information between quantum server and fabric manager for openstack quantum demo.

九月 2010 - 九月 2010
California, USA

Sr. Software Java Engineer

RGB Network

  • - Designed, and Implemented the Configuration Tool to support the export/import data, backup and conversion of PID from/to node by XML file.
    - Designed and Implemented the Transcoding function in EMS to support the output TS, output Program, and Grooming.
    - Designed, and Implemented the GUI to support the configuration of output TS, output Program and grooming, to provide the default parameter setting including GOP Structure based on video type such as MPEG and H264, and to provide the validation of fields between Input and Output TS based on video types.
    - Designed and Implemented in EMS to support DVB-CA in global setting, CA configuration including ECMG setting, EMMG setting and Access criteria listing, and SCG configuration including the association of ECMG configuration, Access Criteria and Grooming Elementary Stream.
    - Designed and implemented the QAM project screens to support QAM group, and Logical Device, software upgrade, Ethernet/Virtual Management Ports, output TS and Session.
    - Redesigned the entire EMS application in QAM project, it requires to redesign on QAM configuration and Output TS including data model configuration.
    - Redesigned the GUI layout in QAM project, is also included the support in all different types such as Automatic Port Mapping, TW RPC, NGOD, and Pass-Through. Implemented most of new screens to have a better GUI presentation for better flow of configuration.

    Sr. Software QA Automation Engineer
    - Designed and implemented the automation tool server to help hardware team to setup, run test cases and collect debug information by read and configure the node using SNMP protocol.
    - Designed and Implemented many APIs to control streamer server including starting and stopping the streamer server, quality of streamer, PID, destination IP Address/UDP port. The coding is done in C and Python. The project is target to use in SQA team.

二月 2006 - 六月 2008
California, USA 

Sr. Software QA Engineer

Tellabs Inc

  • - Setup test bed and trouble shoot system problem in Solaris and windows.
    - Develop Java codes to call CORBA Interface Definition Language IDL for testing CORBA North bound feature of NMS.
    - Design and Develop the automation code using commercial vendor package silktest to test Tellabs 8890 NMS application.
    - Develop TCL scripts to test end to end connection through SNMP North bound Interface of NMS. The test result is to match the data between SNMP interface, GUI/CLI, and database.
    - Perform Tellabs 8890 NMS and EMS manual testing with Tellabs 8800 MPLS routers.
    - Perform DB upgrade and downgrade test between Oracle database 8i and 9i.


2000 - 2003

San Jose State University

Software Engineering

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.


  • Java
  • Kubernetes
  • Microservices
  • Spring Framework
  • Docker
  • JDBC
  • AWS
  • GCP
  • Azure


  • English — 中階
  • Chinese — 進階