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Avatar of 廖昱程.
Avatar of 廖昱程.
Senior Customer Engineer @iKala 愛卡拉互動媒體股份有限公司
2022 ~ Present
Software Engineer/Customer Engineer/AI Engineer
Within one month
Migo Yu-Cheng Liao NLP Engineer & Software Engineer | Interested in Sentiment Analysis and Social Computing Taipei,Taiwan [email protected] Work Experiences Naturint., NLP Scientist/Sr. Software Engineer, June/2018 – Present •Introduced and optimized the NLU model for our virtual assistant. •Responsible for content design, NLU model, data analysis, and UX optimization. •Executed NTD 20 million AI solution, which is the first virtual assistant by ChatBot in the aviation industry in Taiwan and it was released in September•Performed analysis and in-depth reviews of virtual assistants to improve product and troubleshooting
nlp machine learning
AI & Machine Learning
ELK stack
Open to opportunities
Full-time / Interested in working remotely
6-10 years
Avatar of Alston.
Avatar of Alston.
技術長 @宏麗股份有限公司
2017 ~ Present
Within one year
. Work closely with product managers and the test team. Cooperate with Indian and China engineer teams. Reason for leaving: Re-locate to Taiwan. Full Stack Engineer @ Laiye Shanghai, Jul 2021~ Jul 2022 Stack : Typescript, Vue, Nodejs, Rust Description : Exploring how to use AI technologies, especially NLP and document recognition, to serve business customer needs. Building various to-B demo projects to test the market. Build a desktop app that automatically add subtitles in different languages for videos. CTO/Full Stack Engineer @ Beautimode LLC, Jul 2017 ~ Jun 2021 Stack : Swift, JavaScript
Full-time / Interested in working remotely
6-10 years
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Avatar of the user.
Data Engineer @美好金融
2022 ~ 2023
Within one year
Full-time / Interested in working remotely
6-10 years

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Within two months
Sr. Software Engineer/Sr. Customer Engineer/AI NLP Engineer
Logo of iKala 愛卡拉互動媒體股份有限公司.
iKala 愛卡拉互動媒體股份有限公司
2022 ~ Present
Taipei, 台灣
Professional Background
Current status
Job Search Progress
Open to opportunities
Research / R&D, Software Engineer, Python Developer
Fields of Employment
Software, Information Services, Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
Work experience
6-10 years
I've had experience in managing 15+ people
nlp machine learning
AI & Machine Learning
ELK stack
Job search preferences
Software Engineer/Customer Engineer/AI Engineer
Job types
Canada, 日本, 台灣, United States
Interested in working remotely
Yes, I freelance in my spare time

Migo Yu-Cheng Liao

NLP Engineer & Software Engineer | Interested in Sentiment Analysis and Social Computing

[email protected]

Work Experiences

Naturint., NLP Scientist/Sr. Software Engineer, June/2018 – Present

•Introduced and optimized the NLU model for our virtual assistant. 

•Responsible for content design, NLU model, data analysis, and UX optimization. 

•Executed NTD 20 million AI solution, which is the first virtual assistant by ChatBot in the aviation industry in Taiwan and it was released in September 2019. 

•Performed analysis and in-depth reviews of virtual assistants to improve product and troubleshooting. 

•This AI solution deals with 250/day on average and around 1200/day customers for the peak season by 5 virtual assistants behind the customer service department, which could make at least NTD 1.5 million per month and reduce 20% customer complaints. 

•Worked with the management team to do market research, identify customer demand, product/solution landing, and finish 5 POC. 

•Responsible for ELK stack, back-end system, and pre-alert system for the new product. 

•Drove analysis data and visualize it for the dashboard and backstage management system for insight and impact.

Covino Farms, Deputy Team Leader, Nov 2015 ~ Sep 2017

•Fixing the relationship with customers and led 15-40 members to finish daily orders.

National Taichung University of Education, Research Assistant, May 2014 ~ Dec 2014

•Project: Using Motivation Approach to Enhance Low Achievers Science Learning Motivation and Thinking Ability.
•Responsible for data processing, statistical analysis, and to write academic reports.


國立中央大學, 科學碩士(MS), 認知與神經科學所, 2008 ~ 2012

The effect of death thoughts on deception, Master’s Thesis, Taiwan, 2018
•This study uses mortality salience adopted from Terror Management Theory for treatment before people lying and rec-ord the physiological signals for data analysis.

中原大學, 理學士(BS), 心理學, 2006 ~ 2008

Technical Skills

•Statistical Modeling, Machine Learning(focus on NLP model), EDA and ETL, Feature Engineering. 

•Python, ELK Stack(Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana), Power BI. 

•Physiological Signal Analysis - GSR, EEG & ERPs, MRI, Heart-rate, Matlab, SPSS. Experience: Deep Learning, JavaScript, HTML, R, Docker, Google Cloud Platform, Azure, AWS.

Side Project

Data-Driven Urban Flood Warning System, DSP, 2019. 

•Honor: The project was accepted to D4GX 2019 Program Committee as a poster. 

•Implemented a predict model to predict the risk of urban area flooding, and this flood warning system integrate UI to check which road sections users need to avoid. 

 Intelligent legal Systems, Department of Law, National Taiwan University, 2019. 

•Implemented forecasting model for victory possibility of the haunted house case by court verdict, and launched a website for user fill the key factor to knowing the predictive result. 



.2019 Civil IoT Taiwan(民生公共物聯網資料應用競賽) – 4th. 

.Data for Good Exchange 2019 Bloomberg – poster. 

.2019 Presidential Hackathon – semi-finals round. 

.Formosa Grand Challenge(科技部大擂台): Talk with AI – 5th. 

.ActInSpace2018 International Space Hackathon – Final round in Paris. 

.ActInSpace Hackathon 2018 – First prize in Taiwan. Honestbee Hackathon 2018 – Final round and Special Award. 

.T-Brain Kaggle competition: Malware Detection - Top 25%, 2018 

.Twaia-FF Kaggle competition: Finance Fraud Detection - Top 7%, 2018 

.Twaia-image Kaggle competition: image classification - Top 12%, 2018 

.2018 Global Fishackathon Taipei - Final contest, 2018


.Intro to TensorFlow - Machine Learning with TensorFlow on GCP (Coursera) 

.Art and Science of Machine Learning - Machine Learning with TensorFlow on GCP (Coursera) 

.How Google does Machine Learning - Machine Learning with TensorFlow on GCP (Coursera) 

.Launching into Machine Learning - Machine Learning with TensorFlow on GCP (Coursera) 

.Feature Engineering - Machine Learning with TensorFlow on GCP (Coursera) 

.Google Cloud Platform Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals (Coursera) 

.Machine Learning Foundations - Mathematical Foundations (Coursera) 

.Machine Learning Foundations - Algorithmic Foundations (Coursera) 

.Python Programming Essentials (Coursera) 

.Taiwan Artificial Intelligence Academy 

.Hadoop3 and Spark for BigData analysis (Ming-Chuan University 

.FinTech and BigData – Taiwan Finance Engineers and Trader Association 

.Data Analysis for Customer Classification and Per Customer Transaction(會員分類與提高客單的大數據分析R語言) 

.Vocational Training Program Planning and Management Specialists (Commerce Development Research Institute)


.2019 Civil IoT Taiwan – presenter. 

.Date for Good Exchange 2019 Bloomberg – expert consultant. 

.2019 Presidential Hackathon – presenter. 

.ActInSpace2018 International Space Hackathon – Taiwan representative presenter. Honestbee Hackathon 2018 – presenter. 

.2019 National Central University – lecturer – Introduction of Data Science. 

.2018 The Baton Project – expert consultant. 

.Basketball Team of department in university – captain for 2 years and got 2 championships. 

.Chorus of school/university over 10 years – Bass team leader.


Migo Yu-Cheng Liao

NLP Engineer & Software Engineer | Interested in Sentiment Analysis and Social Computing

[email protected]

Work Experiences

Naturint., NLP Scientist/Sr. Software Engineer, June/2018 – Present

•Introduced and optimized the NLU model for our virtual assistant. 

•Responsible for content design, NLU model, data analysis, and UX optimization. 

•Executed NTD 20 million AI solution, which is the first virtual assistant by ChatBot in the aviation industry in Taiwan and it was released in September 2019. 

•Performed analysis and in-depth reviews of virtual assistants to improve product and troubleshooting. 

•This AI solution deals with 250/day on average and around 1200/day customers for the peak season by 5 virtual assistants behind the customer service department, which could make at least NTD 1.5 million per month and reduce 20% customer complaints. 

•Worked with the management team to do market research, identify customer demand, product/solution landing, and finish 5 POC. 

•Responsible for ELK stack, back-end system, and pre-alert system for the new product. 

•Drove analysis data and visualize it for the dashboard and backstage management system for insight and impact.

Covino Farms, Deputy Team Leader, Nov 2015 ~ Sep 2017

•Fixing the relationship with customers and led 15-40 members to finish daily orders.

National Taichung University of Education, Research Assistant, May 2014 ~ Dec 2014

•Project: Using Motivation Approach to Enhance Low Achievers Science Learning Motivation and Thinking Ability.
•Responsible for data processing, statistical analysis, and to write academic reports.


國立中央大學, 科學碩士(MS), 認知與神經科學所, 2008 ~ 2012

The effect of death thoughts on deception, Master’s Thesis, Taiwan, 2018
•This study uses mortality salience adopted from Terror Management Theory for treatment before people lying and rec-ord the physiological signals for data analysis.

中原大學, 理學士(BS), 心理學, 2006 ~ 2008

Technical Skills

•Statistical Modeling, Machine Learning(focus on NLP model), EDA and ETL, Feature Engineering. 

•Python, ELK Stack(Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana), Power BI. 

•Physiological Signal Analysis - GSR, EEG & ERPs, MRI, Heart-rate, Matlab, SPSS. Experience: Deep Learning, JavaScript, HTML, R, Docker, Google Cloud Platform, Azure, AWS.

Side Project

Data-Driven Urban Flood Warning System, DSP, 2019. 

•Honor: The project was accepted to D4GX 2019 Program Committee as a poster. 

•Implemented a predict model to predict the risk of urban area flooding, and this flood warning system integrate UI to check which road sections users need to avoid. 

 Intelligent legal Systems, Department of Law, National Taiwan University, 2019. 

•Implemented forecasting model for victory possibility of the haunted house case by court verdict, and launched a website for user fill the key factor to knowing the predictive result. 



.2019 Civil IoT Taiwan(民生公共物聯網資料應用競賽) – 4th. 

.Data for Good Exchange 2019 Bloomberg – poster. 

.2019 Presidential Hackathon – semi-finals round. 

.Formosa Grand Challenge(科技部大擂台): Talk with AI – 5th. 

.ActInSpace2018 International Space Hackathon – Final round in Paris. 

.ActInSpace Hackathon 2018 – First prize in Taiwan. Honestbee Hackathon 2018 – Final round and Special Award. 

.T-Brain Kaggle competition: Malware Detection - Top 25%, 2018 

.Twaia-FF Kaggle competition: Finance Fraud Detection - Top 7%, 2018 

.Twaia-image Kaggle competition: image classification - Top 12%, 2018 

.2018 Global Fishackathon Taipei - Final contest, 2018


.Intro to TensorFlow - Machine Learning with TensorFlow on GCP (Coursera) 

.Art and Science of Machine Learning - Machine Learning with TensorFlow on GCP (Coursera) 

.How Google does Machine Learning - Machine Learning with TensorFlow on GCP (Coursera) 

.Launching into Machine Learning - Machine Learning with TensorFlow on GCP (Coursera) 

.Feature Engineering - Machine Learning with TensorFlow on GCP (Coursera) 

.Google Cloud Platform Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals (Coursera) 

.Machine Learning Foundations - Mathematical Foundations (Coursera) 

.Machine Learning Foundations - Algorithmic Foundations (Coursera) 

.Python Programming Essentials (Coursera) 

.Taiwan Artificial Intelligence Academy 

.Hadoop3 and Spark for BigData analysis (Ming-Chuan University 

.FinTech and BigData – Taiwan Finance Engineers and Trader Association 

.Data Analysis for Customer Classification and Per Customer Transaction(會員分類與提高客單的大數據分析R語言) 

.Vocational Training Program Planning and Management Specialists (Commerce Development Research Institute)


.2019 Civil IoT Taiwan – presenter. 

.Date for Good Exchange 2019 Bloomberg – expert consultant. 

.2019 Presidential Hackathon – presenter. 

.ActInSpace2018 International Space Hackathon – Taiwan representative presenter. Honestbee Hackathon 2018 – presenter. 

.2019 National Central University – lecturer – Introduction of Data Science. 

.2018 The Baton Project – expert consultant. 

.Basketball Team of department in university – captain for 2 years and got 2 championships. 

.Chorus of school/university over 10 years – Bass team leader.