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Cake Talent Search

Avatar of John Francis Mansos.
Avatar of John Francis Mansos.
Systems Engineer II @Equicom Solutions, Inc.
2020 ~ 2024
IT Support, Software, Research, Remote Sensing
Within one month
John Francis Mansos Currently taking Masters of Science Program in Remote Sensing Science and Technology Former Data Science/Systems Engineer Former Embedded Systems/Web Engineer 219 Jianxing Rd., Zhongli District, Taoyuan City, [email protected] 工作經歷 NovemberAugust 2024 Makati City, Philippines Systems Engineer II Equicom Solutions, Inc. Work focused on Robotic Process Automation and Data Science projects. Projects include updating and maintaining databases in MS SQL/PostgreSQL and dashboards using Sisense Analytics. DecemberOctober 2018 Makati
Microsoft Office
Ready to interview
Part-time / Interested in working remotely
6-10 years
國立中央大學 National Central University
Remote Sensing Science and Technology
Avatar of 賴俊杉.
Avatar of 賴俊杉.
Data Project Manager @永慶房產集團(永慶房屋)
2024 ~ Present
AI工程師、機器學習工程師、專案經理、資料科學家、Machine Learning Engineer、Deep Learning Engineer、Data Scientist
Within one month
決策效率 90% 。 數據素養推廣與內部賦能:規劃並執行 10+ 場數據分析與 BI 工具培訓,影響 300+ 名員工 。 八月八月 2023 技能 Python SQL Data Modelling Data Science Data Analysis Data Visualization Machine Learning Project Management FineReport 語言 English — 中階 Chinese — 母語或雙語 學歷國立高雄科技大學(原高雄應用科技大學) 資訊管理所 - 主要
Data Science
Data Analysis
Ready to interview
Full-time / Interested in working remotely
4-6 years
Avatar of 梁民志 Renaldi.
Avatar of 梁民志 Renaldi.
AI Application Engineer @Crypto-Arsenal(奇策智能雲端股份有限公司)
2024 ~ Present
AI工程師、機器學習工程師、深度學習工程師、資料科學家、Machine Learning Engineer、Deep Learning Engineer、Data Scientist
Within one month
Board (FOB) value to 0.03% in 4 months - Implemented continuous Lean, 6S, Kaizen, JIT, ERCS, and Automation system in Production to eliminate waste and streamline production flow - Awarded 5 monthly and 2 semiannual Kaizen awards focusing on cost reduction and process efficiency DecemberAugust 2021 Taipei, Taiwan Research Assistant 工研院 (ITRI) ITRI is one of Taiwan’s leading research institutions. Worked in the ISTI (Industry, Science, and Technology International Strategy Center - 產科國際所) office of ITRI. Researching the economy, industry, and policy of Indonesia. - Major Projects: Omnibus La...
Data Science
Machine Learning
Ready to interview
Intern / Interested in working remotely
4-6 years
Avatar of 邱義塵.
Avatar of 邱義塵.
Data Engineer @Rooit Inc. (XO App)
2023 ~ 2023
AI工程師、機器學習工程師、深度學習工程師、資料科學家、Machine Learning Engineer、Deep Learning Engineer、Data Scientist
Within one month
/對戰 遊戲測試 - 統整和回報專案和測試進程 - 自動下注驗證RTP分布機率是否正常 - 協助計算遊戲機率和賭場優勢 Rooit inc., Data Engineer, Jan 2023 ~ Oct 2023 Python/MongoDB/Business Analysis/Data Analysis/Bigquery/Redis/Tableau/Neo4J/Flask - 利用Python爬取大陸論壇的人物照片擷取可用5000張圖片進行推
Data Analysis
Data Science
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Full-time / Interested in working remotely
6-10 years
中國醫藥大學(China Medical University)
Avatar of the user.
Avatar of the user.
Information Technology Specialist @OceanBank
2019 ~ Present
Information Technology
Within one month
Network Administration
Ready to interview
Full-time / Not interested in working remotely
6-10 years
Trường Cao đẳng An ninh mạng iSPACE
Network and System Administration/Administrator
Avatar of the user.
Avatar of the user.
襄理(內勤) @國泰人壽保險股份有限公司
2021 ~ Present
Data Engineer 數據工程師 / Data Analyst 數據分析師 / Infra Engineer 架構工程師 / Consultant 顧問 / DBA 資料庫管理員
Within one month
Project Management
Project Planning
Proposal Writing
Ready to interview
Full-time / Interested in working remotely
6-10 years
ESC Rennes School of Business
Digital Marketing and Communication
Avatar of the user.
Avatar of the user.
專案經理 @MXIC
2022 ~ Present
Big Data Engineer
Within one month
Ready to interview
Full-time / Not interested in working remotely
6-10 years
國立交通大學(National Chiao Tung University, NCTU)
Avatar of 蔡益嘉.
Avatar of 蔡益嘉.
Software Developer @Micron Technology
2021 ~ Present
Software engineer
Within one month
processes using GitLab CI/CD, reducing release time by 50% and increasing test coverage to significantly improve system stability. Successfully implemented a new billing reconciliation system, reducing daily manual work time by two hours, which improved team efficiency and accuracy in financial processing. Education Queen Mary University of London MSC Computer Science 2018 ~ 2019 National Kaohsiung University of Technology BSC Information Management 2014 ~ 2018 Awards & Certifications Certification : Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer (Credential ID GAward : Culture champion, 2022 Micron Technology, New logical operations to improve data analysis. Culture champion, 2023 Micron Technology, Image analysis operation enhancement.
C++ Language
Ready to interview
Taiwan・United Kingdom
Full-time / Interested in working remotely
4-6 years
Queen Mary University of London
Computer Science
Avatar of 劉亭方.
Avatar of 劉亭方.
資料分析師 @玉山銀行
2022 ~ 2024
Within one month
總務,處理日常行政事務與跨部門協調,提升團隊運作流暢度。 學歷 Education SepJun 2015 淡江大學 Tamkang University 數學系-資料科學與數理統計組 Mathematics - Data Science and Statistical Analysis SepJun 2011 基隆女中 Keelung Girl's High School 普通科 進修 工研院 | 數據分析師養成班學習Python與SQL,進行資料庫探勘與網頁爬蟲專
Ready to interview
Full-time / Interested in working remotely
4-6 years
淡江大學(Tamkang University)
Avatar of Antonia Chalka.
Avatar of Antonia Chalka.
Postdoctoral Researcher @University of Edinburgh
2023 ~ Present
Data Scientist, Data Analyst, Machine Learning Engineer
Within one month
learn, PyTorch) models for bacteria-phage interaction prediction and E. coli host assignment which achieved accuracies of over 90% and revealing insights into AMR and phylogeny. Pipeline Engineering : Automated genomic data processing via containerized pipelines, streamlining model training/testing and outputting a comprehensive isolate report from raw data in 2 hours. Tool Deployment : Built an internal Flask web app for sequence analysis and ML predictions. Scalability : Leveraged HPC/cloud platforms (Google Cloud, CLIMB) to process over 8TB of genomic data, enabling large-scale ML model training, validation and testing. Communication : Presented at international
Machine Learning
Ready to interview
United Kingdom・Greece
Full-time / Remote Only
4-6 years
The University of Edinburgh
Using machine learning to examine Salmonella enterica host specificity.

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Within one year
Trust Me I'm an Engineer
PT. Pembiayaan Digital Indonesia (Adakami)
2021 ~ 2023
Tangerang Regency, Banten 15560, Indonesia
Professional Background
Current status
Job Search Progress
Data Scientist, Hardware Engineer, System, Network Administrator
Fields of Employment
Hardware, FinTech / InsurTech, Logistics
Work experience
4-6 years
Native or Bilingual
Job search preferences
Data Analyst/Data Scientist
Job types
Tangerang, Kota Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia
Interested in working remotely
Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang
Electrical Engineering

Michael Martoyo

IT Support Specialist

  Sindang Jaya, Tangerang Regency, Banten 15560, Indonesia

I am very interested in computers and engineering. I really enjoy studying computer engineering, new technology, network engineering, automation engineering, data science and internet for things. As a model of my knowledge in the field of technology in the face of the 4.0 industrial revolution.

In my previous daily life, I was currently studying for a bachelor's degree at the Muhammadiyah University of Tangerang majoring in Electrical Engineering, with a concentration in Industrial Automation.

However, currently I am no longer pursuing a bachelor's degree due to problems in managing costs.

During my undergraduate education, I also played an active role in student activities such as the Electrical Engineering Student Association and the campus robotics team.

Myself who is very happy to learn new things to add value to myself, for example data science.


Work Experience

April 2021 - August 2023

IT Support Specialist

PT. Pembiayaan Digital Indonesia (Adakami)

- Prepare data and ensure that every company policy is running well in preparation for the annual external/internal audit of ISO 27001:2013.
- Create and carry out stock opname schemes at intervals of every 3 months to ensure that every asset purchased can be used and to maintain that the asset is maintained and not misused, for example: being pawned, or lost due to user negligence. Stock opname aims to find out which asset data can still be used, problematic/damaged, or even those whose net book value has been discharged (disposal).
- Implementation of stock opname using AppSheet to make it easier during stock opname.
- Provide training related to awareness of information security management systems for new employees for an initial understanding of how ISO 27001:2013 can be applied in carrying out every policy issued by the company. And provide training to existing employees to ensure that every employee follows company policies according to ISO 27001:2013. This training also includes data/documents required for auditing ISO 27001:2013.
- Implementation of a ticket portal (Freshdesk) to serve every case/complaint at the head office and at the branch office.
- Remote support implementation using Anydesk makes it easier to provide support when working from home or working from the office.
- Implementation of Active Directory Domain Services to facilitate the implementation of company policies to comply with Information Security Management System standards (ISO 27001:2013) such as: disabling USB storage; the laptop screen should lock after 5 minutes when idle; disable Saved Passwords and autofill in Firefox, Chrome, Ms. Edges; Administrator management for application installation; Password Expiration Policy.
- Enables domain accounts for new employees and disables domain accounts for resigned employees on Domain Controllers.
- Installing and registering a VPN account to open the collection backend application. Usually we use Sophos, Cisco AnyConnect and OpenVPN. When using Sophos, it is already integrated with the Domain Controller.
- Perform maintenance and adjust existing settings on network devices. Usually adjust restart the network of network devices if the internet connection feels slow by some users, Changing VLANs and Routing between devices to match the needs & provisions of company policies.
- Coordinate with all parties so that each case / complaint can be resolved quickly and precisely according to standard operating procedures.
- Help create standard operating procedures for the implementation of stock opname and asset management.

March 2021 - April 2021

IT Support Internship

PT Esta Dana Ventura (Jakarta)

As IT Support (Internship) who serves every user complaint at branch representatives to update Data using SQL Syntax.
Job Desribce:
- Only updating data via Microsoft SQL Server.

November 2018 - February 2021

IT Helpdesk & Support

PT. Trimitra Trans Persada

- Escalating disturbance reports from end users, both at head office and branch offices.
- Solution Database. Record every case at the head office and branch offices.
- Record and record IT assets at the head office and branches.
- Maintaining LAN & IP Phone Network Cables at the head office.
- Create a new IT Asset purchase Request for End User
- Maintain, Repair & Troubleshoot Remote Desktop Servers, SAP, GraphOn and Antivirus.
- Coordinating with vendors to claim warranty for any damaged IT assets and still have a warranty.
- Coordinate with every department in the company so that the case can be completed quickly.
- Network Installation and other computer devices to End Users at head offices and branches.
- Troubleshooting Network and End User Computer Devices at head offices and branches.
- Create a monthly IT Case & Inventory report.
- Creating a Technical Bulletin as a medium of insight to End Users.
- Manage every email at the branch office.
- Attend webinars on IT and Technology.

April 2018 - November 2018

Field Technician

PT Mitra Niaga

Job Desribce :

- Installation Multi-Function Printer for Scan Network & Driver Printer to customers who rent the MFP.

- Conduct technician training in the installation process for new and existing customers.

to train users in using MFP devices such as Network Scan, Secure Print, etc.

- Perform maintenance on every new and existing Multifunction Printer device, both at the customer and in the workshop.

- Recording and communicating any problems/errors for Multifunction Printers in detail when visiting new and existing customers.

- Record the spare parts that have been or will be replaced on the multifunction printer from those still in the workshop or those already at the customer.

November 2017 - April 2018

Field Technician

CV Green Line Computer


Job Desribce :

- Cabling & Setting CCTV & Networking.

- Setting IP Forwarding for Online CCTV.

- Repair & Maintain PC & Notebook.


Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang

Electrical Engineering

2019 - 2021

SMK Bhakti Anindya


2014 - 2017


  • Excel
  • Python
  • C/C++


  • Indonesian — Native or Bilingual
  • English — Intermediate

Michael Martoyo

IT Support Specialist

  Sindang Jaya, Tangerang Regency, Banten 15560, Indonesia

I am very interested in computers and engineering. I really enjoy studying computer engineering, new technology, network engineering, automation engineering, data science and internet for things. As a model of my knowledge in the field of technology in the face of the 4.0 industrial revolution.

In my previous daily life, I was currently studying for a bachelor's degree at the Muhammadiyah University of Tangerang majoring in Electrical Engineering, with a concentration in Industrial Automation.

However, currently I am no longer pursuing a bachelor's degree due to problems in managing costs.

During my undergraduate education, I also played an active role in student activities such as the Electrical Engineering Student Association and the campus robotics team.

Myself who is very happy to learn new things to add value to myself, for example data science.


Work Experience

April 2021 - August 2023

IT Support Specialist

PT. Pembiayaan Digital Indonesia (Adakami)

- Prepare data and ensure that every company policy is running well in preparation for the annual external/internal audit of ISO 27001:2013.
- Create and carry out stock opname schemes at intervals of every 3 months to ensure that every asset purchased can be used and to maintain that the asset is maintained and not misused, for example: being pawned, or lost due to user negligence. Stock opname aims to find out which asset data can still be used, problematic/damaged, or even those whose net book value has been discharged (disposal).
- Implementation of stock opname using AppSheet to make it easier during stock opname.
- Provide training related to awareness of information security management systems for new employees for an initial understanding of how ISO 27001:2013 can be applied in carrying out every policy issued by the company. And provide training to existing employees to ensure that every employee follows company policies according to ISO 27001:2013. This training also includes data/documents required for auditing ISO 27001:2013.
- Implementation of a ticket portal (Freshdesk) to serve every case/complaint at the head office and at the branch office.
- Remote support implementation using Anydesk makes it easier to provide support when working from home or working from the office.
- Implementation of Active Directory Domain Services to facilitate the implementation of company policies to comply with Information Security Management System standards (ISO 27001:2013) such as: disabling USB storage; the laptop screen should lock after 5 minutes when idle; disable Saved Passwords and autofill in Firefox, Chrome, Ms. Edges; Administrator management for application installation; Password Expiration Policy.
- Enables domain accounts for new employees and disables domain accounts for resigned employees on Domain Controllers.
- Installing and registering a VPN account to open the collection backend application. Usually we use Sophos, Cisco AnyConnect and OpenVPN. When using Sophos, it is already integrated with the Domain Controller.
- Perform maintenance and adjust existing settings on network devices. Usually adjust restart the network of network devices if the internet connection feels slow by some users, Changing VLANs and Routing between devices to match the needs & provisions of company policies.
- Coordinate with all parties so that each case / complaint can be resolved quickly and precisely according to standard operating procedures.
- Help create standard operating procedures for the implementation of stock opname and asset management.

March 2021 - April 2021

IT Support Internship

PT Esta Dana Ventura (Jakarta)

As IT Support (Internship) who serves every user complaint at branch representatives to update Data using SQL Syntax.
Job Desribce:
- Only updating data via Microsoft SQL Server.

November 2018 - February 2021

IT Helpdesk & Support

PT. Trimitra Trans Persada

- Escalating disturbance reports from end users, both at head office and branch offices.
- Solution Database. Record every case at the head office and branch offices.
- Record and record IT assets at the head office and branches.
- Maintaining LAN & IP Phone Network Cables at the head office.
- Create a new IT Asset purchase Request for End User
- Maintain, Repair & Troubleshoot Remote Desktop Servers, SAP, GraphOn and Antivirus.
- Coordinating with vendors to claim warranty for any damaged IT assets and still have a warranty.
- Coordinate with every department in the company so that the case can be completed quickly.
- Network Installation and other computer devices to End Users at head offices and branches.
- Troubleshooting Network and End User Computer Devices at head offices and branches.
- Create a monthly IT Case & Inventory report.
- Creating a Technical Bulletin as a medium of insight to End Users.
- Manage every email at the branch office.
- Attend webinars on IT and Technology.

April 2018 - November 2018

Field Technician

PT Mitra Niaga

Job Desribce :

- Installation Multi-Function Printer for Scan Network & Driver Printer to customers who rent the MFP.

- Conduct technician training in the installation process for new and existing customers.

to train users in using MFP devices such as Network Scan, Secure Print, etc.

- Perform maintenance on every new and existing Multifunction Printer device, both at the customer and in the workshop.

- Recording and communicating any problems/errors for Multifunction Printers in detail when visiting new and existing customers.

- Record the spare parts that have been or will be replaced on the multifunction printer from those still in the workshop or those already at the customer.

November 2017 - April 2018

Field Technician

CV Green Line Computer


Job Desribce :

- Cabling & Setting CCTV & Networking.

- Setting IP Forwarding for Online CCTV.

- Repair & Maintain PC & Notebook.


Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang

Electrical Engineering

2019 - 2021

SMK Bhakti Anindya


2014 - 2017


  • Excel
  • Python
  • C/C++


  • Indonesian — Native or Bilingual
  • English — Intermediate