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Avatar of Rex Yan.
Avatar of Rex Yan.
行銷經理 Marketing Manager @酷碼科技股份有限公司 Cooler Master Technology
2022 ~ Present
Within one month
下活動企劃 執行實體門市一日店長企劃,從網美Show Girl到AV女優,累積30餘場經歷。 規劃參展2017年TAE成人展,參展三日銷售業績破50萬台幣。 學歷 2006年年 世新大學 Shih Hin University 口語傳播學系 Speech and Communication Department 技能專長 證照 Google Analytics Certification Google Ads Search Certification 應用軟體 EXCEL Axure...
Google Analytics
Google Ads
Google AdWords
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10-15 years
世新大學 Shih Hin University
口語傳播學系 Speech and Communication Department
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品牌電商營運主管 @味丹企業股份有限公司
2022 ~ 2024
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Google Analytics
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Full-time / Interested in working remotely
6-10 years
Avatar of Lilith江怡慧.
Avatar of Lilith江怡慧.
數位廣告副理 @豐傑生醫股份有限公司
2021 ~ 2024
Within one month
歷史小說等多種類型,同時協助排版設計、撰寫封面文案。後升任編輯部主任,兼任圖書編輯招募及管理,展現組織與溝通能力。 學歷 國立臺北教育大學 語文與創作學系文學創作組技能 Google Analytics Google Ads Facebook Ads Digital Marketing Social Media Marketing SEM Youtube Advertising 語言 Chinese — 母語或雙語 English — 初階
Google Analytics
Google Ads
Facebook Ads
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6-10 years
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COO & Director of Digital Center @太報文化股份有限公司
2023 ~ Present
product leader,product owner,project leader
Within one month
Google Analytics
Product Development
Project Management
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Full-time / Interested in working remotely
10-15 years
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E-commerce Consultant @Rakuten Taiwan
2017 ~ 2021
Project Manager/Language Content Editor
Within one month
Google Analytics
Project Management Skills
Event Planning & Management
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Full-time / Interested in working remotely
4-6 years
National Chi Nan University
Tourism and Hospitality Management
Avatar of 林芮緹.
Avatar of 林芮緹.
2023 ~ 2024
Within one month
月年 10 月 工作職掌: 獨立負責選題、撰文、編輯、下標、社群操作 專案經歷 經營品牌 FB 粉專,透過 Line@ 經營社群、創造導流,及利用 Google Analytics 進行社群分析、擬定後續策略 三度打破全站流量紀錄 (即時流量約平時 10倍) ,使企業 Alexa 排名竄升 10 名 透過精進文稿編
Google Analytics
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6-10 years
中國語文學系, 英美語文學系
Avatar of 謝依沁.
Avatar of 謝依沁.
Marketing Manager/ Strategy Consultant @Telehealth
2021 ~ Present
Marketing Manager, Project Manager, Product Manager
Within one month
I-Chin (Aaden), Hsieh Marketing / Product Manager / Project Manager Proficient in digital marketing, project management, and data analysis, with a highly motivated, learning mindset, and data-driven abilities. I have been responsible for project planning across various industries, including healthcare brands, 3C electronics, chain beverage brands, real estate, and wholesale distribution. I have accumulated extensive project planning experience and founded my own e-commerce brand, while continuously enhancing my skills in data analysis for marketing and business strategy through self-study and by pursuing a master's degree. New Taipei, Taiwan / 📞/ 📪
Google Analytics
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6-10 years
National Chung Cheng University 國立中正大學
Marketing, Business Analysis, Big Data
Avatar of 李佳謙.
Avatar of 李佳謙.
Marketing Manager @幫你優股份有限公司 BoniO Inc. / 閱讀優有限公司 TaaO Company Limited
2021 ~ Present
Marketing Manager
Within one month
— Digital Marketing | Growth Strategy | GTM Strategy Digital marketing specialist with 6+ years of experience in app acquisition, paid media strategy, and data-driven optimization. Expertise in launching and managing high-budget digital ad campaigns across multiple platforms, including Google Ads, Facebook, ASA, and Web-to-App marketing. Strong background in conversion funnel optimization , performance marketing, and leveraging analytics tools to maximize campaign efficiency. Proven ability to web and app user acquisition, and drive revenue growth through continuous A/B testing, data-driven insights, and automation strategies. /chienli/ | reneoo0920@gmail.
Google Analytics
Project Management
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Full-time / Interested in working remotely
4-6 years
Avatar of Stephen Chou.
Avatar of Stephen Chou.
行銷總監 (Marketing Director) @汎利集全球數位行銷 FZJ Digital Marketing Co., Ltd
2023 ~ 2024
Marketing Director or Operations Director
Within one month
構的改進, 提升自然流量和品牌關鍵字的排名權重 ,確保網站在搜索結果中的曝光率與競爭力。 Ahrefs、SEMrush、Ubersuggest、Moz Data Analysis - 擅長利用GA4(Google Analytics 4)進行追蹤和 整合不同渠道事件數據 ,並精準分析關鍵數據優化轉換指標。 - 管理Google Tag Manager(GTM)事件,並埋點定義 DataLayer事件追
Data Analysis
Google Analytics
Google Data Studio
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Full-time / Interested in working remotely
6-10 years
Avatar of CHIH-HAO WANG.
Avatar of CHIH-HAO WANG.
Data Analyst @拉菲爾股份有限公司/Raphael clinics
2024 ~ Present
Within one month
化來調整優化廣告,為客戶找到最佳受眾。 替客戶節省35%的成本,同時提高20%的ROAS 。 透過廣告後台成效、或第三方監測工具(如Google Analytics、Appsflyer)進行數據分析,定時彙整報表,向客戶分享廣告成效與未來優化策略。 證照 Google Analytics Google Ads 認證 Facebook 認證媒體策劃專家 Facebook 廣
Microsoft Office
Google Analytics
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Full-time / Interested in working remotely
4-6 years
National University of Tainan
Department of Ecology and Environmental Resources

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Logo of 愛卡拉互動媒體股份有限公司.
2021 ~ Present
Taipei City, 台灣
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Marketer, Brand Marketer, Marketing Director
Fields of Employment
Computer Networking, AdTech / MarTech, Marketing / Communications
Work experience
4-6 years
I've had experience in managing 1-5 people
Google Analytics
Sales & Marketing
Content Marketing
Content Writing
keyword planning
Google Data Studio
Canva – Designing Tool
SEO Copywriting
B2B Marketing
B2C Marketing
website planning
Google Drive
Microsoft Office
Looker Studio
Budget Management
Marketing Strategy
Marketing Communication
Native or Bilingual
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Interested in working remotely
Yes, I freelance in my spare time

林孟嫻 (Naomi Lin)
超過 5 年整合行銷與專案策略經驗,善於跨部門溝通、協作與專案管理,以邏輯和創意超越一切挑戰。
Contact: [email protected]

  • 英語能力:多益 955 分,曾任台大英語辯論賽裁判 
  • 產品與市場數據分析:GA4, Ahrefs, SimilarWeb, Hotjar, Google Looker Studio 圖表串接與分析
  • 行銷策略與規劃:行銷 KPI 制定、預算管理與規劃、SEO 與內容行銷、數位廣告規劃與分析 (Google Ads, Meta Ads)、
    網站規劃與內容設計、廣告素材設計 (Canva)、EDM 行銷 (Mailchimp)、實體 & 線上活動規劃與主辦
愛卡拉互動媒體股份有限公司KOL Radar ( 亞太最大 AI 網紅平台 )|行銷副理|
2021.03 - 在職中 
( 2023.02 升為行銷主任、2024.02 升為行銷副理 ) 
  • 負責 KOL Radar 整體行銷,替品牌導入 1.8 萬+ 筆品牌企業名單,創造近千萬商業名單價值。 
    • 行銷策略與跨部門合作:分析產品、受眾與市場痛點,並規劃成效追蹤與分析機制,定期與 6 部門 (業務、
      產品、公關等 )團隊跨部門會議,全面掌握市場狀況、並優化行銷整體策略、有效整合跨部門資源。
    • 廣告策略與規劃:零到一負責五國 ( 台、新、馬、越、泰 ) 全年預算規劃、KPI 制定、市場分析與素材製作,
      投放平台包含 Google、Meta (FB/IG)、LinkedIn 等,使廣告名單數 YoY 成長 590%、CPL YoY 降低 35%。
    • SEO 與官網規劃:使用 GA4、GDS、Tableau 等工具分析關鍵字趨勢、SEO 與官網成效,並負責官網 SEO
      的整體策略與 KPI 規劃,與產品、設計、公關等多部門溝通與協作,半年使官網 PV 成長 55%。
    • 媒體與外部夥伴開發:擔任品牌窗口,與數位時代、美麗佳人、媽媽寶寶等知名媒體洽談、合作大型數據與採訪
      專案,並談進與 Shopline、Cyberbiz 等外部組織的活動合作,免費創造 30+ 篇媒體曝光與業務開發機會。
    • 品牌實體與線上活動:主辦 10+ 場線上下活動,包含兩場 300-400+ 人的品牌實體座談會。負責活動規劃、
      講者邀請、行銷宣傳、報名流程設計與管理等所有項目,帶領 10 人團隊執行活動,活動滿意度超過九成。
    • 產業數據白皮書與媒體合作:製作 10+ 份針網紅與社群洞察報告,執行趨勢研究、數據分析、報告製作、
      行銷宣傳等所有流程,導入近萬筆品牌企業名單 ( 創造約 500 萬+ 名單價值 )。
貝殼放大股份有限公司 ( 亞洲最大群眾集資顧問公司 )|集資專員|2019.05 - 2020.08
  • 主導社會議題、文化創意等多件海內外集資的整體行銷與策略,總集資金額超過 860 萬,累積超過 3,000 位贊助人。
    • 專案策劃與跨部門協作:擔任集資案窗口與負責人,進行受眾及產品市場研究、制定整合性行銷策略與 KPI、
    • 市場調研及預熱:問卷進行市場預熱與調查調查,同時創建 Chatbot 和 FB 社團以集結有感受眾。
      曾替性平組織以 CPA $0.25、問卷完成率 37% 的成績獲得 3,700+ 份行銷名單
    • 網站企劃與文案:企劃並撰寫集資網站,與工程及設計跨部門合作,並使用 GA 及 Hotjar 分析用戶行為,
      以進行 UI 及 UX 優化 (

宏林跨媒體整合行銷公司 ( 全方位行銷代理商 )|專案企劃與文案執行|2018.03 - 2019.04 

  • 負責國際級電商、快時尚、餐飲業等客戶之 360 度行銷企劃,執行近百萬的行銷預算。 
    • 品牌與行銷企劃:分析客戶 USP 與目標客群,以設定品牌風格與行銷調性。曾以節慶貼文替數位媒體
      提升 300% 的粉專自然觸及(貼文);也為眼鏡品牌設計官網,獲得粉絲好評網站)。
AmazingTalker ( 台灣最大線上家教平台 )|SEO 與內容行銷實習生|2017.09 - 2018.01 

  • 制定 SEO 策略並規劃官網內容,2 個月提升官網 13%(2 萬+)自然月流量。 
    • 關鍵字研究與策略:以 Ahrefs 及 Google Ads 分析目標族群的慣用關鍵字、搜尋習慣與熱度。
    • 官網內容企劃:設計符合使用者需求和 SEO 策略的優質內容,佔據 20+ 個 Google 熱門關鍵字前三頁。
臺北市立大學 英語教育學系 ( 書卷獎得主 )|2013.09 – 2018.01
  • 書卷獎得主:排名 1/30,總 GPA 3.8,並自主跨校修習台大與北商大的英語商務課程 
  • 美國交換生:喬治亞學院與州立大學,修習行銷相關課程(2017.08 – 2017.12)


 "5+ years of experience in digital marketing and branding. A dedicated team player and problem-solver."

Contact: [email protected]

【Professional Skills】 

  • English Proficiency: TOEIC 955 / Invited Debate Coach at NTU English Debate Competition 
  • Web Data & User Analysis: GA4, Ahrefs, SimilarWeb, Hotjar, Google Looker Studio (Data Visualization & Analysis)
  • Marketing Planning & Strategy: KPI Planning, Budget Management, SEO & Content Markting, Online Ad Planning, Website Planning, Visual Design (Canva), EDM Marketing (Mailchimp), Online & Offline Event Management

Work Experience】

 iKala KOL Radar (Asia-Pacific's Largest Influencer Platform)|2021.03 - Present |   Deputy Marketing Manager (Promoted from Supervisor in 2023.02)

  • Marketing Strategy and Cross-Team Collaboration: Analyzed product and market pain points. Led cross-functional meetings with Sales, Product, and PR teams to optimize marketing strategies and integrate cross-functional resources.
  • Ad Planning & Management: Managed the annual budget planning, advertising strategy, content production, and performance analysis across 5 countries (Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand) on platforms including Google, Meta, LinkedIn. Achieved a YoY growth of 590% in lead gen and a YoY reduction of 35% in cost per lead (CPL). 
  • SEO and Website Planning: Utilized GA4, GDS, and Tableau to analyze and optimize SEO and website performance. Collaborated with PM, RD, Designer, and PR teams to achieved a 55% increase in website PV (Page Views) in 6 months.
  • Media and Corp Partner Development: Developed and managed relationships with media partners (include BusinessNext, Marie Claire, etc) and corporate partners (include Shopline and Cyberbiz) to get 30+ free press releases.
  • Online and Offline Events: Managed 10+ events, including 2 offline seminars with 300-400+ attendees. Managed
    all aspects of event planning and execution. Both events achieved an impressive customer satisfaction rate of 90%.
  • Whitepapers & Media Collaborations: Produced 10+ influencer marketing insight reports. Executed trend research,
    data analysis, report creation, and marketing promotion. Generated nearly 10K+ marketing leads. 
  Backer-Founder (Asia's Largest Crowdfunding Company) | 2019.05 - 2020.08 
  Project Specialist 
  • Crowdfunding Campaigns: Planned and executed crowdfunding campaigns for clients ranging from social enterprises
    to NGOs and startups, raising over NT$ 8.6+ million from 3,000+ global sponsors.
  • Customer Success & Campaign Management: Served as the point person and trusted partner with customers, conducted market research and designed brand and marketing strategy, reward structure and pricing, advertising, and customer service planning. Designed pre-launch testing campaigns to collect consumer responses and built a marketing list of 3,700+ project subscribers (CPA USD $0.25) for client.
  • Website Planning & Performance Analysis: Planned and wrote copy for websites. Collaborated with designers and engineers to build websites (link 1, link 2). Analyzed user behavior with GA and Hotjar for UI and UX optimization.
  Honlin Cross Media Group (Integrated Marketing Agency)2018.03 - 2019.04

  Project Planner & Copywriter

  • Market Research & Proposals: Conducted comprehensive market research and analyzed corporate websites using Ahrefs, Meltwater, and SimilarWeb for diverse clients, spanning E-commerce, Fast Fashion, and the Food Industry.
  AmazingTalker (Taiwan's Largest Tutor Matching Platform)|2017.09 - 2018.01
  SEO & Content Marketing Intern

  • SEO Strategies & Content Marketing: Analyzed keywords using Ahrefs and Google Ads. Planned and crafted SEO based content, increasing website's traffic by 20,000+ (13%) monthly visits in 2 months. 
【Education Background】
  University of Taipei (Bachelor of Arts, English Instruction)2013.09 - 2018.01
  • Overall GPA: 3.8 (Received Academic Excellence Award)
  • Exchange Student Program: Georgia College and State University (2017.08 – 2017.12)


林孟嫻 (Naomi Lin)
超過 5 年整合行銷與專案策略經驗,善於跨部門溝通、協作與專案管理,以邏輯和創意超越一切挑戰。
Contact: [email protected]

  • 英語能力:多益 955 分,曾任台大英語辯論賽裁判 
  • 產品與市場數據分析:GA4, Ahrefs, SimilarWeb, Hotjar, Google Looker Studio 圖表串接與分析
  • 行銷策略與規劃:行銷 KPI 制定、預算管理與規劃、SEO 與內容行銷、數位廣告規劃與分析 (Google Ads, Meta Ads)、
    網站規劃與內容設計、廣告素材設計 (Canva)、EDM 行銷 (Mailchimp)、實體 & 線上活動規劃與主辦
愛卡拉互動媒體股份有限公司KOL Radar ( 亞太最大 AI 網紅平台 )|行銷副理|
2021.03 - 在職中 
( 2023.02 升為行銷主任、2024.02 升為行銷副理 ) 
  • 負責 KOL Radar 整體行銷,替品牌導入 1.8 萬+ 筆品牌企業名單,創造近千萬商業名單價值。 
    • 行銷策略與跨部門合作:分析產品、受眾與市場痛點,並規劃成效追蹤與分析機制,定期與 6 部門 (業務、
      產品、公關等 )團隊跨部門會議,全面掌握市場狀況、並優化行銷整體策略、有效整合跨部門資源。
    • 廣告策略與規劃:零到一負責五國 ( 台、新、馬、越、泰 ) 全年預算規劃、KPI 制定、市場分析與素材製作,
      投放平台包含 Google、Meta (FB/IG)、LinkedIn 等,使廣告名單數 YoY 成長 590%、CPL YoY 降低 35%。
    • SEO 與官網規劃:使用 GA4、GDS、Tableau 等工具分析關鍵字趨勢、SEO 與官網成效,並負責官網 SEO
      的整體策略與 KPI 規劃,與產品、設計、公關等多部門溝通與協作,半年使官網 PV 成長 55%。
    • 媒體與外部夥伴開發:擔任品牌窗口,與數位時代、美麗佳人、媽媽寶寶等知名媒體洽談、合作大型數據與採訪
      專案,並談進與 Shopline、Cyberbiz 等外部組織的活動合作,免費創造 30+ 篇媒體曝光與業務開發機會。
    • 品牌實體與線上活動:主辦 10+ 場線上下活動,包含兩場 300-400+ 人的品牌實體座談會。負責活動規劃、
      講者邀請、行銷宣傳、報名流程設計與管理等所有項目,帶領 10 人團隊執行活動,活動滿意度超過九成。
    • 產業數據白皮書與媒體合作:製作 10+ 份針網紅與社群洞察報告,執行趨勢研究、數據分析、報告製作、
      行銷宣傳等所有流程,導入近萬筆品牌企業名單 ( 創造約 500 萬+ 名單價值 )。
貝殼放大股份有限公司 ( 亞洲最大群眾集資顧問公司 )|集資專員|2019.05 - 2020.08
  • 主導社會議題、文化創意等多件海內外集資的整體行銷與策略,總集資金額超過 860 萬,累積超過 3,000 位贊助人。
    • 專案策劃與跨部門協作:擔任集資案窗口與負責人,進行受眾及產品市場研究、制定整合性行銷策略與 KPI、
    • 市場調研及預熱:問卷進行市場預熱與調查調查,同時創建 Chatbot 和 FB 社團以集結有感受眾。
      曾替性平組織以 CPA $0.25、問卷完成率 37% 的成績獲得 3,700+ 份行銷名單
    • 網站企劃與文案:企劃並撰寫集資網站,與工程及設計跨部門合作,並使用 GA 及 Hotjar 分析用戶行為,
      以進行 UI 及 UX 優化 (

宏林跨媒體整合行銷公司 ( 全方位行銷代理商 )|專案企劃與文案執行|2018.03 - 2019.04 

  • 負責國際級電商、快時尚、餐飲業等客戶之 360 度行銷企劃,執行近百萬的行銷預算。 
    • 品牌與行銷企劃:分析客戶 USP 與目標客群,以設定品牌風格與行銷調性。曾以節慶貼文替數位媒體
      提升 300% 的粉專自然觸及(貼文);也為眼鏡品牌設計官網,獲得粉絲好評網站)。
AmazingTalker ( 台灣最大線上家教平台 )|SEO 與內容行銷實習生|2017.09 - 2018.01 

  • 制定 SEO 策略並規劃官網內容,2 個月提升官網 13%(2 萬+)自然月流量。 
    • 關鍵字研究與策略:以 Ahrefs 及 Google Ads 分析目標族群的慣用關鍵字、搜尋習慣與熱度。
    • 官網內容企劃:設計符合使用者需求和 SEO 策略的優質內容,佔據 20+ 個 Google 熱門關鍵字前三頁。
臺北市立大學 英語教育學系 ( 書卷獎得主 )|2013.09 – 2018.01
  • 書卷獎得主:排名 1/30,總 GPA 3.8,並自主跨校修習台大與北商大的英語商務課程 
  • 美國交換生:喬治亞學院與州立大學,修習行銷相關課程(2017.08 – 2017.12)


 "5+ years of experience in digital marketing and branding. A dedicated team player and problem-solver."

Contact: [email protected]

【Professional Skills】 

  • English Proficiency: TOEIC 955 / Invited Debate Coach at NTU English Debate Competition 
  • Web Data & User Analysis: GA4, Ahrefs, SimilarWeb, Hotjar, Google Looker Studio (Data Visualization & Analysis)
  • Marketing Planning & Strategy: KPI Planning, Budget Management, SEO & Content Markting, Online Ad Planning, Website Planning, Visual Design (Canva), EDM Marketing (Mailchimp), Online & Offline Event Management

Work Experience】

 iKala KOL Radar (Asia-Pacific's Largest Influencer Platform)|2021.03 - Present |   Deputy Marketing Manager (Promoted from Supervisor in 2023.02)

  • Marketing Strategy and Cross-Team Collaboration: Analyzed product and market pain points. Led cross-functional meetings with Sales, Product, and PR teams to optimize marketing strategies and integrate cross-functional resources.
  • Ad Planning & Management: Managed the annual budget planning, advertising strategy, content production, and performance analysis across 5 countries (Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand) on platforms including Google, Meta, LinkedIn. Achieved a YoY growth of 590% in lead gen and a YoY reduction of 35% in cost per lead (CPL). 
  • SEO and Website Planning: Utilized GA4, GDS, and Tableau to analyze and optimize SEO and website performance. Collaborated with PM, RD, Designer, and PR teams to achieved a 55% increase in website PV (Page Views) in 6 months.
  • Media and Corp Partner Development: Developed and managed relationships with media partners (include BusinessNext, Marie Claire, etc) and corporate partners (include Shopline and Cyberbiz) to get 30+ free press releases.
  • Online and Offline Events: Managed 10+ events, including 2 offline seminars with 300-400+ attendees. Managed
    all aspects of event planning and execution. Both events achieved an impressive customer satisfaction rate of 90%.
  • Whitepapers & Media Collaborations: Produced 10+ influencer marketing insight reports. Executed trend research,
    data analysis, report creation, and marketing promotion. Generated nearly 10K+ marketing leads. 
  Backer-Founder (Asia's Largest Crowdfunding Company) | 2019.05 - 2020.08 
  Project Specialist 
  • Crowdfunding Campaigns: Planned and executed crowdfunding campaigns for clients ranging from social enterprises
    to NGOs and startups, raising over NT$ 8.6+ million from 3,000+ global sponsors.
  • Customer Success & Campaign Management: Served as the point person and trusted partner with customers, conducted market research and designed brand and marketing strategy, reward structure and pricing, advertising, and customer service planning. Designed pre-launch testing campaigns to collect consumer responses and built a marketing list of 3,700+ project subscribers (CPA USD $0.25) for client.
  • Website Planning & Performance Analysis: Planned and wrote copy for websites. Collaborated with designers and engineers to build websites (link 1, link 2). Analyzed user behavior with GA and Hotjar for UI and UX optimization.
  Honlin Cross Media Group (Integrated Marketing Agency)2018.03 - 2019.04

  Project Planner & Copywriter

  • Market Research & Proposals: Conducted comprehensive market research and analyzed corporate websites using Ahrefs, Meltwater, and SimilarWeb for diverse clients, spanning E-commerce, Fast Fashion, and the Food Industry.
  AmazingTalker (Taiwan's Largest Tutor Matching Platform)|2017.09 - 2018.01
  SEO & Content Marketing Intern

  • SEO Strategies & Content Marketing: Analyzed keywords using Ahrefs and Google Ads. Planned and crafted SEO based content, increasing website's traffic by 20,000+ (13%) monthly visits in 2 months. 
【Education Background】
  University of Taipei (Bachelor of Arts, English Instruction)2013.09 - 2018.01
  • Overall GPA: 3.8 (Received Academic Excellence Award)
  • Exchange Student Program: Georgia College and State University (2017.08 – 2017.12)